

The Studies of Visual Imageryprocessing System’s Training Effect

【作者】 张媛

【导师】 游旭群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 视觉表象能力被视为空间智能的核心,它的非逻辑性与知觉特性在创造性思维中有着重要作用:视觉表象的功能和性质在很大程度上制约着人类空间智能的水平,同时也制约着智能的发展水平。视觉表象认知加工是一种高级的空间认知加工过程,这种高级的认知加工过程与大脑的特异性功能相关。从行为可塑性和大脑可塑性两个角度阐明视觉认知功能可塑性水平对于提高特殊职业人员选拔的预测准确性以及各种脑功能障碍临床康复训练的针对性和有效性具有重要的意义。在Kosslyn的高水平视觉加工子系统理论的基础上,本研究以行为实验、结构方程建模及ERP技术为手段探讨视觉表象加工子系统的训练效应及其脑机制,并建立起相关认知过程的行为实验模型、结构方程模型和脑电活动模型,为认知神经科学的研究提供有益的补充和参考。根据Kosslyn的高水平视觉认知加工子系统理论和人类行为与脑机制的可塑性理论来理解和描述各种典型空间认知加工任务的特性。通过一系列规范的认知实验对视觉表象加工子系统及结合的可塑性水平做出详尽分析,并应用结构方程建模技术建立视觉表象认知加工系统的验证性模型;同时从认知神经科学的角度出发,运用ERP技术探讨个体表象加工的脑电活动模式,并从脑功能可塑性和稳定性水平上探讨不同视觉空间表象任务所表现出的特异性和共同性。本研究采用表象旋转、表象扫描、数量和类别空间关系判断作为研究视觉表象加工子系统特性的主要认知任务。在国际研究领域,这四种表象加工过程是研究高水平视觉空间加工的核心要素,而且在已有研究中已经证明,这四种表象加工分属于四种表象加工子系统。围绕这四种视觉表象加工子系统,我们对实验条件进行精确控制,并记录其完成视觉表象作业时的行为反应数据和事件相关电位。本研究由四个部分组成:(1)视觉表象加工子系统训练效应的行为研究;(2)视觉表象加工子系统的整合及其训练效应的行为研究;(3)视觉表象加工系统的结构方程建模;(4)视觉表象加工子系统训练效应的ERP研究。综合实验结果以及相关讨论,本研究得出以下结论:1、表象旋转、表象扫描、类别和数量空间关系四种表象加工机制既相互区别又相互联系。它们之间的相互区别证明其加工过程涉及独特的加工子系统,而它们之间的联系则导致在多任务加工中彼此相互影响。这样的结果说明在这四种表象加工过程中,具有相同的基础性加工子系统,也有其各自特殊的加工机制。当加工过程中的资源调用发生冲突时,仍然具有优先加工简单任务的特点。2、表象旋转、表象扫描、类别和数量空间关系四种表象加工在短期训练后均表现出了显著的训练效应。这样的结果似乎与以往研究的结果相悖,但是我们的研究主要针对于被试在短时期内四种表象加工任务的变化特点,而以往研究的是建立在假设特殊群体是经过长期的系统训练的,其表现出的是表象加工在长期条件下的训练效应。因此并不能简单的说我们的研究结果与以往研究是完全相反的,只是对两种不同条件下的表象加工训练效应特点的揭示而已。3、表象旋转、表象扫描、类别和数量空间关系四种表象加工仍表现出了其特有的稳定性特点。我们的研究虽然揭示的是四种表象加工在短期训练后的变化特点,但是在一定程度上仍然体现出了四种表象加工的稳定性特点:表象旋转和数量空间关系判断这两种加工更容易受训练的影响,表现为不同训练程度之间差异仍然是显著的;而表象扫描和类别空间关系判断这两种加工就相对稳定一些,表现为训练引起的成绩提高可能需要更长的时间。4、表象旋转、表象扫描、类别和数量空间关系四种表象能力在整体表象能力中占有不同的比重。表象扫描所占比重最大,其次是表象旋转和数量空间关系,类别空间关系所占比重最轻。

