

The Research for City and Town Sites of Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 张文平

【导师】 张久和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 古代城镇的研究,是考古学、历史学研究的一个重要方面,城市制度往往反映的是一个王朝政治、军事、经济和文化等各个方面的缩影。内蒙古地区的大部分处于历史学界所惯称的“中国北方长城地带”或者“中国北方长城文化带”之中。这一条形文化分布带在中国历史上有着特殊的意义,是农耕文化与游牧文化的分界带。内蒙古地区汉代以来修筑的城址,以中原王朝抵御北方民族的军事性边城为主。到蒙元时期,内蒙古由以前的边疆地区演变为连接漠北边疆与汉地之间的交通要地,是大元大蒙古国夏都所在地,城镇迅速崛起,为以前历朝历代所罕见,最终出现了一个以上都为中心、以各路级治所和诸王王府为主要依托、辅以府州县治所和各级投下城镇的草原城镇网络。据统计,在今内蒙古境内,蒙元时期的城镇遗址计有85座之多,具有鲜明的地理特征、时代特征和民族特点。前人对内蒙古地区蒙元城镇的研究,多集中于一些个体,如元上都、应昌路、亦集乃路和鄂伦苏木古城等,对它们作综合性研究的著作尚未有见到。因此,在目前考古学资料积累较为充分的情况下,对内蒙古地区的蒙元城镇作一次全面系统的梳理,已是十分必要。本文对内蒙古地区蒙元城镇的研究,主要包括了城镇行政建制考证、分类研究和与城镇相关的政治、军事、经济、文化功用探讨以及城镇居民的社会生活与礼俗等数个方面。蒙元时期的内蒙古地区,分别隶属于中书省、陕西行省、甘肃行省和辽阳行省管辖,东部一带为东道诸王的封地。结合内蒙古地区蒙元城镇的分布,运用历史地理学的方法,对这些城镇的历史沿革、行政建制等一一作了详尽的考证。对于内蒙古地区蒙元城镇的分类研究方面,主要运用了考古类型学的方法,将内蒙古地区的蒙元城镇分为6大类,分别为都城、路府州县设治城镇、投下城镇、屯田城镇、驿站城镇和其他城镇等。部分大类之下还可以细分为若干小类,如路府州县设治城镇下可再分为路级、府级和县级三类治所城镇。对于这些不同类别的城镇,从其规模、布局和保留下来的遗存等方面作了综合研究介绍。对于城镇政治、军事、经济、文化状况的研究以及对城镇居民社会生活与礼俗的探讨,则采用了考古学资料与历史学史料相结合的方法,即前人所谓的“二重证据法”。在政治、军事、经济和文化等方面,内蒙古地区的蒙元城镇可以概括出五点显著的特征:①一些投下城镇虽列入国家的统一行政建制,但其本质无异于贵族的私家财产,城市的功能也主要是为贵族家族设置的。②路府州县设治城镇以沿袭金代和西夏的同级城池为主,它们的布局受制于前代的规模,和辽金、西夏有文化上的传承性。这些城镇与其北部的投下城镇相互辉映,体现了蒙元王朝“内蒙外汉”的二元政治体制特点。③发现的大量中、小型城镇,有的行政建制虽无法确认,但可以肯定的是,它们大多为军事屯田所或驿站,军事性是其第一特征。政治性和军事性是中国历代城镇的主要特点,在内蒙古地区的蒙元城镇中亦有着明显的体现。④漠南是世祖忽必烈的发迹之地,与漠北一样受到优待,汉地的财富被大量地运到这一地区,供诸王贵族挥霍享用,城市经济一度繁荣。农民起义军讨元檄文中“贫极江南,富称塞北”的说法,并非不实夸张之辞。⑤宗教信仰具有多元性,对各类宗教和神祗兼收并蓄。蒙元城镇居民的社会生活与礼俗方面,从考古学上观察,分布于城镇周边的墓葬是最为直观的内容。生居死葬,在这些城镇的周边,往往会保留下来成片的同时期居民墓地,有蒙古贵族与平民的墓葬,有汉人贵族官僚与平民的墓葬,也有汪古部族和回回民族的墓葬。这些不同民族、不同阶层居民的墓葬,在埋葬结构、随葬品内容等方面各不相同,除切实地展示出他们五花八门的丧葬习俗外,还隐藏着许多反映当时社会生活的内容。城镇居民的衣食住行是社会生活与习俗方面探讨的重要内容,经考古发掘的元上都、集宁路和燕家梁遗址等,出土的大量遗迹遗物,与史料记载互相印证、补充,呈现出一幅幅鲜活的城镇居民社会生活画面。对于内蒙古地区蒙元城镇的研究,有助于进一步理解蒙元帝国的形成、发展与北遁的历史进程,对于今天内蒙古自治区的城镇建设也具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The research of ancient city and town sites is an important aspect of archaeology and history research. City system often reflects the microcosm of a dynasty in politics, military, economy and culture aspects.Major parts of Inner Mongolia district lie in "Chinese North Great Wall Zone" or "Chinese North Great Wall Culture Zone" what the historians usually called. This bar-like culture zone has peculiar significance in Chinese history, being boundary zone of farming culture and nomadic culture.The ancient walled towns builded since Han dynasty in Inner Mongolia were mainly military affairs’s border towns. Their main function was that central plains dynasties resisted north nations. Until to Mongolia and Yuan dynasty. Inner Mongolia district developed from border area to a strategic point of linking up the frontier and the central plains. It has the summer capital of Yeke Mongolia Ulus and various cities and towns, taking from a net of grasslands cities and towns. The found 85 city and town sites of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty in today’s Inner Mongolia district have obvious geographical features, times’s features and national traits.The past researches on the city and town sites of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty in Inner Mongolia mostly concentrated on some specific sites, such as Yuan Shangdu, Yingchang Lu, Yijinai Lu and Olunsumu ancient city site etc, but the comprehensive research writings have not yet be seen. Therefore, it is very necessary to do an overall and systematic study under the condition that archaeology data accumulations being sufficient at present.This thesis includes several parts of research on the city and town sites of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty in Inner Mongolia, being respectively textual criticism of administrative system, classified studies, function discussion on politics, military, economy and culture, and investigation to the social life and custom about the residents.Inner Mongolia district in Mongolia and Yuan dynasty was subordinate to Zhongshu Province, Shanxi Province, Gansu Province and Liaoyang Province respectively,and the east area was the feudatory of the various east king. These city and town sites could be divided into six major kinds, namely capital city, administrative cities, noblemen’s private cities, towns of garrison troops opening up wasteland and growing food grain, courier station towns, other towns.The research on the politics, military, economy, culture and the social life and custom of the residents in cities and towns adopts the combining method with archaeology data and history materials ,what was called "dual evidence method". These cities and towns have five important characteristics,the first is that some noblemen’s private cities were the noblemen’s private property, the second is that the administrative cities continused to use the same administrative cities of Jin dynasty and Xixia dynasty, the third is that some cities and towns have much political and military function,the fourth is that these cities and towns were very rich and flourishing, the fifth is that the religious belief in these cities and towns is free and pluralistic. In addition,this thesis analyses the tombs around these cities and towns , describes the cities and towns residents’ clothes ,food,habitancy,etc.The research for the cities and towns of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty in Inner Mongolia district can help us further understand of the history of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty, and also have certain reference values to today’s cities and towns construction in Inner Mongolia.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

