

Imagining America-The Image of USA of Chinese-American Literature

【作者】 向忆秋

【导师】 黄万华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国大陆的海外华文/华人文学研究差不多已有三十年历史。国内一批卓有成就的学者也纷纷提出了各自的整合研究思路和阐述模式。在对不同国别或区域的个案研究方面,“美国华文文学”、“华裔美国文学”研究近些年正当热潮。研究成果主要是“文学史”描述、作家作品评述的论文集或者文学主题、母题研究等。本论文提出“旅美华人文学”范畴研究,将那些从美国境外移民、定居美国的第一代华人,或者因为劳务、外交、留学、旅游等目的“暂时”逗留美国的华人所创作的文学作品,从学界已有界定和研究的“华裔美国文学”、“美国华文文学”中“独立”出来。论文写作一个最重要的目标,是历史线索式地“品味”自19世纪以来直至当下的“旅美华人文学”文本中所呈现、所隐含的“美国形象”,进而探讨旅美华人笔下“美国形象”在不同时期和不同背景下的历史性变迁(或变化或持续)。论文研究的第二个重要目标,是探讨不同历史阶段“旅美华人”笔下也许殊异也许雷同的“美国形象”背后,有着怎样的历史和现实因素?也就是对形成旅美华人文学“美国形象”的原因进行考察。出于这样的研究目的,论文在研究方法上,就必然是在文学、史学、文学社会学、比较文学诸多学科交汇处做综合性考察;并且论文对旅美华人文学作品的阅读,也不得不有选择地集中在他们书写美国生活经历和体验的文本,而非对旅美华人(作家)所有文本的综合解读和平面描述。论文共分六个部分。“绪论”对选题进行界定,整理、评述相关研究成果,并阐述论文研究目的和意义。正文四章在文本细读基础上,分别对不同历史时期——20世纪20年代以前,20世纪30-40年代,20世纪50-70年代,20世纪80年代以后——旅美华人笔下“美国形象”进行阐析,进而对不同历史时期“美国形象”的成因进行探讨。“结语”部分主要阐述旅美华人文学“美国形象”在不同时期和不同创作主体笔下的历史性变迁。“绪论”主要是三方面内容:1、提出“旅美华人文学”研究范畴。“旅美华人文学”指涉的是从美国境外移民、定居美国的第一代华人(不管是否获得法律身份),或者因为种种原因暂时在美国逗留过的华人,用汉语或非汉语(主要是英语)写作的文学作品(不管何时、何地出版)。2、“旅美华人文学”之“美国形象”,论文解释为一种比较文学意义上的“异国形象”。3、在整理和评述相关已有研究成果后,陈述论文的目的和意义。论文对“旅美华人文学”研究范畴下“美国形象”进行较大规模和“历史线索式”的梳理,进而探讨“美国形象”的成因,这是华人文学研究中非常欠缺的研究领域。第一章《想象美国的三种模式:20世纪20年代以前旅美华人笔下的美国形象》,通过对早期旅美留学生文学、“反美华工禁约文学”和“天使岛诗歌”、梁启超“美国游记”和伍廷芳“美国随笔”等几方面文本的细读分析,将20世纪20年代以前旅美华人笔下形形色色的美国形象,概括为三种基本模式:以胡适为代表的旅美华人所建构的“正”话语美国形象,美国被想象为先进文明的民主国,美国人被描述为非常慈善博爱的优秀民族;以“天使岛诗人”、吴宓等为代表的旅美华人则建构了一种“反”话语美国形象,他们笔下的美国呈现出负面形象(或者堕落,或者凶残,或者背信弃义……);而梁启超和伍廷芳代表的旅美华人,则能够以比较开阔的文化视野和批判姿态审视美国“他者”,因此他们笔下的美国呈现为一种颇为复杂、立体的“他者”形象。本章并且从美国移民话语对华人的歧视、中国社会文化空间(也即“社会集体想象物”因素)以及创作主体自身的文化心态和身世经历因素等三个方面,分析了20世纪20年代以前旅美华人笔下“美国形象”的成因。第二章《文明与癫狂:20世纪30-40年代旅美华人笔下的美国形象》,主要对林太乙、艾山、唐德刚、林语堂、黎锦扬、董鼎山、黄运基等30-40年代旅美华人作家部分文本进行了细读分析。30-40年代旅美华人作家基于自身美国经验、历史背景和文化视角,所建构的形形色色美国形象——无论“天风社”和“白马文艺社”发起人笔下或异趣横生的“他者”美国,或富足优裕的物质美国,或光怪陆离的病态美国;还是林语堂以小说人物在“自我”和“他者”游移之间所建构的彼此差异的两类美国形象;黎锦扬《花鼓歌》和《旗袍姑娘》中自始至终保持的正面美国形象;抑或是40年代旅美华人“文学版图”中两位“重量级”作家黄运基和董鼎山,他们笔下或者种族歧视、动荡不安的癫狂美国,或者复杂多面、原汁原味的立体美国——我们都可以粗略将之划分为“文明”和“颠狂”二类美国形象。而且很多时候,他们笔下美国形象并非泾渭分明的非黑即白,而呈现为文明和颠狂、光辉和阴暗等多种相反相成因素含混一体的“复合”美国形象。此外,本章从“二战”爆发后美国移民政策的变化和对华移民话语的转变(改“负”为“正”),“被注视者”文化空间也即美国社会的历史变迁,以及“注视者”自身因素即创作主体的“身份”转变和身世经历三个方面,对此时期旅美华人笔下“美国形象”的成因进行了考察。第三章《美国“多面体”:20世纪50-70年代旅美华人笔下的美国形象》,主要关注此时期旅美华人文坛突起的“台湾文群”,对於梨华、聂华苓、白先勇、陈若曦、孟丝、麦高、吴崇兰等50-70年代旅美台湾作家部分文学文本进行细读,以此为依据分析他们笔下的多面美国形象。於梨华和白先勇从边缘处境出发所想象的美国形象基本上呈现出负面性——於梨华笔下的“美国”是“丑陋的他者”:白先勇笔下的美国形象可以表述为“鬼影幢幢的摩天楼”,作家文本中那种间杂着喜乐的独特死亡意象更是对以往旅美华人文学美国形象的丰富。聂华苓和麦高等人在“自我”和“他者”的自觉意识中建构的美国形象,是一种饱含着“异”/原汁原味的“他者形象”。而陈若曦、孟丝以及自巴黎旅美的伊犁等人则以其不同风格和创作路子建构了大致相似的“两形体”美国形象:一方面是富足、文明、自由的美国,一方面是失范(人伦失范、道德堕落、经济失控、信仰危机等)的美国。它们代表了此时期旅美作家创作的一种文学趋势、一类必然出现的文学主题。本章对形成此时期旅美华人笔下“美国形象”的原因分析主要是四点:此时期旅美作家以“台湾文群”为主体的独特“悲剧身份”,美国对亚洲移民话语的双重性,美国所建构的“美国梦”和美国现实的落差,以及不同作家人生境遇、情绪状态等主体因素的作用,都对旅美华人的美国想象产生重要影响。第四章《美国天堂、美国地狱:20世纪80年代后旅美华人笔下的美国形象》,涉及16位旅美华人(作家)的长篇小说、短篇小说和“纪实性”散文。这时期旅美华人文坛一个重大文学现象是俗称的“新移民作家”整体浮出历史地表。新移民作家群体所建构的形形色色美国形象实际上隐喻了两种意象——美国天堂、美国地狱。他们笔下不管是对“黄金世界”、高科技帝国或是对多元化平等美国、自由民主世界的想象,都指向“天堂”美国意象,而指涉孤绝、癫狂、罪恶、贫穷之类意义的美国想象,则指向“地狱”美国意象。同时,地狱“天堂”和天堂“地狱”的“复合体”美国形象成为此时期旅美华人笔下的重要形象。较之以往,此时期旅美华人文学美国形象强有力地突出了异域美国的“经济”因素/“经济”意义。本章对此时期旅美华人文学美国形象成因的考察,主要从“被注视者”即美国社会和移民话语,“注视者”即“新移民”本身因素和华人社会地位变化几个方面论说。认为“新移民”历史背景/中国经验和他们的心态变化(“老侨”的落叶归根到“新移民”的落地生根,乃至于“太空人”心态),华人族裔在美国社会的地位上升和形象提升,美国社会的复杂性和美国移民话语的变迁(从1965年后的相对开放到世纪末的收缩),以及中(大陆)美之间的关系变化和经济差距,都是影响此时期旅美华人笔下美国形象建构的重要原因。