

Brand Economic Approach to Independent Innovation of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in China

【作者】 马晓云

【导师】 孙曰瑶;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国民经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文意在利用品牌策略解决中国装备制造业自主创新如何取得市场收益最大化的问题。马克思在《资本论》中提到:“各种经济时代的区别,不在于生产什么,而在于怎样生产,用什么劳动资料生产”。装备制造业是我国工业的重要支柱产业,但这一产业已被欧美发达国家牢牢掌控,面对强势在位者,作为后发者的中国装备制造业,自主创新成为唯一出路。本文认为,自主创新不是目的,企业不是为了自主创新而自主创新,它只是振兴我国装备制造业的一种手段,使企业获得富有成长性的持续盈利才是自主创新的最终目的。简言之,只有能够为企业带来一定市场收益的自主创新才是成功的,富有效率的,否则,自主创新是无效的。以往大多数自主创新研究,都是基于一个假定前提:自主创新是具有市场收益的。事实果真如此吗?现实经济社会中,自主创新并不一定都能为企业带来市场收益,该如何降低自主创新市场收益不确定性,以解决中国装备制造业自主创新市场收益最大化的命题,成为本文重要研究价值之所在。较以往研究所不同,本文是基于品牌经济的视角,属于将已有的理论应用于新的领域,即用已有理论解决现实问题。文中运用经济学的分析方法和分析工具,在品牌经济学分析框架下,将品牌这个要素,引入装备制造业自主创新的市场收益最大化研究之中。在过剩经济条件下,解决中国装备制造业自主创新实现市场收益最大化的前提条件问题。本文首次提出并论证,品牌是我国装备制造业自主创新获得市场收益最大化的重要约束条件。正是品牌降低了装备制造业自主创新市场收益的不确定性,换言之,只有在品牌条件下,装备制造业的自主创新才能够获得市场收益最大化。装备制造业引入品牌,品牌信用直接影响到外部消费者的选择成本。企业通过品牌策略,提升品牌信用,影响消费者的选择效率,进而影响企业的生产效率。装备制造业企业品牌的品类度越高,品牌信用度就越高,企业对终端销售的拉力也就越大。因此,装备制造业通过品牌对产业链中各环节产生销售拉力作用,促进整个产业链的生产效率,使企业得以健康持久的发展,从而实现企业市场收益和社会福利的最大化。从整体结构来看,本文采用了基本假设和概念界定——构建解释性模型——提出解决性模型的研究思路。首先,是经济假设与概念界定。为解决自主创新获得市场收益最大化的前提条件问题,论文在构建解释性模型之前,为避免产生歧义,设定有限理性、全球竞争、过剩经济作为基本假设。同时,对文中出现频率较高的装备制造业、自主创新、产业链、选择成本以及与品牌相关等概念,做成明确的界定与规范。其次,是经济解释部分。本文通过对装备制造业产品及市场特性的分析,利用选择成本分析范式(孙曰瑶,2005),在明确的假设条件下,构建我国装备制造业市场收益三大模型,并在每个模型之后,使用经济应用分析加以验证。第一,从厂商利润的角度,构建基于品牌的装备制造业市场收益静态模型。为了对模型作定性研究,本文从装备制造业产品及市场特性、商标到品牌的“N-Q_I-P_E-B”演化模式分析入手,将品牌作为一种生产要素引入生产函数中,以反映一定时期内,品牌如何通过品类度等各项指标来影响装备制造业产量与收益的变化。装备制造业企业若通过品牌的单一品类和正确的品牌策略满足终端消费者需求,便能够利用终端消费者购买,以摆脱上游原材料企业和下游组装企业的束缚,整合产业链条,增强控制力并最终成为领导者,从而实现持久利润最大化;另外,通过对产业链中企业竞合模式的分析,并以需求定律为理论基础分析整个装备制造业的产业链利润,发现在引入品牌之后,装备制造业厂商利用终端消费者作用于上下游厂商,继而,取得原材料和产品的定价权;此外,还借助简单的博弈分析,说明装备制造业做品牌与其他竞争厂商不做品牌的的差异。第二,从产业链角度,构建基于竞争的装备制造业市场收益动态博弈模型。运用选择成本分析范式,在讨价还价博弈理论分析框架下,将贴现因子δ的变动与消费者的选择成本联系起来。装备制造业(上游)在产业链的上、下游动态重复博弈中,由于上游引入“品牌”,降低了终端消费者的选择成本,也就是降低了上游谈判中的议价成本,从而降低了其贴现率r,增强其在谈判中的信心和耐心,并在谈判中占优,继而影响到讨价还价双方各自的均衡收益。从理论上进一步证明,“品牌”使上游装备制造业在讨价还价博弈中占优,在激烈的市场竞争得以生存。这不仅进一步丰富品牌经济中“中间产品”的研究理论,还试图在开放经济条件下,为我国装备制造业走自主创新的品牌之路提供理论依据。第三,从终端确定性的角度,构建了基于终端的装备制造业市场收益熵比较静态模型。本文将起源于热力学的“熵”概念引入装备制造业市场收益研究之中。从“熵”的视角,将影响消费者购买行为的因素组成一个完整的系统,熵的概念引申为衡量消费者购买确定性的状态函数。依据装备制造业产业链的各个环节,从企业层面构建终端熵;从产业层面构建产业链熵,充分的解释品牌与消费者购买行为系统熵的耦合机理。从理论上论证,品牌的引入,通过降低终端消费者购买的不确定性,不仅改变终端熵的大小,而且能够改变整个装备制造业产业链熵的大小,使包括装备制造业在内的整个产业链收益得到增加。此模型合理的解释了品牌与装备制造业企业的耦合机理,进一步阐述了中间产品通过做品牌,不仅是自身市场收益增加,而且使整个产业链的市场收益得到增加。从而印证,品牌对中间产品的重要作用。与此同时,对模型进行拓展,提出品牌熵及最优品牌熵概念,对品牌理论做进一步丰富和补充。这三个解释性模型分别从不同角度阐述,装备制造业引入品牌,品牌在提升消费者自身选择效率的同时,提高了装备制造业的市场效率。换言之,正是品牌降低了装备制造业自主创新获得市场收益的不确定性,使装备制造业自主创新实现市场收益最大化。从理论上论证,品牌是装备制造业自主创新获得成功的重要前提条件,试图为我国装备制造业的自主创新建立品牌的经济学理论基础。最后,是装备制造业品牌建设的组织策略。在解释性模型之后,本文提出中国装备制造业该如何建设品牌的解决性模型。从剖析我国装备制造业品牌建设中组织策略缺失的问题入手,基于品牌经理制定位及流程再造的分析基础,将品牌经理职能制引入装备制造业组织策略中,并以西北轴承股份有限公司和沈阳高压成套开关公司为例,解决中国装备制造业品牌建设中的组织保障问题。总之,本文围绕“过剩经济条件下,中国装备制造业自主创新如何实现市场收益最大化”的问题,论证在现实经济环境和强大在位者的条件下,“品牌”是实现中国装备制造业自主创新获得市场收益最大化的重要前提条件。

【Abstract】 This article’s intention was to use brand strategy to solve problem of Chinese equipment manufacturing industry how to obtain independent innovation market to maximize profits. Marx "Das Kapital" referred to: "the difference between the various economic era what does not lie in production, but rather how the production, what the production of labor." Equipment manufacturing industry (EMI) in our country are important pillar industries, but the industry has been developed in Europe and America firmly in control, in the face of a strong incumbent, as the hair after our country the equipment manufacturing industry, independent innovation has become the only way out.This article holds that independent innovation is not the purpose of enterprises that is not for independent innovation and independent innovation, it is only to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry of our country as a means to give enterprises more wealthy continued profitable growth is the ultimate goal of independent