

【作者】 张红霞

【导师】 江秀乐;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 实效性是思想政治教育的生命力,也是思想政治教育的目的和归宿。因而关于思想政治教育实效性的研究,成为一个常论常需、常论常新又颇具时代意蕴的课题。文化多元化背景下,大学生的思想观念、价值取向、生活方式、心理状态等都发生了巨大变化,使高校思想政治教育实效性面临严峻挑战。本文从文化多元化的新视角,紧紧围绕“文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性”这一贯穿全文的主线,从分析思想政治教育受到的外部影响入手,进而探讨高校思想政治教育内部各要素的变化及其实效性问题,研究视角较为新颖。同时,长期以来,高校思想政治教育以“社会为本”,强调思想政治教育的社会政治功能,本文坚持以“学生为本”的新理念,始终以文化多元化背景下大学生的思想变化和实际需要为出发点,进一步凸显了思想政治教育在人的全面发展中的重要作用,具有一定的创新性。另外,针对现有相关研究多为局部性研究的弱点,本文对文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性面临的挑战、对策及其评价体系进行了全面、系统的研究,力图在深化文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性研究方面有所创新。文章主要由导论、正文和结语三个部分组成,共计21万字。导论部分从开辟文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育的新领域,审视并回应理论界关于思想政治教育实效性研究热潮出发,阐发了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性研究的理论意义和实践价值;进而分析梳理了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性的国内外研究现状及其存在的问题,在此基础上设计了本文的研究思路和研究方法,为正文研究的展开奠定了基础。第一章概述了文化多元化的基本理论。这部分首先从分析文化的涵义入手,全面阐释了文化多元化的涵义;进而指出了文化多元化的多元共存、和而不同、融合创新、长期稳定等特点;辨证地论述了文化多元化与主流文化之间的关系,指出中国今天的文化建设要弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化。在此基础上,进一步阐释了文化多元化的实质和意义,第一次提出了文化多元化的实质,即价值观和思维方式的多元化,指出文化多元化有利于增强文化的生命力、保持文化的生态平衡、反对文化霸权主义、化解民族冲突。最后阐明了文化多元化的动力和趋势,指出全球化、社会现代性转型、意识形态的认同、科技和现代传媒的发展、跨文化交际的频繁,推动了文化多元化的不断发展。第二章解析了当前我国文化多元化的基本态势。这部分运用辨证的观点客观解析了传统文化、西方文化、中国特色社会主义文化——我国文化多元化基本态势中具有代表性的文化类型及其在我国文化建设中的地位,指出中国特色的社会主义文化是我国的主流文化,在多元化态势中处于领导地位;中国特色的社会主义文化要坚持“古为今用,洋为中用,批判继承,综合创新”的新文化观,既要继承中华民族的优秀文化传统,又要吸收和借鉴西方文化的优秀成分,不断增强其竞争力和生命力。第三章客观分析了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性面临的挑战。这部分在引证分析大量实证资料的基础上,全面论述分析了文化多元化对高校思想政治教育的环境、对象、内容、方法、理念、目标和教师素质等各要素产生的影响,进而阐明了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育面临的严峻挑战。第四章系统论述了文化多元化背景下增强高校思想政治教育实效的路径。本部分针对第三章中所分析的文化多元化对高校思想政治教育各要素的影响,全面系统地论述了文化多元化背景下增强高校思想政治教育实效性的途径,指出文化多元化背景下,高校思想政治教育要坚持正确的导向,要以主流意识统领大学生思想政治教育;高校思想政治教育要抓好主阵地、主渠道,充分发挥思想政治理论课的重要作用;高校思想政治教育要利用形式多样的学生组织和实践活动,充分发挥大学生自我教育的作用;高校思想政治教育要加强思想政治工作队伍建设。充分发挥思想政治工作者在教育中的主导地位:高校思想政治教育要开展科学化的思想政治教育,使其教育活动规律化、理念现代化、目标层次化、内容时代化、方法多样化,不断提高思想政治教育的实效性。第五章论述了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性的评估。这部分在前四章的基础上论述了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性评估应该遵循的原则、采用的衡量标准和评价指标,进而构建了文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育实效性的评价体系。结束语指出了文化多元化已成为当今社会的事实,文化多元化背景下高校思想政治教育的环境、对象等都发生了变化,因而高校思想政治教育的内容、方法、理念、目标、评价体系也应随之改革,不断提高其实际效果。

