

【作者】 杨冰郁

【导师】 郭芹纳;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文以唐诗异文为研究对象,以李白诗歌异文为主要语料,从校勘学、文字学、音韵学、训诂学、语法学、修辞学、文学、文化学、古典诗歌注释学等方面对其进行多角度研究。研究的意义体现在以下四个方面:首先,唐诗异文具有重要的语料价值,可以为汉语史的研究提供资料宝库;其次,该研究对于唐诗整理具有借鉴意义;再次,对于其他历史文献的整理与校勘具有宝贵的参考价值;最后,对于探讨训诂学的发展问题具有案例价值。总之,唐诗异文的研究既具有传统朴学意义上的语料价值和校勘价值,也具有现代语言学意义上的理论探讨价值。唐诗异文研究本身具有独特价值和魅力,本研究正是基于以上认识,确定了三个具体目标:其一,全面了解唐诗异文整体面貌;其二,总结蕴涵在唐诗异文现象里的规律;其三,从新的视角合理解释这些现象出现之由,规律分布之因。在研究目标地指引下,研究内容共分九章。其中第2章—第6章主要从汉语史的角度分析讨论有关唐诗异文问题;其余各章分别从文学、文化学、古籍整理的角度分别对唐诗异文进行描写和归纳总结。异文与文字部分以李白诗歌为主要材料,把涉及到的文字现象分为异体字、通假字、古今字、讹混字四类,这四类各自的范围中心明确,边界模糊,时有交叉。通过研究我们发现异体字、通假字、古今字、讹混字的演变过程中充满传承与出新,稳定与变异,此消彼长,相反相成。异文与词汇部分我们主要分以下4个方面进行描写:即异文与同义词;异文与反义词;几类特殊词类;异文与辞书编纂。通过语言事实的描写,总结了唐诗异文词汇的特点,如同平仄的同义词语构成异文,供诗人创作时选择,体现了汉语的表现力与成熟度;并关注了语境同义词及其作用。对《汉语大词典》中忽略异文、失收条目、缺乏例证等现象给予评说。异文与语法部分基本沿袭传统研究方法,分为异文与虚词、词缀、句法研究三个方面。异文与音韵研究大体遵从邵荣芬先生选择别字异文的原则和处理方式。通过李白诗歌中的别字异文印证了一些语音演变的规律。异文与修辞部分主要从避讳、变文避复、夸张、对仗、典故等角度进行描写。第7章异文与文学从现代诠释学的角度出发,力图在异文与文学欣赏牵起一条红线。第8章异文与文化研究主要从物质文化、制度文化和精神层面的文化探讨异文与文化的关系,认为有了文化学发展规律的佐证,这就使得多用或然性推理来进行的异文考证越发逼近真实,同时唐诗异文又可从一个侧面验证文化发展的规律。第9章以赵殿成《王右丞集笺注》为调查对象,探讨清代唐诗异文注释的形式与方法及其不足,另外还讨论了当前异文注释中的具体问题。每一章都由研究目标“有什么?是什么?为什么”这一条线索上的三个问题贯穿其中,每一篇章也都在回答着这样的问题,因此在分析规律、探讨成因上,时有交叉,偶有重叠,但论文整体上还是紧紧围绕“唐诗异文”这一主题呈辐射状展开。八章之间内容各自独立,并无逻辑上的必然联系,只是出于全面系统地材料规整和立体拍摄式多角度研究的需要才做上述分类,论文整体仍然以描写为主,兼及理论探讨。在对语料进行细致描写的基础上,我们把唐诗异文概括归纳为4种类型,分析了唐诗异文产生的原因,并从文化继承与创新这一角度出发解释这一现象和规律。认为唐诗异文的产生首先是因无意识地错讹而起。这说明同一文化内部因时代久远,地域间隔而造成的文化碰撞与曲解是不可避免的。文化的继承并非是原样继承,而是“走样”地夹带着些许偏离的继承。唐诗异文最有价值的是有意识地讹误而产生的部分,其中投射了文本参与者的社会文化观念,具有文化认知价值。它说明文化的继承与创新总是表现为“托古改制”的形式,后人的创造在前人的身影里,前人的文化在后人的解说里。异文相对于“正文”而言,比较来看,异文的出现是偶尔为之,相对于正文是非主流现象。从古到今,除过学者们在研究时特别关照外,异文经常是被忽略,乃至遗忘的,从唐诗的童蒙读物到高文典策式地“唐诗鉴赏”,人们时常择善而从,并不事无巨细地罗列异文。这说明文化在继承与创新中“求同”大于存异,人们更倾向于在认同中走向未来。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the variation of tang poetry in the poetry of Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei have been studied from the perspective of emendation study, critical interpretation of ancient texts and phonology.The significance of the study lies in the following four aspects: first, the variation of tang poetry has the value of linguistic materials; secondly, it is expected to boost the research stage of tang poetry to a higher level; thirdly, the research of tang poetry has very important evaluative value for collating other historic documents; in the end, it also has the value of pedagogical case for probing into the development of critical interpretation of ancient texts.Base on the above, this paper fixes on the following three targets: firstly, to understand the whole characters of the variation of tang poetry completely; secondly, to summarize their laws; lastly, to explain the reasons that underlie this phenomenon from a new point of view.The body of this paper can be divided into eight chapters. From the first to fifth chapter, the question on the variation of tang poetry has been discussed from the archaic Chinese point of view; In chapter six, the important role of the variation of tang poetry on poetry appreciation has been emphasized from the literature approach point of view; In chapter seven, the value of linguistic materials and reference in the studies of culture history have been discussed from cultural point of view; In chapter eight, the comment has emphasized on the explanation method and adjustment principles to the variation of tang poetry of Qing dynasty from the point of ancient book collation. Each of the eight chapters has its research object and deals with three questions of what there is, what it is and why. The eight chapters are independent from each other and there is no necessary relationship among them. This system assorted as that is just thinking of the needs of collecting and studying the materials completely. The whole paper mainly emphasizes on depiction and gives attention to theory discussion.Based on careful depiction of linguistic materials, the variation of tang poetry has been divided into four kinds. The reasons for the variation of tang poetry have been analyzed and the phenomena and disciplinarian have also been explained from the view of cultural inheritance and innovation. The paper explains that the variation of tang poetry can be attributed to unconscious mistake. This shows that it is inescapable for the cultures to influence each other and be misconstrued because of time and space. Cultures are succeeded not as its original form but with some departure. The most important things of the variation of tang poetry rest with the parts coming from conscious error, the social cultural ideas cast by its participants and its cultural and cognitive value. It shows that the later generations has the formers silhouette and the formers culture in the later explanation. Relative to the main text, the appearance of the variation of tang poetry is incidental and is not mainstream culture. From ancient to now, the variation of tang poetry has often been left in the basket or oblivious except a few special studies. People always choose and follow what is right in child reading materials of Tang poetry or complex Tang-poem appreciation and do not spread out the variation carefully. It shows that more interests had been emphasized in same not in difference while inheriting and innovating, and people are apt to walk up to the future in common and self-identity.

【关键词】 唐诗异文训诂学李白
【Key words】 Tang poetryvariationcritical interpretation of ancient textsculture

