

The Mutual Motivation System Research of Agricultural Industrialization Evolution in Form of Park and Agricultural SMEs Sustainable Growth

【作者】 李霄

【导师】 和丕禅;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 伴随着农业产业化的趋势,以农业园区形式而聚集的农业中小企业的成长成为一种促进区域农业经济发展的有效手段,理论界开始关注并进行研究。经过我国农业经济体制改革以及农业产业化10多年来的积累与发展,我国农业园区已经遍地开花,不同特色与形式的农业园区形成了农业产业化的重要平台。而农业园区集中起来的农业中小企业在经济总量与企业形式数量等方面都有较大的提高,园区农业中小企业已经成为我国农业产业化、各地农业经济发展的重要力量。但是,随着市场竞争的不断加剧、农业技术创新频率的加快、农业消费需求标准的提高以及农业产业本身的弱势因素,起步和源于传统工业企业的我国农业中小企业在持续发展方面面临着许多困难,这不仅直接影响地方农业经发展的速度,同时也影响了我国农业产业化的顺利进行和“三农”问题关于农业产业化问题彻底解决的成败。目前,国内主流经济学派多数注重工业企业成长的形成与发展分析,重点集中于工业园区以及制造业中小企业集群化成长的分析与实证,而对于农业园区和农业中小企业的发展与成长问题的研究成果很少,尤其是缺乏对农业产业化发展与农业中小企业个体成长相互影响因素的研究。所以,将农业产业化的形式确定以农业园区为发展平台,将农业中小企业成长置于农业产业园区化发展的背景中加以分析,会产生出很多具有理论和实践价值的结论。论文首先对农业产业发展与演进、农业园区、农业中小企业成长理论的研究成果进行了较为细致的综述、梳理,评述了以农业园区为平台的农业产业演进和农业中小企业持续成长的影响因素理论,分析了形成农业园区产业发展平台的农业中小企业的能力要素,并且从阶段性的角度形成农业中小企业成长的阶段特征和影响因素的相关结论。同时,论文比较了国内外工业产业演进与中小企业发展的现状,进一步说明农业园区为平台的农业产业发展是农业经济基于市场、技术等创新制度改进的载体,农业产业化基于园区的影响因素对农业园区内不同成长阶段的农业中小企业具有差异性,而不同成长阶段的农业中小企业的成长对于产业也具有不同程度的影响,这种相互的影响因素形成农业产业整体与农业中小企业个体之间的互动发展与成长规律。发现并揭示这种规律,并且相应地设计使农业中小企业获取特定资源、组织形态以及持续竞争优势,而且将农业园区在制度设计、平台建立等方面融入农业产业化发展的轨道是必要的。论文设计了问卷、访谈等调查方式,针对政府主管部门、农业园区管理部门以及农业中小企业,进行了大量的实证调研。论文选取了农业产业化发展较好、农业园区普及、拥有众多农业中小企业数量的广东珠三角地区的农业园区与园区农业中小企业进行调研,所选取的样本具有明显的阶段性特征,并且具有典型农业生产的特点,包括佛山、顺德、三水、高明、广州、汕头等地的农业园区,通过实证方法对以上农业产业园区以及具有代表性的农业中小企业进行了实地考察,分阶段对于调研对象进行重复访谈,历时一年半,完成了不同发展阶段的农业园区与农业中小企业成长影响因素的有效问卷,整理了我国与地方政府对于农业产业园区化发展的相关政策,为今后本领域的研究提供了研究思路与框架。尤其对于各地在发展农业园区经济的实践上,可以从论文的结论、分析过程与方法中得到启示。论文大量采用了统计技术,对于不同成长阶段的农业中小企业的园区化成长影响因素进行排序,总结出了农业产业园区化发展与农业中小企业互动影响的内涵,并结合实际提出在农业园区、农业产业发展、农业中小企业成长等方面的政策建议。论文研究结论是:(1)地方农业产业化政策的实施与落实要与农业中小企业群体成长的规律以及发展的阶段相对应。(2)较为突出的关于企业成长障碍集中表现在处于不同成长阶段的农业中小企业对园区金融等服务环境的满意度存在较大差异。(3)农业产业园区化演进与农业企业持续成长是多种因素相互影响、共同作用的结果。(4)通过多元化的方法与渠道应对由多因素共同导致的农业产业园区化演进与企业成长障碍问题。(5)农业产业园区化演进的基础是园区内农业中小企业市场竞争能力的不断加强。(6)强化并突出农业中小企业的市场主体地位,提升企业自身经营管理水平是农业产业园区化演进的主要动力源泉。(7)农业产业园区化演进是区内农业中小企业相互协作、形成集聚并形成规模效应的必然结果。(8)农业产业园区化进一步演进要求提供完善的中介服务支撑体系得以实现。(9)建立科学合理的农业园区的制度来影响园区内的农业企业行为,是农业产业园区化演进的有效治理形式。本论文限于限于材料收集的难度,与农业产业化政策的制度约束,很多因素的分析具有不确定性,以及缺乏与其他地区比较,研究结论的一般性不足,这也是今后继续研究的方向。所以论文属于基础应用性研究。

