

On the Vocabulary of Ming Dynasty Based on Corpus According to <the Great Chinese Dictionary>

【作者】 闫从发

【导师】 杨端志;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 语言作为人类社会最重要最显著的现象,其发展模式有着自身的特点,语言的发展是连续的和渐进的,从一个时代的语言发展模式和规律中可以窥探出这种语言整体的发展模式和规律。词汇是语言的表现单位之一,从学术研究的角度看,词汇学是语言学的一个重要的分支学科,词汇研究是语言研究的重要内容,词汇断代研究又是词汇研究的重要方法和步骤。明代时期是近代汉语发展的后期,是近代汉语和现代汉语的关联环节,明代汉语词汇的发展表现出汉语的诸多共性和个性。论文以明代时期汉语词汇发展的模式和规律为研究内容,并以此为出发点观照汉语词汇发展的整体特点。由此,论文主要由以下几个部分构成。第一章为论文的前言部分,介绍了本论文的选题意义、研究方法和研究思路以及预期目标。研究明代汉语词汇,必须尽可能多地收集反映明代词汇特点的新词语、新义位和消亡词语,而《汉语大词典》是当前收录词条最多、引用文献最广的辞书,由此,我们依据《汉语大词典》建立有关明代词汇类别的语料库。因为《汉语大词典》中存在着某些新生词语和新生义位的首见书证迟后、某些消亡词语的末见书证提前的现象,我们对依据《汉语大词典》建立的相关语料库进行了严格的考证,以确保语料库的准确性,并在此基础上开展研究。第二章至第七章是论文的主体部分。第二章列举了反映明代社会特征的标志性词语场,这些不同场内的词语,负载了不同的社会内容,反映了词汇发展和社会变化的亲密关系和互动模式。第三章和第四章把明代时期的词汇主要是新词语按照一定的关联分成不同的类别,这些类别有:基本词汇和一般词汇、单音词和复音词、口语词和文言词、单义词和多义词、同义词和等义词、异形词和同形词,一共六个类别包含着十二种词汇。在这六种类别中,除了同义词和等义词属于包含关系,其它五种类别都是属性相对的词汇范畴。从基本词汇和一般词汇及其所关涉的词汇的使用频率上看,明代所产生的新词语大多数都是一般词汇,在此后的发展中,这些词语也极少进入到基本词汇的行列,由此说明,明代作为封建社会的一个时段,没有产生对后世影响巨大的社会变革。从单音词和复音词及其所关涉的词汇的音节数量上看,明代所产生的新词语大多数都是复音词,这反映了客观世界和主观世界发展的日趋复杂以及由此带来的语言世界单位符号的叠加。从词汇的语体风格色彩上看,根据不同性质的文献资料,可以把明代的新词语分成口语词和文言词两部分,它们在文献语言学上的价值各不相同,能从不同的角度反映词汇的生成过程。从词汇的义位数量上看,明代的新词语大多数都是单义词,这符合汉语词汇音节数量与义位数量之间的关系。单音词表义,势必要增加每个单音词的义位数量;单义词表义,势必要增加每个单义词的音节数量。从这个角度说,词汇的生成是以义位为核心,音节数量的多少只是义位生成的手段。从词汇的表述功能看,明代新词语中存在着大量的同义词和等义词,同义词和等义词的存在,是对语言中具有相同义位或共同义域的语素的充分使用,体现了词汇表义的多角度化。从词汇的书写符号上看,明代新词语中存在着很多同形词和异形词,同形词和异形词的存在,显示了词汇的形体与意义之间的复杂关系。这六个类别十二种词汇从不同方面展示了明代新词语的构成和发展模式。第五章分别从语法、语义、语音三个角度来考察代新词语的结构和构词。结构是既成词语的形体构成,结构分析是对静态词语的分析;构词是词语的生成过程,构词分析是对词语的动态分析。无论是语法方面、语义方面还是语音方面,明代新词语的结构模式和构词模式明显大于现代汉语词汇的结构模式和构词模式。由于古代汉语中存在着一些特殊的句法现象和词汇现象,这使得语言的主要单位单音词在遣词造句中具有更多的自由和空间;尽管明代时期已经是词汇复音化的成熟阶段,但是由单音词降级而成的语素依然保持了单音词在遣词造句上的某些特点,所以,明代时期语素构词的空间和范围比现代汉语要大,限制语素构词的规则比现代汉语要少。第六章分析了明代汉语词汇新义位的产生方式。单音词的词义引申有同类语义范畴内的相似引申和异类语义范畴内的相关引申两种方式。复合词引申义位的产生方式有词义的扩大式引申、词义的缩小式引申和词义的转移式引申;复合词平行义位的产生方式有复合词语素意义的改变和复合词指称对象的改变两种。这也是汉语词汇新义的产生模式。第七章分析了明代汉语词汇的消亡模式。事物或概念的消失、概念改换名称会导致词汇的消亡,词汇的发展趋势以及语言表达方式的变化也会导致词汇的消亡,其中词语与词语的替换、词语被其它语言单位替换是词汇消亡的主要方式。第八章是论文的结论部分。论文从新词语的生成过程、汉语词汇复音化的矛盾运动以及汉语词汇的系统等方面揭示了明代汉语词汇发展所昭示的汉语词汇发展的一般模式和规律。论文主要有以下几个创新点。创新点之一,把明代时期的各种词汇现象依据其特点分成若干种属性相关的词汇类别,这种分类排列、对比研究的方法,有利于我们集中观察角度,从而发现明代汉语词汇的发展模式和规律。创新点之二,运用“词汇的生成”这一术语并从客体世界、主体世界、语言世界三个方面来分析词汇的生产过程。词汇生成的动力不仅来自于语言内部,还来自于客体世界的存在和主体世界的表达需求。词汇的生成是一个词汇在生成之前凭借自身所属语言所拥有的原材料接受客观存在所提出的表达要求,并遵循一定的规则在经过人的思维的选择之后将原材料组织成词汇的运行变化的过程。创新点之三,提出“同源语素”和“同一语素”的概念并将其运用至词汇研究的实践中。语素是语言的低层单位,通常认为,语素是最小的音义结合体,但是一些学者在研究多义词等现象时使用了“多义语素”这一概念;因为汉语单音词大多数是多义词,一个单音多义词在降级为语素进行构词的过程中,多个义位可能都参与构词,所以才导致“多义语素”这一概念的提出。一个语素的意义是唯一的,如果一个单音多义词在降级为语素进行构词的过程中多个义位都参与了构词,就形成了一组“同源语素”,一组“同源语素”由一个个“同一语素”构成,每一个“同一语素”都是意义唯一并且不发生任何变化的。使用“同源语素”和“同一语素”这两个概念可以解决词汇研究中的诸多问题。创新点之四,分别研究单音多义词和复音多义词义位之间的关系以及新义位的产生方式。在多义词的几个义位中找到一个本义并把其它义位看成是本义的引申义、把引申看成是新义产生的重要甚至是唯一的方式,是词汇研究中根深蒂固的观念。论文认为,单音词的新义一般由引申产生,复音多义词的几个义位之间有引申关系,也有平行关系;除引申之外,复音多义词新义的产生还有其它方式。

【Abstract】 As the most important phenomenon in human society, the development of language is continuous and progressive, and we can see the whole development of the language from language form of an era. Vocabulary is an element of the language, so lexics is an important sub-discipline of linguistics. Lexical studies are important content of language studies, and its cohort study is an important research methods and steps. Chinese in Ming Dynasty, the late stage in the development of modern Chinese, which is associated with the present Chinese, shows the commonness and individuality of Chinese. The