

Cityscape and Literature

【作者】 陈燕妮

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本选题主旨是从唐代洛阳城的公共建筑景观和私家建筑景观来论述洛阳城与唐诗的关系,其基本内容分为上下两篇:上篇从城市的标志建筑景观来分析洛阳与唐诗的关系。标志建筑景观之一是总体和细节意义上的“洛阳道”(含“洛阳桥”)。“洛阳道”自古便是一个包含特定意义的意象,出现在历代文人的歌咏之中。它与城市生活诸多世象譬如良马高轩、游侠少年、王孙佳人、清歌艳曲等等紧密联系,体现出城市的种种典型特征。在唐代亦然,它是一个最为全面地展示人生百态的场所景观。第一个观察点是城外“洛阳道”。它是四方往来的各条陆路、水路,它将城外四方怀有各种欲望的唐人引向道路尽头的欲望之城。洛阳以良好的地理位置成为一个具备经济优势、政治优势的城市,那些喧嚣浮华的城市表象之下有着各种欲望可能达成的结果,天下来者皆有机会,或有可能获得不同的成功,故竞趋者也众,呈现形象也繁。当然城市无法满足所有到来者的欲望,于是城市的失意者也顺着“洛阳道”四散而去。这其中既有未尝获得过成功的彻底失意者,同时也有已经获得成功却中道被贬谪出城的失意官员。有唐一代这些连接欲望的“洛阳道”屡经朝代变迁而车马不息,最能折射唐人内心世界。第二个观察点是城市之中的“洛阳道”。这些城中道路是城市之中的重要生活场景,它是城市之中具有公共性的建筑,使城市之中属于不同生活层面的居民得以联系,得以交叉,成为这座城市具有代表性、景观性的场所。本文选取了洛水之上,连接洛阳南北两段城区的三座主要桥梁天津桥、中桥、浮桥加以叙述。这其中又以坐落在城市中轴线上的天津桥最为著名。洛阳桥在容纳展现城市人生百态的同时,也成为城市盛衰的一个标志。标志建筑景观之二是洛阳城中以及洛阳城市圈中的“洛阳宫”。城中偏西北的“上阳宫”是与附近的天津桥孪生的城市地标性建筑景观,它是唐洛阳城中主要的宫院建筑,其位置在皇城之西,面临洛水。于是外郭城中的居民和来到洛阳城的人们都常常能够得见其丽制。“上阳宫”以其伟丽的形制成为唐人浪漫诗歌想象的一个主要对象,而帝王的驻留是否决定了它的盛衰,那些吟咏上阳宫的诗歌作品反映出这一宫殿的变迁,也同时反映出城市和时代的变迁。唐代直到玄宗朝洛阳与长安是并为两都的。唐诸帝常常往返于两座城市之间,于是沿途往往多设有行宫。这些行宫在唐代属于河南道,同时在唐人的理念中,这些洛阳附近周围的行宫已然与洛阳合为一体。于是本文以“城市圈”的概念将其包括其中,作为“洛阳宫”的一部分。这些唐行宫随着国策国运的变化也盛衰相继。唐人对它们的关注多在中唐和晚唐。此时它们成为中晚唐文人凭吊惨淡时局,缅怀盛世不再的对象物,成为盛世残余下来连接过往的“断片”。本文选取了最为有名的兰昌宫、连昌宫、绣岭宫加以论述。标志建筑景观之三是城市之中的“洛阳楼”,主要是出现在唐人诗文之中的“五凤楼”。此楼地处方位在文献中众说不一,结合唐人诗文可大致考其位置在城市中轴线上端门附近。在唐人的目光中,此处不仅是城市登临的绝佳视点,同时也是帝王举行与民同乐的“酺宴”所在。这种公共性建筑是与王朝权力和政治用意紧密相连的,既可对内渲染盛世繁华,也可用来向这个国际都市中的域外来者展示国威。标志景观之四是洛阳城中以及附近的“洛阳寺”。洛阳作为中土佛都滥觞于后汉,其后在唐代之前又有曹魏、西晋、北魏、隋定都洛阳,其间洛阳随着各朝君主宗教观之异或呈现出浮屠宝塔林立,或呈现出佛寺伽蓝凋坯的状态来。这些随着佛教西来伴生的建筑既容纳了这种异域的意识形态,同时也显示出这种意识形态在中土的接受轨迹,并目睹了这座城市发生的各朝演义。唐代的洛阳佛寺建筑是佛教东传来到中土兴盛第二次高峰的见证,其背景是则天皇后欲借助佛教的力量称帝,于是在武后时期的洛阳,佛寺的兴建乃至命名莫不受到其影响。在“安史之乱”中的洛阳佛寺也不免浩劫。中唐武宗灭佛的政令又使洛阳佛寺被大量摧毁。于是洛阳佛寺在唐代宗教与政治关系的莫测变化中,在唐王朝的风云突变的命运中,都打上了浓重的时代标识。此外佛寺以其清嘉的地理位置和清雅幽静的氛围使唐人多好往来寓居宴游于其间。唐人在此多有吟咏,这些诗歌将宗教精神与时代之感熔铸一体,因此在唐代诗歌史上,洛阳佛寺成为一个具有特殊意义的建筑景观。这些城市的标志建筑景观的意义在于它们将这个城市乃至这个时代的命运雕刻其中。本文试图以传统的城市文学研究中“强调城市之于作家的经验性”的思路,从“文学再现城市”这个角度来考察城市建筑景观与城市文学(诗歌)之间的联系,进而考察这种联系对城市的意义。下篇是从城市的私家建筑景观角度来分析洛阳与唐诗的关系。这一部分主要以即唐代洛阳分司官员的私家园林为切入点,以这些官员在这些“场所”之中的文学活动为主要考察对象,来研究城市与文学,城市建筑景观与文学之间的联系。洛阳自古便有着悠久的私家园林建筑传统。本文对其私家园林的建筑历史以及其产生的基础——洛阳良好的地理生态优势等作了背景论述。至于唐代,除了这些产生背景之外,沿承隋代而来的分司制度也构成此城中私家园林兴盛的一个主要原因,尤其是在国运逐渐衰落的中唐以降,洛阳筑园之风更为趋盛。分司制度使中晚唐的洛阳成为官员闲职厚禄安然其居的城市。在中晚唐党争激烈的时代背景下,分司东都在很大程度成为避祸全身的选择,而洛阳距离长安不远的位置和特定的政治地位又使不甘寂寞的官员有很大机会能重返长安。于是洛阳在一种复杂的状态下呈现出总体上安居闲散的城市气质。这种城市气质在很大程度上是由那些修筑于洛阳城中城外的私家园林和园主在其中的活动表现出来的。这种城市气质一直延伸到宋代。本文选取了裴度、牛僧孺、白居易、李德裕这四位极具代表性的分司官员和他们极具代表性的私家园林雅集作为主要论述对象。从“关心城市所造成于人的城市知识,带来的对城市的不同叙述,以印证于某一阶段、某一地域的精神诉求”这个思路来看待城市是如何对这些建筑“场所”和其中的“人”构成深刻影响的,从而使其中的文学活动成为一种“城市性表述”。在这个过程中,这种带有城市气质的述说强化了这个城市已经生成的种种特质,说明城市并非仅是一个拥有街道、建筑等物质意义的空间和社会性呈现,也是一种文化和文学意义上的结构体,除了物理属性之外还具有精神属性,后者存在于文本本身的创作、阅读过程中,存在于分析和阐释的思维之中。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims to discourse upon the relationship between Luoyang city, including public architectural sights and private architectural sights in Luoyang city in Tang Dynasty, and Tang poems.This dissertation is organized in two parts. The first part analyzes the above-mentioned relationship with typical architectural sights inside the city. One of the typical architectural sights is“Luoyang Roads”(“Luoyang Bridges”) in both overall and detailed sense.