

"Post-revolution": Discourse and Narration

【作者】 赵牧

【导师】 葛红兵;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文研究的是“后革命时代”的革命话语与叙事。所谓“后革命”的“后”,一方面是在革命历史及革命的意识形态占据主导地位之“后”,一方面是对革命的历史及其意识形态的反思甚或批判,而“后革命时代”,则主要是指这种反思抑或批判革命的话语与叙事占据主导地位的时代。通过对这些话语与叙事的解读,论文探询了革命历史叙事在当代中国的发生发展以及转化的历程背后所折射出来的社会的、政治的、文化的现象的意识形态。论文正文有五个章节,加上导言及结语共有七个部分。在导论部分,论文在20世纪的思想史视野中探讨了启蒙、革命及现代性等话语之间的纠缠关系,论证了“新时期”以来随着政治经济文化的全面转型而在思想文化界形成了反思中国革命历史及其叙事的“后革命氛围”,并引出了论文的基本思路与方法。论文的第一章《从革命到后革命》重点讨论的是革命叙事在当代中国从建构起主导性地位到被消解与重构的起伏转折的命运。这是一种历时性的描述,描述本身也不可避免地成为一种叙事,其意识形态或者就隐含在“解构革命:何以可能?”这样的提问方式中了。第二章《“象征”与“寓言”的变奏》,主要从本雅明讨论“德国悲剧的起源”时提出的“象征”与“寓言”的概念获得启示,指出了革命叙事广泛采用象征结构,是出于历史决定论的进步信仰,里面渗透了马克思主义式的人类征服和改造自然的信心,而“后革命时代”看取革命叙事的目光是“寓言”式的,对历史决定论抱有一种警惕,并且将革命的历史与革命的叙述混为一谈了。但拆解了这一切的意义象征后怎么办呢?给革命“祛魅”后,审美的“崇高”全然被后现代的“荒诞”取代了,我们在无所适从的精神荒原中是否需要再来一场“招魂”仪式呢?第三章《复线的历史:遮蔽抑或还原》是基于杜赞奇这一“复线的历史”的方法,从“真相”的“还原”、“情色”的“介入”以及“乌托邦”的“改写”三个方面,探讨了“去革命化”的叙事意在发现哪些被革命叙事所遮蔽的过去,并采用了何种方式对之进行苦心孤诣的“还原”的。第四章《青春、革命及文本性态度》主要讨论青年及其革命理想在反思抑或批判革命的叙事中的塑造,尤其关注这其中对“文革”中参与“红卫兵”及“知青”运动的青年学生对革命的“文本性态度”的叙述。第五章《“主体”的变迁与“群众”的命运》则在一个较长时段中考察了随着叙述主体的变迁而“群众”如何被表述的,这种表述本来就是一种“暴力”的行为,而因为对革命的反思,这一表述如今又聚焦到“群众暴力”的“呈现”上去了。在从主题的层面上,对后革命时代的革命话语与叙事进行这番描述后,论文的结语部分主要从革命、人道与国家意志的关系上总结了反思抑或批判革命的叙事所表现出来的意识形态。

【Abstract】 The goal of the thesis is to study the discourse and narration of Chinese revolution in the“post-revolutionary era”.During this period, the act of revolutions has come to an end, the revolutionary ideology has been no longer dominant and anti-revolutionary discourse and narration has been authoritative. The paper explores the changes of revolutionary discourse and narration in contemporary China as well as the turning of ideology in the course of events.This paper is divided into seven main parts. In the Introduction, I discusse the complex relationship between enlightenment, revolution and modernity in the history of ideas in the 20th century, explore the“atmosphere of post-revolutionary”reflecting and criticizing the Chinese revolution with the comprehensive transformation of Chinese society since the“new era”, and put forward the thesis of the basic ideas and methods. The first chapter of the thesis,“From Revolution to Post-revolution”, focuses on the fate of the narrative of the revolution in contemporary China from the leading position to the deconstructed and reconstructed situation. The second chapter of the thesis,“The Variation between Symbol and Allegory”, pointes out that the symbol structure is widely used in the revolutionary narrative for the progress of historical determinism beliefs, which infiltrated of Marxist-style confidence to transform and conquer nature. But in the“post-revolutionary era”, people’s eye to revolutionary narration is "allegory" and that the determinism of history has a guard, and mixes of the history of revolution and revolutionary narration. However, how to do after the dismantling of the symbolic significance of all those? After“disenchanting”the revolution, the aesthetic sublimity having been totally replaced by“absurd”of post-modern style, and then whether is there a need then a“call back the soul”of the ceremony in the wilderness of the spirit at a loss? The third chapter of the thesis,,“Double-track the Distory of: to Shelter or to Restore”,by Duara’s“double history”approach, study“de-revolutionizing”narrative how to see which was sheltered by the revolutionary narrative, from three aspects of the“truth”and“Restore”,“erotica”and“intervention”,and“Utopia”and“rewriting”. The fourth chapter of the thesis,"the Youth, the Revolution and the Text of the Attitude",focused on the image of the young people reflected in the post-revolutionary narration,is particularly concerned about how to Describe“the text of the attitude”of the revolution of young people students in the“Red Guards”and“youth”movement during the“Cultural Revolution”. The fifth chapter of the thesis,“Subject’s changes and the Masses Fate”, studies the“masses”in a longer period how to be expressed as the subject’s changes. Such expression is a kind of“violent”act, and because of the anti-revolution, the expression is now also focused on“mass violence”.When having decrypted revolutionary discourse and narration in the“post-revolutionary era”, the epilogue of the paper sums up the ideology in the anti-revolutionary narration from the mutual relations between revolution, humanity and the will of the state in the theme of the level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

