

Studies on Comparative Advantage Development in Regional Culture Industry

【作者】 徐艳芳

【导师】 江奔东;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文的基本观点与研究价值:本文的基本观点是:文化产业作为一个产业,其区域开发要遵循经济学的比较优势理论原则,区域文化产业开发要坚持比较优势思想。为此就要正确分析区域文化产业开发的综合比较优势,综合考察影响区域文化产业开发比较优势的各要素禀赋,科学评估比较优势,探讨比较优势的实现机制,归纳出基于文化产业开发比较优势的文化产业开发战略和模式。研究区域文化产业开发的比较优势,是区域文化产业开发理论建设的需要,是区域文化产业资源有效利用的需要,也是我国目前各地制定文化产业开发战略与规划的需要。本文从以下五个方面探讨了区域文化产业开发中的比较优势理论及其实践问题。一、区域文化产业开发与比较优势理论区域文化产业是区域经济和区域文化耦合的结果。区域文化产业开发,是一种文化活动,更本质地讲,是一种经济活动。区域文化的产业化开发是市场化开发,是协同式开发,是文化项目及衍生产品的系列开发,是多样性开发。从国内外区域文化产业开发的研究来看,研究领域已经涵盖了理论研究和应用研究的多个方面,理论研究不断深入,应用研究范围不断扩大,显示出了跨学科交叉研究、经济学视角下的研究、微观研究和宏观研究等区域文化产业开发研究趋势。比较优势理论经过200多年的发展,不但成为了解释国际贸易问题的经典理论,其应用范围不断地拓展,已经成为研究区域经济发展战略、区域产业发展等诸多区域经济问题的理论和方法之一。比较优势理论不仅为研究区域经济问题提供了分析问题的方法,更为区域经济发展提供了一种比较优势的理念,即:区域经济发展要坚持比较优势战略,发挥区域的比较优势,发展有特色的产业,生产有特色的产品;要善于扬长避短,注重要素禀赋结构的改进与升级,培育新的比较优势。比较优势理论在经济领域具有应用的普适性,比较优势原则下的区域文化产业开发符合区域经济发展的一般规律。只有自觉运用比较优势原则,才能制定出科学的区域文化产业开发战略,才能确定正确的文化对外贸易战略,才能符合目前我国文化产业发展的实际需要。二、区域文化产业开发比较优势的形成机理用比较优势理论来考察区域文化产业开发问题,首先要搞清区域文化产业开发的比较优势是什么。区域文化产业开发比较优势的提出是本文的基本命题,是指在区域文化产业开发过程中,特定的区域和其他区域相比较在开发条件、开发规模、开发成本、开发前景和预期上所表现出来的优势条件、因素和过程,具有层次性、综合性、动态性和潜在性四大基本特征。它是一个综合体,是多种要素禀赋综合作用的结果。影响区域文化产业开发比较优势的要素禀赋主要有文化资源、区域经济社会基础、技术模仿与创新、市场与文化需求、制度与体制等五个方面。五大要素分别导致了文化商品生产优势、产业环境优势、技术优势、文化需求优势和制度优势的形成,在综合比较优势系统中发挥着各自的作用。要素之间是相互联系、缺一不可的。各要素禀赋共同构成了区域文化产业资源,而区域文化产业开发的比较优势正是区域文化产业资源通过两个过程转化为文化产业开发的比较优势的:一是文化产业资源优势向文化商品生产优势的转化;二是文化商品生产优势向文化产业开发优势的转化。区域文化产业开发的比较优势是系统的、动态的,同时也会受到一些偶然性因素的影响和制约。三、区域文化产业开发比较优势评价指标体系区域文化产业开发比较优势的大小是可以评价的。构建评价指标体系所遵循的指导思想是:指标体系要具有引导和规范作用;定量评价和定性评价相结合;体现比较优势理论的内涵和特点。本着系统性、代表性和可操作性的原则,本文构建由5个一级指标、14个二级指标、39个三级指标组成的指标体系,旨在从文化商品生产、产业环境、技术水平、市场潜力和制度建设等方面评价区域文化产业开发的比较优势。定性分析和定量考察相结合是本指标体系的突出特点。指标体系的权重和比较优势的度量要经过四个环节:定性指标的定量化;所有指标数据的标准化;指标权重的确立;计算选取的比较主体的比较优势度并进行比较。四、区域文化产业开发比较优势的实现机制区域文化产业开发的比较优势是潜在优势,是文化产业开发所具备的优势条件,需要通过一系列的途径才能实现。从文化产业资源的角度,要实现区域文化产业资源的深度挖掘与整合;要注重文化产业资源的创意开发;要保证文化产业资源的可持续开发与利用。人力资源是实现区域文化产业开发比较优势的主体。为此,要强化文化产业人才的开发意识,做出科学的产业人才开发规划;明确创意人才的核心地位,建立创意人才的培养机制;建立多层次、多渠道的文化产业人才培养体系;搭建产业平台,建立健全文化产业人才流动机制。从技术引进与创新方面,要注重技术的自我创新与引进;技术与内容的融合;围绕技术平台的产业集聚。利用引导文化消费、培育自有强势品牌、开发本土文化市场等手段实现区域文化产业开发的需求优势。进一步深化文化体制改革,减弱或消除体制性障碍对区域文化产业开发比较优势发挥的约束。五、区域文化产业开发的比较优势模式要素禀赋的特征决定了区域文化产业开发的初始条件,是区域文化产业开发的启动点,也决定了区域文化产业开发的方向。从区域文化产业开发比较优势系统中的要素禀赋入手,厘清要素禀赋系统的类型,根据不同类型的特点和优势总结和制定了相应的开发战略和模式。一是全面推进开发模式;二是投资技术驱动开发模式;三是特色文化开发模式;四是资源禀赋项目开发模式。不同的开发模式具有不同的比较优势背景和要素禀赋组合,具有不同的开发战略和开发重点。文化产业开发比较优势模式的提出不仅是对各区域文化产业开发实践的总结,更能为开发比较优势相类似的区域提供可以借鉴的经验和开发思路。结束语:本文主要的研究方法包括:理论阐述和案例分析相结合;定性分析和定量分析相结合;问卷调查法;相关学科知识的交叉融合。本文的创新之处与特点:1、在国内文化产业理论研究中,将经济学的比较优势理论运用于文化产业开发研究的成果有,但像本文这样系统、深入,且基本可以构成区域文化产业开发比较优势理论体系的成果,尚属首篇。第一章本文对区域文化产业开发模式的归纳,是基于区域文化产业开发比较优势理论之上的。从这个角度提炼归纳出开发模式,视角新颖,具有一定的创新意义。3、本文从问题的提出,到五个部分探讨的内容,学理内在逻辑性强。4、本文理论与现实实践相结合,本成果对实践工作具有较直接的借鉴指导作用。如果沿着本文的研究思路继续研究,还是很有探索空间的,主要表现为“三化”,即:深化资源的评价研究;强化指标的定量研究;细化实证的比较研究。当然,目前从上述三个方面继续研究主要是受到中国文化产业发展进程的制约。可以设想,当中国文化产业进一步发展起来,在实践的推动下,区域文化产业开发比较优势的理论探索将更加深入。

【Abstract】 The Basic Idea and the Researching Value of this ThesisThe basic idea of this thesis is:Culture industry should follow the Comparative Advantage theory principles in economics when its regional culture development is undergoing.The idea of the Comparative advantage should be carried out in regional culture industry development during which correct analysis of the comprehensive comparative advantage for regional culture industry development would be the foundation.On the way of the summing up the development strategy and its mode in culture industry based on the comparative advantage,the comprehensive investigating about the talented elements which affects the regional culture industry development and the scientific evaluation of the comparative advantage as well as the probing into the realization system of the comparative advantage should have to be done properly.Doing some research on the comparative advantage in regional culture industry development is the need for regional culture industry development construction,and doing that is also the need to have an effective use of the regional culture industry resource and further on,it is an urgent need to set up a systematic culture industry development strategy and plan within the nation currently.Probing into the regional culture industry development comparative advantage,this thesis is combined of five parts as following.