“结语”认为旅美华人文学“美国形象”,乃是双重的“想象物”。它既受制于不同历史时期美国(被注视者)现实,也受制和反作用于不同历史时期中国(注视者)社会的集体想象,同时会因为形象塑造者自身因素而有所差异。旅美华人想象美国必然呈示出色彩斑驳的美国形象。同时,一代代旅美华人与美国相遇所建构的他者形象,一个民族、一种文化对异国的认知形成的集体想象,总会有一些流传和积淀下来,反作用于后来者(旅美华人),使其美国想象(建构的美国形象)形成一定“套话”或刻板模式。旅美华人文学就明显有一些“滞定型”美国形象不断得以赓续。早期旅美华人文学所建构的“正”话语、“反”话语和一种矛盾、歧义的美国形象,成为后来旅美华人文学“美国形象”的三种模式。当然,每个人或特殊群体所建构的具体文学形象或“社会集体想象物”都不太可能一成不变地被后人“复制”。旅美华人笔下“滞定型”美国形象就在不同时期和不同创作主体笔下有所变形。对旅美华人文学“美国形象”的历史性梳理,是我们对中美文化空间及旅美华人身份和命运的一种再理解和历史回望。而且,它也将有助于我们对将来中美文化现实的思考,有助于不同人种之间的对话和交流。

【Abstract】 The research of overseas literature/ Chinese literature in Chinese mainland has already passed almost thirty years.A lot of successful domestic scholars have proposed the integration of their research thought and elaborate model.But in different countries or regions of different case studies,"America-Chinese literature","Chinese-American literature" research is popular in recent years。Research is mainly in the description of "history of literature"、proceedings of the writers or literary theme,and motif research, etc.This paper puts forward the "Chinese-American Literature" research category, making the works of the U.S.immigration and the first generation of Chinese residing in the United States,or the works of person who is go to America for the purpose of Labor,diplomacy,or travel "temporarily stay Chinese" independent from the existing definition and research of "Chinese-American literature","America Chinese literature". A significant goal for this paper is in "historical clues" to comment on the "U.S image",which presented and implied in the works of"Chinese-American Literature", since the 19th century until now.Then this essay will discusses the "U.S image"in the works of Chinese-American,with historical change(change or continue) in different period and under different background.The second significant goal of this paper is researching the historical and realistic factor in the similar or different U.S image described by the Chinese-American in different historical stages.That is to say it is the inspection to the reasons of forming the Chinese-American Literature "U.S image".For this purpose,the research methods of the paper will inevitably comprehensively study in the literature,history,literature sociology,and Comparative Literature;and the reading about the Chinese-American Literature in my paper is selectively concentrated in the writing of American life experience and feelings,rather than comprehensively interpretation and description to all their works.This Paper consists of six parts as follows."Introduction" is to define the theme,sorting out the related research achievement and expound the purpose and the meaning of the research.The four chapter of the text is based on the careful reading then separately analyze the "American image" in the works of Chinese-American Literature,which is before 1920s,30-40 in the 20th century, 1950-1970s and after 1980s.Then it discusses the forming reason of "U.S image" in different historical period.The "Conclusion" mainly explains the historical changes of U.S.image in the Chinese-American literature in different periods and by different authors."Introduction" mainly consists of three aspects:First,putting forward the research category of Chinese-American