

【作者】 陈莹

【导师】 张新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文借用西方接受美学和接受理论,从文学接受的角度切入,以读者为中心,考察唐前《史记》在传播与接受过程中,不同群体的接受行为的发生、发展、演变过程及其在各个历史阶段的特点,由于接受主体身份地位、文化修养、审美趣味、世界观、人生观等因素的不同,决定了作品在特定的社会、政治、文化背景下所呈现的价值意义及其所凝结的时代精神的不同,在此基础上探索《史记》被接受的目的、内在因素和外部环境,追踪《史记》在各个时代存在的历史原貌。全文由八章构成:第一章唐前《史记》传播述略,主要介绍唐前《史记》的传播历程与方式、受众的构成特点与接受方式及《史记》书名演变的意义,总结唐前《史记》的传播特点,展示《史记》由谤书到封建正史的意义转变历程,其中传播过程中的文化增殖是《史记》经典的价值所在,也是全文立论的基础。第二章唐前史书对《史记》的接受,主要探讨《史记》在编撰体例、著述思想、写作方式及内容题材方面对史书的影响。后世史学家基本上以《史记》为蓝本,在继承的同时又有发展变化,体例上,创造了纪传体断代史,发展了“太史公曰”的史评理论形式,内容上,虽然以“实录”为著史宗旨,但“实录”呈弱化趋势,《史记》之后的二十四史皆以纪传体编撰而成,史家在实践中进一步完善了纪传体体例。第三章唐前诗歌对《史记》的接受,主要通过考察唐前诗歌对《史记》所载人物的选择和吟咏情况,探索唐前诗歌对《史记》的接受特点、接受方式及诗歌对《史记》题材内容的突破与拓展,展现审美客体的时代气息和个体特色,进而揭示时代的审美趣味和读者的期待视野。与《史记》相比,诗歌侧重于从精神和心理层面反映社会意识形态的发展变化趋势,进而观照社会现实。第四章唐前小说对《史记》的接受,主要探索《史记》在观念、体例写法和内容题材方面对唐前小说的影响。小说基本上以史为基质,又有所突破,体例写法上多模拟《史记》,内容上依然遵循“实录”精神,但虚构的成分明显增加,与《史记》相比,小说所记逐步转向寻常百姓日常生活琐事,更广阔、更真实、更丰富多彩地反映社会现实。第五章唐前文学理论对“发愤著书”说的接受,“发愤著书”说是司马迁对文学理论的杰出贡献,它以人为中心,揭示了儒家“入世有为”的精神和“有为而作”的艺术原则,后世文人和文学理论家在实践的过程中加以创造性地发挥阐释,使发愤著书的内容由抒写国家之愤而转向抒写自我真情,从而完成了“发愤著书”说艺术本质的转变和美学意义的升华,使之成为文学创作的一条基本规律。第六章唐前学者对《史记》的研究,本章以扬雄的《法言》、王充的《论衡》、裴骃的《史记集解》和刘勰的《文心雕龙·史传篇》为例,通过他们对《史记》的研究与评价,展示学者对《史记》的接受风貌。学者对《史记》的研究是接受行为的深化,对人们客观地认识和评价《史记》具有重要意义,同时也促进了“史记学”的形成与发展。第七章唐前班马优劣论的演变轨迹,主要通过梳理唐前班马优劣的文献资料,展示从东汉扬班抑马到魏晋扬马抑班倾向的出现、再到南北朝及隋班马并言、《史》《汉》同列这一动态的发展历程,以此探索班马优劣论演变的时代因素和接受者的个体因素。第八章唐前《史记》传播与接受中的儒化现象,主要通过对《史记》传播与接受过程中具体篇目的缺失、亡佚、流传和史书新增篇目的原因对比分析,及对《史记》思想内容的重新定位,再现《史记》经世致用的社会功能和褒贬善恶的著史目的,以此揭示《史记》由谤书一跃而为封建正史典范的深层原因。综上,全文通过对唐前《史记》传播史、影响史、阐释史和效果史的考察,在一定程度上可以说,《史记》封建正史地位的确立是由其本文所蕴含的意义价值和受众的积极接受共同创造的,而《史记》经典地位的确立为唐代及其后代《史记》的传播与接受奠定了基础,对后世产生了广泛而深远的影响。

