

A Study of Lv Nan’s Doctrine of Ren

【作者】 孔慧红

【导师】 陈俊民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 吕柟(1479-1542),陕西高陵人,字仲木,号泾野,学者尊之为泾野先生,是明朝中叶与王阳明、王廷相等齐名的关中大儒,时称“一代硕儒”、“当世伟人”,名重天下。作为儒者中的一员,吕柟以尧、舜、周、孔、颜、曾、思、孟、周、张、程、朱为儒学道统,自觉承担起弘扬儒学的使命。吕柟又有着“张载关学”这一特殊的地域儒学渊源,他继承了关学“以气为本”、“躬行礼教”的主旨,以及践履笃实、浑厚大气的地域学风,成为明代关学的集大成者。吕柟从张载关学出发,对当时官方正统的程朱理学、新兴的王阳明良知学进行了修正与扶救。一方面,他以“一气论”修正了程朱“理气二分”的“理本论”,提出“理气不二”、“气即理”。另一方面,他从“躬行”之旨出发,指出王阳明“良知”之教过于“浑沦”,对王学末流空虚高远之流弊有先见之明与扶救之功。吕柟对以理学、心学为代表的形上本体化、哲学思辨化、心性化的整体宋明理学并不满意,而对汉儒经学褒崇有加,认为汉儒经学“不失孔孟遗意”,并进一步以古典儒学尤其是孔子仁学为依归,形成了以孔子仁学为范式的仁学体系。孔子仁学是完善人格的成德之学、伦理学,注重生活践履;它不是思辨哲学,没有高妙的形上学体系。以孔子仁学为依归的吕柟仁学,是平凡的、生活的学问,特点是重“笃行”,不事形上性命之言谈,强调从日常生活的饮食男女、衣服居室、言语动静等下学人事处做起,克去己私,爱亲、爱人、爱万物,最终达到万物一体、天下归仁,从而完善人格,成为仁人、君子、贤人、圣人。这是吕柟以张载关学为起点,通过修正程朱理学、扶救陆王心学、崇尚汉儒经学,旨在归宗孔子仁学的哲学建构思路。吕柟仁学的理论建构方法是将宋明理学的“理”、“命”、“性”、“情”、“心”诸范畴内化于道德践履,使之具有动态性、实践性。在“理”这一范畴上,吕柟将程朱超越的本体之“理”转化为日常生活的人事之“理”,人事之“理”是人伦日用中爱的情感和行为,与孔子的“仁”有相同的内涵。吕柟所说的“命”是“德命”,而“命自我立”,人应该自觉履行德命,成就德性。“性”是从气中发出,性即是善,人在日常生活中就可以张显善性。“情”是性的外显,人可通过制情工夫,返归本性。“心”也不是个抽象的概念,而是需要在生活中扩充预养的“仁心”。吕柟仁学落实于实践展开,这涉及日常生活方方面面,包括仁学大要、个人修身、齐家之道、为政之道等。首先,吕柟仁学大要是切身躬行、无处非学、下学便是上达、渐进勇猛。其次,在个人修身方面,吕柟提出了一系列细密、笃实、切身的为仁工夫,包括因病克己、礼乐修身、格物致知、诚意忠信、慎独致曲、甘贫改过等。吕柟为仁工夫悃愊无华、切实可行,有利于挽救当时浮泛空疏的学风。再者,在齐家方面,吕柟认为每个家庭成员应扮演好各自的角色,父慈、子孝、兄良、弟悌、夫义、妇顺,并注重和睦宗族、祭祀祖考、编纂谱系等事情,以打通一家之仁。最后,在为政方面,吕柟认为“学政不二”,并继承孔孟“仁政”思想,强调为政者首先要有仁爱之心,在施政上,要以养民为先,使百姓衣食丰足,进而推行礼乐教化,以德治民。吕柟在儒学史上的贡献在于,他在宋明理学兴盛的时代,以关学为出发点,对程朱理学、陆王心学进行了修正与扶救,为古典儒学尤其是孔子仁学的传承与发展作了不懈的努力。他是明清之际全面反思宋明理学、崇尚汉学、回归古典儒学的先驱,实不愧是一代宗师、一代硕儒。吕柟仁学有着重要的现代价值:一、它可以为处在“游魂”困境中的现代儒学反思发展路向,重建生活儒学、教化儒学等儒学范式,提供理论参考。二、它可以为现代社会弘扬“仁爱”精神,开展“仁爱”实践提供丰富的理论资源与实践方案。本文从吕柟第一手文献入手,确定吕柟学术思想体系是“仁学”,并对吕柟仁学展开了较为全面的论述,不因袭成说,为当今诠释与建构吕柟学术思想体系提供了一种新方案。另外,本文对吕柟年谱、家谱、弟子表、著述情况等考证探索,也比以往有所推进。