“Luoyang Road”has been an image with special significance and appeared in the art production of scholars from time immemorial. It includes many images appeared in poems such as luxurious carriages, paladins, beauties, nobilities, gorgeous songs and so on which displayed many aspects about the city life closely. It also stands for the city’s typical characteristics. It was the same case in Tang Dynasty. It was a location sight that comprehensively laid out townsmen’s life. The first standpoint investigating Luoyang architectural sights is“Luoyang Roads”outside which were land ways and waterways from all sides of outside the city. These“Luoyang Roads”led Tang people with different desires and aims to the desire city at the end of the“Luoyang Roads”, because the“Desire city”has the outstanding advantage of economy and politics in terms of its good location. Beyond the prosperous and gorgeous city images were many kinds of targets that people with all kinds of desires might reach. In this city people from all parts of the country had opportunities to reach their goals and made big success. So phenomenon that many people struggled expressed varied . Certainly this place could not meet all people’s desires, so some frustrated people had to leave this city along these“Luoyang Roads“eventually. Among them there were some who didn’t make any success, while there were also some frustrated officials who had been somewhat successful but they were demoted on the half way. These“Luoyang Roads”that connected desires still were in an endless stream, which can refract the thoughtful world of Tang people.The second standpoint is“Luoyang Roads”inside the city where there are main life scenes. They were public architectures inside the city that connected citizens from all works of life and became the main scene inside the city. The dissertation discusses three main bridges——Tianjin Bridge, Middle Bridge, Floating Bridge that were above Luo River and connected northern and southern districts of Luoyang. Among them Tianjin Bridge, located in the central axis of the city, was the most famous. These bridges not only exhibited the different aspects of city life but also became a symbol that indicated the city’s ups and downs.The second sight of typical architecture in Luoyang is“Luoyang Palaces”inside the city and in“Luoyang city circle”.“Shang Yang Palace”in the partial northwest of the city was a - typical architectural sight, often regarded as“twins”together with Tianjin Bridge nearby.“Shang Yang Palace”was the main palace architecture in Luoyang city in Tang Dynasty. Because it was located in the west of emperor district, facing Luo River, citizens in Waiguo district and people in the dynasty who came to Luoyang city could often see the beautiful appearance.