

Human Cultural Adaptation in Jiaodong Peninsula during Mid-Holocene

【作者】 史本恒

【导师】 栾丰实;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人类社会的文化发展与自然环境、社会环境密不可分,如何理解文化与环境的关系是环境考古的主题。文化生态学的理论认为“文化即适应”,主张以生态学的观点来研究人类文化,着眼于在特定的环境中,人类是如何创造特定的文化,人类采取了什么方式来适应;在相同的环境和不同的环境中,人类采取了何种相同或不同的方式来适应。这种观点有助于对人类某些文化现象的理解。胶东半岛三面环海,是一个相对独立的地理单元,全新世中期该地区的考古学文化面貌也具有相对的独立性。本文的研究目的是,通过对人类文化现象和自然环境的的考察,从“适应”的角度探求两者之间的关系,即人类是如何通过文化来适应当地独特的自然环境,在适应过程中创造了哪些独特的文化特征,哪些文化特征与自然环境有着不可分割的联系,不同的文化特征之间又有什么联系。本文在研究过程中,综合运用了聚落考古、环境考古、地图分析、文化因素分析、遗存的功能分析、地理信息系统等方法。聚落分析主要着眼于聚落分布与各种自然环境因素的关系,在分析过程中首先建立胶东半岛考古地理信息系统,然后加载表现各种自然要素的地图数据,运用相关软件提供的各种功能,分析聚落位置与自然环境的关系。除此之外,还运用遗存的功能分析方法对考古遗存进行了研究,以考察其独特性以及与环境的关系。本文共分七个部分。一、第一章:绪论。对本文的题目进行解释,并阐明本文的研究目的、研究方法和内容。包括研究的时空范围,以及文化生态学中“适应”的含义,运用生态文化学理念对考古学文化进行分析的方法、步骤等。二、第二章:研究区的自然环境背景与考古学文化背景。简要介绍胶东半岛的现代自然环境特征、全新世环境演变以及考古学文化的分期、文化特征、年代等,从而为下文的深入考察奠定基础。三、第三章:建筑技术和生活用品与人类的文化适应。考察胶东半岛全新世中期人类的建筑方式、建筑技术以及人类的部分生活用品,并探讨其与自然环境之间的关系。通过考察,认为胶东半岛在建筑方面的独特性表现在两个方面,一是有相当数量的房屋柱洞深达1米以上,二是在海岛和沿海地区的房屋自始至终都是半地穴式建筑。通过对当地气象条件的考察,发现海岛与沿海地区的风力较大,年均大风日数较多。通过分析半地穴式房屋和深柱洞的受力情况,认为半岛地区建筑方面表现出的独特性与当地的大风条件有着密切的关系,建筑技术是人类对当地气象条件的适应行为。通过对生活用品的考察,发现随着时代的推移,炊器中陶鼎和陶甗的数量有此消彼长的趋势,本文从分析两者的功能入手,认为陶甗的数量增加是由于人类农业水平提高、农产品产量提高的必然结果,也是人类的一种文化因素对另一种文化因素的适应行为。四、第四章:聚落分布与人类的文化适应一基于GIS的考察。由于本章主要使用了地理信息系统作为研究方法,因此首先对地理信息系统在考古研究中的应用做了介绍和回顾。然后考察了胶东半岛全新世中期人类的聚落分布与各种环境因素之间的关系,并就相关问题进行了讨论。最后对本章使用的研究方法进行了探讨。通过考察可知,胶东半岛聚落与河流的空间距离始终以100-600米之间为最多,达聚落总数的近80%,这与人类为获取水源有直接关系。在大型河流的下游以及中游宽阔河谷或山间盆地,遗址分布相对较少,通过分析大型河流的水文、地貌和地质状况可知,大型河流中、下游河网密布,在雨季很容易造成洪涝灾害,因此人们更多地选择在大型河流的上游以及小型河流附近地区建造聚落。为了考察聚落与土壤类型之间的关系,首先根据土壤资源在农业中利用价值的不同,建立了土壤类型的宜农等级划分标准,将胶东半岛42个土属和土种划分为五个宜农等级。考察聚落周围不同土壤类型的面积数量,可知随着时代的变化,聚落周围适宜开展农耕的土壤类型的面积呈现出逐渐增加的趋势,龙山和岳石文化时期,聚落周围宜农土壤类型的面积较此前时期有较大的增加。这与龙山和岳石文化时期人类的农业水平有较大提高有着必然的关系。考察聚落与滑石矿等各种矿产资源间的空间距离,结果发现聚落分布与各种矿物产资源之间的距离从数公里到几十公里之间不等,说明两者的分布没有明显相关性,矿物来源的方便与否并不是人们选择聚落位置时的考虑因素。但是聚落与大多数矿产资源的距离都较远,要获得这些资源,需要经过长途跋涉获得或通过其它与这些矿产资源更近的聚落间接获得,由此可能形成了一定的资源流通路线或文化传播路线。通过考察可知,在半岛北部地区,该路线很可能位于沿海15公里以内的狭长地带内,这条路线也可能是山东内陆地区与胶东半岛文化因素传播的路线。从现有的资料来分析,半岛北部地区与半岛南部地区的文化交流路线以艾山/牙山山脉之间和半岛东端沿海地区为主。另外根据遗址分布的时空规律和地貌状况,分析了山东内陆地区与胶东半岛文化交流的路线。结果表明,由于胶莱平原地势低平,且河流众多,水患较大,因此人们更多地选择胶莱平原南、北沿海地带进行文化交流,并形成南、北两条路线:在不同的时期,两条路线的重要性似有一定的差别。在北辛文化时期和大汶口文化早期,连接鲁北沿海地区和莱州湾东岸沿海地区的北线,比连接胶州湾东西两侧的南线的重要性更明显一些。龙山文化时期以后,南线与北线具有同样的重要性。本文首次将SRTM数据应用到国内考古学研究中,因此有必要对其应用的可行性进行讨论。将SRTM数字高程模型与地形图进行对比,发现SRTM数字高程模型在宏观地貌判读、水文分析方面有着传统地形图所不能比拟的优势,但是其高程数据的精确度还有待于进一步验证。总体而言,其数据质量较高,作为免费和很容易获取的数据,其应用于考古学研究的前景较好。五、第五章:贝类捕捞经济与人类的文化适应。考察胶东半岛贝丘遗址的分布与贝类资源丰富海区的分布,借以初步评估贝类捕捞经济在经济方式中的地位。结果表明,在农业可能并没有产生的时期,人类的沿海聚落位置选择具有明确的目的性,即选择那些贝类资源丰富并且适合居住的地点。随着胶东半岛农业生产技术的出现,贝类捕捞经济的地位在紫荆山一期之后迅速降低,这与辽东半岛贝丘遗址一直延续到青铜时代的特征有很大差异,这表明面对农业文明和贝类资源时,两个半岛的居民表现出的选择性和所采取适应策略有差异。六、总结:把主要考察结果和观点结合起来,力图较全面地展示胶东半岛全新世中期人类对环境的文化适应方式,并归纳其与山东内陆、辽东半岛人类的适应方式的差异。七、附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ:胶东半岛考古遗址调查记录、胶东半岛考古遗址植硅体分析。在考察胶东半岛遗址的过程中,采集了陶片和植硅体土样,并对土样进行了植硅体分析,未发现农作物信息,将各遗址样品中植硅体种类、数量进行统计并写入本文,供今后研究参考。

