

The Ecological Dimension of Aesthetic Education

【作者】 徐国超

【导师】 鲁枢元;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 自20世纪80年代以来,我国的美育理论逐渐形成了以跨学科研究为主导的态势。这既符合美育自身的学科交叉特点,也符合美育基础理论创新的现实要求。认真分析美育的人类学本体论、美育心理学、美育文化学和美育生态学四种研究范式,从宏观上把握美育的跨学科发展状况和当代美育的发展轨迹,总结、吸纳其中比较成熟的经验和成果,将成为百年中国美育发展史上取得突破性进展的一个重要的方面,同时也为美育跨学科研究的进一步开展提供了更加稳固的学术平台。但总体看来,美育的生态学研究尚处于初步发展的阶段,是美育跨学科研究中最为薄弱的环节,是一个有待深入挖掘的美育研究新领域。本体论意义上的“生态”不仅指称整体、系统的关系性存在,更暗示一种“生生”的状态;在儒家的伦理系统中,往往用“仁心”来诠释“生生之德”,从而使天道、物道、仁道、人道在生生之道中合而为一。从华夏文明的思维特征上看,“态”与中国传统文化中的“象”有着密切的关联;从文化渊源上说,受儒、道、禅的浸润,“态”贯通了形而上与形而下的全体。“生态”的本体阐发可以结合汉语言文字的文化内涵从“生”与“态”的意义踪迹中作出相对的言说。虽然对“生态”的本体论阐述主要是在中国古代哲学、文化系统中展开的,但对于生态本体的意义规定又具有某种终极关怀的意义,在这一点上,中西方审美教育观虽不同却又是相通的,这便有可能将西方的审美教育放置于生态本体论的视域下进行观照,挖掘西方审美教育思想中相对稀缺的生态理念;中西方自然审美观念和教育思想在观念、逻辑和价值等层面上是可以相互融通的。但又毕竟存在着哲学观念、文化形态上的差异。廓清彼此的共性与差异性所在,并进行理论范式的甄别与整合,可以作为现时代中西美育观念可资对话的重要资源,为审美教育的生态化发展提供价值参照和交流平台。在此基础上,本文进一步提出“生态美育”的理念,并从出场路径、哲学基础、生态学论证和心理学论证四个层面阐述了生态美育存在的合法性,同时也成为建构生态美育的根基。生态美育在“天人合一”的系统思维统领下,旨在确立生态文明视野下的生态审美观,重塑人的新型审美意识,实现人的生态自觉和审美自觉,营造生态化、审美化的生存理念和生活方式,重构人的反思机制,让人学会敬畏与感恩,学会符合生态本性的自我批判、自我呵护、自我关怀、自由发展和自我实现。生态美育的核心价值是生态自我观。生态美育中的生态自我论意在达成生态意识与自我意识的统一,由自我审美的视野拓展到更加广阔的生态审美的空间,从而形成一种生态自我。本文还将通过对“知识人”、“经济人”的反思和批判,从美学特征论、德性视野论、优雅生存论及人学境界论四个角度探讨生态美育对自我价值观的涵括与超越,进一步提出“生态人”的理念,实现由生态自我向生态人学的境界转变,以寻求生态素养和生态智慧在人学建构和素质教育中的意义。最后,试图通过生态本体与境界自觉的双重视界,重建作为生命始基和家园的自然观,重新确证美育与存在的深层关联,开拓中国本土美育理论研究的新境界。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980’s, the theory of esthetic education has gradually formed the trend of taking interdisciplinary study as the leading orientation. Careful analysis of four kinds of study paradigms including the anthropology ontology, psychology, culture and ecology, macroscopically grasping the interdisciplinary development conditions and summing up more mature experience, will be an important aspect to make the breakthrough progress in the history of Chinese esthetic education. But wholly, the ecology study of aesthetic education is still in the initial stage, which is waiting for unearthing as a new academic domain.Ontological sense of the word“ecology”is not only alleged systematic existence, but also implied a kind of“life and life”state. In Confucian ethical system, we often use“the kind heartedness”to annotate“virtue of life and life”, so the heaven, thing,benevolence, and humanity in all lives can be combined together. From the view of the thinking way of Chinese civilization, the“state”and the“image”are closely associated.“Ecology”may be elucidated from the meaning of the“life”and“state”by intergrating with their cultural connotation.Although the elaboration on“Ecology”happens in Chinese cultural system, the ideas of aesthetic education between the West and China are interlinked, which makes us have the possibility to lay them together to contemplate. But there are differences in philosophy and cultural style. Dissection of similarities and differences of them can be used as premise for dialogue, and it offers us the value references and platform for ecological development of esthetic education. Based on this,the article proposed the idea of“esthetic education of ecology”, and then elaborate the legitimacy of the existence of it from some aspects,such as the path, philosophical basis, ecology,psychology and so on. These also have become the foundation to construct ecology esthetic education. The esthetic education of ecology is dominated by the thought of“harmony between man and nature”to establish ecological aesthetic perspective, reshape new aesthetic sense, realize the ecoconsciousness and the aesthetic consciousness, create the ecological survival idea and the way of life , reconstruct mechanism of reconsideration, and help people learn to reverence and thanksgiving in order that conform to the principe of ecological nature of self-criticism, self-care, free development and self-realization.The core value of esthetic education of ecology is the view of ecology-self. The theory of ecology-self intends to reach unification between the ecology consciousness and the self-awareness, and develops into even broader space of esthetic appreciation of ecology from self-esthetic field of vision. This article will also be on the basis of reflection and criticism to“knowledge man”and“economic man”to discuss esthetic education of ecology from aesthetic feature, vision of virtue, graceful survival and human boundary, and then proposes the idea of“ecology man”, which realizes the transformation from ecology-self to the state of ecological human in order to seek the significance that ecology accomplishment and the ecology wisdom contains in human construction and the education for all-around development.Finally, The article attempts through double visions as the ecological ontology and the boundary aware to reconstruct the natural view with original basis of life and the homeland feeling, reconfirm the deep connections between esthetic education and the existence, and open up new boundary for Chinese native theoretical study of esthetic education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

