

Neighborhood Committee and Its Strategy in Dissymmetrical Dependent Structure

【作者】 吴永红

【导师】 李友梅;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 从上个世纪九十年代中期开始,上海和全国其他地方的基层社区都面临着一系列同样的境遇——在法律上被定位为基层自治组织的居委会,在实践中却体现出了浓厚的行政化色彩。近些年来,针对居委会的行政性负担过重问题,各地都出台了一些帮助居委会减轻负担的政策。然而,客观的来看,这些试图帮助居委会减轻负担的制度安排,取得的效果在总体上仍相对有限,居委会的行政化色彩并没有实质的改观,个别地方甚至出现越“减”越“重”的怪现象。已有的研究在分析居委会减负困境形成的原因时,往往从体制变革的路径依赖取向、民间资源的内在缺乏取向、政策执行不力取向三个角度切入:体制变革的路径依赖取向将社区建设的过程视为国家对基层社会加强控制的过程,居委会的变革实际上构成了城市基层政权建设的一部分,由于城市管理体制的控制惯性和基层管理机构的行为惯性,居委会负担始终难以真正减下去;民间资源的内在缺乏取向主要从基层社会发育的角度出发,看到了城市社区居民长期以来形成的单位意识与政府依赖心理、居民参与有限、民间组织发育不足等社会因素与居委会行政化、全能化之间的关联;政策执行不力取向则发现,责任分工的模糊、成文制度的缺陷等制度法规的空隙是居委会减负难以收到实效的重要原因之一。在关于居委会减负困境的讨论中,已有的研究都或多或少地受到了“国家与社会关系”理论的影响,倾向于把居委会视为减负进程中的被动“适应者”。研究者往往从应然的角度出发,把居委会视为一个代表社会的自治组织,居委会承担过多的行政负担被认为是代表国家的基层政府派出机构对自治组织的控制和侵权,并由此认为居委会“减负”问题的实质是让居委会角色回归本位,让居委会从一个过度行政化的组织回归为自治组织。在这样一种逻辑下,居委会被贴上了“自治组织”的标签,展现给人们的是一个在结构性力量约束下“被动行政化”的居委会形象,一个被国家侵权的、代表社会的自治组织。这种“应然”的解释逻辑忽略了这样一个重要的问题:居委会并不仅仅是被动的“适应者”,也是具有自我理性的“行动者”。本文认为,为了避免已有研究的这一不足,可以从“行动者的能动性”这一新的逻辑起点出发,从“实然”的层面更好地管窥居委会在复杂制度环境中的行动逻辑,进而对居委会减负的困境作出更为深入的分析。本文在组织研究领域中关于组织与环境关系理论的关照下,提出以下问题:居委会处于一个具有何种特征的环境之中?居委会是如何回应来自环境的压力的?为居委会减负的制度安排如何改变了居委会与其环境之间的关系?居委会对于这种变化又是如何做出反应并采取相应的行动策略的?在借鉴资源依赖理论的基础上,本文运用“依赖结构与行动策略”这一概念框架,研究了上海市L街道为居委会减负的历程。研究发现,居委会在复杂制度环境中具有其自身的行动逻辑,这种行动逻辑与特定情境中的相互依赖结构有着密切联系。作为一个具有双重属性的外源性组织,居委会与其环境之间形成了非对称性的依赖结构。在这种特有的资源依赖结构下,居委会也基于其自身的理性采取了主动行政化的策略以强化其自身与政府的依赖关系。而政府为居委会减负的制度安排在一定程度上悄悄改变了居委会与政府之间的这种依赖关系,面对这种变化,居委会也做出了积极的回应:在竞争性依赖关系中,居委会采取了改变环境的策略:在共生性依赖关系中,居委会又采取了适应环境的策略。减负的政策实践过程中充满了居委会的理性选择和行动。“居委会减负的困境”并非是结构性力量独自产生的,而是居委会与复杂的环境相互建构的结果,是居委会与其环境中的其他行动者的策略性互动所“生产与再生产”的结果,是组织与环境相互建构的结果。

【Abstract】 From the mid of 1990s,Shanghai and other cities’grassroot community are facing the same condition——neighborhood committee is a grassroot self-government organization,but it becoming more and more govermental in practice.In recent years, many cities try to take some measure to lighten the burden of neighborhood committee.However, the intititution arrangement have get very limited effect.Some research have proposed some thinking on the problem of the dilemma of lightening the burden of neighborhood committee: the path dependence approach view the community construction as the process of state strenthen the control of soceiety, the changing of neighborhood committee in fact is the part of city grassroot regiem building, because of the control inertia of citiy management system and the behavior inertia of the lower authourites, the burden of neighborhood committee cannot lighten virtually; from the perpective of grassrot soceity development ,the lack of cicilian resources approach find the danwei-cconsciousness and government-dependence of the citizens , limitied-participation, the lack of civil organizations have the inner-connection of neighborhood committee’s heavey burden; the poliy ececutive approach hols that the bluring responsibility,the leak of fomal law is the important reason refers to the limited effect of lignten burden practice.On the topic of lightening neighborhood committee’s heavey burden, some researches are influenced by state and society theory more or less, tend to view neighborhood committee as a passive actor to adapte the institution arrangement. Resarchers hold that neighborhood committee is a self-government organization belongs to soceiety, the heavy govermnetal burden on neighborhood committee means the state contrl the self-government organization.Thus, the essential of lightening the heavey burden on neighborhood committee is make the neighborhood committee form a adminstrative organization to a self-government organization. In this logic, neighborhood committee was labled as a self-government organization, it is becoming more and more administrative on the strctual froces .This logic ignore this important problem: neighborhood committee is not only a passive adaptor , but also an actor has its own rationality.This paper hold that we can from the new logice of‘actor’s initiative’, review the logic of neighborhood committee’action in complex institutional inviroment, and analyze the dilemma of lightening the burden of neighborhood committee deeply. This paper propose these questions: what is the institutional enviroment of neighborhood committee ? How neighborhood committee response to the influence from its enviroment? How is the poliy designed to lignten the heavy buredn on neighborhood committee has changed the relationship between neighborhood committee and its enviroment? How is neighborhood committee response to this changing and take corresponding action strategy?This paper ues the resources dependence theory, apply the analysis frame of‘dependence structure and action strategy’to research the process of lightening the heavy bureden on neighborhoo committee taken by L administrative street community of Shanghai. This paper came to a conclusion that neighborhood committee has its action logic in complex enviroment, this action logic is connect to certain inter-dependent structure. As a double attibute and exterior organization, neighborhood committee and its enviroment foming a dissymmetrical dependent structure. On this special dependent structure, neighborhood committee takes the initiative administration strategy in order to strenghten the dependent relation with government.The institution arrangement designed to lightening the heavy bureden on neighborhood committee has stealthy changed this relationship between neighborhood committee and government in some sense. Facing this changing, neighborhood committee take some active measures: in rivalrousness dependent relationship, neighborhood committee takes some strategy in order to changing the enviroment; in symbiotic dependent relationship, neighborhood committee takes some strategy in order to adpting the enviroment. Neighborhood committee’s rational choice and action are full of the practice of lightening the heavey burden on neighborhood committee. Thi delimma of lightening neighborhood committee’s heavey burden is not only owing to the structual forces, but also the result of inter-construction of neighborhood committee and its environment, the result of‘prodction and re-production’of strategic inter-action between neighborhood committee and its environment, the result of inter-construction between organization and its environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

