

The Study on Shuijingzhu

【作者】 徐中原

【导师】 王锺陵;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 关于《水经注》研究,学界已有丰富的积累,但从文学角度对其加以研究,尚嫌不足。本论文以《水经注》为研究对象,着力占有丰富的研究资料,着力从第一手材料入手,从文学角度,但又适当考虑地理角度,试图对《水经注》作较为深入而系统的探讨。全文分为引言、正文、结语三个部分。各部分内容概要如下:引言简单介绍《水经注》的性质、本课题的研究概况、研究意义以及主要的研究原则和方法。正文共分六章。第一章讨论和《水经注》有关的几个基本问题,包括《水经》和《水经注》的作者、《水经注》书名的形成和《水经注》的成书年代。第二章探讨《水经注》版本和流传。在前人研究的基础上,对《水经注》各版本的卷数、行款、版式、字号等作了增益和补充。北魏至唐,《水经注》均为四十卷的足本钞本,但那时的钞本没有流传至今,也没有文献记载其版本的具体情况。从宋开始,《水经注》出现钞本和刊本两大类,二者并行流传;也是从宋代开始,《水经注》开始出现残缺,其版本变得多样化、复杂化。此后,《水经注》在校勘而修复中产生不同版本,流传绵延开去。从宋至清,产生了许多著名版本,如《水经注笺》、大典本《水经注》、《水经注释》、《七校水经注》、殿本《水经注》、《合校水经注》等。民国以后,除传统的钞本和刊本外,还出现了铅印本。主要版本有校注本《水经注疏》、校本《水经注校》和《水经注校证》。第三章考察郦道元家世、生平和思想。自汉至北魏,郦氏为官者多在太守以上,北魏时郦氏宗族已具有很高的儒学与文学修养。郦道元,范阳郡涿县(今河北涿县)郦亭人。太和十七年(494)已踏上仕途,卒于孝昌三年(527)。郦道元为官二十年余,曾遭到两次免官,共达十三年之久。道元在第二次免官期间开始了《水经注》的撰述,书稿的主要内容可能也完成于此时。从《水经注》中可以看出,郦道元具有孝亲、忠君、爱民、谴恶等儒家思想以及生态保护思想。第四章对《水经注》出现于北魏后期的必然性作了初步探析。论文主要从郦道元的地理情结和学术追求、北魏后期文学的繁荣、南北朝时期地学著作的兴盛、文学意识的高涨而导致的地学著作的文学化风尚、以及山水文学的兴盛和小说文学的兴起等几个方面作了探讨。第五章从语言、叙事、写景三个方面讨论了《水经注》的文学价值。其一,其语言新颖精警,灵活多变,生动形象,言简意丰。其二,《水经注》是叙事散文,记述了大量的志人故事和志怪故事。其叙事特点是:叙事和地理紧密结合,叙事服务于地理;叙事简括而清晰,但又详略有度;善于通过对话叙事。其三,《水经注》又是山水写景散文,其写景具有鲜明的特色:自然景观与人文景观和谐统一;善于借用民歌、谣谚、故事传说、前人诗、赋、文等来写景;善于抓住景物的特点;描写与抒情相结合,写景富有感情色彩。第六章探讨了《水经注》对后世地理学和文学的深远影响。后世的地理学、文学都不同程度的受其沾溉、受其启发,由此或铸成新辞,或创造出新作。结语部分则对全文做出概括性总结,同时指出文中存在的不足。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, the Shuijingzhu as the research look Mr. Wang Zhongling’s famous theory: "History of the study is to create the principles of the theory" and "holistic principle", as the main study followed the principles and methods, strive to occupy a wealth of research datas, focus on first-hand information from the start, mainly from a literary perspective, but give due consideration to the geographical composition, attempts to have a more thorough and systematic study and discussion.The full text is divided into the introduction, the body and the conclusion.Every Part of the contents of the summary is as follows:There is a brief introduction to the nature of Shuijingzhu ,the review of study, research significance and the main principles and methods of research.The body is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is to discuss several basic issues including the author of Shuijing and Shuijingzhu ,the process about the name of book Shuijingzhu ,and time when it was finished.The second chapter are the version and the spread about Shuijingzhu.From Northern Wei dynasty to Tang dynasty, Shuijingzhu with 40 volumes were whole codexes, but they did not exist and their version of the specific situation was registered in no book. From Song to Qing Dynasty, the period from the beginning of Song, Shuijingzhu had two categories of editions:codex and keben(刻本); also from the Song Dynasty, this book written by Li Dao-yuan began to appear incomplete, and its versions have become diverse and complicated. During this period, many well-known versions were created such as Shuijingzhujian \Dadianbenshuijingzhu \ Shuijingzhushi\Qijiaoshuijingzhu\Dianbenshuijingzhu\Hejiaoshuijingzhu,From Minguo dynasty,in addition to the traditional codexes and kenben, letterpress printing edition also emerged. the main versions of the book include Shuijingzhushu\Jiaoshuijingzhu\Shuijingzhujiao.In the third chapter, Li Daoyuan’s the family, the life and ideas were studied. From Han to Beiwei dynasty, many members in Li’s family worked as procurators or officials above procurator , when in the Beiwei dynasty Li’s lineage also had a higher degree of both Confucianism and literature, so Li dao-yuan was born in a family of officials with higher culture. Li Dao-yuan (? -527)came from Zhuo county.In 494 he served as an official and died in 527, 33 years were during this when he worked as the officials for more than two decades and were fired two times for thirteen years. When fired at the second time ,he began to write Shuijingzhu and the main contents of it may also be completed at that time. On the basic of previous studies, patriotic loyalty, promote filial piety, love for the people,and accusing of badness which belong to Confucianism and ecological awareness are discussed.In Chapter 4 ,why Shuijingzhu appeared in the late Northern Wei Dynasty are discussed preliminarily. The writer think that there are the following principal factors: Li Dao-yuan’s individual geographic love knot and seeling science, and the prosperity of literature in the late Northern Wei Dynasty, Northern and Southern Dynasties flourished geography, as well as fiction literature and literary landscape of high development.In chapter 5,literary achievements in language\narrative\drawing scenery asfects. First, its language is very characteristics such as novel, flexible, agile, vivid image, simple and concise. Second, it is the narrative prose and described a large number of stories.Its narrative are full of features: narrative is designed to serve geography; narrative are short and clear, but there is several particular storys. Third, it belongs to landscape essays, Li Dao-yuan painted a giant landscape of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, this is the most significant literary value . its distinct characteristics lie in: the natural landscape and human landscape of written harmonily; painting landscape through folk songs, rumor saying, stories, legends, poems, ode, prose, etc.; being good at grasping the characteristics of landscape; lyrical landscape.Chapter VI discuss far-reaching effects on literature and geography .For example ,writors obtained from inspiration and nutrition from it, also quote the relevant literature, then they created a lot of new writing.The conclusion summarize briefly the text. Author point out the deficiencies and hope that other scholars should improve the research of Shuijingzhu in the future.

【关键词】 郦道元水经注水经山水散文叙事散文
【Key words】 Li Dao-YuanShuijingzhuShuijinglandscape prosenarrative prose
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】K928.6;I206.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】871
  • 攻读期成果

