

Research on the Impact of Enterprise External Network on Its Performance

【作者】 刘璐

【导师】 杨蕙馨;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 经济全球化和知识经济的发展使企业生存空间和成长模式发生了巨大变化,网络化成为提升企业绩效的重要途径。企业日益嵌入一个巨大的社会网络,企业外部网络不仅将企业绩效内外部决定理论有机结合起来,而且拓展了对企业资源来源的认识。因此,研究企业外部网络对企业绩效的影响,具有很强的理论和现实意义。已有的关于企业外部网络影响企业绩效的研究,大多强调网络位置的作用而忽视了网络节点上行动者本身的异质性,缺乏结合企业自身能力对网络影响企业绩效的机制进行探讨,因而出现研究结论大相径庭,甚至彼此矛盾。基于此,本研究以企业外部网络为自变量,以吸收能力为中间变量,以企业绩效为因变量,对企业外部网络影响企业绩效的机制进行了深入研究。具体来看,本研究主要解决三个问题:第一,在文献梳理、企业访谈和因子分析基础上,重新界定吸收能力这一过程性概念。第二,从组织层面对企业外部网络、吸收能力、企业绩效三者间关系进行定量分析。第三,对吸收能力的中介作用进行深入分析,构建并验证企业外部网络影响企业绩效的机制。围绕上述问题,本研究借鉴社会调查方法和社会网络分析方法,通过半结构访谈、小样本试调研和大样本调研几个过程,最终以山东省205家制造业企业问卷调查结果为研究数据,采用SPSS13.0统计分析软件对调研数据进行分析,包括信度与效度检验、描述统计分析、因子分析、皮尔逊积差相关性分析和多元回归分析。根据实证分析结果,主要得出以下几点结论:第一,企业外部网络对企业盈利绩效和创新绩效均有显著影响。实证结果表明,企业外部网络结构维度和关系维度七大指标中,网络规模、支持性网络的关系稳定性、资源性网络的关系强度对盈利绩效有直接的显著影响,关系质量、支持性网络的关系稳定性、网络规模度对创新绩效有直接的显著影响;企业外部网络各项指标均通过影响吸收能力对企业盈利绩效和创新绩效有间接的显著影响。第二,企业外部网络的不同指标对企业绩效和吸收能力的影响存在差异。实证结果显示,企业外部网络对企业绩效和吸收能力的影响是多维的,外部网络的不同指标对因变量各个维度的影响不同,甚至外部网络的同一指标对因变量各个维度的影响也不同。第三,吸收能力在企业外部网络对企业绩效的影响中发挥了中介作用。企业外部网络不仅对企业绩效有显著的直接影响,而且影响的力度受到吸收能力这一中间变量的影响。吸收能力在企业外部网络与企业绩效之间的中介作用体现在两个方面,一方面,企业外部网络的相关指标对企业绩效的影响不显著但是对吸收能力影响显著,即企业外部网络的这些指标对企业绩效的影响是间接的,是通过作用于吸收能力而实现的,这些指标包括网络密度、网络中心性、网络异质性、资源性网络关系稳定性、支持性网络关系强度;另一方面,企业外部网络的相关指标对企业绩效的影响是显著的,但是将企业外部网络相关指标与吸收能力四个指标均纳入多元线性回归方程对企业绩效进行分析,则企业外部网络指标对企业绩效影响的显著性降低或消失,即企业外部网络的这些指标对企业绩效的影响在相应程度上是通过吸收能力作为中介而实现的,这些指标包括网络规模、关系质量、支持性网络关系稳定性。第四,潜在吸收能力主要影响企业盈利绩效影响,现实吸收能力主要影响企业创新绩效。吸收能力可分为潜在吸收能力和现实吸收能力。潜在吸收能力包括认知价值和获取资源,主要影响企业盈利绩效;现实吸收能力包括理解内化和开发利用,在对企业盈利绩效有显著影响的同时,主要作为企业持续成长的原动力影响企业创新绩效。第五,企业规模和类型等控制变量加入后,变量之间的关系发生变化。按企业规模分类的回归结果表明,外部网络关系特征对小型企业盈利绩效的影响远远高于对大中型企业;网络中心性和支持性网络关系稳定性对小型企业创新绩效影响显著,而网络规模和资源性网络关系强度对大中型企业创新绩效影响显著;小型企业吸收能力四个维度对盈利和创新绩效的影响同时显著,大中型企业的认知价值和获取资源显著影响盈利绩效,而理解内化和开发利用显著影响创新绩效。按企业类型分类的回归结果表明,对传统企业盈利绩效影响显著的网络特征是网络规模,而对高技术企业则是关系质量和资源性网络关系稳定性:对高技术企业创新绩效影响显著的网络特征是关系质量和资源性网络关系稳定性,而对传统企业则还包括网络密度和网络异质性;吸收能力四个维度对企业绩效的影响中,只有开发利用对传统企业盈利绩效影响不显著。本研究的创新点,主要体现在以下四个方面:第一,重新界定了吸收能力这一过程性概念。企业吸收能力本质上是在不断变化的环境中企业对外部资源的一种容纳能力,而现有研究都在分析影响企业吸收能力的因素,很少深入分析企业吸收能力所包括的过程——识别、内化、转换、利用。本研究通过文献梳理和企业访谈归纳吸收能力的构成维度和衡量指标,并通过数据调研后的大样本探索性因子分析,得出了吸收能力的四个构成维度——认知价值、获取资源、理解内化和开发利用,为进一步定量分析奠定了基础。第二,将吸收能力作为中间变量,构建并验证了企业外部网络影响企业绩效的机制。本研究在企业间网络关系的研究这一外部视角中引入吸收能力作为中间变量,构建了“企业外部网络——吸收能力——企业绩效”的分析框架。在此基础上,通过实证分析,检验了吸收能力不同维度在企业外部网络对企业绩效的影响中发挥着不同而重要的中介作用。吸收能力作为中间变量的引入不仅解释了“同一网络指标对企业绩效影响两面性”问题,而且明晰了企业外部网络对企业绩效的影响机制和过程,细化了吸收能力不同维度在其中发挥的作用,构建并修正了概念模型。第三,从组织层面定量衡量企业外部网络对企业盈利绩效和创新绩效的影响。目前对企业网络的实证研究大都是从宏观层面对产业集群、区域经济等问题的分析,研究的焦点在企业的集体层面,而对微观层面上网络对个体企业影响的实证研究仍然较少,基于我国企业的实证研究仍然十分缺乏。本研究以山东省205家企业为样本,使用SPSS13.0统计分析软件定量分析了企业外部网络各项指标对企业盈利绩效和创新绩效两个方面的不同影响,具有一定的探索性。第四,选择企业年龄和企业类型作为控制变量进行对比分析。根据独立样本T检验的结果,发现按企业规模和企业类型分组具有显著性。进一步对研究样本进行相应分组后的对比分析,实证结果发现,对大中型企业与小型企业、高新技术企业与传统企业而言,企业外部网络、吸收能力、企业绩效以及三者之间的相互作用方式均有所不同。这些结论对不同类型企业针对自身特点的个性化发展提供了有价值的指导。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization economy and knowledge economy, there have been great changes in enterprise living space and growth model. Networks have become an important way to improve enterprise performance. Enterprise external network not only combine enterprise performance decision theory both external and internal, but also expand the source of enterprise resources. Therefore, it is significant both in theory and in reality to making research on the impact of enterprise external network on its performance.While, however, most of the existing research on the impact of enterprise external network on its performance merely emphasize the role of their network location and neglect the heterogeneity themselves, and thus, leading to contradictory conclusions. In this paper, independent variable is enterprise external network, intermediate variable is absorptive and dependent variable is enterprise performance. Based on these definitions, the paper conducts a further study on the mechanism of enterprise external network affecting its performance. Specifically, this research addresses three