

The Study on the Lawful Culture Connotation of the Chinese Traditionnal Judicial System

【作者】 张明敏

【导师】 姜生;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 传统司法审判制度是中国古代法律制度的重要组成部分,是实施法律的重要制度环节和社会公正的最后保障线,承担着维护统治秩序、社会秩序稳定的职能。司法审判制度的实施往往体现着司法状况的好坏与否,决定着封建法治能否取信于民,使民心归服,关系到国家的稳定与王朝的兴衰。传统司法审判制度的良好运行有利于减少冤案错案的发生,有利于维护法律的公正性、严肃性与权威性。因此,中国古代统治者十分重视对司法审判制度的建构。这一制度的确立与逐步定型化、规范化,是司法制度走向文明进步的重要标志。文化内涵制约法律制度的设立及形式,对传统司法审判制度进行文化解析,这是理解、洞察传统司法审判制度本质与特性一把钥匙,也是完善现代司法审判制度的必要。传统司法审判制度根植于中国传统文化的肥沃土壤中,整个文化和社会构成了司法审判的背景,司法审判体系、审判活动与政治、经济、宗教、道德精神、传统伦理等存在着一种交互关系。这种交互关系是辨证性的,而不是单向式的决定关系。司法体系一方面是与文化社会其他部门相区别的次级体系,另一方面也与其他部门一样同处于一个文化脉络与社会体系之内,彼此影响。因此,传统司法审判制度是特定精神因素的载体,归根结底是一种文化现象,是古代法文化的重要组成部分,哲学观念、皇权制度、纲常伦理、官箴文化、鬼神观念、宗教文化都是其依存的文化底蕴,这些文化元素制约与影响了传统司法审判制度的价值取向,孕育了传统审判制度行政化、伦理性、差异化、一体化、分散化的品质与风格,使其文化内涵在设施、技术、思想等层面都有着特定的表现,这些丰富的文化内涵也正是传统司法审判制度历史价值的真正体现,也为如何对本土资源进行筛选、如何合理地运用本土资源对中国现代司法审判制度进行建设提出借鉴意义。本文在整理、运用大量史料的基础上,运用“文化抗体”、“文化自觉”、“文化生态”的理论,采用考论结合、多学科的交叉研究、案例分析、比较分析的研究方法,以文化的视角,从宗教学、历史学与法学多个学科对传统司法审判制度的文化内涵进行深入探讨、分析,发掘其所蕴含的法文化价值,以期真实展现传统司法审判制度的文化内涵,展示古代法律文化的魅力,从而深化对传统司法审判制度文化内涵的理性认识。在这种文化视域下,司法审判制度不单是解决社会问题的工具和手段,更是特定人群价值追求的某种显现,充分展现了他们的法律意识、法律思想和司法观念。传统司法审判制度所根植的一定社会文化土壤,其化内涵应是我们今天的研究者特别加以注意的,因其背后的文化内涵与底蕴,是法律本土资源如何应用的关键,也是从法律实证的角度来研究中国古代司法审判制度。脱离了历史文化基础,对问题进行就制度论制度的研究,会使司法审判制度的研究流于肤浅,难以得出准确客观的评价。通过对传统司法审判制度的法文化内涵的研究,可以更为准确公正地评价传统司法审判制度的历史作用、历史价值与历史意义,并与现代的司法审判制度相对比,寻找古今契合之处,为现代司法审判制度的发展与完善提供借鉴。基于上述研究目的,本文在以下四个方面有所创发:一、深入探讨了中国传统文化价值取向对传统司法审判制度气质的内在规定性。作为中国传统文化的一部分,司法审判制度同样无法逃脱传统文化的内在规约作用。在传统哲学、政治、传统伦理、宗教、鬼神观念、官箴文化等因素作用下,中国传统司法审判制度形成了独特气质:“息讼、教化、和谐、情理”的价值取向,行政化的审判机构设置模式,伦理化的司法审判方式,“情、理、法”三位一体化的裁判体系,酷烈、温情并立差异化司法审判政策,地方审判民刑不分、重刑轻民的传统。这些都是传统文化价值取向内在规约的结果。二、突破法学史研究的传统方法局限,运用宗教学、法学、史学交叉的方法,对传统司法审判制度的核心问题进行了深入的跨学科研究。根据对法文化、传统司法审判制度的定义和宗教文化与传统司法审判制度的关系的界定,本文在传统司法审判制度文化内涵研究方面主要尝试了一种历史学、宗教学与法学的交叉研究方法,在以传统司法审判制度的内涵为研究参照系时,注意保持研究对象的完整性。通过综合运用传统历史学方法、宗教学方法与法学方法,得出传统司法审判制度是特定精神因素的载体,它归根结底是一种文化现象,整个文化和社会构成了司法审判的背景,司法体系、审判活动与政治、经济、宗教、道德精神、传统伦理等存在着一种交互关系。这种交互关系是辨证性的,而不是单向式的决定关系。司法审判制度一方面是与文化社会其他部门相区别的次级体系,另一方面也与其他部门一样同处于一个文化脉络与社会体系之内,彼此影响。解开了诸多以往由于历史学、宗教学与法学与相互隔阂而造成的历史误读现象。三、通过交叉学科研究,特别揭示出宗教文化与传统审判制度的关系。以往的研究,往往忽略或鲜有涉及宗教文化与传统司法审判制度二者的关系。本文通过对早期的法律文献、历史典籍的记载和道教、佛教的教义等资料重新梳理后发现,宗教某些禁忌直接被司法禁忌制度所吸收;道教的“善恶报应”观和佛教的“因果轮回”说影响了传统司法审判理念的形成,潜在地支配了古代司法官吏的司法审判行为;司法活动的主要场所——州县衙门的设置与部署、审判仪式等都折射出宗教文化的印迹。因此,道教、佛教与传统司法审判制度有着深层次的关联。四、基于以上几个方面的创新研究,论文进一步从文化生态学的角度提出探讨,试图以泛西化的司法审判制度应对拥有浓厚传统文化环境的中国社会,难免发生“文化抗体”上的冲突。因此,对中国现代审判制度进行建构,必须考虑中国感文化传统的连续性,对传统司法审判制度文化内涵进行筛选,达到“自美其美”的境界。论文除绪论和结束语之外,共有五章内容。绪论部分,阐述了传统司法审判制度文化内涵研究的现实意义与创新突破,界定了法文化、传统司法审判制度的词语语义,介绍了传统司法审判制度研究的方法,说明了学术研究的现状,并介绍了本文研究的视角与方式。第一章阐释了传统司法审判制度的三大本源性的文化基础。天道观、人道观、天人关系观等哲学观念是传统司法审判制度运行的哲学基础,在这些哲学观念的作用下与影响下,形成了“无讼追求”、“德主刑辅”、“息事宁人”、“天道和谐”等司法理念,确立了灾异赦宥制度、司法时令制度、“恤刑”、“慎罚”、“中正”等司法审判原则和制度;形成了以“息讼”、“贱讼“乃至“禁讼”为中心的司法体制和司法操作方式,“无刑”成了司法的最高境界,“无讼”成为中国传统法律文化的最高价值取向和理想目标。皇权制度是传统司法审判制度立身的政治文化根基,它决定了司法审判制度的性质、任务、模式,制约与影响了司法审判制度的价值取向,审判权完全受皇权左右,司法审判制度沦为皇权制度的附庸。纲常伦理文化是传统司法审判制度依存的社会基础,制约与影响了传统司法审判原则、审判理念的形成,形成了执法原情、“礼法结合”的二元化的司法审判理念,确立了为亲屈法、亲亲得相首匿、加重惩处侵犯伦理纲常的行为原则。第二章考察了传统司法审判制度的法文化生态。传统司法审判制度离不开古代特定条件下文化底蕴的支撑,宗教文化、官箴文化和鬼神观念是传统司法审判制度运行的亚文化根基。宗教文化、鬼神观念对传统司法审判制度的影响与制约,报应观对传统司法审判理念的潜在影响在一定程度上支配了审判方式,在制度、思想、器物层面都留下了其印迹;官箴文化对司法官吏执法理念和道德修养的塑造以及对执法方式的具体指导。第三章创新性地总结并详实地阐述了传统文化对传统司法审判制度的品性。植根于中国传统社会文化土壤中司法审判制度,经过传统文化对其潜移默化地熏染和软化,形成了独具中国文化特色的息讼、教化、和谐、情理的价值取向,孕育并生长了独具中国文化气息的风格与精神:行政化的司法审判机构设置模式,伦理化的司法审判运作方式,酷烈、温情并立的差异化司法审判政策,“情、礼、法”三位一体化的裁判体系,地方审判民刑不分、重刑轻民的司法审判传统。第四章传统司法审判制度的法文化价值。运用“文化抗体”、“文化自觉”理论进一步阐释了中国传统司法审判制度在社会变革中因掌握了文化自主选择的能力,并与其周围的文化生态进一步融合,进而在设施层面、技术层面和思想层面达到了“自美其美”的结果。第五章传统司法审判制度的法文化承继与扬弃。传统司法审判制度,虽然已经随着近代中国法律的转型而消亡,但其特定的文化内涵以及它所包含的历史价值,仍然闪烁着古代法制文明的光芒,作为中华法文化的一个组成部分,它仍以一种特有的惯性影响着当今人们的心理与司法实践。对于中国传统司法审判制度,我们不能武断地予以否定,也不能捧为“国粹”,而应当历史地实事求是地分析,去其糟粕,取其精华。对中国传统司法审判制度的文化内涵进行研究,既为我们揭示了当前法制观念落后的根源,又为我们指明了解决问题的途径,即培育适合现代司法制度生长的价值观念的沃土,构建现代型的司法审判文化,这是当代中国司法审判改革运动的基本命题,该命题实际上又是对社会上存在的各种传统司法资源的选择和革新的问题。当前中国司法体制的整体建构,不仅在于科学合理地吸收外来法律文化营养,还要丢弃国人长期抱持的近利心态,潜心消化中华本土丰厚的传统法律资源,将西方尊重个体价值的法治精神理念和中国社会重人伦亲和的人文理想有机结合起来,必能创造出更完美的法治社会蓝图。

