

Study on Jiaodong Merchants and Local Society in Modern Times

【作者】 曲春梅

【导师】 吕伟俊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 胶东位于山东半岛东部,三面环海,海上贸易非常发达,是“东方海上丝绸之路”最早的发源地。而近代烟台、青岛的开埠,更使其置身于中西方经济文化交流的前沿,商品经济不断发展,成为山东商业活动最为繁盛的地区之一。与此同时,胶东商人群体也在不断发展壮大,他们不仅推动了地方经济的进一步发展,还积极参与地方公共领域的事务管理,并与地方文化、社会生活等诸方面相互渗透、相互影响,在胶东地方社会发展进程中起到了非常重要的作用。因此本文以“近代胶东商人与地方社会研究”为题,试图通过胶东商人这一独特的视角,来透析近代胶东地区社会发展的整体形态特征。得益于“湾阔水深、舟楫便利”的地理环境和丰富的物产资源,胶东地区的商业很早就比较发达。近代以来,青岛和烟台更是凭借其良好的港口条件发展成为山东重要的商业中心。人们习惯上以为,烟台、青岛在开埠前,只不过是荒凉的小渔村。但根据目前所掌握的材料看,烟台、青岛两地的商业在开埠前已有所发展,虽不及开埠后的发展速度,但已初具规模。随着胶东地区商业的发展,胶东商人也随之兴起。近代以来,胶东商人的足迹更是踏遍了大江南北,他们北上辽沈、京津,南下上海,内聚烟青,甚至迈出国门,将商业活动伸展到了俄罗斯、朝鲜、日本、新加坡和非洲的肯尼亚等国家。烟台、青岛等地开埠通商以来,胶东地区的对外贸易得到快速发展。在经济利益的驱动下,胶东地区的商人们迅速进入到这一新兴商业领域,创办各类贸易行栈,从事土特产品的出口贸易,并进一步推动了与对外贸易紧密相关的农副产品加工业、经济作物种植业和手工编织业的发展。在商人们的直接参与和推动下,胶东地区一些传统的农副产品和手工业品开始被纳入广泛的商品经济体系中,农产品的商品化程度进一步加深,并对传统的种植结构也产生了一定的影响。与此同时,近代胶东商人在资金积累的基础上,开始投资于近代工业,为推动胶东地区近代工业的发展做出了积极的贡献,特别是在钟表业、酿酒业和精盐制造业方面,胶东更是走在了全国的前列。这一时期胶东地区出现的近代工业,已渐具现代企业的规模,他们在采用先进技术设备生产的同时,还引进了先进的企业管理制度与方法,具备了现代化大生产的基本特征。他们代表着一种新生的社会经济力量的崛起,推动着胶东社会经济的进一步发展。胶东商人凭借自身不断增长的经济实力,以资金支持和技术改良等方式,对胶东地区的农业、渔业等农村经济的发展起到了直接而有效的推动作用。而农村经济的发展,又反过来促进了商业活动的发展,增加了商人的收益。近代大量的胶东商人在东北地区从事商业活动,他们在经营活动中赚取的财富大部分回流至胶东。这些回流资金的注入,直接刺激了胶东地区传统金融业的繁荣,同时也为胶东地区经济的发展提供了资金来源。随着经济实力的增强,近代胶东商人开始把目光投向了更为广阔的社会公共领域,而近代商会组织在胶东的出现,更是给商人参与地方公共事务提供了一个平台。