【Abstract】 Effectiveness serves as the vitality of ideological and political educations, and its ands and destination. So, the study on the effectiveness of idological and political education has become a frequently discussed, needed and renewed theme with epochal significance. Under the background of cultural pluralism, university students’ conviction, value orientation, life style and state of mind naturaly changed a lot, which imposed a severe challenge on ideological and political education in universities. Based on a new visual angle of cultural pluralism, this dissertation discusses closely to "the effectiveness of university’s idological and political education in the background of cultural pluralism", which is the main theme of the whole thesis. Starts from analysing the outside effect of idological and political education, then discussing the change of every essential factor of university’s ideological and political education, and the questions of effectness is based on such discussion mentioned above. For a long time, university’s ideological and political education held the idea of "social oriented", stressed the social and political function of ideological and political education. But this dissertation sticks to the idea of "student oriented", and puts university students’ need as the starting point in the background of cultural pluralism from beginning to end. And strengthens the function of "ideological and political education in human beings’ integrated development", possesses the quality of inovation in some degree. In addition, aiming at the weakness of locality in interrelated research. This dissertation, centered on cultural pluralism background,, aims to carry out a systematic and comprehensive investigation into the following topics: the challenge on ideological and political education in university faces, the counter measure to increase effectiveness and the evaluation system of effectiveness, strives to strengthen the research of university’s ideological and political education and be more of inovation in the background of cultural pluralism. The dissertation is compoesd of 3 parts: the intrduction, the main body and the conclusion, 210,000 words in total.The introduction, from the new field of ideological and political education in universities under cultural phuralism background, examines the mushrooming research into the effectiveness of ideological and political education in universities, depicits its theoretical importance and practical value, and then analyses and combs the current situations on this issue domestically and abroad as well as some problems existing, on which the thinking and method of this research is based. The first chapter sums up the basic theoties of cultural phiralism. It starts with the implication of cultural phuralism and elaboratis it in a comprehensive way, points out some charateristics of cultural pluralism, for instance, coexistence of muti-cultural their innovating and lasting steadiness, and dialectically analyses the relationship between cultural phuraliem and the mainstream culture. Then, in conclusion, during Chinese cultural undertakings, mainstream culture should carried forward and cultural pliralism advocated. On the basic of the preceding finding, it further explores the essence and value of cultural pliralism, puts forward the new viewpoint—substance of cultural pluralism is the pluralism of values and thinking styles, for the first time, it’s conductive to strengthening the vality of culture, maintaining culturally ecological equilibrium, opposing cultural hegomonism and dissoling racial conflicts. At last, the dynamism and tendency of cultural pluraliam are also made clear. Points out that globlization, the transformation of social mordiization, recognition of ideology, the development of technology and modern media, the frequent intercommunication of interculture, force the cultural pluralism to develop continuously.The second chapter analyses the basic tendency of cultural pluralism in contemporary China. This part presents an objective of several typical cultual patterns in China and the roles they play in Chinese cultural undertakings, to name some, traditional culture, western culture and socialistic culture with Chinese characteristics, emphasizing that socialistic culture si the mainstream culture in China takes the leading role in cultural pluiralism. The socialistic culture with Chinese characteristics should adopt the cultural view of "make the past serve the present ,make foreign things serve China ", promote the excellent cultural and tradition of China,assimilate and simultaneously utilize the fine ingreclients of western culture, so as to increase its competitve strenghe and vitality.The third chapter expounds the challenge ideological and politial education in universities encounters under the background of cultural pluiralism. Employing a large amount of empirical, it delineates the influenas cultural pluralism exerts on the environment ,the object, the content, the method, the belief, quality of teachers and other factors of ideological that certain challenge.The fourth chapter discusses the new requirment to enhance the effectiveness of ideolodical and politial education in universities in the background of cultural pluiralisn. Having discussed the effects of cultural pluralism on ideological and politial education in terms of environment, objects, contents, methods, concepts, objectives and the quality of teachers, this part procides measures to enhence the effectiveness of ideological and politial education in universities in the background of cultural pluralism. And this part points out that ideological and politial education should adhere to the correct orientation and it is necessary to guide the university students in the mainstream sense. We should give full play to the importance of ideological and political theory class which are considered as the main front and channel. Ideological and politial education in universities should organize a variety of students’ association and practical activities ,and give full play to the political education in universities should aslo strengthen the construction of ideological and political educators, and stress the dominant role ideological and political educators play.Ideological and political education in universities is supposed to carry out scientific education to make educational activities be more of regularization, concepts be more of modernization, targets be more layering, methods be more of diversification, and contents keep pace with times, this will be helpful to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education.The fifth chapter foucs on how to evaluate the effectiveness of ideological and political education in universities in the background of cultural pluralism. The evaluation index system is established by defining the principles,criteria and indicators of evaluaction.The last part draws a conclusion that cultural pluralism has become a fact of the society nowadays. As the environment and objects of ideological and political education in universities have changed, so, ideological and political education aslo improving in terms of contents, methods, concepts, odjects, and evaluation system.