“Shang Yang Palace”by poets with romantic imaginations became one of the main images in Tang poems with its gorgeous building style Whether emperors chose this city as the capital and stayed here or not decided the ups and downs of the city. The poems about“Shang yang Palace”not only exhibit the changes of its ownbut also reflect the changes of the city and the dynasty.Both Luoyang and Chang’an were capitals till the rein of Xuanzong in Tang dynasty. Several emperors in Tang dynasty traveled between these two cities, leading to many imperial palaces built along the way. In Tang dynasty these imperial palaces and Luoyang belonged to Henan Dao(it means a province in the dynasty). They had been regarded as an organic part of Luoyang in Tang people’s mind. In this dissertation, they are considered part of“Luoyang Palaces”under the concept of“City Circle”. These imperial palaces rose and fell with the change of country’s fate. These palaces garnered more attention from Tang people in the middle and late Tang dynasty, when people pondered on the gloomy situation and recalled the prosperous past, because they were residual“fragments”of golden age that connected the past. Among these palaces, this dissertation selects the most famous palaces——Lanchang palace, Lianchang Palace and Xiuling palace to discuss.The third sight of typical architecture is“Luoyang Tower”in the citiy. It is also called“Five Phoenix Tower”in Tang poems and essays. There are different statements about its location in ancient literature. From the clues in Tang poems, we can estimate that it was located near the“Duan Gate”in the central axis of the city. In Tang people’opinion, this tower was not only an excellent point of viewing the city but also the right place for emperors to hold a banquet with his citizens. This kind of public architecture is closely related to the dynasty’s power and political intention. It is not only used to show its country power to the dynasty’s people but also foreign residents living in this international capital.The forth sight of typical architecture in Luoyang is“Luoyang Temples”inside the city and nearby. The fact that Luoyang was“Buddhist Capital”appeared in“Later Han”Dynasty. There were“Cao Wei”Dynasty,“West Jin”Dynasty,“North Wei”Dynasty,“Sui”Dynasty that located capital in Luoyang between“Later Han”Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. In the long period,so many temples in Luoyang sometimes,but only temples’Wreckages left by the differences of emperors’religions. The temples appeared with Buddhism’s broadcasting from India,not only contained the extraterritorial ideology,expressed the track that the ideology has been accepted in ancient China, but also witnessed every processes of dynasties in Luoyang. Temples of Luoyang in Tang Dynasty witnessed the second peak of broadcasting Buddhism in ancient China too. The historical background was that“Zetian”Queen wanted to be a female emperor by Buddhism’s power. So, in the special period, the constructions and denominations about total temples in Luoyang were related to the political affairs. But the temples in Luoyang were destroyed in“The disturbance”by“An Lu-shan”and“Shi Si-ming”and in“Wu Zong”of Middle Tang. So,temples in Luoyang were marked the heavy period’s logo by the unpredictable relationship between religion and politics in Tang Dynasty and the fate of the dynasty. In addition ,Tang poets were fond of living and holding banquets in temples on