

【作者】 于展东

【导师】 张学忠;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “张籍王建体”语出严羽的《沧浪诗话》,指出了中唐诗人张籍、王建二人在诗歌创作上呈现出共性的特点。张籍、王建二人生活在安史之乱后文学不断开拓与新变的时期,二人为同年学友,一生际遇皆艰难困顿,诗亦齐名。“张籍王建体”最基本的含义,是指张籍、王建二人在乐府诗创作上所取得的突出成就,张王二人在当时大力创作乐府诗而被并称为“张王乐府”。“张籍王建体”的另一层含义是指张籍、王建二人在近体诗创作上的所取得的成就和呈现出的共性特点,他们的近体诗在中唐诗坛亦自成一家,能够“略去葩藻,求取情实”,呈现出平易浅近、尚实尚俗的特点。本文的研究对象是“张籍王建体”,是对张籍、王建诗歌的整体性研究,考察“张籍王建体”的含义,考察张王二人与中唐两大诗派代表诗人韩愈、自居易的交往,探讨张王二人在中唐诗坛的地位和意义,分析其诗歌的创作背景、渊源、内容、成就、以及影响。通过对张籍、王建诗歌深入细致地分析,力求对“张籍王建体”有新的认识。论文在绪论、附录之外,共设有三编七章,18万余字。绪论部分简述有关诗体的概念、研究选题的意义,评述以往的研究成果。有关张籍、王建二人已有两部专著和一百篇左右的研究论文,其研究成果,二十世纪八十年代以后尤为突出,主要集中在其生平形迹、诗歌创作、诗歌考证等方面。研究者们有意识的不断扩宽研究视野,在研究角度和切入点上求新求变,力求获得对张籍、王建二人全方位、立体化的把握。但这些研究成果主要集中在张籍、王建二人的乐府诗上,对于张王二人近体诗的研究则明显处于弱势地位,这和张王二人在近体诗方面的成就相比较起来是不够的。上编《“张籍王建体”综论》,包括前两章。第一章《张籍、王建述略》,首先论述了张籍、王建并称的由来及其含义,张籍、王建二人并称最基本、最重要的原因是二人大量创作乐府诗并取得了一定的成就。笔者认为,张王二人并称还有一个重要的原因是他们在近体诗创作实践中呈现出来的共性及成就。其次分别考察了张籍、王建和中唐两大诗派的代表人物韩愈、白居易之间的交往情况,得知张籍、王建二人在韩孟诗派的奇险化和元白诗派的通俗化之间有着桥梁作用。再次考察了张籍、王建的影响、贡献,及其诗歌在唐宋时期的流传。第二章《张籍、王建诗歌的创作背景》,主要阐述了张籍、王建所生活的安史之乱后的时代背景,论述了张籍、王建诗歌创作的渊源来自于安史之乱后由理想到写实创作手法的变化,可以上溯到杜甫、元结等人的影响。张籍、王建二人的思想以儒家为主,但在中唐时期思想多元化的大背景下,亦受到了释、道二家的影响。中编《“张籍王建体”最基本的含义:乐府诗创作的成就及特点》,包括第三、第四章。第三章,是一些概述性质的内容,阐述唐人的乐府概念、论述初盛时期的乐府诗的创作概况、分析了在中唐大的文化背景下张王二人大力创作乐府诗的原因、张王乐府在当时被传唱的情况、以及张籍、王建乐府诗中的唱和现象。第四章,结合具体作品详细分析张籍、王建二人的乐府诗,他们二人能以平民写实意识对生活进行广泛的关照,从内容上讲,概括为四个方面:对乐府诗风俗内涵的着意开拓;对下层百姓生活全面细致的反映;对广大女性命运的特别关注:对于战争残酷的深刻揭露。从艺术风格方面,概括出张籍、王建乐府诗善于运用富有人情味的讽喻、生动的比兴手法、卒章揭示的结尾、自然流畅、口语化的语言,他们的乐府诗呈现出叙事平和、语意含蓄的艺术特色。最后,还分析了张籍、王建二人乐府之不同、张王乐府与元白乐府之不同。下编《“张籍王建体”的另一层含义——近体诗创作的成就及特点》,包括第五、第六、第七章。第五章《张籍、王建的五言律诗》,张籍有五言律诗一百四十余首,王建有五言律诗六十余首,内容多涉及普通的日常生活和细腻的人情体验。张籍的五言律诗大多是清新自然的写景和其闲居生活的写照,呈现出清丽深婉、平淡可爱的特点。王建的五言律诗能以苦心体物、俗情入诗,大多是吟唱其贫苦闲居生活,说贫道懒,包含着一种对人生无可奈何的自嘲。另外,王建五律中多有与姚合诗重出者,两人五言律诗的风格比较近似,但也是各有特点。第六章《张籍、王建的七言律诗》,阐述了初唐到中唐期间七言律诗的发展概况,结合具体作品分析张籍、王建的七言律诗创作。张籍、王建分别有七律八十一首,他们的七律呈现出浅易明白的特点。张王二人的七言律诗以赠酬唱和居多,可以说是对七律最初面貌的一次回归;张、王有一些七言律诗是诗人贫困孤苦境遇的真实写照;还有一部分七言律诗描写了诗人田宅游逸、登临游览的乐趣。第七章《张籍、王建的绝句》,张籍有绝句一百四十余首,除《宫词》外,王建尚有绝句二百七十余首。张籍、王建二人的绝句从内容上讲大多是一些写景、抒怀、寄赠之作,不乏一些清新明快、韵昧隽永、以风神取胜的上乘之作。王建的绝句最引人注目的当是它们的资料价值,以《宫词》最为著名,全方位地展示了很多难以为外人所知的宫中之事。结语,对全文作了简要的概括,同时也评价了张籍、王建在中唐诗坛上的地位和意义。另外,本文将张籍王建有关佛道的作品、唐代一些诗人写给二人的赠诗、以及张籍王建古体诗论析附录于后。