他们以商会为依托,积极参与地方的工商行政管理、市政管理,维护国家权益,热心社会公益,在公共领域取得了相当大的成绩,促进了地方社会的进步与发展。特别是从烟台商会参与市政管理的范围和深度可以看出,当地方政府的行政力量和经济力量不能有效维持地方行政管理的情况下,地方的社会组织就获得了更多的公共管理空间。一方面商会作为代表新兴商人阶层的新型社会组织,拥有一批具有一定社会地位和声望的商界精英,正迫切希望能够获得参与公共事务管理的机会,同时又具备相当的经济实力,有能力与地方政府合作承担此项责任;另一方面地方政府和官员也积极欢迎并努力促成这种合作,这就使得烟台商会能够参与到市政管理的多个领域和层次。由于独立主权的丧失,青威两地商会在参与市政管理的深度与广度上都远不及烟台商会。胶东文化在其漫长的发展过程中,先后受到齐文化的影响和鲁文化的熏陶。由于胶东文化所具有的海洋文化和传统儒家文化的双重特征,因此,胶东商人的精神特征既具有明显的海洋文化特色的包容性和创新性,同时又具有典型的儒家文化思想影响下的儒官商一体化的价值取向,而其急公好义的侠义精神,则体现了海洋文化与儒家文化的融合。胶东商人在其经营活动中所表现出的诚信、精明、耐劳三者的结合,更是体现了胶东文化对商人经营理念的独特影响。近代以来,各地商人汇聚胶东,为胶东地区的传统文化融入了不同区域文化的特色。而随着商人流动的进一步加强,各地区之间文化交流的深度和广度也在不断加强,来自区域外的新文化、新风气、新思潮等新兴事物不断涌入,与具有开放性和包容性的胶东文化进一步融合和发展,逐渐形成了更为开放化和多元化的胶东地方文化。随着近代胶东地区商业的发展,越来越多的人加入经商大军,商人们走南闯北,成为胶东地区人口流动的主力军,而由商人流动所带动的人口流动数目更是巨大。商人活动范围的扩大,导致胶东地区的婚姻圈也渐趋扩大,出现了更多的跨县甚至跨省婚姻。与此同时,商人的活动还对当地男女的婚龄产生着明显的影响。近代胶东地区男子与女子的婚龄大体相当,多在20岁左右成婚,这与鲁南、鲁西南地区婚龄明显偏小的现象形成了鲜明的对比。外出经商者的成功示范作用,吸引了更多的人想要加入经商的行列。这不仅使胶东地区的崇商之风日渐盛行,也带动了重教之风的兴起。经商需要一定的文化基础,人们的教育需求在崇商之风的刺激下不断增长。许多家庭总是尽可能地让家中子弟入学读书,这使得当地儿童的受教育比例大大提高,从而在一定程度上提高了当地人口的文化水平。在现实生活中,由商人自身行为及其经营行为所带来的社会生活的影响是多种多样的。商人们对社会生活细微处的影响,并不见于文字记载,但笔者在胶东地区进行实地调查的过程中,总是能时时感受到商人行为对地方社会生活各方面所带来的各种影响和改变。近代以降,随着胶东商人经济实力的增强和社会地位的提高,他们在地方社会各个领域所发挥的作用也越来越显著,成为推动胶东社会不断进步的重要力量。胶东商人的经营行为、社会行为乃至个人行为,与地方社会的整体发展相互渗透、相互影响,二者共同呈现出由传统向现代转型的发展趋势。但也有部分商人的不良行为,成为这一发展进程中极不和谐的音符,在一定程度上损害了胶东商人的整体形象。

