

The Adaptation Mechanisms of Organizations in a Dual-legitimacy Dilemma

【作者】 陆阳

【导师】 沈关宝;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 中国的制度变迁过程深刻而复杂,其中牵涉着各类组织错综曲折的变迁过程。官办社团是中国社会独特的组织现象,在社会转型期,这类社团的生存与适应模式、发展演变的模式都在经历着历史性变化;这类社团的变迁是社会转型的重要组成部分,在很大程度上反映了中国社会转型的特点、过程和作用方向,对持续推进社会改革是不可忽略的案例参考。本文是以典型的官办社团——妇女联合会组织为对象,从组织变迁的视角出发,通过揭示社会转型期社团组织隐秘复杂的环境适应行动,对其适应机制进行探讨,以期发现和认识社会变革和组织现象间的结构关联。本文运用“变迁的来源、变迁的动力机制、变迁过程、变迁结果”的分析框架和模型,以“双重合法性困境”为核心概念对妇女联合会组织的变迁过程进行探索。随着社会环境的变迁,妇女联合会组织先后经历了民间性运作、行政化运作及非政府化运作的不同阶段。尤其是在社会转型时期,妇女联合会组织面临着外部因素(国家体制转型、社会领域权力格局变迁、妇女群体的分化、全球化的影响)和内部因素(官民二重性矛盾、资源瓶颈、组织结构问题及内部变革要求)的双重影响,它在与政府和民间社会的互动中凸显出了双重合法性困境,即同时面临官方认同和支持的不足,以及民间社会的认同危机。社团组织总是“利用局部的合法性得以兴起,谋求充分的合法性以利发展”,身处双重合法性困境中的妇女联合会组织也以此为导向性方针,引导自身的适应性变迁。妇联组织应对变迁的环境采取调整与政府的关系定位,重塑自身在妇女群体中的代表性、权威性,逐步明确制度创新目标等策略。上述策略产生了下述适应性行动,如:调整组织目标,组织结构变革,新型社会关系网络的建立与完善,运作模式的变革等。妇女联合会组织的变迁是适应性的渐进式变迁过程,是组织原有特征、结构形态、运作逻辑的逐渐削弱与新特征、结构形态、运作逻辑逐渐产生,并且二者互动的过程。这一变迁过程在组织中反映出的组织目标置换、模糊化;组织结构二元化、松散化;行动空间弥散化等特征,本文将其归纳为“组织弥散”效应。组织变迁反映的是社会变迁对社会结构与秩序的重构过程,组织不仅通过适应变迁来使自身获得生存发展,也力图促成合理的社会结构。

【Abstract】 China has witnessed complex and profound changes in its social systems, in the process of which, organizations and federations have also undergone a process of dramatic changes. Gov-NGO is a Chinese characteristic organizational phenomenon, consequently, in the period of social transformation, these federations have experienced historic changes in the respect of their development patterns and evolution models to guarantee their survival and development. These changes, which constitute an integral part of social transition, reflect the feature, the process and the direction of China’s social transformation. A case study in this respect will shed light on a sustainable social reform of China.The thesis is a case study of ACWF (All-China Women’s Federation), a typical federation of government patronage Gov-NGO. From a perspective of its organizational changes, the thesis explores the subtle and complex adapting tactics of the federation in the social transformation periods and underlines the adaptation mechanisms. The thesis aims to discover the structural relationship between social transformations and organizational variation of the federation.The thesis falls into an analytical framework entitled“the source of transformation, the dynamics of transformation, the process of transformation, results of transformation”. Employing the core concept of“dual-legality dilemma”, the thesis explores the transformation process of ACWF. With the changes of social environment, ACWF has undergone a procedure of changes, from a civilian-operated one, to an administrative one, and to a non-governmental one. Especially in the period of social transformation, its duality is highlighted when it faces the external factors of social system transformation, power restructuring, women’s groups diverging, and the effects of globalization on the one hand, and the internal factors --- the duality of both governmental and civilian organization, resources restricting factors, structural problems and the reforming requirements. ACWF is facing a dilemma of dual-legality in governmental and non-governmental social interactions. It tolerates insufficient support from the government and faces the crisis of recognition and identification from the civil society.“Come into being when granted partial legitimacy, and seek full development in the process of seeking full legitimacy”is a principle of all federations, including ACWF. Guided by the principle, ACWF is undergoing an adaptation change. Women federations are employing strategies of adjusting its relations with the government, rebuilding its representative and guiding position in women groups, and setting targets of system innovations. Consequently, series of actions are resulted, such as the adjustment of organizational objectives, the reform of organizational structure, the reestablishment of social network and the reform of the operating mode, etc.ACWF, which endeavors to reorganize and gradually weaken its original features, structures, operating logics and to progressively generate new ones respectively, has undergone a gradual adaptation transition. The transition results in a replacement and fuzziness in the respect of organizational objectives, the dualization in its structure, and the dispersion of its scope of activities, which is concluded in the thesis as“dispersion effect”. Organizational changes reflect social changes and the reconstructing of social structures and orders. The transition of organizations is not only beneficial to its survival and development but also an accelerating factor of a reasonable social structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

