

The Study on the Relationship between Han Dynasty’s Folk Force and the Local Polity

【作者】 巩宝平

【导师】 马新;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 秦汉时期是中华文化共同体的基本定型时期,也是中国传统政治文明典范的确立时期。在汉代地方社会,民间力量与政治力量既对抗又合作,是地方政治实际运作中的重要影响因素,为此后历代民间力量的发展及其与国家政治的关系确定了大致的模型,并一直影响到近现代。对汉代民间力量与地方政治关系的研究,是认识传中国统社会民间力量和地方政治运作的一个基点。民间力量是对民间社会阶层力量的概括,汉代民间力量包括以民间父老、豪强、游侠、士人为主构成的显性力量和民间舆论、民间信仰反映的民众心理构成的隐性力量,它们以血缘、利缘、德缘、业缘、学缘、机缘等缘文化形成不同的优势,凝聚成一种具有广泛社会基础和巨大社会权威的民间力量。各种民间力量通过不同的途径参与和影响地方政治,地方政府对其加以利用、打击、限制。民间力量始终处于国家权力的控制之下,二者在地方政治运作中形成一种“权力一元,权威多元”的格局。在新政治史和社会史研究理论指导下,本文围绕民间力量与地方政治关系的主题,从社会—国家的角度集中考察汉代民间力量对地方政治的种种影响和地方政府对民间力量的多元治理措施,研究民众的时政参与意识,揭示地方政治运作中“权力一元,权威多元”的格局。具体而言,本文分为以下六大部分:第一章“民间父老力量与地方政治”,主要研究汉代民间父老如何以其“年长德艾、事长于人”的年龄、道德与知识上的优势形成一种重要的民间教化力量,揭示其通过操纵民间舆论评议地方时政、为地方利益向统治者建言献策、协助当政者勘定动乱稳定民心、襄助官方推行政治教化等途径,参与并影响地方政治。同时也研究地方政府如何利用民间父老力量察知民风民情、办理具体政事、稳定动乱局势。由此推论汉代民间父老是影响地方政治的积极力量之一,但总体上是一种处于国家权力控制之下的社会权威。第二章“民间豪强力量与地方政治”,主要从土地大兼并中的争夺、以族势与财势对抗公权和严重干扰地方行政三方面来研究汉代民间豪强如何与地方政府相抗衡,形成一种强大的社会权威和影响时政的力量。同时亦研究地方政府如何以打击为主、利用为辅的措施治理民间豪强,如何通过酷吏和循吏将刑罚或教化刑罚相结合的治政方针实施于地方行政之中,并分析“力行教化而后诛罚”思想体现的循礼、行法、因俗并举的理性化施政特点。由此推论汉代民间豪强是影响地方政治的重要力量之一,但总体上是一种处于国家权力控制之下的社会权威。第三章“民间游侠力量与地方政治”,集中考察民间游侠力量如何在干涉行政、匿聚奸猾、私行仇杀、参与谋反、响应动乱等方面抗衡国家公权、影响地方政治的情况,分析其以“德缘”为主要联结途径形成的社会权威。同时研究地方政府对民间游侠力量的治理从打击镇压到吸纳利用的变化过程,分析民间游侠的官僚化、儒学化发展趋势。由此推论汉代民间游侠是影响地方政治的重要力量之一,但总体上是一种处于国家权力控制之下的社会权威。第四章“民间士人力量与地方政治”,主要从解决民间争讼、导善劝恶、私人教学的社会教化功能和拒绝应召入仕、对抗长吏权威、干扰地方行政的抗衡地方政府两方面考察民间士人力量对地方政治的积极与消极影响。同时研究地方政府对民间士人力量以优容为主、限制为辅的治理措施。由此推论汉代民间士人是影响地方政治的积极力量之一,但总体上是一种处于国家权力控制之下的社会权威。第五章“民间舆论力量与地方政治”,主要考察汉代民间舆论在评价地方时政、主导乡里选举、引导与预测未来政治走势方面对地方政治的积极或消极影响,重点分析民间舆论中颂扬多于批评、乡论伪造现象的主要原因及其对地方政治的影响。同时考察地方政府如何通过采风谣、重乡论,来控制和利用民间舆论。由此推论汉代民间舆论是影响地方政治的重要力量之一,但总体上是一种处于国家权力控制之下的社会权威。第六章“民间信仰力量与地方政治”,主要通过考察民间祭祀、泛神崇拜、习俗禁忌等方面对地方政治产生的各种影响,研究民间信仰与地方政治及官方信仰的协调一致和冲突背离。同时分析论述地方政府对民间信仰既利用又限制的两面措施,揭示汉代地方理性行政的一面。由此推论汉代民间信仰是影响地方政治的重要力量之一,但总体上是一种处于国家权力控制之下的社会权威。

