

The Asymptotic Behavior of the Global Solutions for Nonlinear Evolution Equations

【作者】 尚婵妤

【导师】 郑宋穆;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 应用数学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 对于数学以及其他自然科学分支(例如物理,力学,材料科学,化学等)中提出的各类非线性发展方程的整体解的存在唯一性以及其大时间渐近性态的研究具有理论上和实际上的重要意义,并有广泛的应用。长期以来,非线性发展方程因其本身重要的应用背景以及非线性带来的数学困难引起了国内外数学家的广泛的研究兴趣。本学位论文主要是关于非线性发展方程(组)整体解大时间渐近性态的研究。非线性发展方程(组)的整体解的渐近性态,包括整体解当时间趋于无穷大时是否趋于某个平衡态(Equilibrium),以及对应的无限维动力系统是否存在整体吸引子,是非线性发展方程研究的两个基本问题。通常,人们将所考虑的非线性发展方程(组)看成某个Sobolev函数空间中从某个初始数据出发的轨道,那么我们考虑的问题分别为当时间趋于无穷大时从这个函数空间中给定的初始数据出发的单个轨道是否收敛于某个平衡态以及从这个函数空间或者其某个完备的闭子空间中任意有界集出发的一族轨道是否存在整体吸引子?对于非线性发展方程(组)对应的无限维动力系统的整体吸引子存在性的研究是本文主要的研究兴趣所在。国际上有大量的工作致力于考察由连续介质力学,物理学,材料科学所提出的无限维动力系统的整体吸引子的存在性问题。例如,热力学及生物数学中提出的反应-扩散方程,材料相变理论中的Cahn-Hilliard方程以及Phase-Field方程组,2维不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程,耗散的波动方程,Ginzburg-Landau方程以及Sine-Gordon方程等。相应有专著S.Zheng[72],Temam[41],Babin& Vishik[5],Hale[22]以及Sell & You[55]等。本学位论文对由形状记忆合金材料的相变过程而提出的一维非线性热粘弹性方程组进行研究,在证明了方程组整体解存在唯一性的基础上,分别得到了具有Ginzburg-Landau形式且满足铰链支座边界条件的一维非线性热粘弹性方程组所对应的无限维动力系统的整体吸引子的存在性以及具有常值温度边界条件的一维非线性热粘弹性方程组整体弱解当时间趋向于无穷大时对一稳态解的收敛性。这些结果为此前文献中所未见。具体的,本文的主要内容如下:第一章绪论,简要回顾问题的背景,研究现状及我们证明的思想和方法。介绍了本文考虑的问题的特点,数学上的困难以及本文工作的创新之处。最后,简要列举了必要的一些基本定理和常用不等式。第二章,考虑具有Ginzburg-Landau形式的,且满足铰链支座边界条件的一维非线性热粘弹性方程组,克服了非线性项以及高阶导数项带来的一系列的数学困难,我们不但证明了方程组整体解的存在唯一性,而且进一步得到了其对应无限维动力系统在我们所定义的完备闭子空间上整体吸引子的存在性。第三章,考虑了具有常值温度边界条件的一维非线性热粘弹性方程组,我们解决了由于温度函数满足非齐次Dirichlet边界条件而导致能量估计中含有的边界项所带来的数学困难,在证明了整体弱解存在唯一性的基础上,进一步得到了该整体解当时间趋于无穷大时对某个平衡态的收敛性,成功的将之前文献中所考虑的非线性粘弹性方程的结果推广到非线性热粘弹性方程组的情形。下面简要列举本论文中所考虑问题的特点,数学困难以及本文工作的主要贡献(1)第二章中,我们考虑了与Hoffmann&Zochowshi[25]相同的模型,不同的是我们应用了不同的能量估计的技巧得到了解不依赖于时间T的一致先验估计,这对于我们接下来研究解的大时间渐近性态是至关重要的。(2)在第二章整体解的存在唯一性的证明中,可以看到解的存在空间H为不完备的,而且在H上成立能量守恒等式,也就是说,空间H上不可能存在整体吸引子。为了解决类似的这种问题,Zheng,Shen&Qin([62],[63],[70],[71])引入参数βi并定义H的子空间Hβi,证明了方程组在Hβi上整体吸引子的存在性。受此启发,我们在第二章中同样地引入参数βi定义H的完备闭子空间Hβ123,证明了方程组在Hβ123上整体吸引子的存在性,不同的是,我们在Hβ123定义中引入限制条件θ≥β1>0代替θ>0,克服了限制条件θ>0使得空间Hβi,非闭不完备的缺陷,同时克服了θ≥β1>0带来的数学上一系列困难,首次证明了非线性热粘弹性方程组在完备子空间上整体吸引子的存在性。(3)第三章中我们考虑了绝对温度函数θ满足非齐次Dirichlet边界条件的初边值问题。处理此类问题中一个一直困扰的数学困难是如何去估计分步积分中出现的关于θ边界项,这也是本文的主要贡献之一。(4)第三章中我们得到的所有的先验估计均不依赖于时间T,当时间趋向于无穷大时,我们不但证明了温度函数θ趋向于正常数θT,而且得到了函数u对一平衡态的收敛性,将Pego关于非线性粘弹性方程的结果推广到了我们所考虑的非线性热粘弹性方程组,这为θ在满足其它边界条件所对应的初边值问题所没有的结果。