【Abstract】 Lv Nan(1479-1542),lived in Gaoling county of Shanxi province,styled himself Zhongmu,has his alternative name as Jingye,was respectfully called Mr Jingye by scholars.As a great Confucian in Guanzhong region,he was as famous as Wang Yangming and Wang Tingxiang etc.in middle Ming Dynasty,and was called "Great Confucian of one generation","Great person of the era".As a member of Confucians,Lv Nan considered Yao,Shun,the Duke of Zhou,Confucius,Yanzi, Zengzi,Zisi,Mencius,Zhou,Zhang,Cheng,Zhu were orthodoxy Confucians,and consciously assumed the mission of promoting Confucianism.Lv Nan also had particular regional origins of Confucianism that was Zhang Zai Guanism.He inherited the major ideas of Guanism,which were "Qi(气) is noumenon of universe","practice rites",as well as the style of study of Guanism which were "surefootedly practicing" and "broadly containing ",he became one of the most outstanding Guanism scholars in Ming Dynasty.Grounding on Zhang Zai Guanism,Lv Nan amended Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism which was official doctrine at that time,and rescued Wang Yangming’s Doctrine of Conscience which was very fresh and modern.On the one hand,he used the theory of "Qi is the only thing in universe" to amended Cheng-Zhu’s theory of "Li(理) is the noumenon of universe" which means "Li Qi are separated".He proposed views that "Li Qi are one thing","Qi is Li".On the other hand,grounding on the major idea of "practice",Lv Nan pointed out that Wang Yangming teached with "conscience" was too obscure.His view was quite far-sighted,and was useful to save the subsequent scholars of Wang Yangming who became more and more vacuous and unpractical.Lv Nan was quite dissatisfied with Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism,which contains Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism and Doctrine of Xin(心),because it was inclined to be a kind of Metaphysics and philosophy.By contraries,he praised Han Dynasty Confucians Classics,because he thought it "didn’t disobey the ideas of Confucius and Mencius".He totally agreed with Classic Confucianism especially Confucius’s Doctrine of Ren(仁),and according to this paradigm,he established his own system of Doctrine of Ren.Confucius’s Doctrine of Ren was morality doctrine and ethnics which aims to perfect personality,and it emphasized practicing in daily life.It was not a speculative philosophy,no ingenious system of metaphysics.Lv Nan’s Doctrine of Ren,which was based on Confucius’s Doctrine of Ren,was a kind of ordinary and daily doctrine,its characteristic was "surefootedly practicing".It didn’t engaged in discoursing metaphysical concepts such as Xing(性) and Ming(命),but emphasized that we should practice Ren in daily affairs,such as eating,affiliating with men and women,dressing,housing,talking,moving,quieting and so on.From doing these affairs,we gradually learn to overcome our selfish,learn to love relatives,love human being,love everything in universe,and finally reach the understand of everything are unitive, everything unified in Ren,In this way,we gradually perfect our personality and become men of Ren, gentlemen,sages and saints.This is Lv Nan’s ideas of philosophical construction:grounding on Zhang Zai Guanism,through amending Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism,rescuing Lv-Wang Doctrine of Xin, advocating Han Dynasty Confucians Classics,and finally returned to Confucius’s Doctrine of Ren. The theoretical construction way of Lv Nan’s Doctrine of Ren was internalize Neo-Confucianism categories such as "Li","Ming","Xing","Qing","Xin" into moral practice,so they became dynamic and practical.To the category of "Li",Lv Nan changed Cheng-Zhu’s metaphysical "Li" into interpersonal "Li" in daily life.Interpersonal "Li" is emotion and action of love,it has the same connotation as Confucius’s Ren.Lv Nan considered "Ming" as "Moral