

【作者】 厉有国

【导师】 门忠民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在当今世界上,大多数国家实行的是政党政治,政党成为大多数国家政治生活中最基本、最重要的力量之一。任何政党在发展自身组织的过程中,都有着共同的目标即成为执政党。但是“党的执政地位不是与生俱来的,也不是一劳永逸的”。怎样能够成为执政党?怎样才能成为长期执政的党?这其中的主要问题在于该政党是否拥有源源不断的并能为自己执政所充分利用的执政资源。执政资源是执政党巩固统治地位,顺利实现执政目标的关键所在。中国共产党作为执政党,实现其长期执政的目标必须要有丰富的执政资源予以支撑,并不断扩充执政资源。世纪之交,世界政党政治发生巨大变化,一些长期执政的大党、老党失去了执政地位给人以警醒,特别是执政生态的变迁使党的执政资源建设面临着新挑战,增加了党执政的风险,也对党的执政资源建设提出了更高的要求。执政资源建设事关党的前途与命运,因此,加强党的执政资源建设研究,不仅是个理论问题,而且是个实践问题,具有十分重要的时代意义。本文以执政资源建设基本理论研究为基础,探讨了中国共产党执政资源建设理论的思想渊源、实践历程,深入分析了社会变迁时期党的执政资源建设面临的问题和挑战,提出了当前加强党的执政资源建设的战略要求、基本原则和主要途径。全文共分七个部分,包括导论和六章正文。导论从理论上、实践上、现实上、未来发展上、世界范围上、中西政党制度的差别上等不同角度论证了研究党的执政资源建设的必要性、重要性。分析了目前国内对该问题的研究现状,提出进一步研究的必要性、基本思路和方法。第一章围绕执政资源和执政资源建设“是什么、为什么”的逻辑,界定执政资源建设的相关范畴。着重阐述执政的内涵和基本要求;执政资源的内涵、特征与功能;执政资源建设的涵义、主要内容和重要意义。并通过对执政党执政资源建设的中西差异和一般规律的分析,说明执政资源建设对无产阶级政党的特殊意义。第二章探讨中国共产党执政资源建设理论的思想渊源。任何一种新的思想、学说的产生都“必须首先从己有的思想材料出发”。马克思主义经典作家的执政资源建设思想是中国共产党执政资源建设理论形成的根本源泉,西方政治学理论的合理内核是中国共产党执政资源建设思想形成的重要参照,中国传统文化执政理论的优秀成分是中国共产党执政资源建设思想形成的重要基因。第三章主要是对中国共产党执政资源建设的实践历程进行考察。在不同历史时期,中国共产党执政资源建设的内容和方式是不同的,本文主要分三个时期考察中国共产党执政资源建设的实践历程,一是根据地局部执政时期党的执政资源建设,二是建国后至改革开放前党的角色调适顿挫下执政资源建设的成就与挫折,三是改革开放以后党对执政资源的重构与拓展,及其伟大成就。通过对中国共产党执政资源建设实践的考察,从中得出中国共产党执政资源建设的基本启示。为新时期执政资源建设提供借鉴。第四章论述当前执政生态变迁下党的执政资源建设面临的问题与挑战。在界定执政生态概念的基础上,分析改革开放后,党所处的社会生态和党内生态所发生的重大而深刻的变化,在此基础上重点分析执政生态变迁下党的执政资源建设面临的问题和挑战。旨在说明面对挑战我们党应居安思危,更加自觉地加强党的执政资源建设。第五章论述党的执政资源建设的战略要求和基本原则。执政资源建设是一项复杂的系统工程,既要在思想上从战略的高度予以把握,又要在实践中坚持正确的方法原则。根据世纪之交党的执政生态的新变化和我党执政资源建设的实际,当前党的执政资源建设从战略上看,一是要围绕增加执政合法性加强执政资源建设,二是要把提高党的执政能力作为执政资源的目标。在方法原则上,要坚持人民利益高于一切的原则、统筹兼顾与重点突出的原则、在动态中灵活把握的原则、质量相统一的适度原则、立足自我和借鉴他人相结合的原则。第六章论证新时期党的执政资源建设的具体措施。围绕党的执政资源建设的基本内容,结合我党的实际,党的执政资源建设要努力做好以下几篇“文章”。一是要适应社会生态变迁,不断丰富党的理论资源。立足于新的执政实践,创新党的意识形态内容,夯实马克思主义在意识形态中的主导地位。二是要坚持科学发展观,拓展党的绩效资源。全面发展,提高执政的多元绩效,使广大人民群众能够真正享受到改革和发展带来的实际成果。三是要加强党的先进性建设,巩固党的组织资源建设。加强党员素质建设、干部队伍建设、组织制度建设,维护和丰富党的先进性。四是要防止权力变异,规范党的权力资源。通过深化改革,加强行政问责力度,铲除权力腐败的土壤。五是加强制度建设,开发执政的制度资源。要建立健全制度体系,改革和完善社会主义市场经济制度、社会主义民主政治制度。六要拓展视野,善丁借鉴和利用国际资源。学习和借鉴其它国家执政党执政资源建设的经验教训,提高党的执政资源建设的成就。

