

The Study of Chinese Conjunctions in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties

【作者】 王淑华

【导师】 冯春田;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 晚唐五代是汉语发展的重要历史时期。此期白话文开始登上大雅之堂,并从此与文言文分庭抗礼,方言词汇开始进入书面语,语音、词汇、语法都发生了很大变化。这一时期的连词也发生了很多变化:先秦产生的连词在晚唐五代多数继续使用,产生于两汉魏晋南北朝时期的连词使用渐多,此期新兴连词众多,在一定程度上奠定了后世连词的使用格局,在一定范围内产生于各个时代的连词在此期共现,并呈现出新特点,表现在连词的同义聚合、假设连词借作纵予连词使用、很多方言连词的进入等等。因此,对晚唐五代的连词进行研究有重要意义和价值。我们以敦煌变文(以下简称变文)和《祖堂集》两部文献作为基础语料,来展开对晚唐五代连词的考察和研究。变文和《祖堂集》的口语化程度和语料价值都是公认的,变文语言在一定程度上反映的是北方方言,《祖堂集》反映的是南方方言,二者在空间上可以达到某种程度的互补;变文和《祖堂集》在使用时间上基本是平行的,可以视为同期语料。因此,选取变文和《祖堂集》作为语料对说明问题、解决问题大有裨益。本篇论文共分五部分:第一章绪论,介绍了晚唐五代连词研究的意义、价值和连词研究已经取得的成果,并在总结分析的基础上提出本篇论文的写作重点:鉴于变文和《祖堂集》的研究现状,对语料连词描写要仔细,但不是工作的重点,而对一些连词的语法化过程的考察、对此期连词语法化的原因和特点进行总结、在对比两部语料连词分布状况的基础上对造成如此分布的原因做出解释,才是工作的重心所在。第二章连词界说与分类,主要总结了先贤时俊对连词的定义、连词的分类、连词与介词、连词与副词的区别等问题的总体观点,在此基础提出可以遵从的连词的定义:连词是在词、短语、句子、句群等句法结构中起连接作用,并表示特定句法关系和逻辑关系的虚词。并举例说明了连词与副词、连词与介词的区别。连词与介词、副词的纠葛一直以来都有很多悬案,虽然学者们提出的观点、区别方法众多,理论上也成立,但是在实际操作中遇到具体词的时候,这些标准就会失灵,究其原因是因为语言学里任何一种标准只是说明一种大体的趋向,而非绝对的标准。按着这个思路,在对连词、副词、介词的判读过程中,我们执行以意义为标准,兼顾形式,具体到某个词就更加注重它在句中的实际功能。据此,整理出连词206个。第三章和第四章是论文的主体部分,我们依据传统的观点按意义标准把连词分成联合关系连词和偏正关系连词两大类,联合关系连词分为四个次类:并列、承接、选择、递进连词;偏正关系分成七个次类:假设、因果、让步、纵予、条件、转折、目的连词。对语料中所见11个次类的连词进行了统计和描写,在描写的过程中,力求每一个连词要总结出其在两部语料里的使用频率、成词方式和所能见到的最早用例,并在每一次类连词后行成表格使一目了然。在行文过程中随文对一些讨论不是很多的连词的语法化过程进行了探讨:比如并列连词“和”的语言类型学角度的探讨、连词的平行虚化、“不论”类连词的语法化过程、“任摩(与么)”的连词化倾向等等。在探讨单音连词的过程中,贯彻从本义出发,以此为基础来观察连词的虚化过程,单音连词的虚化大体上分两种情况:一种是连词由其他词类辗转虚化而来,一种是他类词经假借然后在假借义的基础上虚化为连词。前一种直接虚化的连词因为受源词义的影响大,所以虚化路径单一,用法也少,虚化程度很有限,比如“和”类连词;后一种连词因为不受源词义的影响,所以虚化的程度相对较深比较彻底,连词的用法也多,比如“而、然”等先假借为代词并在此基础上发生虚化,连词用法就比较多。对复音连词的描写和讨论,我们更注重连词的成词方式和语法化过程的探讨。在讨论中,引入语法化理论,结合语义学、音韵学、认知语言学的理论,从语音、语义、语法、语用“四维”角度,对这些连词进行观察和描写。在对11个次类连词进行总结的过程中,做到每个词类的最后一个小节要按连词在语料中的分布、成词方式和产生年代进行列表,并且对其进行数据方面的统计和说明,为了和后世的同类连词的使用情况进行对比,引入宋代和元明时期的连词使用调查结果,力求在纵向上有比较有说明。第五章结语,主要探讨四个方面的问题:晚唐五代连词特点;晚唐五代连词语法化特点;晚唐五代连词来源及构成特点;连词在两部文献的分布特点及成因。通过对晚唐五代连词进行描写,总结出晚唐五代连词有如下特点:(一)连词在此期出现了大量的同义聚合。(二)此期产生了很多新生连词。(三)复音连词和单音连词并用。(四)词的通类现象很显著。并且在总结的基础上解释连词呈现以上特点的原因,我们认为连词发展到晚唐五代时期,作为复音连词的构件一单音连词已经足够丰富,在构件丰富的基础上形成同义复音连词的机会就会更多;另外方言词汇进入书面语言系统和一些宗教语言里常用的连词的进入,都在一定程度上促成了连词的同义聚合;晚唐五代是汉语的重要历史分期,语音、词汇、语法发生了重大变化,连词也不例外。“和、只要、只是、不但、不管”等现代汉语里很多高频使用的连词都在此期产生;连词的继承性使得单音连词和复音连词并用,另外由于我们调查的语料变文是说唱文学的底本,因此为了押韵上口,便于朗读和演唱,会交叉使用单音节和复音节连词;为了凑足音节,会加入一些语助来凑音,久之,也会形成一些复音词;词的通类现象是晚唐五代连词的一大特色,以假设连词为例,很多假设连词在唐代被借作纵予连词,在宋代以后慢慢不见,假设连词依然用作原来的词性,我们在文中以假设连词和纵予连词在本质上的一致性来解释这一现象,是否还有其他原因,留待后来进一步探讨。我们总结出晚唐五代连词语法化有如下特点:(一)语义俯瞰表现明显。(二)连词的平行虚化现象。(三)某些连词的典型化。(四)重新分析和类推成为连词形成的重要机制。(五)连动句和兼语句是语法化现象产生的“温床”。(六)汉语自然音步规律对语法化产生影响。以上这些连词语法化特点具有普遍意义,如果一个词是由其他词类类直接虚化为连词,在使用中就会受源词的影响,这些特点在一些动源连词那里表现很明显;一组同义词如果其中的某个成员放生了虚化,那么其他成员也可能会发生同一方向的虚化,以我们调查的“和”类词的虚化最能说明问题;连动句和兼语句因为特殊的结构成为语法化的“温床”,句子中的第一动词由于语义重心的后移而有了发生虚化的可能;重新分析和类推是人的认知对语法化施加的主观影响,在客观上却成了连词语法化的重要机制;汉语标准音步是是两个音节,处在句首的跨层结构的两个音节会因为处在同一音步内,而被“箍住”,从而被重新分析,形成一个连词。晚唐五代连词的来源有8种:同义复合形成新词、同义连用复合交叉形成新词、他类词语法化为新词、连词内部转化而成新词、重新分析而成新词、附加后缀形成新词、短语凝固成新词、语境影响形成新词。连词在两部文献里的分布特点和成因是要讨论的重点问题,我们通过列表可以发现连词在两部语料里分布的不均衡性和区别,并试着从禅宗语言特点、文体特点、语言逻辑等几个方面去说明造成这种区别的原因,但是由于时间、学养等诸多原因,并不能尽如人意。总之,晚唐五代连词研究是汉语连词研究的一个组成部分,连词系统是一个动态的不断发展变化的系统,不同历史时期会呈现出不同的特点。通过对语料连词的描写和语法化的探究以及对两部语料连词相关问题的探讨和总结,希望可以对自己的学习做一个总结,并希望可以对连词研究尽以绵薄。

【Abstract】 Late Tang dynasty and five dynasties is the important period of Chinese development during which vernacular began to appear on the history arena and meet as equals with classical Chinese, dialectal vocabulary started to enter into written words, pronunciation and vocabulary and grammar began to change too . In the meanwhile, conjunctions had great changes: the most conjunctions which began to be used in early Qin dynasty had been applied continually in the late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties; the conjunctions were used widely which began to be used in Han dynasty, Wei dynasty , Jin dynasty and the Southern and Northern dynasty. During this period, there were many new conjunctions, which established the usage structures for the following conjunctions to a certain extent and these conjunctions began to have new features: the application of conjunctions of the same meaning together, the new appearance of many new conjunctions , the intervention of many new dialectal conjunctions and so on. Therefore it is significant and valuable to probe into the conjunctions in late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties.We used the two documents of Dun Huang Religious Narrative Literature(short as Bianwen) and Zu Tang Ji(short as Zu) as