

Bodies in Beijing, Hearts in Shandong

【作者】 孙向群

【导师】 刘平;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 山东是个人口大省,也是移民输出大省。近代山东的大规模向外移民一直是史学界和社会学界关注的历史现象。北京、东北地区、安徽、江苏、河南和上海等都是吸纳山东移民的地区。山东人闯关东成为社会史与移民史研究的热点之一。然而,人们对山东人“闯京城”的现象关注明显不够。尽管近代旅京山东人和他们的后代已经成为北京市民中的庞大群体,但是,学术界对这一移民群体的史学研究还没有得到充分的展开。北京长期居于京师和首都地位,同时也是一个重要的消费城市。北京的商业与山东商人的经营息息相关,以致于近代北京商会的领导权力由山东籍商人所长期操持。近代北京许多行业如餐饮、绸缎、屠宰、粮食、芝麻油和木材加工等等,都是山东商人纵横驰骋的天下。由此,在古老的北京城形成了一支人数众多且极有势力的商人群体——山东商帮(简称鲁商)。从清代到北洋时期,北京作为重要的政治、经济和文化中心城市,吸引着全国各地的人。一些有志于成才的山东学子把获取深造的希望放在了北京,北京的学校集聚了大量的鲁籍学生,这些鲁籍学生毕业之后有的步入官场,逐渐成为北京军政界不可忽视的群体。从事体力劳动的山东人则是下层群体。大批失去土地的山东农民历经千辛万苦来到北京谋生,遍布京城的大街小巷。北京作为近代消费城市的特征使得这些身无分文的山东移民只能选择体力劳动来维护他们的自身生存。由此,我们形成了这样一种初步的印象,近代山东人向北京持续不断地移民,是自然与社会变化共同作用的结果,山东移民在北京具有庞大的数量和复杂的社会阶层分化和巨大的社会能量。山东人向北京的常态性迁移较之于山东移民“闯关东”现象有很大的差别。山东人入京现象的成因、变化和影响都有哪些独特的动机?他们对转换生活空间又持有怎样的期待呢?在北京当地人(实际上他们当中很多人也是外来移民的后代)看来,这些移入北京的山东人仍然是“客民”。商业的竞争、政治上的倾轧以及本地人的排外观念都对旅京山东人提出了严峻的挑战。旅京山东人在北京的适应过程也是充满曲折的。他们在北京如何拓展自身的生活空间?旅京山东人几乎分布于北京社会的各个阶层。他们常年在北京生活,有的人终生未再返回故土,然而他们对家乡的眷恋却又是十分厚重的。旅京山东人利用同乡关系结成了一种极有韧性的社会网络——同乡网络。这种网络的构成和扩大为旅京山东人跨阶层、跨行业地寻求利益共识,表达共同呼声提供了可能。但是,这种网络并不是处于无限制扩大的状态之中,在特定的情境下也有选择和排斥。那么,旅京山东人又是以何种标准来相互认同的呢?旅京山东人并不是单向的索求者,他们在各北京的行各业中谋生发展,客观上为北京城市的发展起到了积极作用,北京在近代社会变迁中,留下了山东人的深深足迹。那么怎样看待旅京山东人对北京近代城市发展的作用及影响呢?近代中国风起云涌,旅京山东人在北京这个特殊的城市空间里上演了种种生动的历史活剧。在涉及山东的重大政治事件中,如在民国初年收回青岛和威海卫问题、解决临城劫案等事件中,旅京山东人都积极参与,发挥了重要作用。对家乡安危的忧虑是促成旅京山东人投入这场爱乡、爱国运动的主要因素,但是他们是如何借助北京这一特殊城市空间对家乡事务发挥影响?又是如何处理家乡认同与国家利益的关系呢?问题的产生引发笔者探索“近代旅京山东人”这一主题的兴趣。笔者决定以第一次鸦片战争后的晚清时期和整个民国时期,即1840年至1949年的一百多年为考察时段,将这一时期不同社会阶层的旅京山东人作为考察对象,运用历史学、社会学、人口学、心理学与文化人类学等多种学科理论方法,通过对多种史料的解读,来动态而完整地再现旅京山东人的历史风貌。全文除了导言和结论,共有六章:第一章“北望燕赵,南览齐鲁——近代山东人进京概况”。本章分析近代山东人的迁移入京客观原因和主观动机,并结合京鲁之间的地缘关系和北京的城市特征来说明北京何以能大量吸纳山东移民。第二章“从会馆到同乡会——旅京山东人的同乡组织”。近代,随着山东人在北京的聚集,成立同乡组织成为必然。山东人最初在北京成立了传统的同乡组织——会馆。清末以来,由于社会形势变化以及移民数量的增加等因素,现代性的同乡组织——同乡会开始出现。同乡组织在旅京山东人中具有重要凝聚作用。第三章“近代北京的山东商帮”。山东商帮是旅京山东人群体中比较有稳定性的一个部分。山东商帮在北京的经营业务与他们的籍贯有明显的关联,展现出同业即同乡的特征。山东商帮在北京的长期发展,彰示了旅京山东人在北京如何取得经济地位,并将其转化为社会地位的历程。山东商帮对近代北京商会的长期把持就充分地说明了这一点。随着近代工商业经济的发展,同业之间的竞争使得同乡网络在经济利益面前被弱化。第四章“北京与山东的互动:旅京山东人的推力”。旅京山东人是一个庞大的移民群体。尽管他们进入北京的途径不同,社会地位和职业分工也不同,但他们都对北京的城市发展起到了程度不等的作用。本章把王懿荣、宋哲元、赵登禹和时传祥纳入到一个研究视野中,形象地阐述不同时期、不同社会阶层的旅京山东人对北京城市发展所发挥的作用和影响。旅京山东人虽然身在北京,但是仍然关心家乡事务,通过不同的途径对家乡事务发挥作用或施加影响。北京这个具有特殊政治地位的城市为他们扩大影响力提供了极大的便利条件。在特定情况下,旅京山东人起到了沟通家乡与中央的作用。第五章“清末旅京山东人同乡网络的整合——以莱阳民变为背景”。清末时期,旅京山东人的地方利益意识普遍上升。在中央权威严重下降的时期,旅京山东人表达了对清政府加强控制地方的不满。本章以莱阳民变为背景,可以看出旅京山东人在政治上所构成的网络与发挥的作用。第六章“爱乡与爱国的统一——以青岛和威海卫交涉为背景”。本章叙述旅京山东人在五四运动中的积极活动,展现了旅京山东人如何通过北京这个特殊的城市空间,实现了爱国与爱乡的统一。通过以上研究,我们可以看出,作为地域文化特色鲜明的移民群体,旅京山东人在漫长的历史岁月中在北京土地上留下了深深的印痕,同时也对家乡的历史发展产生了不可忽视的影响。大批山东人在北京从事商业活动,活跃了北京的市场,满足了北京社会各阶层的日常生活需要,同时,一些山东商人扩大了资本积累,提高了自身在北京的社会地位,并将其转化为政治资源。旅京山东人充分利用家乡的地理优势和文化资源,通过迁居在北京这个政治中心城市,拓展了自己的生存空间,并构成了一个极有张力和韧性的同乡网络,这个网络具有广泛性、持续扩张性、选择性的特征。旅京山东人依靠同乡网络加强了自身在北京的社会地位,有效地保障了自身的利益,把自身培育成京城中不可小觑的移民群体。近代中国社会发生广泛而深刻的变迁,每个生活在北京的山东人都不由自主地卷入到这个社会变迁的潮流中。从日常生活行为到文化价值观念,都无不受到变迁潮流的推动而发生位移,尽管这种位移在某个特定时期看起看来是相当缓慢的。当然,与山东相比,尤其是山东的广大农村相比,北京社会变迁的步骤更为明显。因此,旅京山东人比家乡人更多地接受了近代文明的泽润。然而,对众多的旅京山东人来说,进入北京这座城市,就不可避免地面临着如何调适自己的观念和行为,以适应在北京的“他乡”生活。这一问题在本文研究中有充分的解释。可以看出,旅京山东人在近代社会变迁中,表现出很强的适应能力,既有对空间变化的适应,又有对时代变化的适应。自从欧美资本主义国家以强力手段打开中国大门之后,中国被迫告别漫长的封建时代,在动荡中进入了半殖民地半封建时代。尽管山东人进京潮流并未发生较大的改变,北京仍然是山东人移居的重要目的地。但是,北京已经呈现出向近代化城市转变的态势。近代工商业在北京开始发展。在这种情况下,来自农业大省的山东人进入北京后,就大多从事与北京日常经济生活相关的工作,从掏井担粪到经营饭庄和绸布店,可以说北京的工商业都有山东人的踪影。