paper takes the vocabulary development pattern of Ming Dynasty into research content, as so as the whole features of Chinese vocabulary.The paper is made of the following several parts.As a preface, chapter one describes the paper’s meaning, methods, train of thought and the objectives. To research vocabulary in Ming Dynasty, we must collect the new words、new sememe and disappeared words which can reflect vocabulary feature in Ming Dynasty as soon as possible. <The Great Chinese Dictionary>contains the most vocabulary entry, and the most extensive citation, so we establish the corpus about vocabulary sort in Ming Dynasty according to <The Great Chinese Dictionary> .There are some new words and new sememe that first example has been seen later than other literature in <The Great Chinese Dictionary>.There are also some disappeared words that the last example has been seen earlier than other literature in the dictionary. We do the textual research strictly to make sure the corpus accurately, and to doing the research.Chapter two lists the symbolic words that reflects social feature of Ming Dynasty and express different social content, which reflect the close relationship and interactive mode between the vocabulary and the development of society.In the chapter three and four, the new words in Ming Dynasty are classified by some relationships: the basic vocabulary and the general vocabulary, the monosyllabic words and the compound syllabic words, the spoken words and the text words, the single meaning words and the polysemous words, the synonyms and the equivalent words, the homomorphic words and the heterotype words. Besides the synonyms and equivalent words are relation of inclusion, the others are lexical category of attributes relative. From frequency of the basic vocabulary and the general vocabulary usage, the new words in Ming Dynasty belong to general vocabulary mostly, few of which become basic vocabulary in the future, which tells us that there are not important social transforms in Ming Dynasty. Besides, a lot of the new words in Ming Dynasty were compound syllabic words. It reflects complex development of subjective world and objective world, as well as symbols are superimposed in the world of language.According to different materials, the new words are divided into the spoken words and the text words. The two words are of different values, which can reflect process of creating words. Most of the new words are the single meaning words, which accord with the relationship of quantity between the meaning and the syllable. There are a lot of similar words and the equivalent words, which embody expressing the meaning from every aspect. There are lots of homomorphic words and the heterotype words, which show the complex relationships between the form and the meaning.In chapter five, we inspect the new words’ structure mode and word-formation mode respectively from the grammar, semantics and phonics. The word is a structure form, structure analysis is an static analysis of words. Word-building is the process of formation words; its analysis is dynamic analysis. In terms of grammar, semantics and syllable, the structure model of the new words and word-formation mode in Ming dynasty are obviously higher than that in modern Chinese vocabulary. Due to the ancient Chinese exists some special vocabulary and syntax, which made single syllable words have more freedom and space in word choices and sentence