

Research on the Conflicts between Task Design and Execution in Knowledge Worker Team under Temporal Framing Effect

【作者】 袁国方

【导师】 张钢;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 知识团队是组织执行知识型任务、实现知识创造的核心单元,而源于知识型任务设计局限性与知识团队成员认知差异性的任务设计与任务执行冲突,则日益凸显为知识团队中一种常见的知识冲突类型。更重要的是,知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突同时还处于复杂多变的任务时间框架的约束下。时间框架效应理论表明:团队可以利用时间框架效应设计冲突管理策略,影响团队成员面对知识冲突时的决策与行为模式,以促进异质性知识资源在冲突过程中的充分交互作用,最终达到有效管理团队知识冲突、促进团队创新的目的。因此,在时间框架效应视角下研究知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突,对于探索时间约束下的冲突管理机制具有重要理论价值。本文围绕时间框架效应的概念内涵、产生机理,及其对知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突与创新的作用路径、影响机制等问题展开一系列研究。本文的第一个研究,首先基于时间框架效应和冲突管理等相关理论传统,将行为决策中的时间框架效应在团队知识冲突领域进行理论拓展,推演出时间框架效应与团队知识冲突之间的逻辑关系;其次,通过案例分析为上述逻辑构思寻找现实证据,对团队知识冲突管理中的时间框架形式及其分类进行总结、对知识冲突及冲突处理决策的类型进行归纳、对冲突处理决策中的时间框架效应及其对团队知识冲突的影响关系进行考查和分析;最后,对理论拓展与案例分析进行研究总结,并从中发现有待深化的研究视角。本文的第二个研究,通过设计情景模拟实验探索时间框架效应下时间个性、任务认知与任务参与决策间的作用关系。首先,通过实验检验不确定情境下个体任务参与决策中的时间框架效应,从而以更加严谨的方式验证和完善之前研究所得出的时间框架效应相关结论;其次,通过分析时间框架对时间个性、任务认知影响任务参与决策关系的调节机制,为在团队层面研究时间框架效应与知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突的关系,提供了个体层面的微观实验证据及理论逻辑支撑;最后,通过对实验过程的观察和实验结果的分析,探索其他可能产生影响的中介与调节变量,为此后对时间框架效应下知识团队创新的影响机制进行全面实证研究打好基础。本文的第三个研究,在前面的理论构建、理论拓展、案例研究以及实验研究基础上,设计团队层面关于时间框架效应、时间个性差异、知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突及创新之间关系的实证研究。该实证研究以时间个性差异(时间认知特征差异、时间情感特征差异)为自变量,知识团队创新(创新程度、创新速度)为因变量,知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突为中介变量,时间框架效应(认知维度、情感维度)为调节变量,在首先考查时间个性差异影响知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突及创新关系的基础上,重点检验时间框架效应对上述关系的调节作用,从而验证了本文总体研究构思的逻辑主轴。本文的第四个研究,基于理论构建与前述实证研究结果,纳入关系冲突和时间压力变量,设计了一个更为精细的全模型实证研究。该实证研究以时间个性差异(时间认知特征差异、时间情感特征差异)为自变量,知识团队创新为因变量,知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突、关系冲突、时间压力为中介变量,时间框架效应(认知维度、情感维度)为调节变量,在初步分析全模型中各变量相关关系的基础上,分别考查了时间框架效应的调节机制,关系冲突和时间压力的中介机制,从而以更加全面的视角探索了时间框架效应下知识团队创新的影响机制。通过上述四个研究,本文得出以下结论:①时间框架效应存在影响团队知识冲突的现实证据;②时间框架效应具有影响团队知识冲突的微观作用机制;③在以时间个性差异影响知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突及创新为主轴的知识团队创新影响机制中,时间框架效应发挥重要的调节作用,任务设计与任务执行冲突、时间压力和关系冲突发挥重要的中介作用。本文取得的理论进展主要有:①时间框架效应理论内涵的明确界定及其解释机制构建;②时间框架效应在冲突管理领域的理论拓展;③时间框架效应、时间个性差异及团队知识冲突的分类细化;④时间框架效应对知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突及创新的影响机制构建。本文的现实意义在于:①为知识团队的时间管理与冲突管理实践,提供了基本理念和现实操作上的契合点;②为知识团队探索和实施“基于时间框架效应的时间管理策略”,提供了理论基础和实践思路;③为知识团队有效管理时间约束下的任务设计与任务执行冲突,并使之发挥促进知识团队创新的积极作用,开辟了基于时间要素影响机制的冲突管理策略设计思路。