旅京山东商人在精心经营自己的传统项目的同时,一些商人将眼光放到了新兴的经营项目如啤酒酿造业。无疑,在北京谋生创业的过程中,山东人不仅实现了居住空间的转换,而且不由自主地完成了从乡村居民向城市市民的社会角色转换。旅京山东人的这种社会角色转换在一定程度上促成了自身的观念转变。他们在北京以山东同乡相互建构家乡认同的同时,又把这种认同融合于民族国家的认同。这种转变是与民族国家意识的上升同步的。如果说在莱阳民变中,旅京山东人总体上还是以家乡利益为本位,那么这种爱乡意识与效忠封建王朝的意识是有明显差距的。当然,这种爱乡意识不能被简单定性为狭隘的地域意识。因为通过切身地体会到家乡利益的损失,旅京山东人深刻地意识到这种问题在全国范围的普遍性。由于清王朝即将处于覆灭的状态,一个满目疮痍,与民为敌,即将退出历史舞台的封建王朝难以唤起全国民众的效忠,故旅京山东人难以把对家乡的忠诚转化为对清王朝的忠诚,自然也无法实现与清政府通畅而有效的沟通。到五四运动时期,旅京山东人把家乡的利益与国家的利益统一起来,并与北洋政府实现了有效的沟通。五四运动避免大规模暴力流血事件的发生,与旅京山东人争取鲁籍军政人员的支持和理解有很大的关系。类似吴佩孚这些手握生杀大权的人物,之所以对五四运动表现出支持和同情,固然是本于自身利益而表现出来的一种政治姿态,其目的在于排斥当时亲日的皖系段祺瑞和徐树铮势力,从而赢得全国各界民众的好感。但是,吴佩孚的表态在一定程度上也表明,他身为山东人,不可能完全割舍对家乡的感情。当家乡的主权利益受到侵害时,顺应同乡的呼吁也就合乎一种历史逻辑了。旅京山东人在近代历史上把爱乡与爱国意识的统一,表明一个地域群体,只有与国家建立密不可分的关系,不以狭隘的眼光来看待自身与别的地域关系,才能让自己身处其中的国家孕育长久不衰的生命力。

【Abstract】 Shandong province is not only a big population province,but also an immigrants province.It was a history phenomenon that Shandong immigrated on a large scale in modern times.Beijing,The three provinces of the northeast China,Anhui,Jiangsu, Henan and Shanghai,etc,were areas of Shandong immigrants.Althrough Shandong immigrants and their descendants in Beijing were Beijing citizens now,the group are still not studied.Beijing is a consume city in mordern times.Beijing’s commerce had so close to do with Shandong businessmen,that Beijing Chamber of Commerce was controlled by them.They mainly engaged in food and drink,silks and satins,slaughtering,grains, seame oil,lumber mill,etc.Thus the powerful group of Shandong businessmen came into being in Beijing.Beijing,as the Qing Dynasty and the North Government,attracted people from the whole country.Some Shandong students hoped to study further in Beijing,so schools in Beijing gathered many Shandong students.Some of them gratduated became an important group of military and political circles in Beijing.Shandong physical labour was a group of lower levers.Shandong peasents who lost their lands had gone through all kinds of hardship and difficultties to come to Beijing.They had to engaded in physical labour to support themselves.Thus,we can draw a tentative impression,that in modern times Shandong immigrants to Beijing was a result that natural and social changed.Shandong immigrants had large number and complecated social levels.Shandong immigrants to Beijing were much different from Shandong immigrants to the three provinces of the northeast China.Why did Shandong immigrants go to bejing? What hope did they had to Beijing?Beijing native considered Shandong immigrants as "nonnative".Competition for markets,engaging in internal strife for politics and native antiforeignism challenged Shandong immigrants to a contest.Shandong immigrants adapted themselves to Beijing tortuously.How they expanded themselves life sphere in Beijing?Shandong immigrants nearly were ditributed over all social levels in Beijing. They lived in Beijing all year.Some of them did not returned their hometown,but they were reluctant to leave hometown.Shandong immigrants weaved social network——fellowship network by fellowship.This network made it possible for commom interest of Shandong immigrants.But it was not expanded without limit.It was selective and rejective under some circumstances.Thus,how did Shandong immigrants accept the standard each other?Shandong