the basic data in order to study the conjunctions of late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties, because these two documents, the Bianwen and Zu T, were publicly known to be worth investigating. The language in Bianwen reflected the northern dialect to some extent while the language in Zu reflected the southern dialect, so these two documents were complementary in the space. The languages in Bianwen and Zu were used simultaneously, they were contemporaneous corpus. Based on above, it is helpful to investigate the conjunctions to choose these two documents as the studying corpus.The dissertation can be divided into five chapters:The first chapter is the introduction. In this chapter, the author introduces the value of conjunctions studied in late Tang and Five dynasties and the achievements. Based on the analysis and summary, the author points out the key emphasis in the dissertation. In view of the existing condition of research in Bianwen and Zu, the emphasis is not laid on the careful description of the data—conjunctions. By examining the process of the grammaticalization of the conjunctions and summarizing the causes and features of the grammaticalization and comparing the distribution condition of conjunctions in these two documents, the author tries to explain the reason of such distribution of these conjunctions, which is the key point of this research.The second chapter is the category of the conjunctions. In this chapter, the author mainly summarize the definition of conjunctions , the category and the distinction between conjunction and preposition, and between conjunction and adverbial. Based on the summary, the author puts forward the definition of the conjunction. Conjunction is a form word which plays a connective role in the following structures: words, phrases, sentences and sentence groups and so on and indicates the specific syntactic and logic relation. The author also tells the difference between conjunction and adverbs, conjunction and preposition. The dispute of conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions has been the unsettled question. Different viewpoints which are right in theory are put forward by many scholars, but these points can not be used in practice. The reason is that any criterion in the linguistics only applies to general tendency and the criterion is not absolute standard. When we discuss the usage of conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions, we use the meaning as a standard at the same time consider its form and pay attention to its function in the sentence. According to this criterion, we sort out 206 words.The third and fourth chapters are the main body of this dissertation. In these chapters, according to the tradition viewpoints, we divide the conjunctions into two categories: associative conjunctions and subordinators. Associative conjunctions can be subdivided into four categories: coordinating conjunctions, successive conjunctions, selective conjunctions and progressive conjunctions. Subordinators can be subdivided into seven categories: hypothetical conjunctions, causal conjunctions, concessive conjunctions, relational conjunctions, adversative conjunction and purposive conjunctions. The author describes the conjunctions of these 11 categories and tries to summarize the frequency of every conjunction used in the two documents and word formation and the earliest usage. We also use charts in order to show it clearly. Meanwhile we probe into the grammaticalization process of some conjunctions which are not discussed frequently。When discussing the monophonic conjunctions, we examine their meanings and observe the grammaticalization process of these conjunctions during which we find out when the monophonic conjunctions become functional words in two conditions: When discussing and describing the diplophonic conjunctions, we focus on the word formation and the grammaticalization process of the conjunctions. During the discussion , we combine the theory of grammaticalization with semantics, phonology and cognitive linguistics to explore these conjunctions from these four angles of pronunciation, lexeme, grammar and pragmatics.During the summary of these 11 conjunctions of subcategories, according to the conjunctions distribution in the corpus, word formation and used period in the last section of each category, we use the charts, add an explanatory note to the list of statistics. In order to compare