

Research of Eliminating Dampness of Science of Epidemic Febrile Disease of Traditional Chinese Medicine

【作者】 柏芸芸

【导师】 马健;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 燥湿法是温病学治法之一,分为苦温燥湿法和苦寒燥湿法,苦温燥湿法适用于温病中焦湿热证湿重于热的证候,苦寒燥湿法适用于中焦湿热证湿热并重的证候。燥湿法的渊源可以追溯到《内经》,“湿淫于内,治以苦热,佐以酸淡,以苦燥之,以淡泄之”;“湿上甚而热,治以苦温,佐以甘辛,以汗为故而止”,“湿淫所胜,平以苦热,佐以酸辛,以苦燥之,以淡泄之”,上述文字为燥湿法的总纲。治法与方剂的联系紧密,法是方的精魂,方是法的具体应用。本课题采用文献研究的方法,进行回顾性研究。笔者通过检索1994—2005年CNKI-中国学术期刊全文数据库及万方数据库有关运用燥湿法的临床文献,建立Access数据库,对燥湿方的来源,证型、治法、方剂组成进行录入,获得苦温燥湿方355首,清热燥湿方279首。统计方法用频次统计和Logistic回归统计。通过频次统计得出各药物和药物类别的频率并进行排序,根据累积频率的标准,选出其中的药物,探讨方剂配伍规律。将病例分为不同系统的疾病,以病名为因变量,有记为1,无记为0,以中药为自变量,用逐步引入法进行Logistic回归分析,获得回归方程,方程中偏回归系数假设检验具有统计学意义的中药在该病用药中的特异性较强。偏回归系数即可反应各自相对贡献的大小,获得不同病种之间用药的差异。笔者收集的苦温燥湿方最常用的配伍为苦温燥湿药、补气药、利水消肿药、清热燥湿药、理气药,并根据具体病种的不同辨病用药。出现的高频药对和药组多为对燥湿有相须或相使的作用。而且出现四味药物的药对指向二陈汤。笔者收集的清热燥湿方最常用的配伍为清热燥湿药、清热解毒药、攻毒杀虫止痒药、利水渗湿药。清热燥湿方配伍的特点是较多地根据现代中药药理的研究成果,排名较前的药物大多为广谱抗菌药物,然后在致病因素不同的疾病中常用针对特定病原微生物的药物。通过Logistic回归得出特异性较强的药物可以说明这一点。

【Abstract】 Eliminating dampness is a common method.It could be divided into Eliminating dampness by bitter and cool and Eliminating dampness by bitter and warm.Eliminating dampness could be dated to Huangdi Neijing which includes some pricinples of Eliminating dampness.Theropy and prescriptions are connected with each other.The dissertation used inwestigation of TCM literature,and adopted retrospective study.We have colleted 634 cases from the periodicals in 10 years and established data bases by Access.The data bases included the names of diseases,theropy,prescriptions,and herbs.We finally got 355 prescriptions of Eliminating dampness by bitter and warm and 279 prescriptions of Eliminating dampness by bitter and cool.We use rate statistics and regression Logistic statistics.We use rate statistics to get the different ratio of eath herb and each sort of herbs.Then we sorted cases of them by descending.According to accumulative frequency,selecting the herbs and trying to reveal the clinical law of compatibility of Chinese herbs in pathogenic dampness encumber the spleen syndrome.We distribute the syndromes into many detailed diseases.We put diseases as dependent and herbs as covatiates.We get the regression Logistic equation by analyzing data.finally we would find the specific herbs which are special meaning to the disease.So we can get the differences of each disease.The first law of compatibility of prescriptions of Eliminating dampness by bitter and warm: bitter and warm dampness-eliminating herbs usually accompany some qi-strenthening herbs and some qi-regulating herbs and some heat-clearing away and dampness-drying herbs.ERCHENTANG could be regarded as a basal formula to theropy of eliminating dampness.The second law of compatibility of prescriptions of Qing Re Zao Shi:heat-clearing away and for eliminating dampness herbs usually accompany some insect-itch-leiller and drugs.The characteristic is that it is often due to the modern reseach of the herbs.It often choose the herbs which have the special effect to the disease.It can also be found by regression Logistic equation.