【Abstract】 Knowledge worker team is the key unit which executes knowledge tasks to realize knowledge creation in organizations, while the conflicts between task design and execution derived from limitations of task design and task cognitions diversity among knowledge workers is becoming a common and important kind of knowledge conflicts in knowledge worker team. Moreover, this kind of conflicts is always constrained by flexible and complex temporal frames of tasks. The theory of temporal framing effect demonstrates clearly that a team can use temporal framing effect to design conflict management strategy, which could affect the decision and behavior modes of team members in knowledge conflicts, so that the interaction of heterogeneous knowledge resources would be promoted during the process of conflicts, and the goal of effective knowledge conflicts management and team innovation would be achieved finally. Therefore, research on the conflicts between task design and execution from the view of temporal framing effect is of important value for the theoretical progress of conflict management mechanism under temporal constraints. A series of studies were conducted in this paper to probe into the connotation of temporal framing effect, its generation mechanism, and its effecting path and mechanism on the conflicts between task design and execution in knowledge worker team.In study one, temporal framing effect was theoretically extended from the area of behavioral decision to the research field of team’s knowledge conflict, and the logistical relationship between temporal framing effect and team’s knowledge conflict was explored either. Subsequently, actual evidences of the construct above were searched by the way of case analysis, in which the exhibition forms or patterns of temporal frame were classified, knowledge conflicts and conflict management strategies in team’s knowledge conflict management practice were categorized, and the temporal framing effect existing in conflict management decision and its influence on team’s knowledge conflict were also analyzed. Finally, theory extension and case study were summarized to find perspectives which are worthy of further research.In study two, an experiment was designed to explore the relationships among temporal frame, time personality, task cognition and task participation decision. Firstly, the temporal framing effect in individuals’ task participation decision under uncertain task context was examined, which validated the conclusions about temporal framing effect in previous studies through an rigorous way. Secondly, through analyzing temporal frame’s moderating effect on relationships among time personality, task cognition and task participation decision, theoretical supports on individual level were provided to explore the relationship between temporal framing effect and the conflict between task design and execution in knowledge worker team on team level. Finally, some other possible mediators or moderators were explored for further researches to carry out a full-scale study about the affecting mechanism of knowledge worker team’s innovation under temporal constraints.In study three, a team-level questionnaire study was carried out to analyze the relationships among temporal framing effect, time personality diversity, the conflict between task design and execution and knowledge worker team’s innovation on the basic of previous studies. In this study, time personality diversity was used as an independent variable, knowledge worker team’s innovation was used as a dependent variable, the conflicts between task design and execution was used as a mediator and temporal framing effect was used as a moderator. Moderating effects of temporal framing effect on relationships of time personality diversity affecting the conflicts between task design and execution and knowledge worker team’s innovation were tested, and as a result the main logistic axis of this paper’s entire research conception was validated.Based on the results of previous studies, the forth study designed a full-scale empirical study through introducing the variables of relationship conflicts and time pressure. In this study, time personality diversity was used as independent variable, knowledge worker team’s innovation was used as a dependent variable, the conflicts between task design and execution, relationship conflict and time pressure were used as mediators, and temporal framing effect was used as a moderator. On the basic of analyzing the correlation among variables in the full-scale model, it examined the moderating mechanism of temporal framing effect and the mediating mechanism of relationship conflict and time pressure.Conclusions of this paper were drawn from the previous four studies as follows:①actual evidences shows that temporal framing effect can affect team’s knowledge conflict;②there exist individual-level mechanisms about temporal framing effect influencing team’s knowledge conflict;③in the affecting mechanisms of knowledge worker team’s innovation which concludes the main axis of time personality diversity affecting the conflicts between task design and execution and knowledge worker team’s innovation, temporal framing effect exhibits an important moderating effect, the conflicts between task design and execution, relationship conflict and time pressure exhibit important mediating effects. Some theoretical developments were also achieved in this paper:①the explicit definition of temporal framing effect was proposed, and the construction of temporal framing effect’s generation mechanism was identified;②the theory of temporal framing effect was applied to the area of conflict management research;③the classification of temporal framing effect, time personality diversity and team’s knowledge conflict was advanced;④temporal framing effect’s affecting mechanism on the conflicts between task design and execution and knowledge worker team’s innovation was constructed. This paper is also of practical significance:①it provides theoretical and practical guides for the joint of time and conflict management practice in knowledge worker team;②it supplied the theoretical basis and practical trail of thought about "temporal framing effect-based time management strategy" for knowledge worker team;③it creates a new design thought about conflict management based on the influence mechanism of time factors, in order to improve the effective utilization of the conflicts between task design and execution and its positive effect on facilitating the innovation of knowledge worker team.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