【Abstract】 In the modern society, most countries in the world carry party politics, the political party becomes one of most important and basic strengths in the politics life of many countries. Any political party has basic goal that is to become the ruling party during developing its own organization. However, the ruling position of party is not formed from born, how can grasp the state power? How to wield the state power for a long time? The main problem is whether the political party can gain ruling resources continuously, and they can be used completely for oneself. The ruling resources are very vital factors in the stable ruling and strengthening the ability of administration and the realizing of ruling goal smoothly. The Communist Party of China as the ruling party needs enough ruling resources and expands the ruling resources continuously if he wants to wield power position for a long time. The expansion of ruling resources is the one aspect of strengthening power position of the party. The ruling situation of political party had changed in the change of century, some political party lose ruling position that is a light. The new change of social situation makes the CPC face new challenges of ruling resources and increases ruling risks, and put forward higher wish in the CPC’s ruling ability. The ruling resources construction of the CPC relates to the fate and future of CPC, for the reason, the research of construction of ruling resources of CPC have important theory and realizing values.On the foundation of basic theory research of the ruling resources, this article mainly attempts to analysis the theory source and experience course of ruling resources construction of CPC, carry the thorough analysis about necessity and practical significance of strengthening the ruling resources construction. Through the analysis of ruling resources, the article can point out basic principles, strategy request and the effective way of expanding ruling resources of the CPC.Preface analysis the reasons that research this question from different aspects, and then, analysis the research ways and road.Centering on the logic about what and why, the first chapter elaborates five issues: One is ruling connotation and the fundamental requests. Two is the fundamental connotation and features of the ruling resource of the party. Three is the fundamental connotation of the ruling resource construction of the party. Writer puts forward connotation of the ruling resource construction of the party and the viewpoint that the ruling resource construction of the party is made up of. Then witer analyses the great meaning of ruling resource construction of the party. Four discusses the differences and laws of ruling resource construction for different parties.The second chapter is about the theory resource of the ruling resources construction theory of CPC. Writer thinks that Marxism ruling resource construction thought is basic theory source, reasonable essence of western political theory that is important reference, outstanding ingredients of the China traditional ruling culture which is as the gene of forms.The third chapter makes an on—the—spot research on the construction history of the party’s ruling resource in theory and activity from three stages. In terms of the construction experience of the party’s ruling resource at the revolution time and the establishment of our country and the reform and opening time, this paper summarizes aspects historical experiences.The fourth chapter discusses questions and challenges in ruling resource construction of the party from the social transition presently in China since the reform and opening-up. Firstly, it elaborates the connotation and main contents of Ruling Modes of Life and Relation to Their Environment in China. Then writer analyses the changes of world situation and domestic situation in economic realm, political realm and ideological realm and the changes of the social stratum, and of party-self situation. Secondly, it analyses the negative effect on the ruling resource construction of the party from the social transition presently in China since the reform and opening-up.The fifth chapter discusses the basic principles and strategy request of the ruling resource construction of the party. Through the analysis of construction history of ruling resources, in the strategy, writer thinks that ruling resource construction of the party should round to gain ruling legitimacy, enhancing ability of the CPC is the aim of ruling resource construction of CPC. In the basic principles, we should insist on principles of people benefit first, plan as a whole and sticking out the focus, nimble grasping principle, suitable principle, self-reliance and use for reference principles.The sixth chapter, according to the effect on the ruling resource construction of the party from ruling modes of life and relation to their environment in present China, indicates that in order to strengthen the ruling resource of the Chinese Communist at the time of social transition, we need to try our best to finish six great works. In order to finish this work well, we should innovate the contents of the ideology and strengthen guide position of Marxism. The second is to make a great issue on the resource of expanding the ruling performance resource of the party in every aspect. The third discuss on how to enhance organization source of CPC. The forth analyses harmfulness of the power corruption and points out some measures to overcome power corruption and keep from being changed. The fifth is constructs the system source. The sixth is to make use of resource aboard.