Literature."Chinese-American Literature" means the works of those who immigrated to U.S.A or the first generation of Chinese residing in the United States(whether obtain legal status or not),or for a variety of reasons just temporarily stay.By the way,these works is writing in Chinese or non-Chinese(mainly in English),and it does not matter when and where they published.Second,"The American image" of"Chinese-American Literature" in this paper is explained as a kind of comparative literature in a sense of "exotic image".Third,after sorting out on the related research achievement then expounds the purpose and goal of the research.Commenting "the American image"in large-scale historical clues within the research category of Chinese-American Literature,and then discussing the forming reasons of"the American image",which is a field very short of study in the research of Chinese literatureThe first chapter:"Imagining Three Modes of American:the U.S Image in the Works of Chinese- American Before the 1920s",through careful reading and commenting on the literature of Chinese abroad students,"anti-American Chinese worker prohibit agreement literature" and "Angel Island Poetry","American Travels" of Liang Qichao and the "American Essay" of Wu Ting-fang,from these aspects,this paper divided all kinds of"the American image" in the Works of Chinese- American Before the 1920s into three basic modes:Hu Shi represented a kind of Chinese-American who construct a positive image discourse of U.S,in which the United States was constructed as an advanced civilization of democratic countries, Americans were described as very charitable nature of excellent;"Angels Island poetry", such as WuMi represented,who constructed a discourse of negative U.S image,and they showed us all negative image such as corruption,or ruthless,or treachery...But WuTingfang Liang qichao who represent another kind of Chinese-American,are able to observe America(Other) with a relatively cultural perspective and criticizing expanding horizon,so they present a rather complicated and concrete "Other" image.This chapter analyzes the"the American image" in the works of Chinese-American before the 1920’s.And this analysis consists of three aspects:from the discrimination to Chinese immigration,Chinese social culture space,(namely "social collective imagines" factors) and the creation subject of its own cultural mentality and life experience.Chapter 2 "Civilization and Madness:U.S Image in the Works of Chinese-American in 30-40 of the 20th Century",witch mainly through analyzing some works of LinTaiyi,AiShan,Tang Degang,Lin Yutang,Li Jinyang,Dong Dingshan,and Maurice H·Chuck,ere,who are the Chinese-American writers of 1930’s to 1940’s. Those Chinese-American writers based on their own American experience,historical background and cultural perspective constructed various kinds of U.S image--Whether the fun-loving and truthfulness "otherness" America in the works of "Sky & Wind Literary Club "and "white horse Literary Club",or a material affluent,or be grotesque pathological characters,or the characters vacillate between the two different" selfness" and "otherness" U.S.image in Lin yutang’s works,Li Jinyang’s Flower Drum Song and Cheongsam Girl which always