

【作者】 白秀峰

【导师】 呼日勒沙;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用了比较故事学的理论与方法,对蒙古族、达斡尔族的人与异类婚配型故事进行了类型和母题的比较研究。在母题比较的基础上,揭示了两个民族人与异类婚配型故事的类同性和差异性以及其形成的原因。通过系统的比较研究,揭示了两个民族故事所蕴涵的信仰、仪式、习俗等方面所呈现的民族特色和地域特色。正文由三章组成,其具体内容如下:第一章,蒙古族、达斡尔族的人与异类婚配型故事的概况。人与异类婚配型故事与人类起源神话、氏族起源神话、传说有着密切的联系。根据其内容,可分为人兽婚配型故事,人与变形兽婚配型故事,人与变形植物(妖怪)婚配型故事等三个类型。在本文当中,根据与人婚配的异类的性别,把蒙古族和达斡尔族的人与异类婚配型故事归纳为“神奇的妻子”和“神奇的丈夫”两个类型。第二章,把蒙古族和达斡尔族神奇妻子的故事分类成“天鹅仙女故事”和“龙女故事”,并进行了比较研究。两个民族的天鹅仙女故事在故事情节、结构、母题等方面有一定的类同性,如两个民族的故事都采用了阿尔泰语系民族英雄史诗的某些母题,多数故事有喜剧性的结尾。但也存在一定的差异性,如蒙古族自古以来就有天鹅图腾信仰以及有关图腾神话、传说,因此其天鹅仙女故事的系统是比较完整的。蒙古族故事呈现出印藏故事的特点;而达斡尔族故事则呈现出蒙、汉、满-通古斯诸民族故事的特点,其文化因素是复合性的。蒙古族故事在某种程度上反映了喇嘛教和萨满教之间的斗争,而达斡尔族故事始终贯穿着萨满教思想。蒙古族和达斡尔族的龙女与穷小子婚配型故事在结构、母题等方面有一定的相似之处。但蒙古族故事直接受到了印度龙宫故事的影响,而达斡尔族故事基本上受到了汉族故事的影响,因此两个民族的故事各有各的民族特点。蒙古族和达斡尔族神奇的妻子型故事当中出现的解决难题的母题都与主人公的婚姻有关,那些难题可分为姑娘之父提出的难题,有权势者提出的难题,父亲和兄弟提出的难题等三种。第三章,把蒙古族和达斡尔族神奇的丈夫型故事分成青蛙儿子故事和蛇郎故事等两个类型,并进行了比较研究。两个民族的青蛙儿子故事是属于同一个类型—北方民族文化区起死回生结亲型故事,该类型包含了AT425、440A、433D等类型故事的某些母题,并吸纳了萨满教思想而形成的特殊的类型。蒙古族和达斡尔族的蛇郎故事都是汉族蛇郎故事不同地区的变异形式,但较之汉族故事其故事情节已经简单化了。同时,蒙、达两个民族的故事又有各自的特点。蒙古地区流传了433D和433A两种类型的故事,而达斡尔族当中则流传着433D和433E型故事。在神奇丈夫的故事里青蛙儿子和蛇郎的故事中的地位发生了微妙的变化,青蛙儿子在故事中起主导作用,是故事的主人公,而蛇郎在故事中已经失去了主人公的地位,是以次要的形象出现的。对蒙古族和达斡尔族的人与异类婚配型故事进行比较研究并揭示其深层的文化内涵,是比较故事学的崭新的课题。这项研究对弄清蒙、达两个民族的起源和历史关系等能够提供有价值的线索。

【Abstract】 In this paper , the study used Comparative theories and methods to research the types and original themes of Mongolian and Daur heterogeneous ethnic mating story . According to the comparison of the original themes ,the study revealed the two peoples and heterogeneous type of mating-type story of the similarity and difference as well as the reasons for its formation . Through a systematic comparative study, it shows the hidden story of two peoples beliefs, rituals customs ,etc, which presented by national characteristics and geographical characteristics.The body consists of three chapters and their collective contents as follows:The profile of Mongolian and Daur heterogeneous ethnic mating story. People and heterogeneous marriages-tales has closely linked with myths of human origins, clan origin myths and legends. According to its contents, it can be divided in to the following types: animal mating stories, the deformation-type stories and people-deformation (monsters) mating type stories, and so on. In this article, based on the gender of people’s heterogeneous mate, the Mongolian and the Daur people with strange mating-type story can be summed up as "Magic wife" and "Magic’s husband."It classified the Daur and Mongolian’s magic wife story as "Swan fairy tale" and "Dragon Tale", and it carried out a comparative study. Two ethnic groups’ fairy tale stories have some similarities in plot, structure, original theme, etc, For example, both of them have adopted some motifs of Altaic heroic epic. There always is a comedy in most storied ends. However, there are also some differences. Such as, since ancient times, Mongolians have faith in the Swan totem as well as totem myths, legends, fairy stories. Therefore, Swan system is relatively completed. On the other hand, Mongolian stories shows printed Tibetan story, while Daur stories shows the characteristics of Mongolian, Han, Manchu-Tungus, etc. The cultural factors in Daur stories are complex in nature. In some extents, Mongolian story is a reflection which shows the struggle between Lamaism and Shamanism, whereas the Daur story has always been permeated with Shamanism idea.The Dragon and young-poor boy’s mating type in Daur and Mongolian’ stories have some resemblance in structure, Motif, etc. But the Mongolian story is directly impacted with the story of the Dragon King’s palace, and the Daur story is basically influenced by Han story. For this reason, the stories of two peoples each have their own national characteristics. The motifs in the Daur and Mongolian’s magic-based story of his wife which appeared to solve problems are the main character of marriage, and those problems can be divided in to the following types: the girl’s father, the powerful challenges or the father and brother who made the difficult problems.It classified magic-based husband in into two or more kinds, such as, the story of frogs and snakes son stories, and it also carried out a comparative study. Both ethnic groups’ frog story is belonged to a same kind-the revival married-type story in the Northem District. This type includes certain types of stories Motif, such as, the AT425, 440A, 433D, and so on. It also absorbs the special type in Shamanism’ thought. The snake story in Daur and Mongolian stories is the variant forms of the Han nationality stories in different regions. But compared with the Han nationality story, this story has been more simplified. Meanwhile, Daur and Mongolian have their own characteristics. For example, 433D and 433A, these two types of stories are spread in Mongolian region, white the 433D and 433E-type story are circulated in Daur stories. What’s more, the status of the frogs and snakes in husband’s story have changed subtly, That is, the frog plays a leading role, and it is the heroine of the story, while the snake in the story appears as a secondary image which has lost its position of the heroine.The comparative study of Mongolian and Daur heterogeneous ethnic’ mating story, which also revealed its deep cultural connotation, is a relatively new study topic in comparative study of the story. This study also can provide valuable clues to clarify the relationship between ethnic origins, and historical relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.9
  • 【下载频次】402

