

The Strategic Ecological Impact Assessment of Urban Development of Shandong Province

【作者】 王淑军

【导师】 张新时; 张凯; 王仁卿;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球社会经济的不断发展,城市化已经成为当今社会一个不可逆转的趋势。城市化的程度是衡量一个国家和地区经济、社会、文化、科技水平的重要标志,也是衡量国家和地区社会组织程度和管理水平的重要标志。然而,城市化进程中引发的城市人口急剧增长和城市面积迅速膨胀是造成其他类型用地面积减少和土地利用格局变化的主要驱动因素之一。这就引发了很多社会的、经济的和生态环境的问题,并有可能造成当地或全球范围内的生物栖息地消失或破碎化、生物多样性降低以及生态系统服务功能的减弱。因此,如何应对这些生态环境问题,并将其纳入到政策、规划和项目(Plan,Program and Projects,PPPs)的决策过程中,成为决策者和生态学家面临的重要问题。在地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)、遥感(Remote Sensing,RS)和全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)即3S技术的辅助下,战略环境评价(Strategic Environmental Assessment,SEA)、环境影响评价(EnvironmentalImpact Assessment,EIA)和生态影响评价(Ecological Impact Assessment,EcIA)等作为决策过程的辅助工具,在世界范围内迅速发展起来。SEA可以从战略层次如法律、政策或规划水平上帮助决策者在制定PPPs的过程中,能够将这些PPPs对环境的影响充分考虑在内,并制定出替代方案以期避免、减缓或补偿这些环境损失,达到无净损失(Non-Net-Loss)的目的。EIA是通过对具体的项目可能造成的潜在的环境影响进行评价并提供替代方案,以期达到无净损失的目的。EcIA是通过识别、量化和评价某项活动对生态系统或其组分的潜在影响,制定出减缓措施的过程。它能够将生态保护整合到项目的制定、执行过程中,达到保护生态环境的目的。然而,目前的EcIA主要应用在项目层面,很少有将EcIA应用到战略层面。EcIA在战略层面的应用有望作为SEA的一个有力的辅助,从宏观的时间和空间范围将生态保护纳入到PPPs的制定和执行过程中,并起到监测PPPs在执行过程中的生态影响的作用。受经济增长和人口快速增加的影响,中国的城市化步伐也越来越快。作为中国的一个经济和人口大省,山东省自从改革开放以来也同样经历了城市的快速发展过程,本研究通过山东省不同时期的四期卫星影像(1980、1995、2000和2006)分析发现城市化的快速发展引发了城市人口急剧增长和城市面积迅速膨胀,也促使居住和工业用地面积的迅速膨胀造成城乡问耕地面积的相应减少,进而导致了大量的林地、湿地和草地被开垦为耕地,对森林、湿地和草地生态统造成了损害,继而引发了一系列的生态问题,比如由于土地利用类型变化而导致生物栖息地消失、隔离或破碎化削弱了生态系统的服务功能。通过分析山东省各市县在不同时期其主要土地利用类型及其变化,结果发现在1980-2000的20年间,由于处于改革开放初期,山东省的社会经济发展刚刚起步,城市的扩张速度较慢,然而进入21世纪以来,随着改革开放的不断深入,山东省的社会经济处于快速发展阶段,城市的快速蔓延侵占了大面积的耕地、林地、草地和湿地,其中最受影响的是处于城乡结合带的耕地。土地利用类型变化较明显和复杂的市县一般都位于胶东半岛沿海地区和鲁中丘陵地区,主要包括济南、青岛、淄博、临沂、潍坊、日照、烟台等地级市的市辖区,这些地区由于先期农业不发达,改革开放以后特别注重工业的发展,由此引发这些地区的城市化发展速度较快。而土地利用类型变化相对缓和的地区一般位于鲁北平原地区、鲁西南平原地区、鲁西北平原地区和鲁东南平原地区,这些地区往往处于平原地带,以农业为主,工业相对欠发达,社会经济发展较慢,因此土地利用类型变化相对缓和,说明这一区域城市化发展较慢。通过研究山东省各市县在不同时期其生态系统服务价值的变化,可以发现鲁中南丘陵地区、胶东半岛丘陵地区和鲁东南丘陵地区以及南四湖流域湿地和黄河三角洲湿地的生态系统服务价值较大,主要是由于这些地区含有大面积的森林和灌草地或者湿地,提供了较多的非市场价值的生态系统服务。然而这些区域快速的城市化发展给生态系统带来了不同程度的影响,正在逐渐削弱其生态系统服务功能。而鲁北平原地区、鲁西南平原地区、鲁西北平原地区和鲁东南平原地区的市场价值的生态系统服务比重相对较大,主要是因为这些区域以耕地为主,是山东省的主要粮食产区,由于这些区域社会经济发展较慢,因此其生态系统服务功能受到的影响相对较轻。通过济南市和日照市两个典型城市的分析可以看出,在城市社会经济发展的初始阶段,城市化发展战略往往只侧重快速发展社会经济而忽略了对生态环境的维护,以低效率消耗有限的自然资源为动力以实现经济的粗放增长。以经济建设为中心发展机制下的城市化发展战略造成了对森林和湿地等重要生态系统的破坏以及对自然资源的大量损耗。然而,在城市化发展战略的制定和执行过程中,应当充分将生态环境保护考虑在内,加强对森林、湿地等重要生态系统的保护和管理,加快发展第三产业,限制第二产业特别是以高污染排放和高资源消耗为特点的产业的发展。城市发展中根据各地生态环境和自然条件的特点发展特色经济、循环经济,能够在实现社会经济发展的同时使生态环境得到有效的维持和保护。通过以济南市和日照市为案例,分别以两地市的四期卫星影像为基础,分析了不同时期实施的不同城市化发展战略对生态系统的影响,为环境友好型政策的制定提供理论借鉴。结果表明,充分将生态环境保护考虑在内的环境友好性政策的实施有助于维持生态系统服务功能,促进区域社会经济与生态环境保护的协调可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Influenced by the socio-economy and population growth,urbanization is an inevitable tendency in today’s world.As the most important human habitat,cities all over the world provided residence for approximately 3.3 billion or 50%of the world’s population in 2007.The urban population is expected to increase to almost 5 billion by 2030.The rapid growth of population and urban expansion are the major driving forces that contribute to land use change,including the rapid loss of arable land and an increase of urban impermeable land area.Urban development results in several challenges including ecological problems from local to global scales such as the reduction of biodiversity and the weakening of ecosystem services.It has drawn the attention of decision-makers all over the world on how to incorporate the consideration of environmental and ecological protection into the policy-makers’ deliberation on the legislation and implementation of policies,plans and programs (PPPs),so as to achieve