immigrants were not only demanders.They developed in all professions,this contributed to Beijing city advancing objectively.Shandong immigrants left deeply foot in Beijing city in modern times.What fuction and influnce did Shandong immigrants have to Beijing city in modern times?In modern times,China winds rising and clouds scudding,Shandong immigrants act history play in Beijing city.They actively took part in and played important roles in political incidents of Shandong,such as Weihaiwei question,Qingdao question, Lincheng incident,etc.Concerning about hometown safety was important factor that threw themselves into the patriotic movements.But how did they influnce for their hometown in Beijing? And how did they deal with relation between interest of their hometown and country interest?These questions give rise to my interest for studying on Shandong immigrants in Beijing in modern times.Based on abundant document information,the paper studies on Shandong immigrants at all kinds of social levels from 1840 to 1949,and shows their history features with the help of history,socioligy,anthropology,etc.It is studied along above clues in this paper.There are six chapters in this paper except introduction and conclusion.Chapter One:Shandong Immigrants to Beijing in Modern Times.Shandong immigrants to Beijing had objective and subjective factors.There were close relationship between their birth place and profession.Chapter Two:From Guild Halls to Associations of Fellow Provinces Organizations of Shandong Province.It was necessary to build orgnizations of Shandong province with Shandong immigrants gathering in Beijing in modern times. Shandong immigrants bulid traditional organizations——guild halls in early time. Since late Qing Dynasty modern organization——associations of fellow provinces had appeared.Organizations had important cohesion of Shandong immigrants.Chapter Three:the Group of Shandong Businessmen in Beijing in Modern Times.They were a stable group among Shandong immigrants in Beijing.It had close relationship between their birth place and profession.Shandong businessmen had developed in Beijing for a long time,this showed how they obtained economical position and how it transformed into social position.Shandong businessmen seized Beijing chamber of commerce for long time.But competion between the same trade made fellowship weakened for economy interest.Chapter Four:Interaction between Beijing and Shandong:Thrust of Shandong Immigrants.Althrought Shandong immigrants came to Beijing by different way,and their social position and profession were different,they all contributed to Beijing city. this chapter took Song-zheyuan,Zhao-dengyu and Shi-chuanxiang as examples, showing that diferent social levels of Shandong immigrants’ function and influnce to Beijing.Shandong immgrants lived in Beijing,but they concerned on their hometown. Beijing city provided them convenience for their influnceto their hometown.Under some specific conditions,Shandong immgrants linked up their hometown with central authority.Chapter Five:Conformity of Fellowship Network of Shandong Immigrants——Analysis of laiyang incident.In late Qing Dynasty,local beneifit conscious of Shandong immgrants promoted commonly.With central anthority falling, Shandong immgrants