

Explore the Core Theory of Doctrine on Yunqi and the Value in Theoretical Research of "Shang Han Lun"

【作者】 倪卫东

【导师】 周春祥;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要阐述了两个方面的内容:其一探讨了气化理论是运气学说的核心,其二探讨了气化理论在《伤寒论》理论研究中的价值。本文首先对运气学说的起源、发展、演变进行了探讨,认为运气学说是中医基础理论的重要组成部分,最早见于《黄帝内经·素问》中的《天元纪大论》、《五运行大论》、《六微旨大论》、《气交变大论》、《五常政大论》、《六元正纪大论》、《至真要大论》等七篇大论之中。其产生年代当追溯到战国时期,是古代医家在五运、六气等哲学思想的基础上结合当时先进的天文历法物候等知识,对自己的临床经验加以总结、整理而成,并用来进一步指导临床实践。运气学说的发展主要向干支推演理论和气化理论两个方向分化,前者促使了中医时间医学、中医气象学等学科的产生和发展,而后者则成为中医学的重要基础,影响了一代又一代的医家,甚至于“医之门户,始于金元”也是因其而致。通过正本清源的分析,本文强调气化论是运气学说所要阐述的核心,运气七篇皆论无形之气化。在此基础上,本文还系统介绍了气化论的相关内容,主要包括升降出入理论和从化理论。其次,在系统了解运气学气化论概念及相关内容的基础上,本文还就其在《伤寒论》理论研究中的价值进行探讨。一为发掘其潜在价值,一为另辟一条研究《伤寒论》的蹊径。本文通过分析认为气化论影响了《伤寒论》及其学术的发展,如影响了《伤寒论》的成书,促进了伤寒学六经气化学说的诞生和发展;《伤寒论》则通过对升降出入和从化等理论的应用,使得气化论不再是“纸上谈兵”,而是与临床紧密的结合起来。正因为两者之间的这种关系,使得我们用气化论来研究《伤寒论》理论成为可能。本文研究认为,气化理论对于《伤寒论》理法方药的研究都有着一定的意义:通过以“太过不及”认识论对六经系统的研究,认为六经系统存在三大自稳调节机制,即太阳少阴的寒热调节、阳明太阴的燥湿调节和少阳厥阴的升降调节;通过以“升降出入”之理对汗吐下三法的探讨,认为汗吐下三法名为驱邪,实为调畅人体表里内外上下之气机。运气学说在《伤寒论》研究中的价值是不可忽视的,相信以运气学说之理探讨《伤寒论》及其学术定能成为《伤寒论》研究中的重要方法。

【Abstract】 Two aspects are discussed in this article: first, the theories of gasification are the core of the doctrine on yunqi, and the second the value of the Qihua theory in the theoretical research on Shang Han Lun.The origin, development and evolution of the doctrine on yunqi are discussed at the beginning of this paper. Through The Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen and other experience from ancient Chinese doctor’s. it can be concluded that doctrine on yunqi is a very important component of the basic theory in Chinese medicine.Both the two differentiation direction of doctrine on yunqi, the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches deduction and Qihua theory , affect physicians from generation to generation. The related content of Qihua theory, including ascending-descending and coming in-going out theoty and Conghua theory are also introduced in this paper.On the basis of all work above, the value of Qihua theory used in Shang Han Lun is discussed to excavate the value of it and set a separate way of studying Shang Han Lun . The Qihua theory influences Shang Han Lun and its academic development. So it is no longer made on "theoretical", but combinated closely with the clinical practice..There are three adjustment mechanism in the six channels system,cold and heat adjustment of Taiyang and Shaoyin, dry and wet adjustment of Taiyin and Yangming, rise and fall adjustment of Shaoyang and Jueyin. Diaphoretic method, emetic method and purgative method are all eliminating pathogen in name, normalize the functional activities of qi in fact. So doctrine on yunqi should be an important method to research Shang Han Lun.


