

The Natural Root of the Literature

【作者】 张守海

【导师】 鲁枢元;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 文艺的生命力源自何方?从深层孕育并滋养了文学艺术的是什么?或者说文学艺术的根究竟扎在哪里?文艺理论界一直对这个问题充满兴趣,也提出了种种不同的看法。在生态危机愈演愈烈而文学的处境也每况愈下的时代背景下,本文希望在生态文艺学和生态批评的理论视域中对文学之根进行再探讨。20世纪80年代中期由韩少功、李陀等人发起的文学寻根,面对的时代问题是“文化断裂”,目标是通过文学创作深入到民族文化的深层,寻觅文学的文化资源。而当前我们面对的问题是由经济高速发展带来的“生态危机”,是人与自然关系的急剧恶化。因此,本文的目的将指向文学与自然的关系。正如刘勰在《文心雕龙·物色》中所说:“山林皋壤,实文思之奥府”,“自然”实则应是人类文学之“根系”中更深远也更为“根本”的“根”。文学毕竟不只是人学,同时也是人与自然的关系学。我们希望,通过对文学的自然之根的探寻,能为促进人与自然关系的和谐提供某些参照,进而为现代人走出生态困境,为当代文学走出生存危机多少做出一点贡献。本论文共七部分,主要内容为:导论:重寻文学的自然之根。在现代文明的生态转向背景下,“自然”正成为人们普遍关注的一个焦点,成为诸多学科反思的对象。文学是一种典型的植根于自然的“生命文化”样式,但多年来文学对于自然的漠视,也使文学自身日益陷入严重的生存危机,在此背景下非常有必要重新探寻文学的根。本论文将在前人研究的基础上,采用跨学科的研究方法,立足生态世界观,综观自然、社会与精神三大系统,进一步揭示文艺与自然的深层关联,从而促进文学与自然的良性互动。第一章:地球生态危机与文学终结论。以自然为敌的工业文化实际上是一种“死亡文化”,而促进人与自然和谐共生的文化,才是一种“生命文化”。在现代“死亡文化”指引下,人类悖逆自然之道,不断破坏自然生态,造成了严重的生态危机。只有重整破败的精神,重建植根于自然的“生命文化”,才能拯救地球生态与人类的未来。当代文学艺术应该承担修补地球“精神圈”的使命。文学终结论问题的提出,说到底与人类面临的生存危机是一体的。自然是文学生命最深层的根,只要滋生和滋养文学的“根”还在,文学就不会终结。第二章:自然作为文学的根。首先在生态批评的视野中重新界定“自然”内涵,当代生态自然观突破近代以来的机械自然观,吸收古代活力论自然观的思想精华,认为自然是一个生命共同体,一个自身圆满的生态系统。生态文艺学立足生态自然观,揭示文论中“自然”的存在论和方法论两方面内涵。存在论意义上的大自然滋养着文学精神,孕育着艺术物种,培育作家诗性的心灵、想象力、同情心和诗性语言的表现力。在方法论的意义上讲文学根于自然,就是强调文学活动要顺应天地之道,养天地正气,得性情之真与纯,才能创作出有益于天地人心的作品。第三章:文学的失根状态。自然生态系统的濒临崩溃与时代精神的贫血,同时也导致人间诗性的枯竭。就如同板结的土壤、沙漠化了的土壤、被化肥农药侵蚀了的土壤再也生长不出优良的农作物一样,由于生命异化、创造力萎缩、想象力沦丧、精神生态恶化,文学也渐渐失去它赖以生长的土壤。过度理性主义、实用主义、功利主义的时代精神堵塞了人心通向自由与天然的渠道,造成了文学的无根状态,从而致使当代文学生产力出现实质性的衰败。第四章:文学自然之根的培护。恢复文学艺术的生命力与创造力,积聚文学艺术的精神能量,必须从培护文学的自然之根做起。这主要包括三方面工作:首先要深化生态运动,端正对于自然的态度,转变对于自然的观念,在日常生活中达成与自然的和解,逐渐恢复大自然的勃勃生机;其次是作家在艺术创作上关注生态问题,顺应自然之道,把自己融入天地自然之中,自觉地在自然中吸取精神的养分和力量;第三是通过生态批评话语的介入,在文学的阐释中重视自然的维度,促进文学与精神的绿色化。第五章:文学的自救与救赎。面对日益严重的生态危机与文学自身的危机,文学既要自救,又要承担起救赎的使命。文学的自救主要是通过返回大地,重获植根自然的生机与活力;文学的救赎主要是通过影响人的心灵来修补地球“精神圈”,进而拯救这个沦落的世界。文学的自救必须与救赎的责任相统一,在救治自身的同时救治世界,在完善世界的同时完善自身。结语:对“根”的探寻是生命的一种本能,也是人类存在与发展的根本需要。自然是包括人类在内的一切生命的根之所在,人类的一切精神创造从本原上说也都是植根于自然的。在当下生态危机和精神危机日益严重情况下,我们只有抓住文学艺术的自然之根才能看清艺术生命的底色,更加明确地认识到文学在当代文明生态转向中的处境、出路与使命。

