

The Comparative Research of Furniture Industrial Clusters’ Competitive Power

【作者】 卢杰

【导师】 黄新建;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 家具行业是我国轻工行业的重要组成部分,是关乎国计民生的一个重要行业。近十年来,家具行业获得了空前的发展,从1985年开始,家具行业总产值每年以10%或20%的速度递增,排除国家产业政策重点扶持这一因素,在现在的市场上没有哪一个行业的发展速度比家具行业更快。我国家具业为满足国内消费需求、扩大就业、平衡外汇收支等发挥了重要作用:同时,我国家具业在国际市场上有着强大的比较优势,也是加入WTO后有竞争优势的行业之一。经济全球化的今天,市场竞争已从企业发展战略向产业集群战略演化。产业集群令人嘱目的发展来源于其突出的竞争优势,而优势的确立必然以其拥有的竞争力为内在依据。家具产业集群是我国家具业的一个重要产业组织形式,也是我国家具业在国际上取得竞争优势的源泉之一。近年来,我国家具产业集群的发展遇到了一些问题,如生产起点不高,职工以农村劳动力为主,技术素质普遍不高,开发设计创新能力弱,技术和人才严重短缺,缺乏品牌文化等;从集群内部来看,集群内企业创新能力增长缓慢,同类生产的外延发展快,产品雷同与同质化突出,大路货产品过剩,缺乏对市场变化的灵活反应能力;另外,也缺乏行之有效的政策支持体系,有些已出现了萎缩现象,值得引起关注。因此从家具产业集群的实际出发,构筑一个全新的家具产业集群竞争力基本理论框架、评价指标体系和评价方法,就显得十分重要。这些研究不仅帮助我们客观分析和认识家具产业集群竞争力的现状,科学揭示集群之间的经济发展不衡的差异,把握地区经济增长的前景,深入剖析家具产业集群所面临的机遇和挑战,寻求出解决集群经济差距的有效途径,提升家具产业集群竞争力,还对确立地区经济发展战略具有重要意义,同时,也有利于国家从宏观上为增强国家竞争力提供科学的依据。目前,我国有许多学者致力于国际竞争力理论和应用的研究,虽有不少学者借鉴国际竞争力的有关理论对产业集群竞争力进行研究,但是他们仅局限于某些方面,一直没有系统的、可用于指导实际工作的研究成果,尤其是建立什么样的指标体系、如何进行统计描述和综合评价,这对于开展不同行业集群之间的竞争力比较分析、更好地服务于政府领导决策尚显不足。因此从家具行业的实际出发,构筑一个全新的家具产业集群竞争力基本理论框架、评价指标体系和评价方法,就显得十分重要。因此本论文借鉴国际竞争力评价的有益经验和方法,把家具产业集群竞争力分解为:集群经济竞争力;集群集聚竞争力;集群基础环境竞争力,同时还运用系统科学理论,对如何评价家具产业集群竞争力的有关问题进行了研究,在对江西南康、四川新都和广东顺德家具产业集群竞争力进行实际的评价和相互间的比较分析的基础上,尝试着建立一套适合我国国情的家具产业集群竞争力评价系统,并提出提升家具产业集群竞争力的对策选择。其主要内容为:第1章::绪论。讨论本论文研究的目的和意义;对国内外的研究现状进行综述和评价;提出研究目标、内容和方法;本论文的逻辑框架、可能的创新点。第2章:相关理论基础。首先对国内外产业集群理论及产业集群竞争力研究进行回顾;其次,对国内外产业集群竞争力的评价及模型研究进行探讨和评述;最后分析产业集群与竞争力之间的关系,并提出竞争力研究的理论基础,为后面几章的研究作一个铺垫。第3章:家具产业集群发展现状。主要讨论我国家具产业集群形成的原因,现状及我国家具产业集群持续发展的障碍;同时,介绍了国外家具产业集群发展的现状,针对现状以意大利家具产业集群发展的案例来说明我国家具产业集群在发展过程中可以借鉴之处。第4章:我国家具产业及竞争环境分析。主要讨论我国家具产业持续发展的动力,特点,发展趋势,对我国家具产业的国际地位和比较优势进行分析,同时也分析其在我国国民经济中的地位;并利用SWOT分析法分析我国家具产业发展所面临的机遇和威胁,自身所具有的优势和劣势,重点探讨了家具产业在竞争中所面临的威胁和风险。第5章:家具产业集群竞争力评价指标体系与模型构建。首先在借鉴国内外产业集群竞争力的评价指标体系的基础上,提出基于集群经济竞争力;集群集聚竞争力;集群基础环境竞争力的家具产业集群竞争力评价指标体系并构建相应的综合评价模型。评价方法采用量化值加权函数法,针对家具产业集群竞争力评价指标体系设计了一套“规范权重、模糊量化、加权合成、统一排序”的综合评价方法。为此,本研究对家具产业集群竞争力综合评价方法采用如下三个步骤:确定各个评价指标在整个评价指标体系中的权重;对指标进行“无量纲化”处理,消除指标量纲影响;建立综合评价模型,计算综合评价结果。第6章:家具产业集群竞争力评价与比较分析。在分别介绍江西南康、四川新都和广东顺德家具产业集群发展概况和案例分析的基础上,按自下而上的原则以具体的评价指标为基础,先计算三地各个构成要素的竞争力指数,在此基础上再分别合成综合竞争力指数,在评价结果的基础上进行比较。第7章:提升家具产业集群总体竞争力对策分析。在实证分析的基础上,充分结合产业集群竞争力的理论来源,提出提升我国家具产业集群竞争力的战略选择。第8章:结论与展望。笔者对论文主要成果进行了总结,并对未来的深化研究方向提出了一些思考。

