

The History of Debating Upon Tang and Song Poem during the Late Period in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 郭前孔

【导师】 王英志;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文以清代晚期的唐宋诗之争为研究对象,通过分析晚清唐宋诗之争中不同阵营的人员构成、力量对比,以及重要诗人和理论家在时代学术风气、诗学背景、地域渊源、成员交往与个人诗学趣味等内外因素交相作用下形成的唐宋诗宗尚观念以及在不同的唐宋诗观念指导下展开的诗学论争与辩难,具体细微地展现清代晚期唐宋诗之争的发展演变过程,以揭示唐诗、宋诗在该时期的接受情况,进而透视在唐宋诗之争影响下清代晚期诗歌创作与诗学思想的发展趋势。论文在清代晚期广阔的学术、诗学视野中展开,主要运用传统的诗文批评方法,在考察文献的基础上作深入细致的分析探讨,中间还穿插着横向、纵向比较,力图既要显示每个时期各个诗派与诗人诗学观念与宗趣的异同,又要揭示清代晚期唐宋诗之争的内在发展演变规律。论文共分六章,前三章论述道咸同年间唐宋诗之争的情况,后三章探讨光宣民初唐宋诗之争的状况。第一章论述道咸同年间宗宋风气的兴起。诗学发展到道咸年间,诗风发生转折,乾嘉时期虽然宗宋势力不断上升,涌现出浙派、秀水诗派及“肌理”派,但宗唐仍然占居主导地位。道咸时期,随着世风学风的改变,宗宋势力开始兴起和发展。此时以宋诗派为骨干,以桐城诗派为犄角,又有部分宗宋人士响应,阵容庞大,无与争衡。他们对乾嘉时期的宗唐末流进行了批判,但理论论辩较少,主要以创作实践昭示诗学宗趣。其中宋诗派倡导学人诗的创作,强调学问之于诗的重要意义;桐城诗派在理论上主张以古文法论诗,在手法上坚持以文为诗。他们虽然取径比较广泛,但主要师法苏、黄而上溯杜、韩,对宋代诗人尤其是宋诗的杰出代表苏轼、黄庭坚的诗歌给予推崇和接受。由于他们政治地位很高、诗歌成就较大,在他们的影响下,学苏学黄成为时代风气。第二章揭示道咸同年间宗唐势力的式微态势。仅从数量上看,宗唐人数不少,但大都集中在江左、闽粤等地,与地域诗学渊源有关。除少数诗人如姚燮、鲁一同、张际亮、汤鹏等外,成就普遍不高,而且囿于个别地域,影响不大;从具体宗尚对象来看,诗宗是杜甫和白居易成为本期的一个亮点,这与时代特征密切相关。本时期的宗唐的诗话及唐诗选本也有不少,但崇唐诗话大都尚唐而不明确表示贬宋,只是间接地表现出来;唐诗选本有突出成就者不多,因而整体看来尊唐势力呈现出衰微趋势。该时期的宗唐诗人大都在创作中显示宗唐志趣,间或在部分序跋和诗话中表示尊唐倾向。无论是诗话还是序跋,基本上在尊唐的同时对宋诗也给予肯定,抑宋倾向并不显著,同时,部分闽地诗人表现出由尊唐向主宋的转变态势。因此,本时期唐宋诗之争显得较为平静,各方都能对乾嘉诗坛进行反思,予以矫正,不类清初至中叶那样争论得沸沸扬扬。只有在咸同年间,新崛起的湖湘派不满宋诗和宋诗派而对其加以批判,激烈论争再次出现。第三章探讨道咸同年间唐宋融通势力的发展。本期唐宋融通势力承接乾嘉之际的融通趋势,继续有所发展,但以理论为主,创作实践体现出显著兼融倾向的是龚自珍。诗话较多,有十七部,以潘德舆、林昌彝、何日愈三人的著作为代表。他们除等同看待唐诗、宋诗外,还广泛讨论了诗歌中性情与学问的关系,在强调性情的同时,不废学问。因为此期宗唐宗宋者并不截然对立,而互有所取,再加上融通唐宋势力甚大,因而,融合唐宋实为这一时期重要的诗学现象。第四章讨论光宣民初的宗宋潮流。本时期宗宋潮流继道咸宗宋诗风之后再次掀起风潮,以同光体为代表。同光体有系统的理论、强大的阵容、突出的成就,占据了诗坛的半壁江山,产生了广泛的影响,很多诗人或受到濡染起而习之,或在诗争中为其辩护。陈衍是同光体的倡导者和代言人,他对历代宗唐者的鞭挞不遗余力,倡导“三元”说、“诗人之诗与学人之诗合”、“不俗论”和“真实论”,构建起了具有时代特征的宗宋理论体系,为同光体的发展壮大立下汗马功劳。由于同光体内部人员众多,又具有明显的地域性,因而大致分为闽派、浙派和赣派,各派的诗歌宗趣不尽相同。与道咸宋诗派相比,取径范围更加广泛,不仅广取两宋诸家,还上及中晚唐以迄六朝。第五章论述光宣民初调和唐宋潮流的情况。这时期主张融通唐宋思想的人员和派别较多,有以张之洞为代表的“河北派”、“诗界革命”派,以及李慈铭、樊增祥、易顺鼎师徒,还有不少诗话著作,以朱庭珍的《筱园诗话》为其翘楚。他们有的是在宗唐的基础上有条件地接纳宋诗的,因而,对部分宋代诗人持赞赏态度,而对其他诗人或诗派则强烈不满,予以抨击,如张之洞。他们在创作倾向上以宗唐为主,如李、樊、易等人。“诗界革命”派在力图开创新“诗界”的同时,平视甚至超越唐宋诗之争,也有的诗人如金天羽对同光体不满并加以批评。与道咸同时期相比,此期融通唐宋势力有上升势头。第六章论述光宣民初宗唐风气的状况。道咸年间宗唐低迷的状态到光宣民初有了改观,宗唐风气变得较为活跃。王闿运及其弟子依然活跃于诗坛,诗坛还渐次出现了宗法晚唐李商隐的西昆派、具有革命倾向宗唐的南社,崇尚汉魏六朝及盛唐诗学的诗人还有章氏师徒(章炳麟、刘师培、黄侃)以及李详、李瑞清、文廷式等人,另外,分散在江左的宗唐诗人群体尚有若干。他们在肯定甚至崇尚唐诗的同时对宋诗及同光体严厉抨击,与唐宋调和势力一起,形成了与宗宋势力对立的阵营。尽管如此,其势力仍难与宗宋势力相争锋。纵观清代晚期唐宋诗之争,宗宋势力是主流,占据上风,融通唐宋也有一定的势力,宗唐势力相对较弱,显示出唐诗在晚清日益受到冷落,宋诗受到尊崇的局面。就论争情况来说,道光年间各方少有争执,相对平静,咸同年间诗争又起,到光宣民初,双方争论激烈,演变为抨击、谩骂,甚至在南社内部因诗争而最终导致解散。可以预见,如果不是新文化运动兴起,新诗代替旧诗,唐宋诗之争还会继续下去。

【Abstract】 The subject of this paper is debating upon Tang and Song Poem during the Late Period in Qing Dynasty. By analyzing the composition of different camp staff, the contrast of power, as well as poetics stand in the debate of important poets and theoreticians which build upon the era of ideological and systematic learning general mood, poetics background, the origins of poetry, the poetry friends and personality delight, and other internal and external factors, demonstrating the dynamic development of debating upon Tang and Song Poem during the Late Period in Qing Dynasty detailedly, and revealing the acceptance of the poet factors of the Tang and Song Poem during the Late Period in Qing Dynasty, seeing through the development trend of poem during the late period in Qing Dynasty under the influence of the debate.Paper starts in the wide field of systematic learning and poems vision, traditional poer and prose criticism is the main methods, in the study of the literature on the basis of an in-depth analysis and inquie,horizontal and vertical comparing is drawed on in the course of it in order to show both the whole debating pattern and internet developing law.This thesis has six chapters, the first three chapters discuss about the debating upon Tang and Song poem in the period of the Dao-Xian-Tong. The last three chapters discuss the debating in the period of