

Deviation and Conspiracy: The Research of Space Practice in 798 Heterotopias

【作者】 周岚

【导师】 沈关宝;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 空间是我们生活的基本维度,任何一种社会行动都不可能在一个没有空间维度的情境中发生。但城市空间并非社会行动的静止容器,而是社会的产物,空间产生于有目的的社会实践。中国城市化的高速发展带来了城市空间的巨大变迁,各地方权力与资本介入空间生产并形塑城市空间模式。在转型期的特殊历史阶段,空间变迁的实际逻辑常产生于在场者的日常生活,制度变革合法性的建构往往是自下而上得以完成的。本文是以北京798艺术空间的建构为研究对象而进行的个案研究。这是一个由空间在场者通过空间实践而改变政府规划的案例,其间充满着矛盾、冲突与斗争。本研究尝试整合列斐伏尔的空间理论、布迪厄的场域理论以及福柯的权力论说,采用文献研究和实地调查相结合的方法,以社会-空间视角,从空间的物质面向、社会关系面向和意义面向三个方面来解析空间变迁的历程,进一步认识空间在场者是如何逾越既有的制度结构规范,共同在场者如何达成“合谋”,促成了一个充满张力的“异托邦”空间景观。文中提出“空间权力”这一核心概念,指出空间不仅具有经济权属,也有其文化权属和政治权属。空间权力来自对于不同空间资本的掌握、操控和争夺,包括政治权力、经济权力、文化权力以及符号权力。转型时期开放、富有弹性的制度结构是多元空间实践的前提。正是由于空间权力的多元,才使得掌控权力的各方能够进行对话、互动,进而进行资源置换,空间的发展因此也充满了不确定性。本文用空间理论与社会-空间的分析视角解析当前社会热点现象,丰富了对艺术聚集区的研究视角。研究整合了列斐伏尔的空间理论、布迪厄的场域理论以及福柯的权力学说,增强了空间理论的解释力。笔者试图建立一个空间分析的框架,从物质空间、社会空间、意义空间三个面向来对空间进行研究;通过对798空间变迁的研究,在时空结合的实证研究的道路上做出了有益的探索。

【Abstract】 Space is one of the fundamental dimensions of our living, so no one social action can be performed beyond it. City space is not a still container of social action, but a social production produced by targeted practice. The dynamic development of urbanization in current China brings about great changes in city space. Local authority and capital have both participated in building up the mould of city space. During the special period of transformation, the true logic of space transition often comes from the attendees’daily life, and recognition of institutional innovation is usually constructed from the bottom up.By probing into an individual case, this dissertation takes the construction of 798 Art Space as the objective study. It is a case having reversed the government’s plan through the attendees’space practice intermingling with contradicts, collisions and struggle. Methodologically, this dissertation will try to integrate the space theory of Lefebvre, field theory of Bourdieu and Foucault’s discourse about power, adopting the investigating methods including both literature and field work and social spatial perspective to analyze the process of space transition from such 3 aspects as material, social relationship and meaning or symbol and thus explain how the attendees exceed the established institutional framework and how the co-attendees achieve conspiracy to promote a full-tension heterotopias landscape.In this dissertation the core concept of space power has been brought forward; the economic ownership, cultural ownership and political ownership of the space have been presented. The space power comes from grasping, operating and fighting for the space capital, including political power, economic power, cultural power and symbolic power. The open and plastic institution structure is the basic premise of multi-party space practice. And due to the existence of the multi-party of space power, the dialogue and interaction between them make sense, hence resources are able to be exchanged and the development of space leads to uncertainty. Adopting space theory and social special perspective to analyze the current hot phenomenon in this dissertation has enlarged the research vision on art camp. The integration of the space theory of Lefebvre, field theory of Bourdieu and Foucault’s discourse about power enhance the explanatory power of space theory. The author tries to set up a research framework of space analysis by researching from material, social and meaning aspects. The research on 798 space transition is a valuable exploring for combination of empirical study on space and time.

【关键词】 空间空间实践空间权力798艺术空间
【Key words】 spacespace practicespace power798art space
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