account of ascendant locations and secluded atmosphere. In the activities,Tang poets produced many poems that combined religion spirit and period’s feelings. So,temples of Luoyang in Tang became architectural sights containing special meanings in history of The Tang Dynasty Poetry.The significance of these typical architecture sights is that they have witnessed and experienced the fate of this city and even the age of the dynasty. From the viewpoint of“Literature can reappear city”, this paper attempts to investigate the relationship between city architecture sights and city literature(poems), even the significance on this city in terms of the thought about emphasizing the poets’experience from this city in traditional city literature research.The second part of this dissertation discusses the relationship between the city and literature, the structure scene and the literature. This mainly based on the private living house structure scenery, especially the“Fensi officers”private garden of Luoyang of Tang Dynasty, then focus on the officers’literature activities.Luoyang has a rich tradition of private garden. This dissertation analyzes the history and the geography and ecology advantage of Luoyang that is the foundation of the occurring of the private garden. Tang inherits the“Fensi system”of Sui Dynasty, which is another reason for the flourishing of private garden of Tang, especially in the Luoyang in the middle and late Tang. Luoyang is the ideal city for the officers to lay off with abundant pension with the help of“Fensi system”. Because they not only escape from the party conflict, but also have convenience to come back to the nearby Chang’an, the capital city. Owing to this, Luoyang once becomes the city full of leisure and free atmosphere. This unique characteristic which lasting to Song Dynasty lies in the numerous private gardens and the activities held in them by their owners accompanying by their friends. This dissertation takes four“Fensi”officers and their literature activities in their private gardens for example. These four officers are Peidu, Niu Zengru, Bai Juyi, and Li Deyu. In order to study the scheme of literature becoming the spoken man of the city, this dissertation will talk about the impacts that cities towards the buildings and people living in there with the help of a theory. This theory says that different attitude, knowledge and narration of a city have relation with people’s spirit of different time and location. In this process, we can illustrate that the city is not only a place that just filled with road, buildings but a structural body of literature and culture that exists in the writing, reading and explanation of the text.These two methods that test the relationship between the city building scene and literature, in a certain point, are the different stage of the literature describes the city and literature expresses the city. And we get lots of meanings from the building of the city.

【关键词】 城市文学唐代洛阳建筑景观唐诗
【Key words】 Tang poetryTang DynastyLuoyangClassical ArchitecturalCityscape in Poetry
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