【Abstract】 Visual imagery ability was seen as the core of spatial intelligence,its non-logic and its consciousness characteristics had the important function in creative thinking:the function andproperties of the visual imagery was a large extent to restrict the spatial intelligence of mankind, and it also restricted the development level of intelligence.The cognitiveprocess of visual image was a kind of high classprocesses of spatial cognitive,this kind of high class of cognitionprocess correlated with the specificity of cerebral functions.It was significant to improve the forecasting veracity of the special occupationpersonnel estimate and to raise thepertinency and validity of clinical rehabilitative for various brain function obstacle that clarified theplasticity of visual cognition functionplasticity level from two angles of the behaviorplasticity and the brainplasticity. On the foundation that the Kosslyn high level visualprocessing subsystem theories,the research inquiry into the training effect and brain mechanism of the visual imageryprocessing subsystem with the means of the behavior experiment,SEM and ERPs,and build up the behavior experiment model, SEM and the model of brain waves activation,andprovide the beneficial complement and references for the research that cognitive neural science.According to the theories of Kosslyn high-level visual cognitionprocessing subsystem and theplasticity of human behaviors and the brain mechanism,comprehend and describe the characteristic that various typical missions of spatial cognitiveprocesses.Do the detailed analysis to theplasticity level of visual imageryprocessing subsystems and their combine thatpasses a series of normative cognition experiments,and structure the confirmatory model of visual imagery cognitiveprocessing system that apply the technique of SEM;at one time,in the cognitive nerve science,use the technique of ERPs to discuss the bring mechanism of visual imageryprocess,and from theplasticity and the stability of the brain functionplasticity to discuss the specificity of different visual spatial imagery missions and their intercommunity.This research adopts the imagery rotation,imagery scan,coordinate and category spatial judgment to the cognitive mission that the study the characteristic of the visual imageryprocessing subsystem.At the international research field,these four kinds of imageryprocessing is the core factors that studies the high-level visual spatialprocessing,and it wasproved in frontal studies that the four kinds of imageryprocessing belong to four visual imageryprocessing subsystems.Around the four kinds of visual imageryprocessing subsystem,we strictly control the experiment condition, and record subjects’ behavior reaction data and ERPs.This research is constituted by fourparts:(1) The behavior studies of training effect of visual imageryprocessing subsystems;(2) The behavior studies of integration of the visual imageryprocessing subsystems and their training effect;(3) The SEM of visual imageryprocessing system;(4) The ERPs studies of training effect of visual imageryprocessing subsystems.Comprehensive experiment results and relevant discussion,the studies draw some conclusions:1.The four kinds of imageryprocessing mechanism that is image rotation,image scan, category and coordinate relations judgment is not only discriminate each other but also contact mutually.Their differentprove that it involves special subsystemprocessing,but their contact then cause affect each other in many missionprocess.Such result elucidation that the four imageryprocessing has the same foundationprocessing subsystem,and also have its specialprocessing mechanism.There have this kind of trait that when theprocessing resources conflict in combined tasks,the simple task has beenprocessed first.2.There is observably training effect in the four imageryprocessing,those is image rotation,image scan,category and coordinate relation judgment after short date train.Such result seems different to with the result of former research,but our research mainly is aim at the variety characteristics of four kinds of imageryprocessing tasks after the shortperiod training,but foregone studies are the establishment at the suppose of which special community is through long-term system of training,it express the training effect that is the imageryprocessing under the condition of long-term of training.Therefore,it can’t say our research results are quite the contrary with former researches simply,it just to announce the imageryprocessing’s training effect under two kinds of different conditions.3.The four kinds of imageryprocessing that is image rotation,image scan,category and coordinate spatial relations judgment still express its each special stability characteristics.Our studies although announce the variety characteristics of the four kinds of imageryprocessing’s training effects with short date train,to some extent still appeared the stability characteristics that four kinds of imageryprocessing:the two imageryprocessing of image rotation and coordinate spatial relation judgment are subjected to the disciplinal influence more easily,it represents that theperformance of different training levels have remarkable differentia each other;But image scan and category spatial relation judgment is relative stably,it represents that it may need longer time training to causableperformance exaltation.4.The four imagery abilities of image rotation,image scan,category and coordinate spatial relation judgment occupy different weight in whole imagery ability.Image scan the specific weight have biggest,next is image rotation and coordinate spatial relation,the specific weight that category spatial relation have is light most.


