

The Characteristics and Effectiveness Mechanism of Team Initiative under Organizational Change

【作者】 薛宪方

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 应用心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 结合组织变革背景,在团队水平上开展主动性研究,探索团队主动性的内涵及其主要特征和效能机制。本研究开展了四个子研究:研究一通过对两阶段来自20家企业27位高管的深度访谈,获得了变革背景下团队主动性的原始研究资料,然后按照扎根理论的思路对获取资料进行了细致的分析,构建了团队主动性构思的结构体系。本研究认为团队主动性是一个集体行为构思,主要是指团队为了达到应对环境变化、捕捉未来机会、预防已有问题等目的而展开的集体行为,是组织变革背景下一种重要的群体动力,具有三个典型特征:群策、协作和适应,三个维度分别反应了团队主动性的动力基础、行动过程和持续机制方面的特征。研究二对团队主动性进行了多方法测量和比较,团队主动性可以使用问卷法和回顾式行为测量法进行测量,两种方法都可以有效的捕捉到团队主动性的内涵,而且两种方法之间的聚合效度较高。团队主动性在不同行业类型、企业所有制类型、变革类型和团队类型间存在显著差异,IT行业、民营和三资企业中,正在经历国际化、公司创业和并购的IT团队在各方面都展现出了较高的团队主动性水平。研究三借鉴团队研究中情感、认知和行为中介过程的研究启示,把团队心理状态作为组织变革背景下团队行为的重要影响因素,并进一步探索了团队主动性的效能机制,而且专门对团队变革效能指标进行了建构,测量了变革任务绩效和变革周边绩效,其中包含了客观结果类、任务执行类和心理反映类指标,较为全面的捕捉到了组织变革给团队带来的影响。通过对来自98家企业108个团队有效样本的分析,研究发现:(1)变革任务依存、变革目标合作和团队主动性正相关;(2)决策集中度和团队主动性负相关,专长分散度和团队主动性正相关;(3)团队效能感、心理安全感与团队主动性正相关,而且在变革任务特征、团队结构特征对团队主动性的影响过程中起到了中介作用;(4)团队主动性和团队变革任务绩效、团队变革周边绩效正相关;(5)交互记忆系统和团队变革绩效正相关,而且在团队主动性影响团队变革绩效的过程中起到了缓冲作用。研究四采取整合式研究思路,把团队认知过程作为团队行为与团队效能之间关系的重要调节变量,研究了团队主动性的效能机制。通过基于真实企业变革案例开发的模拟实验,研究发现交互记忆系统和团队变革绩效正相关,交互记忆系统在团队主动性和团队变革绩效的关系中起到了重要的缓冲作用,只有在团队主动性水平和交互记忆系统水平都高的条件下,团队变革绩效才能达到最好的水平;研究还发现Lewin的变革模型适用于对团队主动性的发展阶段进行解释。最后,本研究系统的归纳了上述研究结论并进行了讨论,提炼了本研究的关键理论进展,并指出了研究局限,对未来研究方向做了进一步的展望。

【Abstract】 This study focuses upon initiative on the team level under organizational change. In order to reveal the construct of team initiative, its main characteristics and effectiveness mechanism, Four studies were conducted.Study one was based on grounded theory. Twenty-seven top managers from 20 enterprises were interviewed in depth. Then the open code, axis code and selective code were executed. Team initiative was a kind of collective constructs, It mainly concerned with the behaviors for dealing with environment change, grasping future opportunities and preventing existed problems. It is one of the most important group dynamic elements under change. It had three typical characteristics: team-driven, collaboration, adaptation. These three dimensions reflected team initiative’s dynamic basis, action process and sustainability mechanism.Study two used multiple methods to measure and compare team initiative. It could be measured by questionnaires and retrospective behavior measure . Both of them could grasp its nature and they had quite high convergence validity. There were significant differences of team initiative among different industries, ownerships, teams and changes. Teams from private enterprises and joint ventures in the IT industry and were experiencing internationalization, corporate entrepreneurship and merge showed higher level of team initiative.In team studies affective, cognitive and behavioral mediating processes were paid more attention. Study three explored the influencing factors and effectiveness mechanism of team initiative. Data analysis was based on 108 teams from 98 enterprises. The study focused on the team change effectiveness construction and measured change performance which including performance indicatore, executing indicator and psychological indicator. It was found that change task interdependence, cooperative goal interdependence were correlated with team initiative positively. Decision power centralization was correlated with team initiative negatively. Expertise distribution was correlated with team initiative positively. Team effectiveness and team safety perception were correlated with team initiative positively and they played a mediator role in the relationship between change task character, team structure character and team initiative. Team initiative and team change task performance, team change contextual performance were correlated positively. Transactive memory system (TMS) was correlated with team performance and it was a moderator between the relationship of team initiative and team change performance.Study four further took an integrative approach. Team cognitive process was dealed as one important moderator in the link between team behavior and team effectiveness. Results from the experiment which was based on the true organizational change case showed that TMS was correlated with team change performance and It played an important moderating role in the relationship between team initiative and team effectiveness. Only under the mixture of high team initiative and high TMS the highest performance could be gained. Further, this study found that Lewin’s change model could be used to explain the developing stages of team initiative.Research results were concluded systematically and discussed, related theory development were summarized. The limitations of these studies were also pointed and new issues for future research were proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】C936
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1745

