

T’ien Hsia Monthly: Literature Communication between China and the West during 1935-1941

【作者】 严慧

【导师】 范培松;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从比较文学、中国古典文学、中国现当代文学的学科特点出发,结合译介学、传播学的理论与方法,在20世纪初中国文学西传活动的大背景下,全面详实地考察了20世纪上半期中国最重要的全英文思想文化刊物T’ien Hsia Monthly的中西文学交流实践,从中外文学交流史的角度,在国内学界首次系统展现了20世纪30年代中西方学者和文化界人士以《天下》月刊为传播媒介进行的中国文学译介与研究活动。不仅研究了中国知识分子在向西方传播中国思想文化的过程中所持的文化交流理念与文化立场,而且考察了20世纪30年代中西方学术界和文化界的互动与沟通情况,揭示出在这一交流互动的过程中,中西方学者对中国文学的不同理解与不同阐释视角,最后归纳出《天下》月刊在中国文学西传中所取得的成果以及在现代中西文学交流史上的意义。论文从五个方面展开论述。第一章是从媒介史的角度,运用传播学理论,全面考察《天下》的源起、办刊宗旨、刊物性质、编辑部构成、撰稿队伍特点,运用大量一手资料,通过细致的考证,澄清了不少学界之前对《天下》的认识讹误,还原了《天下》的真实面貌。第二章到第五章具体考察了《天下》对中国古代思想典籍,中国古典诗歌,中国传统戏剧、散文、小说,中国现代文学所做的译介与研究活动,对每一领域内的译介与研究活动的内容、特点、意义作了阐述。在中国文学西传领域,《天下》的文学译介与研究活动体现出系统性、多元性、自觉性的特点,涵盖了中国古代文学与中国现代文学,以作品翻译与介绍性、研究性论文为主要形式,成为西方读者了解中国文学,进而了解中国文化的一个重要传播媒介。论文最后得出结论,《天下》是现代中西文化交流史上中国第一次有组织、有目的地主办一份旨在向西方(主要是英语世界)传播中国文化的全英文思想文化类刊物。刊物以国民政府资金与人事支持作为刊物正常运转的基础,以公平性与思想性保证刊物在中西文化交流中的公正立场。《天下》在20世纪30年代的中国建立起一个同时具备学术性与普及性的国际文化公共空间,从而实现了东西方学术界与文化界的对话与交流,丰富、拓展、提升了双方观察对方文化的视野,同时也通过刊物的传播功能,整体系统地将中国文学译介到西方,实现了“向西方介绍中国”的办刊宗旨。《天下》的中国文学西传实践具备了高度的主体性、自觉性、组织性与计划性,由此打破了16世纪以来中西文化交流史上,中国文学西传过程中西方“独语”的局面,从根本上改变了中方长期“缺场”的状态。

【Abstract】 T’ien Hsia Monthly is the most important English cultural periodical run by Chinese intellectuals in the first half of 20th Century. With the theories and approaches of comparative literature, Chinese literature, translation studies and culture propagation, this dissertation has first made a comprehensive and thorough research on T’ien Hsia Monthly’s literature interpretation practice made by Chinese and western scholars and intellectuals. From the perspective of literature communication history, the dissertation fully shows the cultural communication views and standpoint hold by Chinese and Western scholars, the interrelation and communication between Chinese and Western academic and cultural circles. During this interactive process,different views and understanding on Chinese literature is expressed.The dissertation consists of five chapters, forward and conclusion. Based on enormous full and accurate historical data, the first chapter traces and reveals T’ien Hsia Monthly’s establishment and development process, its editorial aim, the features of editorial members and writers group, as well as to clarify quite a few former misunderstandings on it. From the second to fifth chapter, the dissertation makes a detailed discussion on interpretation practice and literature studies made by T’ien Hsia Monthly in the field of Chinese classics, poetry, drama, prose, stories and modern literature. Through translating and introducing Chinese literature to the West, T’ien Hsia Monthly not only makes a better understanding of westerns on Chinese literature, but also promotes the communication between Chinese and western scholars.The dissertation makes the conclusion that T’ien Hsia Monthly is an English cultural periodical edited by Chinese intellectuals, with the clear aim to interpret China to the West and bring about a better cultural understanding. Though published by the auspices of the Sun Yat-sen Institute for the Advancement of Culture and Education, T’ien Hsia Monthly insists its impartial position and fair-mindedness. The literature translation and interpretation practice made by Chinese intellectuals in editing T’ien Hsia Monthly therefore fundamentally changes the‘hegemony’situation since the Sinology period. T’ien Hsia Monthly realizes academic and cultural interchange between East and West through the establishment of an international cultural public space in the mainland of China in the first half of 20th century.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】614