【Abstract】 With the trends of agriculture industrialization, the agricultural SME (small & medium SMEs) cluster growth in the form of parks is the effective way to push the area agricultural development. The experts has come into the view of both theoretical and practical points. After the agriculture industrialization ten years long term development and agricultural economic system reform, the agricultural parks have spread over the country, the parks with different characters and forms have come into the important platform of agriculture industrialization. The volume, number and forms of agricultural SMEs, which concentrated on the agriculture parks has improved faster greatly, have been the important part of Chinese agriculture industrialization and agriculture economy development in different areas. But because of the more and more serious competition in the agricultural markets, the more frequent agricultural technology innovation, the more changed criteria of agricultural consumption demands, and the agricultural itself weakness of Chinese agriculture SMEs, rooted from the traditional industry, are facing more and more difficulties in the respect of sustainable growth. That will not only influence on the speed of agricultural SMEs growth rate, but also influence on the process of agriculture industrialization and the result of solving three agricultural problems completely. Until now, through a lot of research has focused on the development and formation of industrial SMEs, emphasis on the analysis and practices of industrial parks and cluster growth of manufacturing SMEs, little has been done on the mutual issue of agricultural parks and agriculture SMEs growth, especially the limitation of the influencing elements and system research between agriculture industrialization integrally and agricultural SME individually. So we make sure of the agricultural parks as the platform of agriculture industrialization, and the only way to get successful research results is to put the agricultural SMEs growth in the background of the agriculture industry-gardenilization, we believe the research and practical valuable conclusions will be made finally.The paper has described the theories of agriculture industry development. agricultural parks, and agricultural SMEs growth firstly, viewed the influencing factors of agriculture industry development in the form of agricultural garden and agricultural SMEs sustainable growth, analyzed and indicated the ability factors of agricultural SMEs in the form of agricultural garden, and make the conclusions of agricultural SMEs development on the respect of stage. As the same time, the paper compared with the situations with the industrial SMEs growth, fatherly indicated the agricultural industry development in the form of parks is the base of changing market and technology innovation, the agriculture industrialization base on the park influencing elements in different stages, exited the differences, the same as influenced on the agricultural SMEs on different enterprise growth stages in agricultural parks, and the clusters of agricultural SMEs comes on different enterprise growth stages gathered into the different agricultural parks. The mutual influencing factors formed the mutual development and growth regularity between agriculture industrialization integrally and agricultural SME individually. Discover and disclose the regularity, and designing how to acquire the special resources, organization structure and sustainable competitive advantages respectively for agricultural SMEs, and it is necessary that the agricultural parks can be adopted in the orbit of agriculture industrialization in the respect of system designing and platform establishment.The paper designed the survey of questionnaires, interviews, according to government department, the garden committees, and agricultural SMEs, have finished a lot of practical research. The paper empirical research is based on the agricultural parks and agricultural SMEs in Pearl River Delta, Guangdong province with the typical and healthy development. The samples for the survey are selected for the research purpose have the typical characters of stages , including the parks in Foshan, Shunde, Sanshui, Gaoming and Guangzhou, Shantou. ect. Through the empirical methods of research of the agricultural Parks and reprehensive SMEs, we have had the repeated and talks, it lasts half past one year, finished the collection of the effective questionnaires about the mutual influencing factors of agricultural industry gardenilaization and the agricultural SMEs sustainable growth, the relative local government policies and regulations supporting agricultural parks development. The paper provided the research framework and direction in the field in the future, especially the practical study of the local agricultural parks development, the conclusions and analysis methods provided the experiences for the agricultural industry gardenilaization and the agricultural SMEs sustainable growth.The paper adopted to many statistics methods, By putting the importance of factors influencing different growth stages of agricultural SMEs in order, made the conclusion of the mutual influencing factor between agricultural industry gardenilaization and the agricultural SMEs sustainable growth, and indicated the policies suggestions of the agricultural park development, agricultural industry and the agricultural SMEs sustainable growth. The conclusions we draw from the research are shown as follows:(1) The policies of the local agricultural industry evolution should match the stages of the agricultural SMEs of growth in the park.(2) Agricultural SMEs in different stages of growth have different financial services environment in perception. (3) The evolution of agricultural SMEs and the SMEs sustainable development is the result of multi-factors influenced.(4) Under the influence of multiple factors in the evolution of agricultural SMEs and business park growth and business growth through multi-channel solution, we must have the effect of a multi-pronged.(5) The implement of evolution of the agricultural SMEs within the park need to constantly enhance the market competition ability.(6) Enhance the status of the agricultural SMEs, improve the operation ability themselves is the resource of growth.(7) The growth of the agricultural park is the organizing process of the local agricultural SMEs mutual collaboration.(8) The evolution of agricultural park required the excellent intermediary services require supporting system to enhance by leaps and bounds of the park.(9) Establish the rational and scientific agricultural park system to influence the acts of the agricultural park SMEs, which is effective in the treatment forms of the agricultural park evolution.Due to the materials collection and the agriculture industrialization policy limitation, The paper factors of the research lack the stability, generalization and deeper work on relitive areas, some factors analyzed are unfixed. So the further work on the issues will be done in the future. The paper is the basic application research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