【Abstract】 With reference to the acceptance aesthetics and acceptance theory,this paper examines the characteristics of different historical periods regarding such processes as the occurrence, development and evolution of different groups in disseminating and accepting Historical Records in different historical periods prior to the Tang Dynasty from the perspective of literature acceptance by focusing on the readers.Owing to the differences in such factors as subjective status,cultural cultivation,aesthetic tastes,world outlook and life outlook,the value and significance revealed in specific social,political and cultural settings and their condensed epochal spirit are decided.The purport,inner factors and outer conditions of Historical Records being accepted are explored,while the original historical appearances in different eras are traced.The paper is made up of eight chapters.The first chapter is The Dissemination of Historical Records Prior to the Tang Dynasty,which mainly introduces the dissemination courses and approaches as well as the constituent characteristics of the recipients and accepting styles,summarizes the significance of the modification of book name of Historical Records and its dissemination features,and reveals the courses of the significant change of book name of Historical Records from a defamed book to a book of typical feudal official history,with the value-added cultural phenomenon as the argumentative basis.The second,third and forth aspects are basically discussed through extending around this phenomenon.The second chapter is The Acceptance and Transcending of Historical Records Prior to the Tang Dynasty in terms of historical study.Historians basically used Historical Records as their original version in terms of compiling formats,composing ideas,and writing techniques.The subsequent history of the twenty-four dynasties had all been compiled in biographical style. Historians integrated epochal and social features whilst inheriting the format of biographies.For example,Ban Gu created the dynastic history in biographical style and historians created "taishigongyue",which further perfected the format of biographies.The third chapter is The Acceptance and Transcending of Historical Records Prior to the Tang Dynasty in terms of poetry,which mainly discusses the influence of Historical Records on the longitudinal and latitudinal development of Historical Records by literary works,with the plentiful historical facts contained in Historical Records as prototype,emanated many traditional Chinese literature themes.The poets accepted Historical Records in varied ways by expressing their sentiments and inner thoughts,by voicing their opinions of ancient and current affairs,with different periods taking on a different characteristic.Poetry preferred to reflect social ideological developmental trend from the perspective of spiritual and psychological aspects,whereas novels preferred to reflect social reality from the perspective of ordinary people regarding their trivial life.The fourth chapter is The Acceptance and Transcending of Historical Records Prior to the Tang Dynasty in terms of novels prior to the Tang Dynasty,which mainly discusses the influence of Historical Records on the longitudinal and latitudinal development of Historical Records by literary works,with the plentiful historical facts contained in Historical Records as prototype,emanated many traditional Chinese literature themes.novels,in the category of history,were based on history as their basic quality.The creative purpose,social functions,historical roles,and academic research were basically put to a halt at the sphere of history,with an imitation of Historical Records from format to writing techniques.Hence,literary works alongside "the official history",could reflect social reality in a multi-dimension,multi-layer,and multi-perspective way.The fivfh chapter is The Acceptance and Evolution of "Writing Due to Suppressed Resentment". "Writing Due to Suppressed Resentment" is Sima Qian’s outstanding contribution to literary creation. On the basis of writers’ practice,literary critics creatively expanded their interpretations,which enabled Historical Records to render sublime aesthetically and accomplish artistic nature transformation,which makes an important law for literary creation,and was more conducive to the promulgation of Sima Qian’s historical spirit.The sixth chapter is Two The Research and Evaluation of Historical Records by Scholars Prior to the Tang Dynasty.While the rulers framed all kinds of crimes regarding Historical Records, scholars wrote their own works expressing their own individual ideas,among which the evaluation of Yang Xiong’s Fayan,Wang Chong’s Lunheng,Pei Yin’s Annotations of Historical Records,and Liu Xie’s Wenxindiaolun.The four books revealed the attitude of scholars to Historical Records.The acceptance of scholars with regard to the interpretation of Historical Records is the deepening of acceptance behavior,which laid a foundation for people to accurately understand the ideological contents and correctly evaluate Historical Records.The seventh chapter is The Evolutionary Cause and Effect of Comparison of Historical Records and History of the Former Han Dynasty Prior to the Tang Dynasty.Comparison of Historical Records and History of the Former Han Dynasty had been a traditional research subject for over two thousand years.It had been a dynamic process from favoring Historical Records to putting down History of the Former Han Dynasty,or from favoring History of the Former Han Dynasty to putting down Historical Records,which had profound reasons and could not be settled once and for all.The eighth chapter is The Confucianizational Phenomenon in the course of dissemination and acceptance of Historical Records Prior to the Tang Dynasty.The Confucianization of Historical Records is realized through an analysis of the formats and content of Historical Records,a revival of the ever-usefulness of Historical Records in terms of social functions and the purpose of writing by praising the good and disapproving the bad so that the profound reason for Historical Records transformed from a defamed book to a book of typical feudal official history.To sum up,through the diachronic and synchronic examination of the dissemination,influence, interpretation,and research subjects of Historical Records in the eyes of different groups of different classes prior to the Tang Dynasty,the paper determines that the establishment of Historical Records in the position of a book of typical feudal official history is co-created by the significance value implied in the paper and the active acceptance of the recipient masses.The indeterminateness of literary works decides that the revelation of all its significance lies in it being interpreted in a specific way cumulatively by readers in different periods,which had a far-reaching effect upon later generations.


