

A Holistic Approach to Principles in Translating Chinese Classics into English

【作者】 黄中习

【导师】 汪榕培;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本研究基于典籍英译理论与实践的详细概述,以整体论观点,圆观遍照地考察翻译之道、典籍英译标准之道和译者的整体翻译标准,并以《庄子》英译为个案研究,以整体论新视角分析译者整体翻译标准在忠实性(信)、可读性(顺)和创造性(创)三元要素上的中心取向。论文第一章概述典籍英译与研究的现状,指出其中的机遇和挑战,对关键词进行界定,介绍本研究的结构、内容、方法和意义。第二章详细概述海内外典籍英译的历程,重点介绍主要译家及其译作情况,对典籍英译的范围和历史分期作了划分,并勾勒出典籍英译与研究历史发展的四个特点。第三章综述考察典籍英译译者所提出和遵循的翻译标准,并简短回顾英语国家译入西方经典的历史和译者论者关于经典翻译理论的关切点,作为典籍英译标准概述和典籍英译标准整体观探讨的有益参照。第四章首先指出,以整体论视角研究典籍英译标准的价值和意义,并从五方面论证了典籍英译标准整体论研究模式的新颖之处和特点所在。作者以动态关联和圆融整体的视角把典籍英译标准作为一个整体来探讨,以中国传统哲学中“道”的圆融整体理念考察翻译和翻译理论,认为翻译之道是翻译和翻译理论的圆融整体,它兼指翻译(translation)行为、翻译过程(translating)和译作(translations)。三者动态关联,融合成为一个连续的圆融整体,这就是翻译之道的本体内涵。作者接着审视典籍英译的目的和标准,认为典籍英译的文本目的就是译者翻译的根本目的。译者在翻译过程中的自律准则就是其翻译标准。作者还构建了典籍英译标准的整体论研究模式。它是一个三向动态和辩证关联的理论,认为典籍英译标准是一个动态关联的圆融整体。作者进而以这一新视角综合考察典籍英译译者的整体翻译标准及其对三元要素的中心取舍趋势,或忠实性(信),或可读性(顺),或创造性(创)。根据这一模式,典籍英译标准之道是一体,是多元标准一体化的整体,是一个抽象的标准。译者个体的翻译标准都以它为理想和目标。典籍英译译者的个体翻译标准也是三元要素一体化的整体,其构成的三元要素有着恒久的动态关联。典籍英译译者翻译标准的多元化、个性化表述之总和就能接近或达到典籍英译标准之道。第五章是“典籍英译标准的整体论研究”模式的个案运用和论证分析。为了全面考察《庄子》英译译者整体翻译标准对“信顺创”三元要素的中心取向,作者在前人研究成果的基础上,对《庄子》的英译历程和《庄子》英译的研究成果进行更全面的概述,选取了四个典型的《庄子》英译本——理雅各的全译本、汪榕培的全译本、葛瑞汉和莫顿的选译本,以整体论视角来考察译者翻译整体标准在“信顺创”三元要素上的中心取向,从多方面论证了理雅各英译《庄子》的整体翻译标准是以忠实性为中心取向,汪榕培英译《庄子》的整体翻译标准是以可读性为中心取向,葛瑞汉和莫顿英译《庄子》的整体翻译标准是以创造性为中心取向。本研究尝试融汇中西,打通古今,运用理论描述与个案分析相结合的方法,把典籍英译译者的翻译标准作为一个整体来探讨,本质上属于哲理思辨的定性翻译理论研究。作者的研究路径是从源语出发,以原文为本,以译者为中心,以整体论视角来探讨译者的整体翻译标准。本文的个案运用分析表明,“典籍英译标准的整体论研究”模式颇具解释力,可以更全面合理地描述、分析和解释典籍英译标准,典籍英译的现象,乃至其他翻译现象。

【Abstract】 Based on a detailed summary of the translations of Chinese classics into English, both in theory and practice, both in the past and at present, the author of this dissertation makes this research, with the English translations of Zhuangzi as the case study. In the light of the holistic principles, the dissertation analyzes the translators’principles as a round whole and their central orientations, whether of fidelity, readability or creativity.The first chapter includes a discussion of the status quo of the translations of Chinese classics into English, in which there are both opportunity and challenge. It also defines some key terms and gives a general introduction to the present research.The second chapter makes a general historicial outline of the translations of Chinese classics into English, with focus on the chief translators and their works. It also attempts a division in the scope and periods in the history of such translations and points out their four historical properties.The author then proceeds to give, in the third chapter, a full summary of the translators’principles put forward and followed in translation practice, at home and abroad, with the historical outline of the translations of western classics into English and their translating principles, chiefly in Britain and America, as cross reference for the holistic research of principles in translations of Chinese classics into English.In the fourth chapter, the author firstly proves that such study about translating principles from the holistic perspective is significant and worthwhile. Then a fivefold contention is made that the holistic approach to principles in translation of Chinese classics into English is fresh and characteristic. This chapter chooses to analyze the translating principles as a round whole from a perspective, dynamic, correlative, and holistic. With the terms of“Tao”as a holistic round whole in Chinese traditional philosophy, the dissertation discusses about translation and translation theory, holding that the Tao of translation means the holistic whole of both translation and translation theory. The Tao of translation is the very translation proper, a holistic continuum whole, combined with three main elements, namely, translation, translating and translations, which have a dynamic and correlative relationship with one another. It goes on to examine the purpose and translating principles in translation of Chinese classics into English, holding that the textual purpose of the classics’translation makes the proper task for their translators. The translators’self-disciplines make their translating principles.In induction, the author suggests, a theoretical framework– a holistic approach to translating principles, holding that the translators’principles have a central orientation of the three chief elements, either fidelity, readability or creativity. According to the approach, the Tao of the translating principles is a unique One, an abstract Whole, made up of multiple principles, which is the ideal and goal for individual translators’principles. Meanwhile, each one of the translators’principles is also a round whole, a minor one, made up of the three chief elements– fidelity, readability and creativity, which have an everlastingly dynamic and correlative relationship with one another. The totality of the translators’principles will come near or amount to the Tao of the translating principles.The fifth chapter is the case study and factual justification of the holistic approach. In order to make a better analysis of the central orientation of translating principles as a whole in the English translations of the classic Zhuangzi, the author has to make a full summary of the history of the classic’s English versions and their relevant research findings. Four typical versions– those by James Legge, Wang Rongpei, A. C. Graham and Thomas Merton– the latter two of which are selective ones– are under discussion. The research demonstrates in quite a few ways that each translator of the four versions has a central orientation in his translating principle, holding that Legge has fidelity as his central orientation, Wang Rongpei has readability as his central orientation, and both Graham and Merton have creativity as their central orientation.A combination of research methodologies, traditional and modern, at home and abroad, is attempted in making use of both theoretical description and case study in the holistic approach to translators’principles, their self-disciplines, as a round whole. Therefore, the dissertation proves to be a theoretical argument, chiefly qualitative and philosophical, in nature. In other words, it is a qualitative research of the translators’principles from a holistic perspective, with the source language as its starting point, the source text its base, and the translator its center. The case study shows that the holistic approach is solid and effective and, thus, can be applicable to better describe, analyze and explain translators’principles and translation phenomena in the present field and other fields as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