dissatisfied with the Qing Government controlling locality strongly.The politics network that Shandong immigrants weaved and disintegrating could be seen from Laiyang incident in this chapter.Chapter Six:Loving their Country in Unity with Loving their Hometown——Analysis of the May Fourth Movoment of 1919.Analysis of the May Fourth movoment of 1919.This chapter shows how Shandong immigrants unitied loving their country in with loving their hometown in Beijing city in Beijing city.From above,we can see that Shandong immigrants left their deeply footprints in Beijing as a group of local immigrants in long history time.Meanwhile they influnced development of their hometown importantly.Many Shandong immigrants engaged in trade in Beijing,so Beijing business was brisk and supplied consumer demand.Some of Shandong immigrants increased their capital,and transferred capital to political resources.In Beijing Shandong immigrants weaved a tenacious fellowship network having characteristics of trans-regional,trans-sectoral,trans-social stratum.Depending on fellowship network,Shandong immigrants strengthened their social position and ensured their own benefits,this made themselves be important immigrants in Beijing.Everyong in Beijing would be revolved into the tide of social changes.Their actions and values were changed by the tide.Though the changes were so slowly in some time,Social changes were more distinct in Beijing than in Shandong.So Shandong immigrants accepted modern culture more than Shandong native.Mang Shandong immigrants had to adapted themselve to Beijing.From the paper, Shandong immigrants had strong adaptability.In modern times,modernized enterprise appeared in Beijing.Under the circumstance,Shandong immigrants in Beijing were engaged in works correlated with everyday life.,such as drilling well, loading faeces,catering,silks and satins,etc.Shandong immigrants engaged in not only the tranditional trade,but also the rising trade.Undoubtedly,Shandong immigrants not only transformated living sphere,they also transformated social roles from villagers to citizens.This led to ideal transformation in some degree.They unitied hometown recognization with country recognizition.Shandong immigrants emphasized on hometown benefits in Laiyang incidence.Off cource,it was not narrow local idea.The downfall of the Qing dynasty did not arose loyality of the whole country people.Shandong immigrants could not transformated hometown loyality to country loyality,and could not promote mutual understanding with the Qing Government.They realized it commom hometown benefits loss the whole country in the May Fourth movoment of 1919,So they united hometown benefits with country benefits,and promote mutual understanding with the North Government,What avioded a large scale bloody incidence,with the help of Shandong official politilcal and millitary circul.Wu-peifu sympathized with the May Fourth movoment,not only because of self interest,but also because he is a Shandong person.When his hometown benefits were infringed,he accorded to fellowship. Shandong immigrants unitied loving their hometown with loving their country,this shows that as a local group,it had great vitality only when was connected with country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