【Abstract】 The traditional judicial system was the important component of the Chinese ancient lawful institution, it was important system segment of carrying out the law and the last security line of the social impartial, and took on safeguarding domination order and social order. The execution of the judicial system always embody that judicial state was good or bad, and it determined that the lawful system of enfeoffment made the people true, made them give in, related the country stabilization and the vicissitude of dynasty. The better execution of the judicial system had benefit of reducing framed-up and wrong cases, and had benefit of maintaining the just, seriousness and definitive of the law. So, the Chinese ancient rulers attach importance to constructing judicial system very much. The building and determinacy, standardization of the judicial system is important sign of judicial civilization and progress.The cultural connotation restricts the establishment and its form of the lawful system. By conducting cultural analysis to the traditional judicial system, it is a key to understand and percipience the essence and peculiarity of the traditional judicial system, and it also improves the requirement of the modern judicial system. The traditional judicial system always takes root the fertile soil of theChinese traditional culture, entire culture and the social consist of judicial judgment’s background, judicial judgment’s system and judgment activity subsist a interlock relation with the politics, the economy, the religion, the moral spirit and traditional ethics etc. The interlock relation is dialectical, not unidirectional decisional relation. The judicial system, one is different subordinate system with the other department of the cultural social, the other is in a same cultural sequence of ideas and the social setup with the other department, they influence each other. So, the traditional judicial system is a carrier of specific spirit elements, is a kind of cultural phenomenon, and is the important part of the ancient lawful culture. The philosophy ideas , the sovereign style, the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code, the official culture, the notion of ghost and spiritual being, the culture of the religion , are all its cultural background, these cultural elements restrict and affect the value preference of the traditional judicial system, brood the traditional judicial system’s variety and style of administration, ethics, difference, entirety, decentralization, these make its cultural connotation to have special embody in the lawful facility, technique, ideology etc. These abundant cultural connotation also incarnate truly the history value of the traditional judicial system, and also how to select metropolitan territory’s resources, and how to rationally utilize metropolitan the resources of the territory, it will help us to improve our Chinese modern judicial system.The dissertation is adopted the research ways of history and conclusion combined, sociology, case law, and analytical comparison, under tiding up and applying a lot of.historical dates, it studies the connotation of the traditional judicial system by culture’s vision , and excavates its implicational lawful culture value, looks forward to await opening out really the connotation of the traditional judicial system, and opens up the charm of the ancient lawful culture, thus deepens the rational knowledge of the connotation of the traditional judicial system. Under this