【Abstract】 What is the origin of the vitality of literature? What have bred and nourished the literature? Where are the roots of the literature? All the time, many people, including writers and readers, were attracted by these interesting questions, and at the same time, their opinions were divided on these matters. Today, we, the human being, are face seriously ecological crisis, and in the meantime, the literature were forgotten by most people ,here, in this special context, I want to discuss the root of literature from the Vision of ecological research and eco-criticism. The literature is not just having relation to the humankind, but also it has a bearing on a much more important one, nature. In this dissertation,I will try to seek for the natural root of literature in various text , then I hope what I find in this course will contribute to make the harmonious relation between human being and nature come true.The dissertation consists of seven parts, there are the abstract.The part of foreword:Seeking for the natural root of the literature. On the background of ecological shifting of modern civilization, the nature is growing become the focus of people’s attention. Because the literature has disregarded the nature for many years, it now has reached a crisis point. In this context, it is important to seek for the root of literature. The literary root is the spring of the life of literature. The movement of‘Seeking literary roots’in 1980’s was initiated by Han Shaogong and Li tuo who the writers wanted to rethink the problems of the traditional culture , and then to find the cultural resource of literature. From the viewing of eco-criticism, we will search for the ultimate source of the literature, that is to say, we may find the natural root of the literature.Chapter 1. The ecological crisis and the end of the literature. In fact, the culture of industry is a“culture of death”, on the other hand ,and the living culture is a harmonious relationship between the human and the nature. Indeed, the humankind have demolished the former order in nature and destructed the ecology system and environment, thus what the human have done resulted in the crisis. In order to solve the crisis and create a brighter future, we should rebuild the living culture that rooted in nature, and then the contemporary arts should take up the mission of remedying spirituality. The problem of literary ending show a fact that the nature is the most important root of literature, and it will make literature young and living forever.Chapter 2. The second part of dissertation illustrated that nature is the root of the literature. At first, we should define‘nature’again. From the ecological view, the nature is a harmonious community and a successful eco-system of all the living creatures. Study of ecological literature based on the ecological view of nature, revealed the ontology of‘natural existentance’and methodology. On the meaning of existence, the nature nourished the spirit of art, and bred poetic soul, imagination, compassion and poetic language of expression. If the practice of literature complies with the law of nature, then we will create a new type of great literary works, and also be beneficial to the world literature.Chapter 3. The literature without root. The natural ecosystems’collapsing and the poverty of spirit caused depletion of the poetry, just like the soil become impoverishment. Today, the literature is gradually losing its soil, so we witness the atrophying of the creativity, the losing of the imagination, the deteriorating of the spirit of ecology. Something, such as excessive rationalism, pragmatism, utilitarianism, now blocked up the way to the freedom and the natural status of heart, and brought about the declining of the contemporary literature practice.Chapter 4.In order to restore the vitality and the creativity of the literature, and accumulate the literary spirit and artistic energy, we must protect natural root at first .It mainly includes three aspects: first of all, in order to restore the natural vitality we should deepen the ecological movement, to correct the human’s attitudes involving the nature, to change the concept of nature, and we should try our best to reach a reconciliation with the nature; second, the writers should pay more attentions to ecological issues, and consciously draw in natural nutrients and the strength of spirit; the third , people should attach importance to use natural dimension, and promote literature and the spirit more natural by eco-criticism in literary interpretation.Chapter 5.Self-help and salvation of the literature. In this case, the literature must help itself at first, then take participate in saving the world actively. The reason of ecological crisis is the main culprit that caused the crisis in literature; the literature affected the ecology of the spirit of people falling of the modern world. At the same time, the mental crisis affected literature. Finally,the literature practice is a emotional activity, and the culture of life is nourished by the nature and the free life . Literal self-helping is back on the earth, roots in the origin of the meaning of the earth. Nature’s laws are accommodation.‘Culture of life’will work with the earth, with the health, and‘the culture of death’is dead. Literal self-helping must be unity of responsibility, and it will save itself and the world simultaneously, and perfect the world and improve their own.In summary, from the vision of eco-criticism, we take seriously account of the current situation of the literary practice, and try to look for the future road of the humanity activates. In this dissertation, we will analyze our literature experiences on the past, be clear, and also examine the mistakes we have made. Trying to reveal the deep relationship between the literature and the nature, in addition to this, promoting the positive interaction between them that was something higher we aim.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

