

The Ideology Construction in Hunger Narration

【作者】 赖英晓

【导师】 王鸿生;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文以新时期以来小说中的饥饿叙事为主要研究对象。通过考察现当代文学史上关于饥饿的文学表述,试图理清新时期文学中饥饿叙事的逻辑起点及演变历程,并探讨诸种话语模式的建构及其意识形态蕴含。新时期是在否定极左倾思潮并重新肯定个人日常生活合法性的政治变革中拉开帷幕的。与此相对应,新时期的文学书写开始对利益个体和存在意义上的个体重新进行价值赋义,这便形成了改革意识形态规范下的主流书写和规避宏大叙事的纯文学书写这样两种路向。但是,这两种书写却在1990年代中后期以来新的饥饿叙事语境中变得难以维系:改革意识形态所塑造的价值主体开始变得可疑;而纯个体叙事的文学与文化价值则开始丧失。本文试图还原现代以来饥饿叙事文本背后的话语冲突与整合,在历史经验与当下困境的对照中,反思现代性意识形态询唤出来的主流文学书写和纯文学书写。寻找当代文学转型的可能,是本论文所期望达到的一个内在目标。本文第一章回溯新时期文学前史,分别对革命语境中饥饿书写的几种话语形态进行分析,从而揭示出“饥饿”在不同时期所承担的不同语义功能,以期为新时期的文学发展脉络提供一种历史参照。第二章重在勘察新时期以来在现代化发展思路指导下,文学如何借助饥饿表述突破了社会主义集体主义的价值系统,并通过“财富”尊严观和先富合法性的话语选择而缔造了“效率优先,兼顾公平”的改革意识形态。第三章试图揭示文学在极力摆脱政治束缚、划定自我边界的过程中,某些回归“个体存在”的“小叙事”的演变逻辑及其遭遇到的悖论。第四章则在分析1990年代中期以来新饥饿叙事样态的基础上,考察自1980年代被确立起来的那种改革意识形态的偏颇性以及个体化写作的某些局限,并进而从现代化反思的角度对目前“底层叙事”的多种面向作出审理。

【Abstract】 The paper looks into the Hunger Writing in the novels of the New Era., with a review of the contemporary literature discourse mode concerning Hunger, trying to figure out its logic origin and the evolving process,and to discuss the construction and the ideology`s mining of every kind discourse mode .The New Era started with the political reform in which the Left-wing Literary Theory was being abandoned and the rational individual daily life was being reestablished. Correspondingly, writings in the New Era began to give new meanings to the Economic Man and the Dasein, which led to the two options of writing, namely the mainstream writing with the criterion of reform ideology and the pure literature writing without an overall narration. However, these two writings found it difficult to continue in the Hunger Writing context after the mid-and late 1990s, as the subject created by the reform ideology became Suspicious and the Literature and cultural values of the pure individualized writing began to lose.One of the objectives of the paper is to go back to things themselves the implied discourse conflict and conformity in the Hunger Writing , with a comparison between the experience in history and the difficulties today, with a reflection on the mainstream writing under the guidance of modernity ideology and on the pure literature writing, trying to seek a possibility in the transformation of contemporary literature.The first chapter deals with the analysis of several forms of discourses in the Hunger Writing in the evolution context, and therefore reveals different semantic functions of“Hunger”in different times of the history, with the hope to provide a historical reference for the literature development in the New Era.The second chapter mainly investigates how literature breaks through the value mode of socialism and collectivism with the help of Hunger Writing under the guidance of the thoughts of modernization in the New Era, and how the reform ideology of“Efficiency first, equality not the least”is established with the choice of discourses like the dignity of“wealth”and the validity of“Get rich first”.The third chapter attempts to reveal the logic in the evolution and the fallacies it encounters in the“individualized writing”which returned to“individual existence”, while literature is trying its best to get rid of the political bond and establish integrality in the“individuality”.The fourth chapter further probes into the biased nature of the reform ideology founded in 1980, and some limitations of the individualized writing, and the kinds of directions of“grass-roots narration”in the“reflections on modernity”point of view ,on the ground of an analysis of the Hunger Writing in the narration of novels since mid-1990s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