cultural field of vision, the judicial system is not only the tool and method of settling social question, but also it reveals itself some specific crowd’s value seek. By the research of the connotation of the traditional judicial system, we may correctly and justly appraise the historical function, historical value , historical significance and modern value of the traditional judicial system, and we can compare to the modern judicial system, look for and find agreement between ancient and modern, develop and improve the modern judicial system. On the ground of the research target, the dissertation includes five originality points: the first is that the writer thoroughly explores the internal specification of which the Chinese traditional culture restricts the traditional judicial system ; the second is that the writer break through the limit of the traditional ways of the study of the legal historiorgraphy, uses the crossed ways of the science of the religion, the legal theory and the history, and carrys out thoroughly the cross-disciplinary research on the key of the traditional judicial system; the third was that the writer especially reveals the relationship of the religious culture and the traditional judicial system by the cross—disciplinary research; the fourth is that the writer puts forward furtherly discussion of the connotation of the traditional judicial system from the view point of the cultural ecology.The dissertation includes five parts, except the introduction and the conclusion.What are discussed in the Introduction are the realistic significance and breakup of the connotation of the traditional judicial system, limit some words and phrases of "the culture", "the lawful culture", "the traditional judicial system", explain the study ways, introduce the current situation of academic research, account for the paper’s study vision and waysWhat are discussed in Chapter One are the three original cultural foundations of the traditional judicial system. The weather notion, the humane notion, the notion of god and human, they are the philosophy base of the traditional judicial system, by these philosophy ideas, took shape some judicial concept of "not worth action", "peaceable", "ethics is more important than punishment", "the weather harmony" and so on, established the system of amnesty because of disaster, the system of judicial season, established the judicial rules of "show benevolence", "cautious penalty", "fair"; formed the judicial structure and operation ways of "dropping a suit", " prohibition action", that they are the center, "no penalty" is the tallest judicial boundary, "no action" was the tallest value and ideal aim of the Chinese traditional culture. The system of imperial authority was the political culture foundation of the traditional judicial system, decided the character, responsibility, mode of the traditional judicial system, it restricted and affected the value preference of the traditional judicial system, the imperial authority controlled the adjudicative power, the judicial system became the imperial authority’s dependency. The culture of three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code was the social base of the traditional judicial system, and they relied on each other.In Chapter Two the writer discusses the Chinese traditional judicial system’s inferior cultural foundations. The traditional judicial system can’t do without the support of the ancient specific culture base, the official culture mould Chinese ancient judicial officer’s law onforcement notion, guided their law onforcement right; the notion of ghost and spiritual being and the culture of the religion affected secretly the people’s judicial concept, governed judicial