Ⅰ.Regional Culture Industry Development and its Comparative Advantage TheoryRegional culture industry is the combination result of regional economy and regional culture.Regional culture development is an economy activity by the nature than being a culture activity by its surface.The regional culture industry development is a comprehensive development containing market segment and the society harmony construction associated with its culture programs and its culture products as well as its by-products.Analyzing all the researching theories in regional culture industry development both domestically and internationally,we found out that the researching fields have covered the theoretical and applied researching aspects.Profound theoretical studies is continuously going on with its results have been applied to certain areas.Obviously,the researching tendency has shown that the regional culture industry development studies are the results of the researching in multi discipline in economics as well as micro and macro studies in related subjects.As its origin,the comparative advantage theory was used in international trade affairs as a classical theory 200 years ago.But its application scale becomes larger and larger as regional economy development strategy and regional culture industry development needs its direction.The comparative advantage theory is the consulting and referring idea in setting many regional economy problems.The comparative advantage theory supplies a method in analyzing regional economy problems on one hand and further on it supplies an idea for regional economy development which is shown as follows: regional economy development should adhere comprehensive strategy and give its play in regional comprehensive,making full use of the characteristic industry to produce typical products,developing its strong points and avoid its weakness, stressing element talent structure consummating and upgrading,cultivating the new comparative advantage.The comparative advantage theory has got its popularity in economy field.The regional culture industry development is coherent with the regional economy development general rules.Only by applying the comparative advantage to set up a scientific strategy from regional culture industry development can we achieve our goal in making correct strategy in culture international trade to meet the practical needs of our current culture industry development situation.Ⅱ.The Formation Mechanism of the Comparative Advantage in Regional Culture Industry DevelopmentWhat we should define firstly in applying comparative advantage to investigate the regional culture industry development is where the comparative advantage poses. Putting forward the comparative advantage in the regional culture industry development is the main subject which this thesis assigns.The subjects describe the basic features of organizing characteristics,comprehensive characteristics,dynamic characteristics and potential characteristics during the process of the regional culture industry development which bears the development condition,the development scale, the development cost,the development future and the predictive development advantage condition,element and process under circumstances in certain region comparing with other regions.It is a comprehensive embodiment resulting from talent comprehensive inter-playing among multi elements.What affecting the regional culture industry development element talent are the culture resource,the regional economic society foundation,the technique imitation and its creativity,the market and culture demand,the system and policies as the five main aspects which results in the formation of the culture commodity production advantage,the industry environment advantage,the technique advantage,the culture demand advantage as well as the system advantage.Those advantages play their own parts in the comprehensive comparative advantage.They are related and dependant to each other.All these element talents form up the regional culture industry resource.The regional culture industry development comparative advantage turns into the master culture industry development comparative advantage through the two processes.One is the transforming of the culture industry resource advantage to the culture commodity production advantage;the other is the transforming of the culture commodity production advantage.The regional culture industry development comparative advantage is systematic and dynamic but it also is restrained by some accidental elements.Ⅲ.The Evaluation Index System of the Regional Culture Industry Development Comparative AdvantageThe scale of the regional culture industry development can be evaluated.The guiding ideas in structuring the evaluation index system are:the index system should have its leading and normative role;the combination of the qualitative and quantitative evaluation;the symbolization of the connotation and the feature of the comparative advantage theory.By obeying systemizing representation and operation availability,this thesis puts forward an index system formed by five first-grade indexes,fourteen second-grade indexes and thirty nine third-grade indexes aiming to evaluate the regional culture industry development comparative advantage from the point view of the culture commodity production;industry environment;technique level;market potency and system construction.The