【Abstract】 The development of human culture is highly correlative with the environment and social settings. How to understand the relationship between the culture and the environment is the main topic of environmental archaeology. The theory of cultural ecology considers that "Culture is adaptive". It advocates to study human cultures from the ecological point of view, to study how the human create special culture in a given environment. What are the differences and similarities between the cultures in different region. This point of view is helpful to understand some cultural phenomenon.Jiaodong Peninsula is a relatively independent geographical unit and the archaeological culture is also special in mid-Holocene. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the features of the archaeological cultural and the environment, then to discuss the relationship between them. The main methods applied in the study include settlement archaeology, environmental archaeology, map analysis, cultural factor analysis and GIS (Geographical Information System). First to build the archaeological GIS of the study area. Then add the map data as different layers to show the environmental factors such as the distribution of the mineral sources. In addition, the archaeological remains are analyzed to investigate its relationship with the environment.The architecture technology and commodity are discussed. In Jiaodong Peninsula, the particularity of architecture is the long-term use of very deep post and half-crypt house. The article investigated the weather condition of the study area and argued that the above phenomenon is related to the frequent big wind. In order to prevent the house to be destroyed by the big wind, people used of deep post and half-crypt house. Among the cooking potteries, the amount of Yan gradually increased and Ding decreased correspondently with the transition of the period. The arcticle analyzed the function of the two kinds of cooking potteries and concluded that it was because of the development of agriculture that resulted in the situation.The distance between the settlements and the rivers was investigated. Most of the interval between them is 100-600 meters. But in the lower reaches plain and broad valley located the middle reaches of the big rivers, there are very few settlements. The article investigated the landform and hydrology of the study area and found that there were frequent waterlog. So people had to avoid such places to build their settlements. It reflects the human’s adaptation to the environment.The article investigated the relationship between the distribution of the settlements and the type of the soil. First the 42 types of soil were divided into five ranks according to the yield of crop. The Rank 1 is the best types for the growth of crop. The Rank 5 is the worst types. Then the area of every type of soil within 2 kilometers around every settlement were calculated. The data were gathered and analyzed for every period in order to find the rules of change. The result show that the area of the best types soil of the earlier periods (Qiujiazhuang Type and Beizhuang Type )were more than that of the late periods (Longshan Culture and Yueshi Culture). This indicates the development of the agriculture in Lonshan Culuture and Yueshi Culture. Other proofs, such as the amount of the agriculture tools and the more discovered crop, also suggest that the technology of agriculture were more advanced in Longshan and Yueshi Period. When people found that different types of soil had different ability to yield crop, they preferred to build their settlement near places of more good quality soil types. This