

Revision and Annotation of SongShu

【作者】 张徽

【导师】 王继如;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《宋书》,100卷,梁沈约撰。此书现存主要的本子有宋元递修本、宋元明三朝递修本、南京国子监本、北京国子监本、毛氏汲古阁本、武英殿本、金陵书局本、百衲本以及中华书局点校本。百衲本的底本是宋元递修本(十卷为宋元明三朝递修本),此底本为张元济对比、校勘后确定的他认为最好的本子,可是笔者考察了张元济《百衲本二十四史校勘记》之《宋书校勘记》,得出结论百衲本的底本实际上并不优于对校本武英殿本。中华书局点校本是《宋书》现今最通行、影响最大、最为权威的本子,此本由著名史学家王仲荦手自点校,质量很高,为学界所公认,然而是本在某些标点、校勘问题上仍有可商之处,比如,《宋书》在其他文献中存在着丰富的异文材料,利用这些材料来校勘原文是我们校勘《宋书》常用的方式,然而点校本常常在没有版本异文或其他佐证的情况下,径据这些异文便改动了原文,这样的改动非常危险,很容易犯误改原文的错误,笔者在论文第四章“误校例”、“误删、误补、误乙例”两部分中就举出许多这样的例子。论文中关于中华书局点校本标点、校勘的札记共73条。《宋书》的语言非常丰富,包含了许多魏晋南北朝时期特有的词汇,论文考释《宋书》的语词共28条,其中某些语词或语词的某些意义《汉语大词典》未收。

【Abstract】 SongShu, 100 volumes, was written by ShenYue in Liang Dynasty. The editions existing now are revised edition in SongYuan Dynasty, revised edition in SongYuanMing Dynasty, Beijing imperial college edition, Nanjian imperial college edition, JiGuGe edition revised by Mr. Mao, WuYing palace edition, JinLing Publishing House edition, BaiNa edition, and the edition published by ZhongHua Publishing House. The basic edition of Baina edition is revised edition in SongYuan Dynasty (ten volumes are revised edition in SongYuanMing Dynasty), which was thought as the best edition by ZhangYuanJi, but the author found out that the edition is not better than WuYing palace edition based on the study on revision of SongShu of revision of twenty four history books of BaiNa edition.The most popular, influencing, standard edition of SongShu was published by ZhongHua Publishing House. This edition, revised by the famous historian Mr.WangZhongLuo, is known for its qualification, but there are still some problems about its punctuation and revision, for example, there are many related material to SongShu in other books. These materials are often used to revise SongShu. but this edition often changed the text just based on nothing but these material, which are dangerous and followed many mistakes. The author gave many examples about it in examples of wrong revision and examples of wrong deletion, wrong addtion, and wrong reorder in chapter 4.there are 73examples like that in the thesis.The language in SongShu is vivid, including many typical words in WeiJin Southern and northern Dynasty. the thesis tried to explain 28 of them., some words and the meaning of some words were missed in HanYuDaCiDian.

【关键词】 《宋书》校勘考释《汉语大词典》
【Key words】 SongShurevisionannotationHanYuDaCiDian
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