Guang-Xuan-Early years of Republic.The first chapter dissertates the origin of ethos of respecting-Song Poem during the Dao-Xian-tong. In that period, With the development of poetics, it takes place transition. Although the force of respecting-Song Poem continues rising, and it comes forth to Zhe-Group, Xiushui-Group, and“skin texture”-group, respecting-Tang Poem is still dominant during the Qian-Jia. However, with the alter of era, respecting-Song Poem rises and develops during Dao-Qian. In the period, the respecting Song Poem-group is a leader, with the assistance of Tongcity-Group and others, therefore, it is overwhelming. They criticize the respecting-Tang Poem in the Qian-Jia. There are litter dispute in theory, but much in practice. In this way, it reveals their interest in the poetics. The Song Poem-group emphasizes the poems’creation and the importance of knowledge upon the poems;the Tongcity-group claims that they discuss poems with ancient grammars in theory and write poems with literatures in skill. Although their use materials widely, they consider Huang Tingjian and Su Shi, who are outstanding poets in Song Dynasty, as their teachers because of their high status and remarkable achievement, they influence many other poets contemporarily.The second chapter reveals that the force of respecting-Tang Poem is feeble during the Dao-Qian-Tong. There are few respecting-Tang Poects in the amount, but they assemble in the area of Fujian and Guangdong, this phenomena is relative to the location. They have got little success, except for YaoXie, Ruyitong, Zhangjiliang and Tangpeng. Besides, they are confined very few areas, and their poems are little influential. Who they respect are Dufu and Baijuyi, which is a highlight. The reason is that in that social circumstance, other nationnality’s invasion and people living in dire poverty make poets develop realism and concentrate on the people. In that time, many poets write poems to show their respect to the Tang Poem. However, they debase the Song Poems in the indierct way; the anthologys of Tang poems can hardly get achievement, therefore, the influence of respecting-Tang Poem is feeble in the whole. They manifest the respect to the Tang Poem in their poems or reveal the preference in the perfaces occasionally. Few poets have books except for Zhangweiping and Huangpeifang. Whatever in the texts and perfaces, they basically esteem the Song Poem at the same time of respecting Tang Poem, not debasing. Besides, in Fujian, many poets transit their attitude from respecting-Tang Poem to respecting-Song Poem. Therefore, the controversy beteewn Tang and Song Poem seems calm. Not like from the early of Qing Dynasty to the middle of the one, most poets reflect on and rectify the parnassus in the Jia-Qian. Howerve, in the Xian-Tong, the HuXiang-Group, which grow up newly, discontent and criticize the Song Poems. Consequently, the dispute comes up again. The third chapter probes into the development of the combination of Tang and Song Poem in the Dao-Xian-Tong. As the inheritor of Jia-Qian, the combination continues developing; Gongzizheng focus on the creating and he embodys the notable trendence of combination in the procession of creation. There are seventeen poems, including PangDeYu, LinChangYi and HeRiYu, who are representative men. They treat Tang and Song Poem equally, and discuss the relationship of knowledge and temperament abroadly in the poems. They emphasize the temperament, but not abandoning knowledge. Because respecting-Song Poem and respecting-Tang Poem don’t oppose determinedly but learning each other, it is a significant poetic phenomenon to combining of respecting-Song Poem and respecting-Tang Poem in the period.The fourth chapter discusses tidal current of respecting-Song Poem in the period of Guang-Xuan-Early years of Republic. The tidal current of respecting-Song