

【作者】 于俊利

【导师】 傅绍良;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为与唐代礼仪制度、科举制度、教育制度密切相关之职,礼官在唐代政治文化生活中发挥着重要的作用。本文系统地研究了唐代礼官的官职设置与制度沿革,分析了礼官与唐代文人、文学演进之间的互动关系,并从文化与文学的结合点上,考察在制度文化背景下,唐代礼官文人所特有的从政方式、生活状态及其创作趋向。作为唐代礼官与文学关系研究的基础,论文绪论部分首先探究了“礼官”的来源,并依据典志的相关记载和学界现有研究成果,界定了本文的研究对象——唐代“礼官”所涉及的核心范围,指出唐代礼官主要由尚书省礼部官员、太常寺官员、礼仪使和直官四部分组成。在此基础上,参考有关考证史料,对唐代曾任礼官的官员进行考证统计,制成《唐代礼官表》,为论文主体部分展开奠定基础。论文主体部分共分为七章。第一、二章侧重于礼官制度。第三、四、五章侧重于礼官的文学素养及与文人、文学思潮之间的互动关系。第六章、第七章侧重于礼官的文学创作。第一章系统地考察了唐代礼官的体系设置,分析了有唐一代礼官的地位升降与实际职权变化。首先讨论唐代各职礼官的历史渊源、设置称谓、员额职掌及其更易的大致情况。唐代前期,礼官的职能运行是由礼部负责政令、太常寺掌管具体事务这样一个上乘下行的运行机制。这种情况在安史之乱前后发生变化,礼部尚书或内参相职,或外事征伐,“尚书”一职流为虚衔,实际成为高级文武大臣迁转之资,其司礼职能一定程度上为太常寺同官秩品阶的太常卿所替代。到了唐代中后期,司礼职事主要为礼仪使及太常博士所在的太常礼院负责。第二章主要分析了唐代太常博士、礼部四司郎官、礼部侍郎等主要礼官的选任及其职事活动。太常博士属低品秩礼官,但是其为朝廷的礼仪学术权威,兼管公卿谥议,实际政治地位特殊。礼部四司郎官多兼知制诰,选任注重文才。唐代礼部侍郎的职事与政治地位较前代有很大变化。在礼部地位仅次于尚书,后随着“尚书”一职流为虚衔,渐成为礼部实际最高长官。开元二十四年后接替贡举之职,尤为君相所重。本章最后以唐代国家祭祀为考察视角,重点论述了唐三百年间礼官的政治命运变迁。第三章主要分析了唐代礼官的职业素养。唐代礼官任职资格中表现为礼学、文学、德行多方面素养并重。礼学的专业知识修习是礼官能够胜任本职职事的一个重要因素。同时,受政治、文化制度和社会风气的影响,在朝廷选官的尺度和标准中,文学才能也被作为重要因素予以考察。礼官任职资格中的文学因素,以礼官职能而论,与太常寺礼官中偏重于礼学素养相比较,礼部礼官更为重视选任者的文学才能。以官员品阶而论,往往高品阶礼官要求宏大模糊,重在德行修养及声望;低品阶礼官则具体而微,或重文学才能,或重礼学修养,要求明确。第四章主要论述了唐代知贡举礼官的选士活动对唐代文人的重要影响。唐代知贡举礼官的改革建议,对当时及后代文人影响较大的,主要有三次:开元二十五年,第一任知贡举礼官姚奕上任后的改革所引起的取士导向的变化。开元二十九年知贡举韦陟开纳省卷之先,对当时及后来文人的仕途命运产生了重要影响。宝应二年,杨绾废科举的动议引发中国科举史上的第一次科举存废之争。这次争论直接引起了中唐科举的改革和中唐文人素质的转型。本章最后就唐代礼官选士标准变化与社会贤能观念变迁之间的关系进行论述,把礼官选士放在社会贤能观念变迁的文化视野中进行总体的考察,并对唐代礼官选士标准作出评价。第五章集中分析了礼官的精神品格与中唐文学思潮的内在关系。在中唐的思想政治文化重建中,礼官不仅以仪式规则正君臣,别名分,清理社会秩序,而且以变通复古、经世致用的思想,发掘儒家思想的思想实质及现实功能,从而重新确立儒“道”在思想文化领域的主导地位。礼官的文学思想及其职事活动促进了唐代文人强烈的社会使命感和参政意识的形成,推动了唐代诗文以儒家文化价值观为内涵、以道统为己任的现实主义诗流以及严肃主题的发展,并逐渐在唐代文学思想中确立了重视文学政治社会作用的观念。文章指出,礼官的文学思想及其职事活动是中唐文学思潮发展演变的重要动因。第六章较全面地探讨了唐代礼官的文学创作。深厚的文化根底,积极的文艺创作,与外界的广泛交流,使礼官文人群体成为唐代一支重要的文学力量。礼官身份下的散文创作主要有朝廷大礼、宫廷宴饮时的赋颂之作、议礼之文、谥议文,这些文章由不同职务的礼官所作,集中体现了礼官的政治身份和职事特点。礼官诗歌创作内容丰富,既反映出所任职务的特色,也记录了礼官文人真实的生活情状。文章从应制奉和、群僚之间唱酬、宿直宿斋诗歌创作以及以知贡举礼官为中心的科举唱和诗四个方面进行了考述。第七章通过个案研究,讨论了担任礼官的经历对唐代文人所产生的重要影响。作为与唐代礼仪、教育、文化密切相关之职,礼官文昌列曹,职清秩美,文人一经此职,遂践清途,跻身名流,加之在礼官任上的长期参政议礼的磨炼,不仅拓展宽阔的政治视野,涵养广大深厚的礼学素养,而且使他们得以进一步砺炼器业,成就功名。许多文人以此或升任至重臣宰相,或成长为诗文名家。对文学创作而言,礼官任上频繁的诗酒文会,使这段时期成为文人们唱和酬赠诗作的高峰期。而与台阁文坛名宿交流切磋,也大大提高了他们的诗歌技艺。更为内在的影响是,礼官经历通过影响文人的人格理想、文学观念也影响到文学创作的精神内容。可以看出,礼官经历对文人的仕途人生与诗文创作都有着重要意义和特殊影响。