evaluation system is featured by the combination qualitative and quantitative.The method of weighting and the measurement of the qualitative onto the comparative advantage are set by these four steps:the standardization of the quantitative measurement and the index data;the setting of the index weighting.The comparative advantage degree is selected from the embodied comparison upon precise calculating. Ⅳ.The Realization Mechanism of the Comparative Advantage of the Regional Culture Industry DevelopmentThe regional culture industry development comparative advantage is potential.It is the condition for culture industry development.Gaining this advantage,we need a series of means if researching.By the angle of the culture industry resource;in order to possess the advantage,we need to excavate and restructure the regional industry resource and at the same time to stress a kind of creative development about the culture resource,hence,sustainable culture development will be ensured.The personnel resource is the main part of the realization of the regional culture industry development.Therefore,developing the well-qualified personnel for the culture industry is necessary.To plan the personnel for the industry scientifically is also a must.To clarify the core position of the culture industry personnel cultivating system to set up an industry platform should be at the first place where perfect personnel turn-over mechanism is available.From the point view of introducing technique and creativity we focus on the self-motivation system together with the proper combination of the technique and the content.All the elements are generated well on the technique platform.By leading the culture consuming and by cultivating powerful brand-making as well as by developing local culture market,we can realize the regional culture industry development demanding advantage.By deepening the culture system reformation,we can lessen or demolish the obstacles in developing regional culture industry.Ⅴ.The Regional Culture Industry Development Comparative ModeThe starting point is the element talent which features regional culture industry development basic condition.The element talent decides the direction for regional culture industry development as well.This thesis straightens out the element talent system types by analyzing and concluding and accordingly summarizing and setting up the development strategies and modes.There are four modes are listed.The first one is spreading development mode.The second one is investment of the technique-driven mode.The third one is the unique feature culture development mode. The fourth one is the resource-talented program development mode.Different development mode has different comparative background and element talent formation and therefore different development strategy and development focus will be carried out accordingly.Putting forward these modes is the summary of the regional culture industry development practice and further on these modes are the development guides and are based on some successful experience from some similar regional development comparative advantage.CONCLUSIONThe researching methods in this thesis include:combining theory statement and case analysis;combining the feature-finalizing and quantitative-finalizing analysis; question airing method;combining related subject knowledge.The creativity and characteristics of this thesis are:1、Among all the researching results referring to the culture industry theory, those who applied economics theory to culture industry studies does exists,but rarely we’ve got such a thesis which probes into the comparative advantage in the regional culture industry development with systematic and profound implicit.Thus,this might be the first thesis which acts as a leading role in this field domestically.2、The summary of the regional culture industry development in this thesis is based on the regional culture industry development comparative advantage.The development modes refined from this angle are the latest in this field with the author’s own originality and creativity.3、This thesis is very logic academically from putting forward the question to the deducting in its five well-organized parts.4、This thesis is a good combination of the theory and practice.The researching result can guide the practical work in the culture industry field. This thesis also designs a large exploring space for further researching jobs as follows: to have a deep research on the resource evaluation;to have a measurement research to index;to have a diversified research on the proof comparison.It is not very hard to imagine that the regional culture industry development comparative advantage theory will have been explored extensively with the further development of culture industry in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