【Abstract】 the furniture industrial clusters, it is very important to construct a brand-new basic theory frame of the furniture industrial clusters’comprehensive competitiveness, the evaluation index system and the evaluation methods.These researches not only help us objectively analyze and know the current situation of the furniture industrial clusters’ comprehensive competitiveness, help us correctly explore the difference among the economic development of different furniture industrial clusters, help us hold the prospect of the regional economic growth, help us analyze opportunity and challenge faced in various clusters, help us seek the effective ways to solve the differences among the various furniture industrial clusters, and help us promote the furniture industrial clusters’ comprehensive competitiveness, but also these researches have the significance of establishing the regional development strategy. Meanwhile, these researches provide the correct methods of improving the national competitiveness macroscopically.At present, our country has many scholars to devote to the international competitiveness theory and the application research, Although many scholars conduct the research on the theory of industrial clusters drawing on the international competitiveness, but they are limited to certain aspects, Has not been systematic, can be used to guide the practical work of research results, especially the establishment of what kind of index system, how to conduct statistical description and comprehensive synthetic evaluation. Up to at present there is no the community unanimous belief of the research results, Therefore it becomes very important: to construct a brand-new furniture industry cluster competitiveness of the basic theoretical framework, the evaluation index system and evaluation methods from the furniture profession’s reality.Therefore, The author, drawing on the beneficial experiences and the methods of the evaluation of the international competitiveness, divides the furniture industry cluster competitiveness into cluster economic competitivenesss; cluster aggregation competitiveness; cluster basic environment competitiveness. Simultaneously it also researches the relevant problems how to assess the competitiveness of the furniture industry cluster using the systems science theory, tries to build a evaluation system of the furniture industry cluster competitiveness which is suitable to the situation of our country. On the basis of these, The author evaluates practically and analyzes comparatively the furniture industry cluster comprehensive competitiveness from furniture industry cluster in Nankang, Jiangxi province; Xindu, Sichuan province; and Shunde, Guangdong province,and proposes the relate strategy choices improving the furniture industry cluster competitiveness in our country.The researches of this thesis mainly include:Chapter 1: Introduction. Discussion present paper researches goal and significance; carries on the summary and the appraisal on research present situation at the domestic and foreign; sets the research aim, the content and the method; present paper logical framework, possible innovation spots.Chapter 2: Related theoretical foundation. First of all, The thesis reviews industrial clusters theory and research of industrial clusters’ competitive power at home and abroad. Secondly, It discusses the evaluation and model study of industrial cluster’s competitive power at home and abroad. At last, It analyzes the relationship between industry clusters and its competitive power, proposes the competitive power research’s theoretical foundation, and paves the way for the research of following several chapters.Chapter 3: The furniture industry clusters’ development situation. The thesis mainly discusses the reason of our country furniture industrial clusters’ formation, the present situation and the barrier of our country furniture industrial clusters’ sustainable development. At the same time, it introduces the present situation of the foreign furniture industrial clusters’ development. in view of the present situation, with the cases of the Italian furniture industrial clusters’ development, it demonstrates the lessons that Chinese furniture industry clusters can draw in the development process.Chapter 4: The analysis of China’s furniture industry and competitive environment. The thesis focuses on the dynamic, characteristics, trends of China’s furniture industry’s sustainable development, also analyzes China’s furniture industry’s international status and comparative advantage, with the SWOT analytic method, analyzes its’ opportunities and threats, advantages and disadvantages which furniture industrial faces, and discussed with emphasis the threats and the risks which China’s furniture industry faces in the competition.Chapter 5: The evaluating indicator system and model construction of China’s furniture industrial clusters’ competitive power. First of all, on the basis of referring the evaluation system of domestic and foreign industrial clusters’ competitive power, the thesis proposes evaluating indicator system of the furniture industry clusters’ competitive power and constructs the corresponding comprehensive evaluation model. based on the industry clusters’ economical competitiveness; the industry clusters’ gathering competitiveness; the industry clusters’ foundation environmental competitiveness. This research adopts the law of weighting function of quantization value. Aiming at evaluation index system of the industrial clusters’ competitive power, it designs a series of comprehensive evaluation methods, "four levels of superimposition, restrains, the standard weight, the fuzzy quantification, the weighting synthesis, the unification arrangement by the level". Therefore it adopts three following steps, confirm the significance of each evaluation index in the whole evaluation index system; do not have dimension treatment to the index, dispel the dimensional influence of the index, set up the model of comprehensive evaluation, and calculate its result.Chapter 6 The appraisal and comparative analysis of the furniture industry clusters’ competitiveness. On the basis of introducing separately furniture industry clusters’ development profiles and case studies in Nankang, Jiangxi province; Xindu, Sichuan province; and Shunde, Guangdong province, according to the principle from bottom to top, the thesis calculates the three constituent elements of competitiveness index, on this basis respectively synthesizes comprehensive competitiveness index, and carries on the comparison among them based on the evaluation results.Chapter 7: The countermeasure analysis of promoting China’s furniture industry clusters’ competitive power. On the basis of empirical analysis, fully integrating theory origin of industrial clusters’ competitive power, the thesis proposed the strategic choices that can promote furniture industry clusters’ competitiveness.Chapter 8: Conclusions and Prospects. The author summarizes the main results of the thesis, and proposes some ponders to future’s research direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】F270;F426.88
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】3366
  • 攻读期成果