with the subsequent conjunctions of the same category, we cited the results of an investigation in Song dynasty, Yuan and Ming dynasty so that there is a comparison in length direction.The fifth chapter is the conclusion. In this chapter, we mainly investigate four main problems: the characteristics of the conjunctions in late Tang dynasty; the characteristics of the conjunctions grammaticalization in late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties; the origin and word formation of conjunctions, and the characteristics of conjunctive distribution in these two documents along with the reasons.By studying the conjunctions in late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties, we summarize the following features of conjunctions: first, second, many new conjunctions began to appear. Third, diplophonic and monophonic conjunctions were used simultaneously. Fourth, conjunctions were interchangeable widely. Based on the summary, we find out the reasons of these features presented in conjunctions. During late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties, the components of diplophonic conjunctions—the monophonic conjunctions—were enough and the corresponding chances of diplophonic conjunctions with same meaning were more than before. In addition, dialectal vocabularies and the conjunctions of some religion began to enter the written system, which helped the conjunctions with the same meaning join together to a certain extent. The late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties were important periods of Chinese during which great changes had taken place in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. And conjunctions were no exception. Many high-frequency conjunctions in modern Chinese began to appear, such as"he, zhiyao, zhishi, budan and buguan". The succession of conjunctions made diplophonic and monophonic conjunctions used simultaneously because the most conjunctions appeared in early Qin dynasty were monophonic and the following conjunctions were diplophonic. Because the data of research were early copy of spoken and sung literature, diplophonic and monophonic conjunctions used crossly in order to rhyme and performance. Moreover, for the sake of the syllables, modal particles were used. Slowly some diplophonic conjunctions formed. The interchangeable application of conjunctions was a typical feature in the late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties.We summarize that the grammaticalization of conjunctions in the late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties has the following characteristics:Monophonic conjunctions in late Tang and five dynasties derived from two conditions: the first condition was that other kind of words became conjunctions directly and the second was the words in other category were borrowed to become conjunctions. Diplophonic conjunctions derived from eight conditions: the conjunctions with the same meaning were used together to form a conjunction; the conjunctions with the same meaning were used crossly to form a conjunction; the other kind of words became a new conjunction by grammaticalization; the interior of a conjunction changed to form a new conjunction; the conjunction of re-analysis formed a new conjunction; the conjunction added suffix to form a new one; the phrases were used together to form a new one; the conjunction was affected by the context of it to form a new conjunction.The distribution characteristics of the conjunctions and the causes in these two documents are the most important points that we are going to discuss. By charts, we find out that the distribution of conjunctions in these two documents was unbalanced and different. We also try explaining this phenomenon in the respects of the linguistic characteristics of Buddhism, the characteristics of style and the logic. Because of the pressing time and the limited knowledge, we don’t come up the expectations.In brief, the research of the conjunctions in late Tang dynasty and Five dynasties is a component of the research of Chinese conjunctions. The system of conjunctions is a dynamic and developing system and in different periods the conjunction will present different features. I hope that I may summarize my study and make my pygmy effort to investigate the conjunctions by describing the conjunctions and exploring the grammaticalization and the related problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