【Abstract】 Being the position closly related to etiquette system, imperial examination system, educational system in Tang Dynasty, the protocol officials were playing the vital role in the politics and the cultural life. We study systematically the protocol officials ’ establishment and development in Tang Dynasty , discuss the political and cultural function, and analysis the interactive relations between the protocol officials, the literators, and the literature evolution. Then from the combining site of culture and literature in the cultural context, we explore the unique way which the protocol officials took part in government, the life condition and the creation trend.Being the research foundation, the introduction firstly explores the origin of "protocol official" and explains the study object of this dissertation. Based on this, referencing related research and historical data, it carries on textual research the official appointed in Tang Dynasty, to make "the Table of Protocol officials in Tang Dynasty ". These materials become the important basis which the dissertation main body part launches. The dissertation consists of seven chapters.Chapter 1 mainly elbaoartes the establishment and authority change of protocol official’s system in Tang Dynasty. It points out that the protocol official of Tang Dynasty are composed of four major parts, the officials of Rites Ministry, the officials of Taichang Temple, the etiquette messengers and ZhiGuan. Based on this, we have discovered that in preliminary Tang Dynasty the protocol official’s function movement was responsible for the government order, Taichang Temple govern by the Rites Ministry this kind of excellent downward operational mechanism. This kind of situation changed when AN Lushan Rebellion happened, the ritual function of Rites Ministry officials to a certain extent was substituted gradually by the minister of the Taichang Temple. In the mid and late part of Tang Dynasty, ritual authority was taken charge by the etiquette messengers and Tai Chang doctor.Chapter 2 mainly analyzes the protocol officials ’ appointing and the official function activity, such as Tai Chang doctor and the officials of Rites Ministry. This chapter finally from the angle of country sacrificial offering in Tang Dynasty, elaborates emphatically the protocol official’s political fortunes change during three hundred years in Tang Dynasty.Chapter 3 mainly discusses the protocol offical’s professional accomplishment. It points out that the protocol offical’s assignment qualifications was illustrated that the literature, the welldoing, the ritual study and many aspects accomplishments were paid equal attention in Tang Dynasty. The study of ritual specialized knowledge was an important attribute that the protocol official who studied could be competent the official duty. At the same time, in virtue of influence of political system, cultural system and social convention, the accomplishment of literature was took the important attribute to inspect in the criterion and standard of choosing protocol officials by the royal government.Chapter 4 mainly analyzes the relationship between the protocol official choosing official and the (iterators in Tang Dynasty. The protocol officials Managing the imperial examination have the material effect to the literators. KaiYuan 24 years (736) , protocol minister Yao Li replaced managing the imperial examination, took a series of reforms which carried on to the test content to cause Oriented Change in official selecting of the early-stage of Tang Dynasty. BaoYing 2 years (763) Yang Wan requested to terminate the imperial examination, which initiated the first struggle on save or abandons the Chinese imperial examination in the history. This argument has caused directly the reform of Tang imperial examination and Mid-Tang the literator’s accomplishment reforming. This chapter finally discusses the relations between the standard change of the protocol official choosing the officials and social capable idea vicissitude,,and appraises the standard of the protocol official choosing the officials.Chapter 5 mainly discusses the inherence relationship between the protocol official’s thought character and literary innovation in Mid-Tang Dynasty. In thought politics culture reconstruction, protocol official were cleaning up social order by ceremony rule rulers. moreover, they excavated the essence and realistic function of Confucian thoughts, thus re-established Confucian domain dominant position in the thought culture. The protocol official’s literature thought and the official function activity promoted the Tang Dynasty writer’s intense society sense and to participate in government consciousness formation, impelled that the Tang Dynasty prose took Confucian culture values as the connotation, and established gradually the idea that the literature politics society function were valued in Tang Dynasty literature thought. The article points out that the protocol official’s literature thought and the official function activity were the important agents which maid the ideological trend of literature development and evolvement in Mid-Tang Dynasty.Chapter 6 discusses roundly the protocol officials’ life and their literary production in Tang Dynasty. From the protocol official’s status and their daily life, we carry on the discussion. The articles include praise works, the articles discussed the ritual and the articles discussed posthumous title of emperors and distinguished ministers. These writings manifest the protocol official’s political status and the official function characteristic. The poetrys are composed of poemes writing according to the emperor’s order, poemes writing among the official groups, poemes on the guard duty in the imperial palace as well as poemes in response to one received the poem by Rites minister with responsibility for imperial examination. The writings record the protocol official scholar’s real life situation and mentality.Chapter 7 through analysisng the protocol official experience and literary production of several literators, such as QUAN Deyu, YUAN Zhen, BEI Juyi, LIU Zongyuan, and LIU Yuxi, and so on , discuss the important influence of the protocol official experience . Though the three groups cases focus on the different angle, their thought and creation manifest the protocol official writer’s common special characteristic. The protocol official experiences has the important meaning and the special influence to their official career lives and the prose creation.

【关键词】 唐代礼官文学
【Key words】 Tang Dynastyprotocol officerliterature

