

Two Directional Shaping between Individual-based Ideas and the Literature of 1980s

【作者】 李定春

【导师】 刘祥安;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 论文旨在对个人主义思想观念与1980年代文学的互动关系(论文称其为双向“形塑”)作一些讨论。论文的主要研究内容有三:1.以个人主义观念为视角,探讨1980年代部分文化和文学现象中个人主义观念的具体表现;2.探讨个人主义思想观念给1980年代文学本身带来了怎样的影响;3.进一步探究1980年代文学和个人主义的这种双向“形塑”背后所蕴含的深层的文化意蕴。论文共五个部分:绪论部分主要解决了三个问题:1.以观念史的研究方法界定和把握“个人主义”,把它“分析”为一些基本观念;2.从观念的层面看,个人主义可以成为“重返80年代”的一个有效视角;3.这个视角具有较大的学术价值和现实意义。第一章主要揭示了个人主义思想观念与“当代文学”之间的互动关系,意在指出此际文学实践中的“个人主义”(公开的以及地下的)传统作为1980年代文学个人主义话语“低级格局”的发生学意义。第二章以“人道主义讨论”、“潘晓讨论”、“萨特热”、“主体性”理论及其“批判”这几个在1980年代具有代表性和轰动性的文学、文化现象为具体切入点,论述了“个人主义”在这些文学或者文化事件或现象中的话语状况和表现情况,展示了个人主义观念在1980年代语境中的发生、遭际以及衍变的情形。第三章是论文的重心,以1980年代叙事文学为中心,集中论述了诸种个人主义观念在1980年代叙事文学中的发生、发展、禁限以及嬗变等多种情形,深入挖掘了影响和决定1980年代个人主义文学叙事具体表现与走向的背后社会文化意味,也描述了1980年代叙事文学因此而带来的自身的变化。本章论述揭示了个人主义思想观念在1980年代文学发轫阶段就已经参与到文学实践当中,而且1980年代初期个人主义及其文学叙事也具有多样性和丰富性,并从多个角度探讨了它在向1990年代个人主义叙事发展过程中的多种可能性是如何被阻塞以致丧失的问题,从中揭示1980年代个人主义文学叙事变迁背后深层的文化和社会根源。结语部分进一步申论,个人主义和个人主义文学叙事的嬗变以及各种征兆根源于更大或更高层面上的“优势阶级”的“形塑”,因此,关于中国个人主义和个人主义文学叙事的根本问题要到文化和社会层面上去探询。

【Abstract】 The dissertation focuses on the interaction (the author names in as two directional shaping) between individual-based ideas and the literature of 1980s. The dissertation elaborates on the following three aspects: 1. To explore the embodiment of individual-based ideas in the literature of 1980s; 2. To explore the impact of individual-based ideas on the literature of 1980s; 3. To explore the profound cultural implications behind the two directional shaping of the individual-based ideas in the literature of 1980sThe dissertation falls into five parts.The introductory part deals with the three problems: 1. To demarcate and categorize the "individual-based ideas" from the perspective of ideational history; 2. Individualism can be seen as an effective perspective of "reversal to 1980s"; 3. This approach is of great academic value and realistic significance. The first chapter reveals the initiative significance of individual tradition on the literature of 1980s. Taking such representative and sensational phenomena as "humanism", "Panxiao issue", "the Popularity of Sate". The second chapter delineates the embodiment of individualism in the above-mentioned issues and further explores the beginning and evolvement of individualism. The third chapter, the core of the dissertation, touches upon the initiation, development, shortcomings and evolvement of individualism in the narrative literature of 1980s, and also explores the cultural implications which influences the representation and trend. The author holds that individualism involved in the literary creation at the very beginning of the literature of 1980s. The embodiment of individualism in the literature of 1980s are diversified and abundant, so the dissertation also elaborates on the impediment and loss of the diversity and abundance, revealing the cultural and social reasons of these changes. The conclusion further emphases the fact that the evolvement of individualism and individual narratology originates from the shaping of "superior class" so it is no doubt that the root problem of individualism and individual narratology in China must be explored in the cultural and social situation of China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