issues: first, redefine the concept of absorptive capacity based on literature review, enterprises interview and factor analysis. Second, make a quantitative analysis on enterprise external network, absorptive capacity and enterprise performance from organizational level. Third, probe into the mediating role of absorptive capacity, set up and verify the mechanism that enterprise external network affecting its performance.Around the above issues, this paper takes advantage of social survey methods and social network analysis methods. Through carrying out semi-structured interviews, small sample test research and large sample survey, a total of 205 valid questionnaires are acquired. According to the valid questionnaires, the research takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS 13.0, which in details including reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis. The main research results are shown below after the empirical analysis:First, enterprise external network has a significant impact both on profit performance and on innovation performance. The empirical analysis show that enterprise external network affect its performance apparently. In more detail, some indicators such as network size, support network stability and resource network intensity have a direct significant impact on enterprise innovation performance. And all the seven indicators of enterprise external network have an indirect but significant impact on enterprise profit and innovation performance.Second, it is of great differences on the impact of different enterprise external network indicators on enterprise performance and absorptive capacity. According to the empirical analysis, the impact of enterprise external network indicators on enterprise performance and absorptive capacity is multidimensional. Different external network indicators have different kinds of impacts on dependent variable, and even the same external network indicator has different kinds of impacts on different level of dependent variable.Third, absorptive capacity plays an intermediary role in the process of enterprise external network affects enterprise performance. Enterprise external network not only has a significant positive impact on enterprise performance, furthermore, the absorptive capacity, as the intermediate variable, decides the extent of this impact. The intermediary role of absorptive capacity are mainly in two aspects. On one hand, enterprises external network do not affects enterprise performance significantly, but affects absorptive capacity apparently. That is, the impact of enterprise external network on its performance is indirect. These indicates include network density, network centrality, network heterogeneity, resource-network stability and support-network intensity. One the other hand, enterprises external network affects enterprise performance significantly, while, the extent of this impact are decided by absorptive capacity. These indicates include network size, network quality and support-network stability.Fourth, the potential absorptive capacity mainly affects enterprise profit performance and the realized absorptive capacity mainly affects enterprise innovation performance. The absorptive capacity can be divided into the potential absorptive capacity and the realized absorptive capacity. The potential absorptive capacity is the ability to recognize and acquire resources such as information, knowledge and technology. It represents the abundance of resources and mainly affects the profit performance. The realized absorptive capacity is the ability to assimilate and apply resources. It mainly decides the ability of innovation, and therefore, it affects both the innovation performance and the profit performance.Fifth, when introduced the control variable, the relations among enterprise external network, absorptive capacity and enterprise performance for different type changes subsequently. The