the sustainable development of ecosystems,socio-economy and environment.The technologies of Geographic Information System(GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) have been employed as an aiding tool for risk assessment as well as simulation of land use changes.Strategic Environmental Assessment(SEA),Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) and Ecological Impact Assessment(EcIA) are used as decision aiding tools in many developed as well as developing countries to predict and evaluate the potential environmental impacts at different levels.These tools can also be used to provide alternatives in order to avoid,mitigate or compensate for these environmental impacts.As a key component of EIA,EcIA can integrate ecosystems or their components into the implementation of EIA and provide measures for the protection and management of ecosystems.The practices of EcIA mainly focus on the ecological evaluation of projects of land resource development.Few of the EcIAs have been applied to assess the ecological impact of Policy,Plan and Program(PPPs) at a strategic level.This is due to the applied limits of the EIA,which is generally used to evaluate the environmental impact of programs,projects or other single development activities.The application of EcIA at a strategic level,however,would be an effective auxiliary component of SEA to evaluate the ecological impacts of PPPs.It would provide an alternative to avoid,mitigate or compensate for these impacts from a macro perspective.As a developing country,China’s economy has experienced a dramatic economic growth since its integration in the world economy after 1978.As an economically powerful province of China with a large population,Shandong Province has earned its economic growth to some extent at the cost of environmental quality since the 1950s. A series of policies made by central and/or local governments were economy-oriented without taking enough environmental concern into account.These policies sped up the environmental degeneration of Shandong Province.Facing the deterioration of environmental quality,the people and Government of Shandong Province have realized the importance of ecosystem services and other values of the environment and have been paying greater attention to improving environmental quality.In this study,Shandong Province is viewed as a representative case in terms of the impact of the socio-economic development on ecosystem services in China.Land uses and their changes were categorized and mapped between 1980 and 2006.The ecosystem services capital and changes of 111 counties of Shandong Province in different phases were evaluated,as well the total ecosystem services capital of Shandong Province.Four sets of Landsat TM images of Shandong Province (1980/1995/2000/2006,seven bands) were used in this study.Five different land uses: arable land,forestland,grassland,wetland,as well as residential and industrial land were categorized by ArcGIS 9.0 software based on field investigation in Shandong Province.ArcGIS 9.0 software was also employed to map the conversions among land uses and determine the changes of various ecosystem services providing areas in different phases(1980-1995,1995-2000 and 2000-2006).Two important cities,Ji’nan City and Rizhao City,were viewed as representative case studies to analyze the ecological impact of different urban development policies.Finally,three management strategies for managing and improving ecosystem services were proposed and discussed with the aim of achieving coordinate and sustainable development of the