【Abstract】 Nonlinear evolution equations,i.e.,partial differential equations with time t as one of the independent variables,arise not only from many fields of mathematics, but also from other branches of science such as physics,mechanics and material science. The complexity and challenges in the theoretical study of nonlinear evolution equations have attracted a lot of interests from many mathematicians for a long time.The present thesis is devoted to the study of the asymptotic behavior as time tends to infinity of global solution of nonlinear evolution equations.The asymptotic behavior of global solution of nonlinear evolution equations,which include convergence to a certain equilibrium as time goes to infinity and the study for the related infinite-dimensional dynamical system,has become two of the main concerns in the field of nonlinear evolution equation since 1980s.We usually view the solution of the nonlinear evolution equations as an orbit in a certain Sobolev space,starting from the initial datum u0.Now we are concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the single orbit starting from an arbitrary,but fixed initial datum and the existence of global attractor of a family of orbits starting from initial data varying in any bounded set of a Sobolev space.The study of global attractor for the infinite-dimensional dynamical system arises from continuum physics,continuum mechanics,material sciences has become a hot topic in research since the 1980s.There is a lot of work has been done in this direction,such as the reaction-diffusion equations from chemical dynamics and biological sciences,Cahn-Hilliard equations and Phase-Field equations from material science,the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in space dimension 2, the dissipative wave equations etc(see the books Zheng[72],Temam[41],Babin and Vishik[5],Hale[22],Sell and You[55]and references therein). This thesis is devoted to the study of one-dimensional nonlinear thermoviscoelastic systems arise from the study of phase transitions in shape memory alloys. Based on the global existence and uniqueness of the solutions,we further obtain the existence of global attractor for the Ginzburg-Landau thermoviscoelastic systems with hinged boundary conditions and the convergence to equilibrium for the nonlinear thermoviscoelastic systems with constant temperature boundary conditions respectively.All the results obtained in this thesis have never been found in the previous literature.The thesis is organized as follows:Chapter 1 is a preliminary chapter in which we not only recall the history in the literature,but also illustrate the main idea of the proof of the existence of global attractor.We discuss the new features and associated mathematical difficulties of the problems under consideration.Some basic materials and frequently used inequalities are also presented.Chapter 2 is concerned with the Ginzburg-Landau thermoviscoelastic system with hinged boundary conditions.Overcome the mathematical difficulties due to the nonlinearity and high order derivative,we obtain the existence and uniqueness of the global solution,the asymptotic behavior of the solution as time tends to infinity and the compactness of the orbit.Furthermore,we investigate dynamics of the system and prove the existence of global attractor.Chapter 3 is concerned with the nonlinear thermoviscoelastic system with constant temperature boundary conditions,we show the global existence and uniqueness of the weak solution and the convergence to a steady state as time tends to infinity, which can be considered to be an extension of Pego[42]result on isothermal case to the non-isothermal case.We briefly point out the new features,mathematical difficulties of the problems considered in this thesis and our main contributions.First,in chapter 2 we consider the same model with Hoffmann and Zochowchi [25].Different with[25],we derive delicate uniform a prior estimates independent of T in the proof,which is essential for the study of the asymptotic behavior of the solution as time tends to infinity.Second,the existing setting of the global solution in chapter 2 is Sobolev space H which is not complete.On the other hand,there exists an energy conservation in H,which means there can be no global attractor for initial data varying in the whole space.In order to solve these problems,Zheng,Shen & Qin([62],[63],[70], [71]) introduced subspaces defined by some parametersβi,i.e.,Hβi,and proved the existence of global attractor in Hβi.Motivated by these results,we consider the dynamics in closed subspace Hβ123 in chapter 2.The difference is that here we use the constraintθ≥β1>0 instead ofθ>0,which brought Hβ123 to be closed and complete.Overcome the mathematical difficulties arise from the constraintθ≥β1>0,we prove the existence of global attractor in complete subspaces Hβ123 for the first time.Third,one of the main contributions in chapter 3 is to handle the boundary termθx|x=0,1 appears in the integration by parts due to the non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditionθ|x=0,1=T0>0,which seems to have been a major obstacle for people working on such problems.Fourth,all the estimates obtained in chapter 3 does not depend on T,we prove that as time goes to infinity,θwill converge toθT uniformly,the strain u will almost pointwise converge to an equilibrium function u.Such results are still open for the other initial boundary problems for this system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