keep the positive image of U.S.,or is racial discrimination,unrest,or more complex and insane,authentic and dimensional America in the works of two important writers(Maurice H·Chuck DongDingShan) in the 1940’s.All of these can be roughly divided into two kinds of U.S. image:"civilization "and "madness".Moreover,most of the time,they are not entirely different as all or nothing,and present a civilization and mania,bright and dark,which is a composite American image mixed by the factors opposite and supplementary to each other.In addition,this chapter research the American imaging factors form three aspects:American immigration policy change and discourse transformation to Chinese immigration("negative" to "positive") after the outbreak of world warⅡ;the "watched" ’s cultural space namely American society change of history;and the watcher’s own factors namely the creation subject themselves changes of "identity" and life experience.The third chapter the American "Multi-aspect":the U.S.Image in the Works of Chinese-American During 1950-1970s,which mainly concentrates on Taiwan literary group,carefully reading the works of some of the Taiwan-American writers in the 1950-1970s,such as Nie Hualing,Bai xianyong,Chen Ruoxi,Meng Si,Michael Wang, Wu Chonglan,etc,and take their works as clues to analyze the Multi-aspect U.S.image. The U.S.image in the works of Yu lihua and Bai Xianyong which is from the edge situation are basically express the negative image of America--the "America" in the works of YU Lihua is a "ugly othemess";The U.S.image in the works of Bai Xianyong is described as "ghost skyscraper",and the death with joy mixed in his works is a unique image that riches the Chinese-American Literature.The U.S.image constructed by Nie Hualing and Mai Gao in their self-consciousness is a "otherness image",which filled with "difference"/original taste and flavor.And Chen Ruoxi,Meng Si,and Paris-American as Yi Li construct a similar "Two Form" U.S.image with their different styles and creative methods.One is rich,civilized and freedom;on one hand, the human moral ethics disorder(human anomy,moral degeneration,runaway economy, belief crisis,etc.).They represent a literary trend and an inevitable theme in this period. This chapter analyzes the U.S.image forming factors during this period from four points:the "Tragedy identity" mainly presented by Taiwan Literary Group;The dual discourse of American to Chinese immigrants;the difference between the "American Dream" constructed by American and the American reality;and the different writers with different subject factors such as life experiences、feelings.All of these have significant influence to Chinese-American’s U.S.image.Chapter Four "American Paradise,American Hell:the U.S.Image in the Works of Chinese-American in the Later of 1980’s",commenting on 16 writer’s long novels, short stories and the essays of record of actual events.There is an important literary phenomenon in the Chinese-American literary group of period:the "new immigrant writers" emerge in the history.The new immigrant writers construct various kinds of American image actually metaphor two images - the American paradises,American hell. Their works imagine to "gold" world,or diversified hi-tech empire,freedom