socio-economy,environment and ecosystems not only in Shandong Province but also in other provinces of China,as well as in other developing and transitional countries and regions.Land uses of Shandong Province in 1980,1995,2000 and 2006 were categorized and mapped.They show that arable land and residential and industrial land of Shandong Province have experienced a clear change since 1980,especially during the 2000s.On the contrary,residential and industrial land of Shandong Province has had a continuous expansion since 1980,which experienced a dramatic increase during the 2000s.The other three land uses,forestland,grassland and wetland,did not have a clear change during the 1980s and 1990s.However,they experienced a sharp loss between 2000 and 2006 especially grassland,which was due to the rapid expansion of arable land and residential and industrial land.The counties with high Total Ecosystems Services Value(TESV) per km~2 are located in the mountainous areas of the Jiaodong Peninsula and the middle part of Shandong Province,as well as the Yellow River Delta and South Four Lakes wetlands.Most of the counties where the Prefectural-Level Cities are located are also included in these areas.However,the counties,on the plains in the west and south-east parts of Shandong Province as well as the mountainous areas in the south part of Shandong Province,have a lower TESV per km~2.Our study by way of introduction captured the strategic ecological impact of urban development strategies of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City on ecosystems and their components in different phases.This was followed by an assessment and analysis of biodiversity,habitats and ecosystem services and their changes.Growth in the 1990’s was influenced by the traditional economy-centered development strategy,where the former UDP of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City mainly focused on the urban socio-economic development by speeding up the construction of urban infrastructures, expanding urban built-up areas as well as strengthening the development of resourceand pollution-intensive industries.This caused a significant decrease of arable land and forest land,which hampered the sustainable development of biodiversity,habitats and ecosystem services of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City during the early 1990s.The rapid socio-economic development and population growth of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City mainly took place in urban-rural fringe areas of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City. Arable land was occupied for resident and industrial land.The decrease of farmland posed a threat,at least in part,to Shandong Province’s forest and wetland ecosystems as well as their ecological services.Given this,the government of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City has taken ecological protection more into account in more recent UDP, with important effects on land use change and ecosystem management.This promulgation of a more eco-environmentally friendly UDP in recent years has contributed to protect and maintain the ecosystems and their components.Based on our analysis,we predict that ecosystems as well as ecosystem services of Ji’nan City and Rizhao City will be maintained with the current UDPs in the near future.These UDPs will contribute to promote a more coordinated and sustainable development of cities’ socio-economy,environment,and ecology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】F299.2;X820.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】918
  • 攻读期成果

