

A Study of the Historical Value of Song Music Notes

【作者】 曾美月

【导师】 洛秦;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 宋代文人笔记撰述蔚为大观,其中散落存留了丰富的条列式音乐文献。笔者搜阅宋代笔记近五百种,整理其中零散的音乐文献20万字,从撰述特点和叙述内容两个方面,考察这些文献的史料价值。从撰述特点考察史料价值,此即上篇的三章:一、将宋代笔记音乐文献与汉魏六朝、唐五代的笔记音乐文献类型进行纵向比较,将各类型所占各时期音乐文献总量的百分比进行统计,则可知,宋代笔记音乐文献与前期相比,其学术性、真实性、丰富性有较大提高。二、音乐学术考辨作为宋代笔记音乐文献的撰述方式之一,体现了宋人的音乐学术研究特点,其旁征博引、间以辨证的写作特点使其具有记录和考辨的双重性质,部分成果仍可为当今研究提供参照。三、音乐叙事是宋代笔记音乐文献的主要撰述方式,作者将所见所闻之音乐事件加以记录,涉及领域非常广泛。周密笔记音乐文献体现了此类文献的撰述特征,本章以周密为个案,分析音乐叙事文献的撰述特点及史料价值。以文献内容为对象考察史料价值,此即下篇的三章。宋代笔记音乐文献的主要内容是叙述音乐事件,文章从补史书之阙、凸显新材料、文献互证、通过解读提高史实认识几个方面考察这些文献的史料价值,并将这些文献分为四大类:一、宋代戏剧、歌唱艺术、歌舞音乐、器乐等不同体裁文献。二、宋代乐器收藏、民俗音乐活动等活动类文献。三、宋代乐曲乐人音乐文献。四、宋代笔记中的外域音乐文献。通过此全面考察则可知,宋代笔记音乐文献内容庞杂、零散,它与史书乐志、乐考文献的关注对象和撰述对象不同,史书乐类文献关注宫廷礼乐性质的音乐及其活动,而笔记音乐文献记录宋代文人耳闻目睹的各种音乐事项,两者互补才能构成对宋代音乐的完整研究。宋代笔记中的有些文献被史书直接抄录,此说明宋人早已首肯笔记音乐文献的史料价值。宋代笔记中的许多文献能与史书互证,说明它们的真实性和可靠程度很高。宋代笔记音乐文献作为直接史料,其生动性、广博性胜于史书。

【Abstract】 The Song literary men wrote a large number of notes, in which scattered a wealth of music records. This writer has searched through nearly 500 kinds of Song notes and organized music literature in 200,000 words that are scattered among the notes. From the aspects of their descriptive characteristics and narrative contents, this paper examines the historical value of these documents.The three chapters of the first section examine the historical value from the aspects of descriptive characteristics.1. By conducting a longitudinal comparison of the Song music notes with the music notes in Han, Wei, Six Dynasties, Tang and Five Dynasties, and examining the percentage of each type of music notes in the total amount of notes of the specific period, it finds out that compared with the earlier periods, the music notes in the Song Dynasty have higher academic value and improved authenticity and richness.2. As a descriptive form of the Song music notes, the music academic study reflects the characteristics of Song scholars’ music academic research. Their well-documented and dialectic writing style enables them to have the dual nature of recording and investigation, and some of the results can still provide a frame of reference for today’s research.3. Music narration is the major descriptive form of the Song music notes. The authors record the music events they saw and heard, covering a broad range. The careful music notes reflect the descriptive characteristics of such literature. This chapter makes a case study of "the careful notes", analyzing the narrative features and historical value of music narrative literature.The three chapters of the second section examine the historical value from the aspects of narrative contents.The main element of the Song music notes is the description of music events. From the aspects of making up the deficiency in history books, highlighting new materials and mutual testimony of literature, this paper tries to examine the historical value of the literature, in order to improve the understanding of historical facts through close reading. It divides the literature into four main categories:1. Different genres of literature, such as the Song drama, singing art, dance music and instrumental music2. Activity literature, such as the Song collection of musical instruments and folk music activities3. Song music literature about music compositions and musicians4. Music literature from abroad in the Song notesThrough this comprehensive study, we can see that the contents of the Song music notes are complex and fragmented, and their focus is different from the concern and narrative focus of historical music records and music study documents. Historical music records concern the nature of court music and its activities, but music notes record various music events the Song scholars saw and heard. The two complementing each other can constitute a complete study of the Song Dynasty music. Certain literature in the notes is directly copied into history books, which shows that Song scholars already recognized the authenticity and historical value of music notes. As direct historical literature, music notes are more vivid and extensive than history books.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1356

