

The Research of Lee Ci-ming and Fan Zeng-xiangs’ Theory of Poetry and Creation

【作者】 周容

【导师】 张寅彭;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以素有晚清文史渊薮之称的《越缦堂日记》以及洋洋近百卷的《樊山诗文集》为文本基础,系统阐发李、樊师弟二人在诗学领域的传承关系。以辞章成就而论,李慈铭以杜诗为根柢之学,提倡不专一家,不名一代,打破唐宋以来的门户纷争。其门下汇聚了沈曾植、袁昶、樊增祥等一大批后起之秀。尤其是弟子樊增祥,不但打破了传统诗坛的门户,更把视野扩展到西学领域。关注此二人,对理解晚清民国以来传统诗歌的发展有很大参考价值。李慈铭与樊增祥身处的晚清诗坛,名家辈出,与清初诗坛前后辉映。如李慈铭瓣香老杜,张之洞以唐意入宋调,王闿运师法六朝,而他们的弟子,也风格各异,自成一家。如袁昶取径山谷,樊增祥不拘唐宋,沈曾植上溯元嘉。而诗人之间,往来密切,思想交流频繁。或是融合,或是冲突。如张之洞与李慈铭经历了从至交好友到反目成仇,再到复合的过程。张之洞与王闿运始终往来不断。李慈铭对王闿运又始终轻视。而袁昶、樊增祥二人,同是张之洞与李慈铭的弟子。而又形成各自的诗歌风格,与老师所尚,并不相同。同辈诗人之间的相互影响如何,师弟之间的诗学传承关系如何,凡此种种,目前的研究尚不足以全面反映那段时期的真实面貌。对民国以来的旧体文学关注不够,就难以对五四以来新文学的发展有合理的定位和评价。本文以李慈铭樊增祥的诗学关系为中心,试图将李慈铭、樊增祥的传统诗学观念置于中西学冲突融合的背景之下,探究晚清诗歌的发展情况。

【Abstract】 In this paper, known as the late Qing Dynasty literary hotbed known as "the more risks Hall Diary" as well as nearly a hundred volumes titled "Fan Hill Poetry Collection" as the basic text, the system elucidate Lee, Fan brother duo Poetics at the relationship between the field of heritage. In terms of achievements, Lee Ci-ming to Du Fu for the Study of promote a non-tertiary, non-name generation, breaking a gateway to the dispute since the Tang and Song Dynasties. Brought together their subglottic Shen Zeng-zhi,Yuan Chang, Fan Zeng-xiang such a large number of up and comer. In particular, Fan Zeng-xiang disciples are not only broken the traditional gateway to poetry, but also put the field of vision extended to the Western. Concerned about this, both in understanding the late Qing Dynasty in the old and the new cultural development since there is a great reference value.Lee Ci-ming and Fan Zeng-xiang poetry in the late Qing Dynasty, famous figures, and reflect before and after the beginning of the Qing Dynasty poetry.Wang Kai-yun such as the Six Dynasties, Zhang Zhi-dong tune Tang Yi into the Song, Lee Ci-ming valve Du Fu, and their disciples, but also of various styles, formed its own characteristics. Check Yuan Chang Valley Drive, Fan Zeng-xiang informal Tang and Song, Shen Zeng-zhi back Yuan Jia. Between the poet, between the close, frequent exchange of ideas. Or fusion, or conflict. Such as Zhang Zhi-dong and Lee Ci-ming experienced intimate friend from friends to enemies, and then to compound the process. Zhang Zhi-dong and always Wang Kai-yun exchanges. Lee Ci-ming of Wang Kai-yun always ignored.Between the poet and his poetic inheritance relationship, the interaction between peers how all these factors, the relationship of the poems reflect the poet, the development of a significant impact, while the current study is not sufficient to fully reflect the true face of that period. In the old on the body of literature has been concerned about not enough, it will be difficult for the new literature since the development there is a reasonable location and evaluation.Lee Ci-ming Fan Zeng-xiang this article to learn the relationship between poetry as the center, trying to Lee Ci-ming, Fan Zeng-xiang traditional Chinese and Western poetics learn the concept of place against the background of the integration of conflict, to explore the development of the late Qing dynasty poetry.

【关键词】 李慈铭樊增祥师弟关系诗学理论
【Key words】 Lee Ci-mingFan Zeng-xiangrelationstheory poetics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