variety. Although Ming period is the mature stage of compound syllable words, the single syllable words still maintained its features by becoming semanteme. So the space is more than modern Chinese in construct words with semanteme in Ming Dynasty and less than the limits of word-formation.In chapter six, we analyze the way to produce new meanings. The meaning of single syllable words of Chinese vocabulary in Ming dynasty can extend meaning in two ways: within the semantic category of similar extension and without that relevant extension. The way to produce compound syllable words’ meaning has three methods: expanding, shrinking and transfer. Producing compound words’ parallel meaning has two ways: to change the semanteme or the object. This is the generation mode of the new meaning of Chinese vocabulary.In chapter seven, we analyze the disappearance mode of Chinese vocabulary of Ming Dynasty. The things, the language or concept changing or disappearing would lead to the disappearance of the words. There are two main ways about disappearance of the words, one is that the words are replaced by words and the other is that words are replaced by linguistic unit. That is the main ways by the replacement by other words or other language.In chapter eight, it is the conclusion. It reveals the Chinese general modes of the vocabulary’s development by the contradiction movement between the process of new words and the lexical of Chinese vocabulary.The paper mainly includes the following innovative point.Firstly, we classify a variety of vocabulary to vocabulary category that has the same character according to their characters. The method of classification and comparison is beneficial to concentrate observation angle to find mode of vocabulary development and regularity in Ming Dynasty.Secondly, "vocabulary formation" replaces word-formation; word-making and configuration etc and observe the "vocabulary formation" from the objective world, the subjective world and the language world. It is a process that vocabulary formation, generated by their subordinate language when accepting objective existence of raw material’s requirements, and follows the certain rules after thinking of raw material choice.Thirdly, we propose the concept" cognate morphemes" and" identical morpheme "and applies them to the vocabulary study. Morpheme is made of sound and meaning, which is the smallest unit in language, but some scholars use" polysemy morphemes" to research polysemy words. Most monosyllabic words are polysemy words, and there are many meaning when a monosyllabic polysemy word becomes a morpheme construct a new word, which leads to propose" polysemy morphemes". Actually, a morpheme only shows one meaning. If there are many meanings constructing new words when a monosyllabic polysemy word becomes a morpheme, it forms "cognate morphemes", which are made of "identical morpheme "."Identical morpheme "has only one meaning. Because of two concepts, we can solved a lot of problems in the study of vocabulary.Fourthly, we study the single syllable words and compound syllable words with some meanings separately. The paper believes that the new meanings of the single syllable words come to being generally by extension, and the compound syllable words with some meanings are drawn by extension meaning and parallel relations. Besides, there are other ways to produce new meanings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