aggression result classified by enterprise scale shows as following: the impact of enterprise external network on its performance for small-scale enterprises is much higher than that for large-and-medium-scale enterprises; the impact of network centrality and support-network stability on innovation performance is more significant for small-scale enterprises; the impact of network size and resource-network intensity on innovation performance is more significant for large-and-medium-scale enterprises; for small-scale enterprises, recognize-value, acquire-resource, assimiiate-resource and apply-value all have a significant impact on profit and innovation performance; for large-and-medium-scale enterprises, recognize-value and acquire-resource both have a significant impact on profit performance while assimiiate-resource and apply-value both have a significant impact on innovation performance. The aggression result classified by enterprise type shows as following: for traditional enterprises, network size has a significant impact on profit performance, while for high-tech enterprises, network quality and resource-network stability both have a significant impact on profit performance; for high-tech enterprises, network quality and resource-network stability both have a significant impact on innovation performance, while for traditional enterprises, it also includes network density and network heterogeneity; only the dimension of apply-value for absorptive capacity do not have a significant impact on profit performance of traditional enterprises.The innovation points of this research include the following four aspects:First, redefines the concept of absorptive capacity. The essence of the absorptive capacity is a kind of accommodation capacity in the ever changing business environment. However, the existing research rarely consider the process of absorptive capacity. Based on literature review, Chinese enterprises interviews and large sample factor analysis, the paper clearly defines the four dimensions of absorptive capacity, that are recognize value, acquire resources, assimilate resources and apply resources.Second, taking the absorptive capacity as the intermediate variable, this paper builds the analysis framework of "enterprise external network, absorptive capacity, enterprise performance". Based on this analysis framework and according to the empirical results, this paper finds the the mediating role of absorptive capacity. All these analysis clarify the impact mechanism of enterprise external network affects its performance, detail the role of absorptive capacity, and improve the conceptual model.Third, make a quantitative analysis on the impact of enterprise external network on its performance from organizational level. At present, the empirical studies on enterprise network are mostly from the macro level and related to issues such as industrial clusters and regional economic. The focus of these researchs are in the collective level, while the empirical analysis are still rare on individual enterprise. Thus, according to 20S valid questionnaires, this paper takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS 13.0, and this have some exploratory.Forth, make a comparative analysis through introducing two control variables, enterprise age and enterprise type. According to the result of independent-sample T test, enterprise age and enterprise type are select as the control variable. The further comparative analysis shows that there are significant differences not only between small-scale enterprises and large-and-medium-scale enterprises but also between traditional enterprises and high-tech enterprises. For different kinds of enterprises, the relations among enterprise external network, absorptive capacity and enterprise performance are different subsequently. And this, give valuable guidance for enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】57
  • 【下载频次】1959