and democracy equal states,all of these refers to the image of,"paradise",however,the image of loneliness,madness,evil,poverty and poverty refers to the "hell" U.S.image. At the same time,the "complex" hell "paradise",and "hell" paradise’ U.S.image is an important image of Chinese-American literature during this period.Compared to previous,the U.S image in the literature of Chinese-American in this period strongly highlighted an exotic American "economic" factor and its "economic" significance.This chapter commenting on U.S.image forming factors in Chinese-American literature in this period,mainly from several aspects:"the watched" namely American society and immigrants discourse;"watcher" namely "the new immigrants" and their own factors and the Chinese community status changes.Think of the new immigration’s historical background and experience of Chinese and the mindset change(from the elder "Fallen leaves return to the roots" to the young "planted themselves firmly at the heart of the American",even a astronaut mentality);Chinese ethnic social status and image rose in the United States;the complexity of the American society and immigration discourse change(from 1965,relatively open to contraction in the end of Twenty century);and the relationship and economic gap between China(mainland) and America;all these influences are very important for the construction of the American image in the works of Chinese-American during.The part of Conclusion is intended to discuss the American image of Chinese-American literature is a double "imagination" double.It is subject to different historical period of American(the watched) reality,also held and counterproductive in different historical periods of China(the watcher)’s social collective imagines,and it also different for image constructor’s own differences.The Chinese-American imaging the America inevitably turn to be a colorful U.S.image.At the same time,the generation of Chinese contaction with the American then constructs an othemess image.A Collective imagination to an exotic country recognized by an ethnic or a culture,which may always be some hereditary or precipitate counteractive to the young (Chinese-American),and made their U.S.(construction of image) forming something of verbalism or stiffness.Commenting on Chinese-American literature is obviously a little "stereotype" steadily continue U.S.image.The early Chinese-American literature constructed "positive" discourse、and "opposite" discourse,and a kind of contradiction and ambiguity of U.S.image are the three models of U.S.image in the works of later Chinese-American.Of course,everyone or special group’s constructed literature image or "social collective imagines" are unlikely to be cloning by posterity invariably. Commenting on Chinese-America’s image will "change" in different periods and different subject’s works.Commenting "U.S.image" of Chinese literature in history is a more understanding and historical look to the Chinese and American cultural space and the Chinese-American writers fate and identity.Moreover,it will contribute to our thinking of the Sino-US cultural reality,and do a good to the communication between different ethnic groups。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

