

The Study on Tang-Song Relegation Ci

【作者】 张英

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 贬谪是中国古代文人常见的遭遇,在唐宋两代尤为突出。文人贬谪对中国古代文学创作有着巨大的影响。以往的贬谪文学研究中,在年代上偏重于唐代,在文体上偏重于诗文,尚未有对唐宋贬谪词进行系统研究者。本文将对唐宋贬谪词史进行勾勒描绘,展现中唐、北宋、南宋三个阶段贬谪词的风貌;分析唐宋贬谪词中感伤、执着、达观这三大情感类型及文学传承;并以文人贬谪为视角探讨文人词兴起和词体诗化的原因。本文分为五章,大略内容如下:第一章在描绘中唐贬谪词风貌的同时探讨中唐文人贬谪与文人词兴起之间的关系。中唐词坛上的几位重要人物刘长卿、刘禹锡、白居易、张志和都经历过贬谪,又都是在贬谪后开始从事并重视词体创作的。贬谪在客观上使他们更有机会接触到民间的曲调,在主观上让他们的心态发生了由进取到闲隐的转变,从而促进了文人词的兴起。第二章以北宋党争中文人个体命运的升降沉浮为背景,考察北宋贬谪词的风貌。总的来看,北宋贬谪词的主题是个体生命在苦难中的感性挣扎与理性救赎。由于词人在性格上和贬谪处境上的不同,他们在贬谪词中所表现出来的风格也各有特点。基于对词作数量、词史影响力以及风格的代表性等考虑,本章将选择秦观、晁补之、黄庭坚、苏轼这四位词人作为个案重点论述。第三章将在南宋朝廷中主战主和之争的背景下介绍南宋贬谪词的风貌。南宋贬谪词人集中在高宗和孝宗两朝,高宗朝贬谪词人以南宋四名臣为中心,孝宗朝贬谪词人以张孝祥、陆游、辛弃疾这三大词人为代表。和北宋贬谪词相比,南宋贬谪词在主题上增添了“黍离之悲”即抗金爱国情怀;在面对个体命运的坎坷时表现出更加闲适旷达的情调。第四章通过分析宋玉、屈原、陶渊明对唐宋贬谪词的影响,对唐宋贬谪词中的三大情感类型进行归纳论析。宋、屈、陶三人,分别代表了文人的感伤、志士的执着和达者的睿智,这三方面都传承于唐宋贬谪词中。辛弃疾贬谪词对屈原与陶渊明的继承均具有代表性,本章将对此作专门的探讨,并以其为例观照宋代贬谪文人对屈原和陶渊明精神的扬弃与融合。第五章将论述词人贬谪与词体诗化的关系。贬谪中的畏祸心理使文人将诗文中的题材转移到词体当中,形成了词体在题材上的拓宽;词人贬谪中行遍千山万水的经历使词境由狭小变阔大,由柔媚变刚健;贬谪使词人更加注重自我情感的抒发,改变了“男子而作闺音”的传统写作方式;贬谪也使词体中香草美人的寄托表现得更加明朗可解,从而使词作的意蕴更加丰厚;贬谪词人们以词酬唱,表现出情感上的共鸣和志向上的共勉,提高了词体的功能。通过以上论述,本文认为:在唐宋词的发展进程当中,文人贬谪是一种不可忽视的重要推动力。它不仅催进了文人词的兴起,还对词体在题材、风格、功能等各个方面向诗歌的靠拢产生了重要作用。没有文人贬谪,唐宋词史的脉络便无从谈起;没有文人贬谪,唐宋词便不会有如此精彩纷呈的艺术魅力。

【Abstract】 Relegation is commonly encountered by ancient Chinese literati, especially in the Tang and Song dynasties. Relegation has a tremendous impact on the ancient Chinese literature. The previous studies on relegation literature focused on the Tang dynasty in aspect of era and on poetry in aspect of stylistic, but there is no systematic study on Tang-Song relegation Ci yet. This thesis will describe the history of Tang-Song relegation Ci and show the style and features of those Ci in three stages of Medium tang,Northern Song and Southern Song; Analyze the three main emotion types and their literary heritage;Explore the reason of Ci’s rise and poetical change from the perspective of literati relegation.This thesis has five chapters, roughly as follows:The first chapter describes the relegation Ci in Medium Tang and explores the relationship between Ci’s rise and literati Relegation. Several important Ci writers such as Liu Changqing, Liu Yuxi, Bai Juyi, and Zhang Zhihe all have experienced relegation. It is just after relegation that they began to pay attention to and engaged in Ci writing. Objectively, relegation gave them a chance to contact with folk tunes; subjectively, relegation made their mentality changed from enterprising attitude to implicit leisure attitude, thus promoted the rise of Ci.The second chapter inspects the style of relegation Ci in Northern Song dynasty, taking the individual destiny’s fluctuation in party struggle as the background. Generally speaking, the Northern Song relegation Ci’s main subject is the individual’s emotional struggle and rational self-rescue in misery .At the same time,different Ci writers have their own style in relegation Ci because of their different characteristics and situation in relegation. Based on the quantity, influence and style representation, this chapter selects four Ci writers Qin Guan, Chao Buzhi, Huang Tingjian and Su Shi as case study.The third chapter introduces the style of relegation Ci in Southern Song dynasty, taking the struggle between those who advocate fight and those who advocate reconciliation in Southern Song government as the background. Most Southern Song relegation Ci writers live in the Time of Emperor Gao and Emperor Xiao. The four famous chancellors are center of relegation Ci writers in the former time, while in the latter time, Zhang Xiaoxiang, Lu You and Xin Qiji are representatives. Comparing to the relegation Ci in Northern Song, Southern Song relegation Ci added the patriotic subject. Facing the misfortune in life, Southern Song relegation Ci writers showed a more comfortable and broad-minded tone. The fourth chapter analyzes and Summarizes the three major emotion types in Tang -Song relegation Ci by analyzing Song Yu, Qu Yuan and Tao Yuanming’s influence towards Tang -Song relegation Ci.Song, Qu and Tao, respectively represent the literati’s sentimental, patriot’s persistent and Tatsu’s wisdom. Xin Qiji’s relegation Ci are obviously influenced by both Qu Yuan and Tao Yuanming .This chapter will take him as a representative to inspect the sublation and integration to Qu Yuan and Tao Yuan-Ming’spirits by relegated people in Song dynasty.The fifth chapter elaborates the relationship between Ci writers’relagation and Ci’s poetical change. Ci writers transferred the theme of poem to Ci because of the fear that poem may bring in disaster in relegation, so that Ci’s theme had been broadened; The Ci writer’s experience to travel faraway in relegation made Ci’s boundary changed from narrow to wide and from soft to energetic; Relegation made Ci writers pay more attention to self-expression, and change the traditional writing way“Imitates woman as a man”; Relegation also made Ci’s deep meaning become more obvious and easy to be understand, so that Ci’s meaning become more abundant. Relegated Ci writers always have the same emotion and aspirations, so they often exchange their Ci to encourage each other, thus Ci’s function had been enhanced.Through the above elaboration, we can get the conclusion that in Tang -Song Ci’s developing process, literati’s relegation is an important driving force which can not be ignored. It not only promoted the rise of literati Ci, but also plays an important role in Ci’s poetic change in the aspects such as theme, style ,function and so on .If there is no literati relegation ,Tang- Song Ci would not have such a complete history and such brilliant artistic charm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