【Abstract】 Zhang Ji and Wang Jian were very important poets of the middle Tang Dynasty, who were schoolmates of the same year and experienced similar life chances. They were equally famous for their mighty creation of Yuefu(folk) poems, hence equally referred to as ’Zhang-Wang Yuefu’. Zhang Ji and Wang Jian were also good at writing "modern style" poetry, ignoring the regulations and limitations of regulated verses instead of pursuing after passion and truth. This thesis intends to make an overall study of the general poems of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian, investigate the origin; content; achievement and influence of poetry and their association with Han Yu and Bai Juyi—two representative poets of the two major poetry schools in mid-Tang Dynasty, and discuss about their status and significance in the field of poetry in their time. Through an in-depth and detailed study of the poems written by Zhang Ji and Wang Jian, the author is trying to make a better and new understanding of their poetry. Besides the introduction and appendices, the thesis consists of seven chapters, with approximately 18 thousand characters.The introduction expounds the significance of selecting the topic and the research methods, and makes a brief literature review of the subject. There exist two monographs and over one hundred academic papers about Zhang Ji and Wang Jian. The investigation into this field became fruitful especially after 1980s, mainly about their life, their literary thoughts on poetry writing, their poems and textual researches and so on. Among these topics, researchers pay more attention to the creation of their Yuefu poems rather than the study of their "modern style" poems, in which they had substantial accomplishments.Chapter one is A Summary of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian. First, I explained the meaning and the reason why their names were put together. The combination of their names started when they were alive, the basic and foremost reason being that Zhang Ji and Wang Jian both indited a great deal of Yuefu poems and acquired some influence. The title of as ’Zhang-Wang Yuefu’ first came out in Gao Bing’s A collection of Tang Peotry: A Genaral Narration in the Ming Dynasty. Then, I reviewed their association with Han Yu and Bai Juyi, two representatives of the two major poetry schools in the mid-Tang Dynasty, and learnt that they acted as a bridge between the two. Finally, I made an investigation into the influence of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian and the wide circulation of their poems. Chapter two is The Background of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s poems. It is mainly about the life time of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian, the origin of their poems, and the time spirit. Their realistic writing style was much influenced by Du fu, Yuan Jie etc. Ideologically, they were counted mainly as Confucian followers, but were also afcted by Buddhism and Taoism in the circumstance of multi-thoughts in mid-Tang Dynasty.Chapters three and four, The Yuefu Poems of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian, mainly discuss the achievements of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s Yuefu poems. Chapter three expounds the general conditions of Yuefu poem in early Tang Dynasty and the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the reason why Zhang Ji and Wang Jian wrote so many Yuefu poems, the spread of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s Yuefu poems, a comparison of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s Yuefu poems with Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi’s, an analysis of the responsory phenomena in Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s Yuefu poems. Chapter four analyzes Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s Yuefu poems using specific poems. The content of their poems reflect the social customs and the life of ordinary people, in terms of the expansion of the meaning of Yuefu poetry, the reflection of the living environment of the lower classes, special consideration of the fate of large numbers of women and, and the exposure of the cruelty of wars. In terms of artistic style, I came to a conclusion that Zhang Ji and Wang Jian applied a writing technique of gentle oral narration and metaphor with implicative meanings. The final part falls on the differences between their respective poems. Generally speaking, they were largely identical but with minor differences.Chapter five is The Wulv poems of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian. Zhang Ji had more than 140 Wulv poems, and Wang Jian had more than 60 Wulv poems. Zhang Ji’s Wulv poems were mainly delineated to the beautiful natural scenery, corny but likable. Wang Jian’s Wulv poems were mainly descriptions of his poor and idle life together with kind of cannot-help-but self-mockery of human life. In addition, the part also makes a comparison and contrast between the Wulv poems of Wang Jian and Yao He.Chapter six, The Qilv poems of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian, expounds the general conditions of Qilv poems in early Tang Dynasty and prosperous Tang Dynasty and analyzes the creation of their works by referring to specific poems. Both Zhang and Wang had 81 Qilv poems, mainly to their friends, describing their poor life and their pleasure of tours and travels.Chapter seven, The Archaistic poems and Four-lined Verses of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian. Zhang and Wang’s archaistic poems were mainly those with five characters in each line, with a special feature of an integration of depiction; expressions of emotion and comments. Their four-lined poems were mainly delineated to the beautiful natural scenery; expressions of emotion and correspondence with their friends; etc. However some poems with vivid description and rich connotations could also be found among them.The Conclusion part makes a brief summary of the whole thesis. It also comments upon Zhang Ji and Wang Jian’s status and significance in the field of poetry of the mid-Tang Dynasty.Moreover, there are some poems about Buddhist thought and Taoism thought Witten by Zhang Ji and Wang Jian; meanwhile, there are also lots of poems that poets in the mid-Tang Dynasty wrote to Zhang and Wang, all of which are attached as appendixes at the end of the thesis.

【关键词】 张籍王建体唐诗中唐乐府诗近体诗
【Key words】 Zhang JiWang JianYuefu poemmid-Tang DynastyRegulated Verse

