

Study on Integrated Technology Based on Roof Dynamic Monitoring

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 宋扬; 闫相宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本课题的研究是山东省科技攻关项目“煤矿顶板动态监测系统”的组成部分(项目编号:2008GGA09001),也是落实我国煤矿安全生产“十一五”规划和煤矿安全科技“十一五”规划的具体行动,对于我国煤矿安全发展、构建和谐社会都具有重要的现实意义和长远的战略意义。(1)按矿压信息来源种类及矿山压力形成的力源、监测信息的位置差异,将矿压信息监测范围分成三个区域:回采工作面观测区(Ⅰ)、内应力观测区(Ⅱ)、外应力观测区(Ⅲ),按信息来源进行分区,更加便于揭示矿压显现的规律性。矿压信息集成研究的重点是表征采场推进过程中矿山压力与覆岩运动发展的规律性。矿压显现“三要素”特征(包括矿压显现的时间、位置和程度)的差异是矿压信息集成的关键。按矿压信息力源分区所揭示的矿压显现的基本规律是矿压信息集成的理论基础。(2)应用面向对象的技术对煤矿顶板动态监测系统进行需求分析。系统的集成包括数据集成、信息集成、硬件及网络集成、软件与分析、预测算法集成。并应用UML对整个系统进行分析和建模,提高了软件开发的速度和效率。(3)集成系统应用了C/S+B/S的网络拓扑结构,提高了矿井通信网络的传输速度,同时也提高了控制层也即整个控制网络的通信可靠性。论文详细阐述了煤矿井下顶板动态监测网络的设计原理、方法和步骤,给出了系统的通讯协议。重点介绍了网络数据库的设计原理和各种表的结构、网络数据库利用ADO.NET进行存取访问的技术等,并对GPRS设计原理和网络信息的安全问题进行了探讨。(4)顶板动态监测信息的集成包括井下采集的有量纲的实时信息、通过模式识别而建立的归一化无量纲信息以及能够在同一时空关系中进行对比分析的综合决策信息。采用正态统计模式识别的方法对实时信息进行归一化处理,取得了较好的效果。综合决策信息能够体现矿压显现“三要素”特征(包括矿压显现的时间、位置和程度),揭示采场推进过程中顶板运动状态和矿山压力的变化规律。(5)研究成果在陕西省亭南煤矿106综采放顶煤工作面的矿压预测中应用,取得了较好的效果,说明了论文研究成果具有实用性。

【Abstract】 The research on the subject is an integral part of "dynamic monitoring of coal mine roof system", it is a science and technology tackle key projects in Shandong Province (item number: 2008GGA09001), is the implementation of China’s coal mine safety production "Eleventh Five-Year" plan and mine safety technology " Eleventh Five-Year "concrete action plan for the development of China’s coal mine safety, it is of great important practical significance and long-term strategic significance to build a harmonious society.(1) According to the different, including types and source of underground pressure information, monitoring location, it is divided the underground pressure information monitoring range into three areas: coal face observation area (I), internal stress observation zone (II), external stress observation zone (III). According to sources of information to partition, it is easier to reveal the regularity of mine pressure behavior. Underground pressure information integration is the focus of the study characterized the process of advancing superincumbent stratum pressure and the regularity of movement. Mine pressure behavior, "the three elements of features (including mine pressure behavior of the time, location and extent) differences is the key of information integration. By source of pressure information dividing different district, it can reveals the basic regular of pressure behavior, it is the basic law of information integration.(2) Applying the object-oriented technology analyze the needs of dynamic monitoring of coal mine roof system. System integration includes data integration, information integration, hardware and network integration, software and analysis and integrating prediction algorithm. Using UML to the entire system analysis and modeling, it improves the speed and efficiency of Software development.(3) The application of integrated systems of C / S + B / S of the network topology enhance the speed communication of mine networks, as well as improve the entire control network communications reliability especially control layer. Paper details the design principles, methods and steps and giving the system communication protocol of coal mine roof dynamic monitoring system. It focuses on the principles of database design and structure, the network database access using ADO.NET to access the technology, and design of the GPRS system and network information security issues are discussed.(4) The roof integrated dynamic monitoring information include mine-dimensional real-time information, through pattern recognition and the establishment of the normalized non-dimensional information, and can at the same time and space in a comparative analysis of the relationship between the integrated decision-making information. Normal use of the method of statistical pattern recognition for real-time information on the normalization, has achieved good results. Integrated decision-making information can reflect the mine pressure behavior, "the three elements of features (including mine pressure behavior of the time, location and extent), reveals the superincumbent stratum roof movement to promote the process of state and changes in the laws of underground pressure.(5) Research of Tingnan 106 fully mechanized caving face of the rock burst coal mine in Shaanxi province prediction applications has achieved good results, it illustrates with practical results of research papers.

  • 【分类号】TD326;TD672
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】679
  • 攻读期成果