【Abstract】 Jiaodong is located east of the Shandong peninsula and it was the first place where the Eastern Marine Silk Road began. Since Yantai and Qingdao opened their doors to the world, Jiaodong had been in the forward position of economical and cultural exchange of the East and the West. Its commodity economy developed unceasingly, and became one of the most prosperous areas of Shandong Province. At the same time, the Jiaodong merchant group was also growing steadily, and promoted the further development of local economy. They took an active part in the local public affairs, infiltrated and influenced each other with the local society in culture and life. They played an extremely important role in the social development of Jiaodong. Therefore, this dissertation takes "study on Jiaodong merchants and local society in modern times" as a topic, attempting to analyze the overall character of Jiaodong society in modern times, through this unique view of Jiaodong merchants.Benefit from the superior geographical environment and the rich product resource, the commerce of Jiaodong was developed very well in early times. In modern times, depending on their good harbor conditions, Qingdao and Yantai had become the important commerce centre of Shandong. The people conventionally consider that Yantai and Qingdao were only small, wild fishing villages before they opened. But according to the material, the commerce of Yantai and Qingdao had already developed to a certain degree before they opened. Along with the development of Jiaodong commerce, the merchants of Jiaodong also rose. In modern times, the Jiaodong merchants had went over the country, and went out to the foreign countries.Since Yantai and Qingdao opened up, the foreign trade had developed rapidly. In pursuit of economic profits, the merchants entered the new commercial area immediately, organized trade companies, engaged in foreign trade about local and special products, and further impelled the development of farming industry, plant industry of economic crops and handicraft industry of weaving. Under the direct participation and impetus of the merchants, some traditional agricultural products and handicrafts were brought into the more extensive economic system. Meanwhile, the modern merchants of Jiaodong began to invest in modern industry, basing on their accumulation of funds. They had made great contributions in the development of modern industry, especially in the watch industry, winemaking and refined salt manufacturing. The modern industry appeared in Jiaodong at that time had begun to take the shape of modernized enterprise. They adopted advanced technology and equipments, imported advanced management system and methods, which made them have main characters of modernized enterprise. They represented the rise of new emerging forces and promoted the social economy further development. Based on their economic strength, the Jiaodong merchants took direct and valid effect on the development of rural economics of farming, fishery industry, and so on. In turn, the development of rural economics promoted the development of commerce, increased merchant’s income. In modern times, many merchants of Jiaodong engaged in business activities in the northeast of China and the majority of their wealth back flew to Jiaodong. The injection of the capital stimulated the prosperity of traditional financial industry directly, and provided the capital resource for the development of local economy in Jiaodong area.Along with the enhancement of their economic strength, the Jiaodong merchants began to throw themselves into the more wide public sphere. The appearance of modern chamber of commerce provided a broader platform for merchants to participate local public affairs in Jiaodong. They took an active part in local business management and municipal affairs, maintained national rights and dedicated to the public undertakings. They made considerable achievements and promoted the progress and development of local society. Particularly in Yantai, when the local government couldn’t maintain administration effectively, the local social organization could gain more public management space. On the one hand, as a new social organization representing the newly developing merchant stratum, the chamber of commerce hoped to gain the opportunity to participate in the public affairs, which owned a group of commerce elite who had certain social status, popularity, considerable economic strength and capability to take on this responsibility with local government. On the other hand, the local government and officials also accomplished the cooperation positively. That made the chamber of commerce of Yantai could participate in many regions and levels in municipal administration. Because the loss of independent sovereignty, the chambers of commerce of Qingdao and Weihai were inferior mostly to that of Yantai in depth and extent.During its long developing period, the Jiaodong culture had formed unique culture gradually which had been influenced by Qi culture first and edified by Lu culture then. Because of the double characteristic that the Jiaodong culture owned, the spirit of Jiaodong merchants had the characteristic of containing and innovating of ocean culture and value pursue of confusion, official and merchant integration of traditional confusion culture. The chivalric spirit of helping others reflected the harmonization of the two cultures. The combination of honesty, sagacity and hardworking in the business activities of Jiaodong merchants, manifested the unique influence from the Jiaodong culture. In modern times, the merchants from everywhere brought different cultures into Jiaodong, the depth and extent of cultural communication strengthened, the more opening and multiple culture of Jiaodong took shape gradually.Because more and more people joined in the business troops in modern times, merchants had played an important role in influencing local society life. Merchants had been the main section in the movement of population in Jiaodong area and the numbers of population that were brought along by merchants were much more. The expansion of the scope of merchants’ business activities led to the expansion of the range of marriage in Jiaodong, while more marriages beyond county and province appeared. The marriageable age were influenced by the merchants’ activities, too. In Jiaodong, the marriageable age of male and female were in their 20s more or less, that formed obvious contrast with the south and west south region in Shandong province. The demonstration effect of the successful merchants attracted more people to join in the business army. This not only made the business tendencies more current but also brought the appearance of new education. In the real life, the influences which were brought about by the merchants’ behavior in local society were variable. We can’t find them in the written records, but I can feel the changes everywhere which were brought about by merchants when I was investigating in Jiaodong.Along with the enhancement of economic strength and the raising of social position, the Jiaodong merchants played a more important role in local society in modern times. They became an important strength to move the society of Jiaodong forward. Their business, social and individual behavior and the whole development of Jiaodong society had infiltrated and influenced each other, and manifested the tendency from tradition to modern. But the harmful behavior of some merchants became the unharmonious notes during the process, and damaged the whole image of Jiaodong merchants.

【关键词】 近代胶东商人地方社会
【Key words】 Modern timesJiaodong merchantsLocal society
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