ways.In Chapter Three the writer discusses the essential character and style of the traditional judicial system. The traditional judicial system which took root in the Chinese traditional cultural soil, was imbued and softened secretly, they affected and restricted the value preference and judicial notion of the traditional judicial system, and they brooded and brought up the style and character of the traditional judicial system: it had the judicial office which was set up by the way of the administration, had ethical judicial operation way , and it had judicial policy which lied in softhearted feeling and cruel ways, it had the trinity referee system of "law, feeling and li", it had judicial tradition with municipal trial that the civil decision differ from the criminal adjudication and criminal adjudication was more important than civil decision.In Chapter Four the writer discusses the lawful culture value of the traditional judicial system. According to lawful cultural theory, the writer has summed up lawful culture connotation of the traditional judicial system from normal aspect, facility aspect, lawful skill aspect, idea aspect, and interpret its historical value.In Chapter Five the writer discusses the succession and sublate of the traditional judicial system’s lawful culture. The special rights culture must be eradicated because it restricted the establishment of the judicial authority; the judicial office which was set up by the way of the administration influenced the independence of judicature. The mediation system and the system of judicial review of death sentences are all the essence of the traditional judicial system, we should study them. The law and feeling are joined together, the concept of cautious penalty and so on, today we should sublate to these lawful culture. The traditional judicial system has already passed way because the law of the modern times changed in nature, but the lawful cultural connotation of the traditional judicial system and included historical value flicker the ancient legal system’s culture radiance, as an integrant of the Chinese lawful culture, it has affected modern people’s mentality and judicial practice by a special inertia. We can’t arbitrarily gainsay the traditional judicial system, and can’t also take for it as treasure, we should analyze historically it, and we seek truth from facts to grant it, remove its draffy, and absorb its essence.To study the cultural connotation of the traditional judicial system, it reveals the origin that the present the concept of the legal system lags the concept of the modern legal system, and it points out the channel of solving the question, namely we should breed fertile ground of valuably concept that it is fit for the modern judicial system’s growth, and conceive the culture of the modern judicial system. This is a essential proposition of the modern judicial adjudication’s reform campaign, in fact the proposition is also a question of all kinds of the alternative and innovation of the traditional judicial resource in the society. At present, the whole conceive of the Chinese judicial structure, not only consist in absorbing scientifically and rationally the nutrition of outside lawful culture, but also remove the psychology that we are eager for instant success and quick profit for a long time, concentrate and digest the Chinese native abundant traditional judicial resource, and organically combine the concept of constitutionality spirit which the West respect individual value and the Chinese humane ideal that Chinese attach importance to human and feeling, thus we must mould the most perfect the blueprint of the legal society!

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