is a good example to show human cultural adaptation to the environment.The distance between the settlements and all kinds of mineral resources were investigated. The result show that the distance from several kilometers to dozens of kilometers. This result shows that there are few relativity between them. Mineral resources were not the important factor when people decided where to build their settlement. Since that most of the mineral resources were far away from the settlements, special routes may formed to get the resources. In the northern part of the peninsula, the route maybe is within the 15 kilometers near the sea, because for most of the settlements people, they could get the resources within this district instead of suffering from going into the mountainous inland. But the culture exchange route between e northern part and the southern part of the peninsula may cross the narrow district between the Aishan Mountain and the Yashan Mountain.The culture exchange route between the peninsula and the inland of Shandong province were also discussed. The Jiaolai plain, which connected the two parts, were very low and full of rivers, hence there maybe a lot of waterlog. The waterlog compelled the mid-Holocene people to avoid to living or going through the area. So there were two routes to connect the peninsula and the inland area. One is along the northern part of the Jiaolai plain and the other one is along the southern part of the plain. Both of them are coastal routes. In Beixin Period and the early Dawenkou Period, the north route maybe more important than the south one. The two routes were the same important in Lonshan and Yueshi Period.In this article, the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data were first applied in Chinese archaeological research. So it is necessary to discuss the precision of the data. According to the comparison of the data with the topography map, we found the SRTM data has good quality to be used in the analysis of geomorphology and hydrograph. It has many merits, but it seems that the elevation of the data is not so precise. The reason for this is still to be discussed. But generally speaking, the SRTM data has good quality and can fulfill with some archaological tasks.The subsistence economy is one of the important content. There are a lot of shell middens in Jiaodong Peninsula. So the importance of the shell collection was discussed as an economic mode. The result shows that when people built their settlement in the coastal area, they had specific aim and only chose those places where there were abundant shell resources. This indicates that the shell collections played a very important role in people’s economy. But with the diffusion of the agriculture technology from Dawenkou Culture, the people in Jiaodong Peninsula gradually abandoned the shell collection and the shell collection was not so important as the earlier periods. This adaptation is different with that of people in Liaodong Peninsula. In Liaodong Peninsula, the shell collection was always important to the economy from the Neolithic Period to the Bronze Age. The differences show us a good example of cultural adaptation when people face the same natural and social environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

