

Rising Power of Regional Offices of Foreign Affairs in T’ang, Silla and Japan in the 8th and 9th Centuries and the Formation of East Asian Trade Circle

【作者】 车垠和

【导师】 陈尚胜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 东亚贸易圈的形成,是以东亚商人为主导的民间贸易得到蓬勃发展的标志,是东亚历史上前所未有的一次大变化。本文从分析8世纪至9世纪唐、新罗、日本三国国内外形势变化入手,探讨东亚贸易圈的形成时间及其原因。本文试图阐明以下重点问题。第一,这一期间,唐、新罗、日本中央政府与地方政府之间的政治关系有何变化,给三国国内社会带来了怎样的变化;第二,这一期间,唐、新罗、日本之间外交关系有何变化,对三国国内及国际政局产生了何种影响;第三,这一期间,地方权力的变化带来了何种影响,尤其是位于地方沿海地区的唐朝淄青平卢节度使、新罗清海镇和日本大宰府经历了怎样的演变过程,以及对民间贸易的发展有何作用和影响。本文以唐朝淄青平卢节度使、新罗清海镇和日本大宰府为分析的基本框架,对这段时期三国国内、国际形势及其中之淄青平卢节度使、清海镇和大宰府的演变进行考察,从而探讨了它们的变化与民间贸易发展之间的相互关系及其对东亚贸易圈的形成所产生的影响。本文共由五章组成。第一章导论部分主要提出相关问题。共分为三节,分别阐述了本文研究的目的及其现实意义,并对中国、韩国、日本史学界在此问题上的研究成果进行了较为全面的综述,为本文的分析打下了坚实的研究基础。第二章至第四章,按照时间的顺序,分别分析了在8至9世纪期间唐朝淄青平卢节度使、新罗清海镇和日本大宰府从设立到成长、发展的演变过程及其与民间贸易发展间的相互影响关系。第二章主要针对淄青平卢节度使李正己家族经营的商贸活动展开讨论。分析了安史之乱前后社会大变革时期,淄青平卢节度使从平卢军到平卢节度使再成为割据藩镇的背景和变化过程,从而阐述了李正己家族盘踞在今山东地区约55年间相继经营商贸活动的情况,这为9世纪唐、新罗、日本三国民间贸易提供了坚实的发展基础。第三章重点探讨了清海镇大使张保皋的海上贸易活动。本章通过对当时新罗国内社会形势及外交关系变化的考察,从而探讨了从清海镇设置至形成海上势力的过程及张保皋能够得到海上贸易主导权的历史背景。尤其对张保皋在唐和日本两国所利用的海上贸易基地进行分析,阐明了张保皋所展开的海上贸易,是在李正己统治山东时期民间贸易发展基础上将新罗与唐之间的贸易延伸到日本进行的三国贸易,是李正己家族贸易活动的延续和扩展。第四章通过对日本大宰府的演变过程的考察,探讨了大宰府得到贸易方面权力的原因及其与东亚民间贸易之间的相互影响关系。本章还将大宰府作为考察东亚商人对日贸易的切入点,初步探讨了对日贸易的主导权在新罗商人与唐商人之间的交替过程及其原因,从而进一步说明了唐商人代替新罗商人掌握东亚贸易主导权,是受到新罗商人进行的民间贸易发展的刺激及日本对唐商人、新罗商人所采取的不同政策的结果。第五章结论部分在对上述三国地方机构的演变进行归纳总结的基础上,将之放在这一时期由唐、新罗、日本共同形成的东亚社会变革的大背景中,阐述了这一时期东亚三国共同出现的时代特征,从而归纳了东亚贸易圈形成之际具有的基本特征,由此阐明了东亚贸易圈最迟也在9世纪已开始形成,并证明了东亚贸易圈是由民间贸易发展而形成的,而不是朝贡贸易的延续或扩展。

【Abstract】 The formation of East Asian Trade Circle in the 8th and 9th centuries was an outcome of the vibrant development in private trade led by merchants of T’ang,Silla, and Japan.Exploring the trade circle in the context of the social,economic,and political circumstances of the three countries during the period,this dissertation investigates following questions:1.Were there any changes in the relationship between the central and regional governments of T’ang,Silla and Japan,which had significant impacts on the three countries?2.How did the changes in the diplomatic relationships between the three countries influence each country’s domestic circumstances and its international relationships?3.What were the impacts of the development of regional governments, especially the establishment of ZiqingPingluJiedushi(淄青平卢节度使), Qinghaizhen(清海镇),and Dazaifu(大宰府),on private trade in T’ang, Silla and Japan?This dissertation is based on the analysis of the three governmental offices in East Asia:ZiqingPinglu Jiedushi(淄青平卢节度使) of T’ang Dyansty,Qinghaizhen(清海镇) of Silla and Dazaifu(大宰府) of Japan.Analyzing the development of these ministries and their interrelationships in the context of the domestic and international affairs of each country,this study examines the impacts of the changes in private trade on the formation of East Asian Trade Circle.This dissertation consists of five chapters.Chapter 1,as an introduction to this study,presents research goals,significances and literature review,which examines related studies on this issue published in China,Korea and Japan.The following three chapters,in historical sequence,provide detailed examination of the establishment and development of the three offices of trade in East Asia in relation to the development of private trade in the region.Chapter 2 investigates trade activities led by Ziqing Pinglu Jiedushi(淄青平卢节度使),governed by the House of Li Zhengji(李正己),focusing on the time before and after An Lushan and Shi Siming Rebellion(安史之乱). Exploring the background and development of Ziqing Pinglu Jie dushi(淄青平卢节度使),which as derived from Pinglujun(平卢军) but turned into a military governor of a separatist regime,this chapter proposes that 55 years’ trade activities led by the House of Li Zhengji in now Shandong(山东) province had laid a foundation for the development of private trade in T’ang,Silla and Japan.Chapter 3 describes the trade activities led by Zhang Baogao(张保皋),the commissioner of Qinghaizhen(清海镇) in Silla.Analyzing domestic circumstances of Silla and its diplomatic policy,this chapter explores the background of the establishment of Qinghaizhen and its leading role in the East Asian sea commerce and argues that Zhang Baogao’s maritime trade with Japan owed in a great deal to the development of the House of Li Zhengji. Chapter 4 examines the development of Dazaifu(大宰府) in Japan,illustrating its origin and its relationship to private trade activities in the Far East.This chapter suggests that by replacing the leading power of Silla in East Asian trading,T’ang Dynasty had a significant role in the rapid development of the private trade led by Silla merchants and in the implementation of Japan’s trading policy that differentiated the merchants of Silla and T’ang.In chapter 5,summarizing the main features of East Asian Trade Circle,this study concludes that the trade circle was fully fledged by the 9th century at the latest,not as a continuation or expansion of tributary trade between the three countries,but as a result of the proliferation of private trade in East Asia.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