Poem set off again a new upsurge aferwarde it in Dao-Xian in this time, represented by Tong Guangti. Which has systematic theory, strong lineup and prominent achievements. Which is not only occupy an half of land but bring about infuence widely so that many poects study them or defend them in debating.ChenYan is the promoter and spokesperson of Tong Guangti who not only lash respecting-Tang Poects own utmost from Nan Song but promote“San Yuan”,“Combine Poetic Poem and Scholar’s Poem”,“Refined”and“Real”therefore construct theoric system of respecting-Song Poem that is full of times. Who render an outstanding service for Tong Guangti’s development and expandment. Because of its great members and clear region, Tong Guangti, therefore, is divided into Min Pai, Zhe Pai and Gan Pai and their poerty interesting are not identical. Compared Song Poem Group in the period of Dao-Xian, Tong Guangti have greater scope of drowing on poerty resources in which they study poects not only in Song Dynasty but also in middle and late Tang Dynasty and Six Dynastys.The fifth chapter dissertates the tidal current of reconciling Tang and Song Poem in the period of Guang-Xuan-Early years of Republic. There are many poects and grougs that advocate the combination of Tang and Song Poem such as“Hebei Group”represented by Zhang zhidong,“Revolution of Poerty world”Group and LiCiming, Fan Zengxiang, Yi Shunding etc. There are also many poems in which Xiao Yuan Poem writted by Zhu Tingzhen is the excellentest. Part of them accept Song Poem on the basis of respecting-Tang Poem, therefore, they approve of part of poects but dissatisy and lash other ones and groups in Song Dynasty such as Zhang Zhidong. Studing Tang Poem is mainful in creating for them such as Li Ciming, Fan Zengxiang and Yi Shunding etc.“Revolution of Poerty world”Group treat equally and surpass the debating upon Tang and Song Poem in the same time of tring to creat new“poetry world”and in which part of them such as Jin Tianyu dissatisy and lash Tong Guangti. Compared it in the period of Dao-Xian-Tong, the combination of Tang and Song Poem forcce move upward.The sixth chapter dissertates condition of respecting-Tang Poem. The lowering condition of respecting-Tang Poem in Dao-Xian has changed and become actival. Wang Kaiyun and his discipies still enliven in poetic circles, in addition, Xi kun Group which study Li Shangyin in the late period in Tang Dynasty, Nan She which appears revolutional tendency, poects who respect poem of Han-Wei-Liu Dynasty such as Zhang Binglin and his discipies, Li Xiang, Li Ruiqing and Wen Tingshi etc arise early or late. Besides, there are many poects who study Tang Poem scattered in Jiang Zuo. They lash severely Song Poem and Tong Guangti in the same time they approve of Tang poem and respecte it and form a camp that oppose the force of respecting-Song Poem with the force of reconciling Tang and Song Poem but their force donot fight for mastery the one of respecting-Song Poem.Taking the debating upon Tang and Song Poem during the late period in Qing Dynasty a sweeping view, the force of respecting-Song Poem is main stream and gain the upper hand. The force of combination of Tang and Song Poem is also great ,however, the force of respecting-Tang Poem is smaller and weaker relatively. Which appear Tang Poem is coldshouldered increasingly and Song Poem is respected. For the debating upon Tang and Song Poem, there arenot almost debating among three groups so that it seem quiet relatively. It appear again in Xian-Tong and become sharp up to lash, rail both sides during the period of Guang-Xuan-Early years of Republic. Nan She is dismissed for the debating upon Tang and Song Poem inside. We can predict that it shall continue if New Culture Movement donot rise and new poem donot substitute for old poem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

