

【作者】 程圩

【导师】 马耀峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 文化遗产旅游作为一种文化消费行为,与价值认知密不可分,是土客体交互作用的结果。但国内文化遗产旅游价值研究中一直都受文化遗产客体论研究占据优势的影响,强调探讨文化遗产自身的资源禀赋与理论供给,而从价值主体论层面探讨文化遗产旅游价值的构成并不兴盛,缺乏从价值主体——游客认知的角度进行探讨。与此同时,不同群体的认知差异到底如何,在不同价值维度和时间阶段表现出何种倾向性,国内外研究尚不多见。本文试图在顾客价值理论、消费者行为、行为地理学、认知心理学、跨文化交流等理论的指导下,以深入的旅游市场抽样调查资料为基础,通过基础理论分析和实证分析相结合,归纳法和演绎推理结合,非结构化访谈法概念分析和结构方程模型构造模型相结合,试图从中西方游客不同文化背景和行为表象的视角,从时间(旅游前、旅游后)、空间(中国、西方)两个层面,以动态的眼光,定量化的研究,探索中西方不同群体对我国文化遗产旅游价值认知的差异,力图构建起以游客价值认知为导向的文化遗产旅游价值测度模型和评价体系,以区别于传统意义上以文物价值和社会文化价值为导向的文化遗产价值评价体系,从游客“人”的体验层面来认识、评价我国文化遗产旅游价值,探寻中西方游客对我国文化遗产旅游价值认知差异,分析其原因,从而为我国文化遗产管理者和经营者的价值创造和价值传递提供理论依据和管理启示。具体内容如下:(1)分析了文化遗产旅游价值研究的研究背景、研究意义和理论基础,提出本文的研究目标、对象、内容、方法和技术路线;(2)通过文献综述,对国内外有关文化遗产旅游、顾客价值理论等既往研究进行细致的回顾、梳理与简评,找到本文的切入点;(3)对文化遗产旅游价值进行动态的认知测度,构建了待验证的理论模型并提出研究假设,结合实证分析,以西安几个典型的文化遗产地游客为例,通过文献和访谈得到问卷编制相关信息,收集相关数据并加以多元统计分析处理,得到了文化遗产旅游价值的测量量表和指标体系,运用SEM方法并对研究假设进行了验证;(4)将上述模型应用于中西方游客的认知差异研究,探讨了二者对各价值维度的内部认知差异,同时也对二者在顾客价值对行为意向影响上的差异进行探讨;(5)就中西方认知差异原因进行溯源,并对上述研究结论对我国文化遗产的保护和利用等方面的启示进行了阐述;(6)对本研究进行了总结,指出研究创新、不足,提出了研究展望。通过研究分析得到如下结论:(1)文化遗产旅游价值由效率价值、质量价值、成本价值、服务价值、社会价值与享乐价值六个维度构成。其中结果层面的价值,即享乐价值和社会价值,与文化遗产旅游价值的相关性要略高于属性层面的价值维度,即质量价值、服务价值、效率价值、成本价值。(2)除效率价值外,其他各价值维度上的认知均直接影响着旅游满意度。各价值维度尽管与游客忠诚度并无直接的显著影响,但社会价值和享乐价值可以透过满意度,对忠诚度产生间接的正向影响,成本价值则产生间接的负向影响。其中享乐价值和社会价值对满意度和忠诚度的影响更高。(3)在质量价值上,中西方游客游览前后无显著差异;在效率价值上,中方游客的预期要高于西方游客,而在游后的感知上,二者则无明显差异;在服务价值上,中西方游客在游览前存在显著差异,而游览后的认知差异不明显;在成本价值上,二者在游览前后对成本价值的认知均存在显著差异;在社会价值上,二者在游览前的预期上存在显著差异,而游后认知差异不明显;在享乐价值上,二者在游览前后均存在显著差异。(4)中西方游客在价值维度对满意度的影响的认知差异上,除享乐价值到满意度路径外,其它价值维度到满意度路径均存在显著差异。

【Abstract】 Content: As one of culture consumer behavior, culture heritage tourism should link with cognitive value strongly and involve an interaction between object and subject. However, object-oriented research dominated this filed in domestic research, which stressed on possessive resources and theoretic supply of culture heritage itself much more, so the discussion from subject-oriented view isn’t prosperous and lacks tourist-regard. Accordingly it is absence of cognitive comparison among subjects, whose relativistic preference experience on the various dimensions and on the phrase when the evaluation occurs, and even now these research topics are not more in oversee.Utilizing many theories involved costumer value, costumer behavior, cognitive psychology, cross-cultural communication, combining theory with demonstration, Unstructured Methodology and SEM(Structural equation modeling) based on questionnaire, extending the viewpoint from cultural background and behavioral appearance supplied time sequence(before and after travel) and space sequence(Chinese and Western cultural background), this study illustrates the cognitive value difference for Chinese culture heritage tourism between Chinese and Western tourists on dynamic horizon, constructs measured model and assessment index system oriented tourist’s cognitive value in order to differ from the traditional objective valuation which focuses on cultural relic value or social and cultural value. Specially, this study recognized and revalued the value for Chinese culture heritage tourism from the personal experience, explored the detailed difference and analyzed the cause, provided the theatrical foundation and administrant delighting for managers or operators in value creating and transferring activities.(1) Involving research backgrounds, research meaning and theoretical foundation, and proposing the aim, subject, content, technique, methodology.(2) An effort is made to find the cut-in point according to the correlative studies, including reviewing, evaluating and commenting previous research about culture heritage tourism and costumer value.(3) The conceptual model is established and the study hypothesis is presented. Correspondingly, the demonstration analysis on case of foreign and domestic tourists of several typical heritage sites in Xi’an is conducted, after the interview studying and succeeding scales compiling and revising, the samples’ information and data are collected and dealt with by statistic software (SPSS, AMOS), then gaining the measure scale for the value of culture heritage tourism and index system and testing the primary model and hypothesis via SEM. (4) Using the above model to the cognitive value difference between Chinese and Western tourists, this study discusses the difference among inter-dimensions and the affected different degree of customer value to behavior intention.(5) Tracing to the deep cause of difference and giving heritage protecting and utilizing suggestions in terms of model and conclusion.(6) Summing up the whole thesis and points out innovation and deficiency, in addition to it indicate the further studying directions.It makes the following conclusions:(1) Value of culture heritage tourism is consisted of six dimensions: Efficiency, Quality, Cost, Service, Social value and Play. Thereinto, values of consequences level (Play and Social value) have higher correlation to it than values of attributes level (Efficiency, Quality, Cost, Service).(2)Except for Efficiency, the others dimensions have direct effect on tourist satisfaction. Tourist loyalty is not significant directly affected by all dimensions, but Play and Social value can be able to do positive influence on it indirectly via tourist satisfaction, as opposite to Cost. In addition, Play and Social value have higher correlation to tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty than others.(3) To Quality, there is no significant difference between Chinese and western tourists; To Efficiency, Chinese expected value is higher than western while there is no significant difference in perceived value after purchase; To Service, they have significant difference in the phase of purchase-before but not in purchase-after; To Cost, there exists significant difference whenever before o(?) after purchase; To Social value, Chinese are different to western in expected value but not in perceived value; To Play, they have no different.(4) To the cognitive difference of value dimensions to satisfaction, excepted for the path from Play to satisfaction, the others have significant difference.