innovation. In short, only for the enterprises must be able to market the profits of independent innovation is the successful and efficient, otherwise, self-innovation is null and void. Independent innovation of past research, are based on a hypothetical premise: all of the independent innovation have profits of a market. Truth is it? From economic and social reality, the independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry is able to market profits is uncertainly. How to decline uncertainty of market profits of independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry, to solve problem of Chinese equipment manufacturing industry how to obtain independent innovation market to maximize profits become important research value of this article lies.This paper bases on name-brand economy perspective in different of previous studies. It will belong to the theory has been applied to new areas, namely, the theory has been used to solve practical problems. By using analytical methods and economics analytical tools, under the framework of the element of the brand, paper study on maximize market profits of independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry. In excess of economic conditions, the solution to of prerequisite problem for maximize market profits of independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry. This article was first proposed and argues, the brand is important constraint condition to gain maximize market profits of independent innovation of China’s equipment manufacturing industry. It is brand that can reduce uncertainty of market profits of independent innovation equipment manufacturers, in other words, under the brand condition, independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry only can access maximize market profits.The research structure is to define the concept of the basic and assumption firstly, to build models of explanatory secondly, and to build model of solve finally. The main contents are as follows:First of all, the economic assumptions and concepts are defined. Independent innovation to address market a prerequisite for maximizing the return on the issue at building a thesis before the interpretative model, in order to avoid ambiguity. Paper set the limited rationality, global competition, a surplus of the economy as the basic assumptions. At the same time, define and standardize higher frequency of occurrence of the text of equipment manufacturing industry, independent innovation, industrial chain, and brand selection costs and related concepts clearly.Secondly, this paper is part of the economic explanation. Based on the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry products and the analysis of market characteristics, the use of cost analysis of brand choice paradigm (Sun Yue Yao, 2005), under specific assumptions, to build our country proceeds of the equipment manufacturing industry market by three models.The first static model describes market profits of equipment manufacturing, which is based on the firms’ profits. In order to make qualitative research, this article from the equipment manufacturing industry products and market characteristics, as well as from evolution model analysis of trademark to brand, to reflect brand category degree how various indicators to influence the equipment manufacturing output and input changes though brand as a factor of the production function. If enterprises would adopt single brand category and right brand strategy to meet consumer’s demand, they can make consumer out of control from upstream material’s enterprises and downstream enterprises, followed by integration of industrial chain, and enhance control and eventually become a leader, in order to achieve lasting maximize profit. At the same time, though analysis the competing model of industry chain enterprises, we found the introduction of the brand, equipment manufacture industry use consumer to