

【作者】 郭杨

【导师】 章培恒;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学古今演变, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 清末民初之时,林纾(1852-1924)因以古文笔调翻译了大量泰西小说而名声显赫,享有“介绍西洋近世文学第一人”的美誉,虽然林纾本人颇以古文自重,诗、书、画也有所长,并兼及小说和传奇的创作,但论及文学和文化史上的地位,却要首推其翻译。“如以中国文学论林纾,那么林氏简直微不足道”,“他的身价,完全在他译述小说”。自1898年初涉译坛,林纾的系列译作便源源不断、汩汩而出,并逐渐形成品牌,与严复的“严译名著”分庭抗礼,世称“林译小说”。中国现代文学的革命之火和浪漫之源,殆即发端于此,故林译小说极具研究价值。回顾以往的林译研究论著,常有这样的感觉,即它们或者概括林纾生平,从序跋中总结林氏的翻译思想,谈及林译小说的轰动效应,对于真正的翻译层面却很少论述。或者仅以单篇林译世界名著为例,分析林纾翻译的文化特点,对于林译整体却缺乏把握。真正理想的方式应该是两者的结合。本文以林译小说为研究对象,较少旁及其他,分为上下两编。上编涉及林译小说总体研究中的几个问题,从宏观上展现林译小说的基本面貌,并讨论其翻译模式和构成形态。第一章首先回顾林译小说目录的整理历程,并根据笔者发现的译本改名现象,得出林译总数应为193种。在林译小说的类型问题上,指出通常人们有关林译类型的认识受到林译标示的影响,而标示实际上是商务印书馆的促销手段,与小说实际性质不尽一致,林译小说以言情、社会、神怪冒险和侦探小说四大类型为主。与范烟桥、钱钟书和张俊才对于林译小说的分期方法不同,本文认为应该结合林纾与出版机构的关系、林译小说口译者、林译小说的质量和数量等因素综合考虑,将林译小说分为四个时期。第二章讨论林译小说的翻译模式。先从原著、口译者两方面来分析合作翻译,勾勒林译小说口译者的生平,并总结林纾与其合作者之间的四重关系。在翻译方法上,口译笔述在带来高效的同时,也带来了匆忙和草率。而二次传递则有两人的观念渗入其中,大致说来,技术性的错误应由口译者负责,而风格和情感上的差异主要来自林纾。第三章将林译小说分解成书名、序跋、评注和译文四个部分。分别讨论书名的离题和改名,序跋体现的思想性和艺术性,评注的众声喧哗和译文的复杂多样,尤其是译文与林氏古文之间的关系。下编从微观出发考察林译小说的文化翻译,选择数量最多、影响最大的两种类型——言情小说和神怪冒险小说,将林译本与原著以及清末民初其他译者的同书异译本进行比较。第四章对读《迦茵小传》和Joan Haste以及包天笑、杨紫驎的译本《迦因小传》,进行文本比较,考察形象差异,并小结。第五章对读《金梭神女再生缘》和The World’s Desire以及周氏兄弟的译本《红星佚史》,进行文本比较,考察形象差异,并小结。结语部分对林译小说做出评价。

【Abstract】 During the late Qing and early Republic period,Linshu (1852-1924) was famous as a leader in translation which translated western novel by using ancient-style prose. he was well versed in ancient-stlye prose,peom,handwriting and Chinese Brush Painting .writing novels and legends were also occupied his life. But his translative novels have an unique place in literature and cultural history," it seems to believe that Linshu can afford to be potty because,in literature of China.""the evaluation of him depends on his translation works". Since 1898,he involved in traslation field and gradully become a famous translator, in his own inimitable ways, it was instrumental in the success of the translation field. The moment that his translative novels which was called"Lin’s translative novel" provided him an excellent place which would be recognised as of equal status to Yanfu. With the beginning of revolutionary of modern Chinese literature and romantic charm, in fact, this point of history made "Lin’s translative novel" more invaluable.Reviewed past books which study on" Lin’s translative novel", most of them are easy to read as a personal narrative, then summarize an ideological and theoretical translate conception which based on preface and postscript, and lead to its sensational effect logically. But only a few books talk about traslation stage, some only choose one translative novel as a model to explore linshu’s translative characteristics, neglect the overall spirit. From previous experience, two parts combined will be the better method to get a deep understanding of Linshu.Less involved in other content, Lin’s translated works is studied in this paper, it falls into two parts. First part will show a basic situation of "Linshu’s translative novel" and talk about its translation model and formation. In section 1,collation of Linshu’s novel list can be the clue to look back his translated life .After compare with the name of original and translation,the investigation reveals the total number of " Linshu’s translative novel" is 193. We studied in the categorise of "Linshu’s translative novel " and point out that the mark used in "Linshu’s translative novel" make influence on people’s cognition of them. Actually mark was only a way of promotion to Commercial press , not used to distinguish or separate the novel in technical way. Basically ,Linshu’s translative novels were divided into four types, society, romantic ,adventure and detective novels. Different from other method to divide Linshu translation period, which from Fanyanqiao,Qianzhongshu and Zhang juncai. This paper presented to separate his translation period according to partnership, interpreter,quality and quantity ,ect. Based on an overall consideration of various factors , Linshu’s translative novel is divided into four period in this paper. Discussion in this section revolves around Linshu’s translation model. Original,interpreter and Linshu himself cooperate together bring us translative novel. It is necessary to find out the relation and life of interpreters to get a deep understanding about Linshu’s translative novels. Athough use this process brings them dictate and record more efficiency ,meanwhile,it makes casually, thoughtless or inconsiderate .After two separate operation, it can’t avoid subjective opinion involve in.Generally, mistranslations or inappropriate translations are from interpreters,but the distinction of sentiment and style of writing are from Linshu. This section divided the study into four parts,title, preface and postscript, annotation and translation. Discuss on discursive titles and nonliteral titles,we also pay attention on ideology and artistry’s effect in preface and postscript. Various annotation and translation makes "Linshu’s translative novel" more worthiness, especially through Linshu’s ancient-style and translaton.See the translation in a different view in the second fold. two kinds of novel are chosen for their typical value, which are sentimental novel and genie love story. and then compare these kinds of "Linshu’s translative novel" with Original works and other translations of the same book.Section four study Jiayinxiaozhuan(Lin) with the original work JoanHaste and Jiayinxiaozhuan(Bao), compare the novel and figureation,make a simple summarize.Section five study Jinsuoshennvzaishengyuan with The World’s Desire. and Hongxingyishi which was translated by the brother Luxun and Zhouzuoren, compare the novel and figureation, make a simple summarize.In Epilogue, make a comment to LinShu’s Translative novel

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】I046;H059;I206.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】819