Ming",and "Ming is achieved by oneself’,people should consciously fulfill Moral Ming and perfect virtue."Xing" is emitted from "Qi",Xing is goodness,and people can carry out goodness in daily life."Qing" is outer display of Xing, so people can return to original Xing by restraining Qing."Xin" is not an abstract concept too,but is "Ren heart" which should be cultivated and expanded in daily life..Lv Nan’s Doctrine of Ren carried out in practicing,which involves all aspects of daily life, including the main points of the Doctrine of Ren,individual morality cultivation,the way of regulating family,the way of governing and so on.Firstly,Lv Nan considered that the main points of the Doctrine of Ren are practicing conscientiously,learning everywhere,learning in daily life is transcendence itself, learning gradually and valiantly.Secondly,in the aspect of individual morality cultivation,Lv Nan had a series of practice Ren Gongfu,which were very detailed and closely,including overcome self-shortcoming,practice rites and music to improve self-cultivation,study interpersonal affairs to obtain moral knowledge,be loyal and truthful,be vigilant when alone,practice Ren in any trivial affairs,be happy in poverty situation,overcome faults,and so on.Lv Nan’s practice Ren Gongfu was unvarnished and practical,it was helpful to save the empty and blundering style of study in that age. Furthermore,in regulating family,Lv nan considered each family member should play his respective role well,father should be kindly,son should be filial,older brother should be tenderhearted,younger brother should be obedient,husband should be responsible,wife should be submissive.He also emphasized in making harmony with all clan members,worshiping ancestors,compiling pedigrees etc., in order to unite whole family in Ren.Finally,in the aspect of governing,Lv Nan didn’t think that learning and governing are two things,he succeeded Confucius and Mencius’s "the Politics of Ren", emphasized that politicians must have benevolent and love heart at first,and in carrying out policies, they should put the task of feeding common people at the first place,let them have plenty of food and clothing,and then carry out education of rites and music,rule people by virtue and morality.The contribution of Lv Nan to the history of Confucianism is that he lived in the era when Neo-Confucianism was flourishing,but he succeeded Guanism,amended Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism,rescued Lv-Wang’s Doctrine of Xin,and made unremitting efforts for the succession and development of classical Confucianism,especially Confucius’s Doctrine of Ren.He was a pioneer of Ming-Qing dynasty Confucians who reflected Neo-Confucianism,advocated Han doctrine,and returned to classical Confucianism.He was worthy to be called master and great Confucian of one generation.Lv Nan’s Doctrine of Ren has important modern values:Firstly,it provides theoretical reference for modern Confucianism which was in the predicament of "soul wandering" to reflect its direction of developing,and rebuild other Confucianism paradigms such as life Confucianism,educational Confucianism etc..Secondly,it provides a wealth of theoretical resources and practical programs for carrying forward the spirit of "benevolence and love" and practicing "benevolence and love" in modern society. This paper starts from Lv Nan’s first-hand literature,defines that Lv Nan’s academic system is "Doctrine of Ren",and has given a relatively comprehensive dissertation.It doesn’t follow the views of the past,and provides a new program for today’s interpretation and construction of lv Nan’s academic system.In addition,in the aspects of researching and exploring Lv Nan’s Chronicle,family tree.table of disciples and writings etc.,this paper also has moved forward than before.

【关键词】 吕柟仁学孔子关学现代价值
【Key words】 Lv NanDoctrine of RenConfuciusGuanismModern value