【Abstract】 Qin and Han Dynasty was the period when Chinese Culture Union basically had its form and the traditional political civilization mode established. In the local society of Han Dynasty, Folk force and official force ,which is the important influencial factor of the local political institution operation, opposed against and cooperated with each other. It set a rough pattern for the development of the folk force and the relationship between the two forces later on, also has an influence on the rural area reform in modern China. Folk Community is a wide-ranged space With abundant content for the common people, A research of the relationship between the folk force and the local polity is a basic point for understanding the folk force and the local government administration of Chinese traditional society.The folk force is an generalization of folk society estate force, as for Han Dynasty, it included the visible force which is constituted of folk Fulao、folk Haoqiang、folk Youxia and folk Scholar, and the invisible force made up of by the common people’s mind which was in the form of folk comment and folk belief. The force formed different advantages by the Yuan culture from bloods benefit > morality % vocation > study % opportunity, concreting a kind of folk force which had a comprehensive base and big influence in the society. This force took part in and influenced the local polity from different ways, and the local government took measures of utilization % suppression and limitation. The folk force had been under the control of local political power all the time, forming a kind of structure of "one power, many authorities" in the folk society system and the local polity operation.This paper will focus on the theme of the relationship between the folk force and the local polity to study those influences of the folk force in the local polity and the multi-management measure which the local government adopted under the theory guide in the academic field of the neo-polity history and the society history from the viewpoint of Society-Country, revealed the political participation consciousness of people and the pattern of local society " one power, many authorities" . Concretely speaking, there are six parts in the paper as below:The first chapter "Folk Fulao Force and the local polity" , will mainly study the folk edification force which Folk Fulao formed by the advantage of age、morality and knowledge just as a figure of "elder age and better virtue、more experience". Also, the paper will study how the force participated the local polity by the way of manipulating the folk comment to estimate the local polity, giving some advice to the government for the regional benefit, assisting to pacify the trouble and helping to carry out the political edification. Then, we will conclude that Folk Fulao Force was one of the positive factors which influenced the local polity, although, it was generally under the control of the country power and remained as an important society authority.The second chapter "Folk Haoqiang Force and the local polity" , mainly will discuss how this force kept opposite to the local government and formed a strong social authority and an influencing factor of polity by the way of competition from the land annexing course, counterwork based on the advantages from the strong family clan and the wealth、interfering the local administration. Meanwhile, this part will study how the local government managed this folk force with the measures of the beating and the utilizing, carried out the guideline of punishment or edification & punishment respectively executed by the cruel official or the friendly official to people in the local government administration, then analyzed the feature of the rational administration with obeying the Li, implementing the Law、following the custom which is in the form of the thought "Enforcing the edification then executing the punishment". By these research, we will conclude that Folk Haoqiang was an important factor which influenced the local polity, although, it was generally under the control of the country power and remained as an important society authority.The third chapter "Folk Youxia Force and the local polity ",mainly will center on research how Folk Youxia Force opposed country power and influenced the local polity by the way of intervening the local administration、hiding and gathering the wrongdoer、doing the private enmity and killing, joining the rebelling, analyzed the society authority of this folk force by the main forming way of morality Yuan. Meanwhile, we will study how the local government manage this local force from hitting and suppression to the assimilation and utilization, analyzing the trend of official-to-be and Confucian-to-be of the folk force. At last, we will conclude that Folk Youxia was an important force which influenced the local polity, although, it was generally under the control of the country power and remained as an important society authority.The forth chapter" Folk Scholar Force and the local polity ",mainly study how the folk force exerting the positive and passive influence of the local government administration from two sides such as the social edification including solving the folk disputation、reclaiming the people by its morality、private education and opposing the local government by the way of rejecting the invitation from the official organization、resisting the authority the governor、disturbing the local political administration. Meanwhile, we study how the local government managed this folk force by the measure of polite treatment and certain limitation. Then we will conclude that Folk Scholar was a positive force which influenced the local polity, although, it was generally under the control of the country power and remained as an important society authority.The fifth chapter "Folk Comment Force and the local polity" , mainly will research on how this force exerted the positive and passive influence on the local polity by the way of estimating the local political affairs、mastering the election of Xiangli、directing and predicting the future political trend, focused on discerning the phenomena of more raising but less critics、the main reason of falsifying the public opinion and its influence on the local polity. Meanwhile, we will research into the local government that how to utilize and control the folk comment by the way of collecting the custom and poem、respecting the rural remark. Then we will conclude that Folk Comment was an important force which influenced the local polity, although, it was generally under the control of the country power and remained as an important society authority.The sixth chapter "Folk Belief Force and the local polity" ,mainly will research into common people exert a positive influence on the local polity by sacrificing the virtual and able official of the local area to raise the good polity、responding to the official belief from the folk belief; also study that common people exert a passive influence on the local polity by making use of the Xiwangmu belief、multi-god worship、Chengyangjingwang sacrifice、Hanshi custom tabu,and so on. Meanwhile, we will analyze and discuss the two-side measure of utilization and limitation which the local government officials take to manage the Folk Belief, and reveal the aspect of rational administration of the local government in Han Dynasty. Then we will conclude that Folk Belief was an important force which influenced the local polity, although, it was generally under the control of the country power and remained as an important society authority.

【关键词】 汉代民间力量地方政治互动
【Key words】 Han dynastyThe folk forceThe local polityInteraction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