control price of raw materials and manufacturers. In addition, this paper analyse the whole industry chain of the equipment manufacturing industry profits and found that after the introduction of the brand through the industry chain enterprises competing model analysis, and to demand the law of the theoretical basis. We found that equipment manufacturers use on the end consumer in the lower reaches of the role of manufacturers, then made the pricing of raw materials and products after the introduction of the brand. This paper shows the differences of equipment manufacturing industry by using a simple game analysis.The second dynamic bargain game model describes market profits of equipment manufacturing, which is based on the market competitive. This paper uses cost analysis choice paradigm to build the equipment manufacturing industry brand dynamic explanatory model. Under the framework of bargain game theory analysis, this model links the discount factor 5 and changes in the cost of consumer choice. The equipment manufacturing industry in the upstream and downstream dynamic game in the introduction of the "brand" to reduce its discount rate to make it dominant in the negotiations, and then affect the balance of bargaining. This article is further evidence of theoretically "brand" so that the upper reaches of the equipment manufacturing industry in the bargaining game edge and to survive in the intense market competition. This not only further enriches the "middle product" theory of brand economics, also tries to provide a theoretical basis in an open economy for China’s independent innovation.The third static entropy mode describes market profits of equipment manufacturing, which is based on the market terminal. This article originated "entropy" in the thermodynamics. Entropy was introduced to the concept of brand strategy for the equipment manufacturing industry studies. From the "entropy" perspective, according to equipment manufacturing industry chain aspect of the various industries, to build terminals entropy and industry chain entropy for explanation mechanism of entropy of brand and industrial system. Argumentation theory: the introduction of the brand, by reducing the terminal consumer purchase of uncertainty, not only changed terminal entropy, but also able to change industry chain entropy, including equipment manufacturing. Whole industry chain would increase profits. At the same time, the article puts forward concept of brand entropy and optimal brand entropy by expanding. This model is a reasonable explanation for the brand and equipment manufacturing enterprises in the coupling mechanism, further elaborated that Brand building not only increased market gains, but also the whole industrial chain to increase market revenue through the middle Products brand. Thus further confirms the brand of the important role of intermediate products. At the same time, this paper further enriched brand theory.Finally, the paper builds organization strategy solution model for brand of equipment manufacturing industry. Equipment manufacturing industry brand strategy was lack of organization strategy from the analysis of in the organization in China. This article based on position of brand manager and process reengineering, system functions of brand manager was introduced to equipment manufacturing industry organization strategy, and to Xibei Bearing Co.,Ltd.and Shenyang High Voltage Complete Switchgear Co.,Ltd.as examples, to build organization strategy of brand for solution equipment manufacturing industry China.In short, this article focused on issue that independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry how to achieve maximum profits under constraint conditions of brand. The brand is the important constraint condition which achieves maximize market profits of innovation for equipment manufacturing industry in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

